I made my own version of zodiac sign and wrote a description to each of them based on my friends. Do you recognize your sign?




For me, this zodiac sign is about - achievements that please just a moment, because there are new peaks ahead - honesty, bordering on fanaticism, making no exceptions for either friends or others - aspiration, which is only with an arrow flying towards the goal - the ability to enjoy beauty, the ability to notice it where another will pass by - a love of freedom that protests even the most delicate framework.


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    For me, this zodiac sign is about - a rabbit hole: the life of these people is like a mixture of fantasy, comics and Alice's adventures in Wonderland - everything unusual and strange is the norm for them; - novelty: if it is difficult to keep someone in one place, then it is them, if someone needs the drug of travel, then it is they; - restraint: a direct confrontation, a scandal or a showdown with them is unlikely to arise - if you have crossed some important line, then you will simply be left behind, like water flows around a stone on the way and moves on; - duality: you think that you have understood everything about a person, you know and can explain his behavior in some way, what can I say to you ... ahahaha, just accept that it will be varied and unpredictable





    For me, this zodiac sign is about - home: to live, to love, to hide from the imperfection of the world, to arrange everything perfectly, to cut off strangers; - puzzles: only the most patient, attentive and persistent will be able to discern a multifaceted personality behind the protective layer, putting together a unique picture from tiny incomprehensible parts; - mysticism: great intuition, forebodings, interpretation of signs, love of secrets, passion for spiritual practices, yoga, belief that we are something more than a bag of bones; - romance: no, not ostentatious 999 roses, but tenderness and attentiveness to the desires of the other side, the desire to surprise, love in its most sensitive and quivering manifestation; - comfort: a cozy armchair, warm socks, a clay cup, a crackling fireplace, a wooden floor, large windows with a beautiful view, interesting books, a feeling that everything is in its place and may it always be so!





    #For me, this zodiac sign is about - organization: thoughts, space, people, relationships, time, oneself - many-sided humour, which is either cute giggles, or light irony, or sarcasm that cauterizes with acid - work where you need to invent, create, direct, correct, criticize, study, analyse, sort ... in other words, make order out of chaos and do it well - the desire to become a part of unbridled nature and dissolve among the herbs, seas, mountains, grow flowers, plant trees, collect the simple fruits of their labors - reliable wings that unfold over loved ones to protect them and that will never get tired, will not let you down.


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    Heidi Svenson
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love this one - has a very 80s feel - like those Duran Duran art pieces that went around ar the time...can't remember the artist's name...Nage! That's it.




    For me, this zodiac sign is about - rationality: thoughtfulness of each step, analysis, strategy, planning; - vulnerability: tenderness that is not immediately apparent, but needs reciprocity and protection; - elegance: a sense of style, well-groomed, sometimes even foppishness; - Purposefulness: there are no impossible goals for this person, but there is simply the necessary number of steps to be taken in the right direction; - daydreaming: they read science fiction or fantasy, come up with fairy tales and dream before going to bed about an ideal world that they have thought out to the smallest detail; - indecision: sometimes an abundance of information is harmful - it becomes impossible to choose one thing, realizing that you miss everything except it.


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    Heidi Svenson
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I a, a Libra and you nailed it. Especially with the indecision and the careful thoughtfulness - and extra bonus points for your use of green as that is definitely my favorite color - and my eye color as well! I love this whole idea as a family of art pieces. Well done.




    For me, this zodiac sign is about - labyrinth: you can know this person for eternity and still get lost in his back streets and secret gardens; - rage: in love, in knowledge, in rejection, in work, in friendship ... but not that rage, which is anger, but that ioros, which is ardor, impetuosity; - mind: sharp, leaving traces in the soul of the interlocutor, as after a cut with paper; alive like mercury; insatiable, like a prisoner escaping to freedom; - rigidity: the person whose "no" is final, whose hesitation is always BEFORE making a decision, and after only an action - fidelity: this person will be with you to the end, he is the one who sincerely shares the joy and will fight the disaster shoulder to shoulder; - mysticism: control reality, change circumstances just with one desire? Easily!


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    For me, this zodiac sign is about - imagination, which opens the doors to a person in hundreds of dimensions; - art: music, cinema, painting, sculpture, books, etc. And even if he himself does not create, then he certainly understands and loves the art; - the boredom that reality causes a person with its routine, monotony, obligation; - sociability, which can only be envied by good envy; - intelligence, wit, well-read, over-the-top; - experiments - I'm sure it was these people who came up with everything "ahead of its time."


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    For me, this zodiac sign is about - changeability: in mood and in actions, in tastes and preferences, but I have a theory that this is often due to the closeness of Pisces - those around them simply see the result and do not know how many reflections preceded the change; - sensitivity: these people take to heart the injustice of others' actions, the lack of harmony in the world and the pain that they cause to others; - love of freedom: they are something like latent Buddhists - they do not want to be attached to anything, avoid unnecessary obligations, do not like to give difficult promises; there is always a feeling that they secretly want to escape to some other world and that extra luggage will prevent them; - idealism: everything - from global phenomena to tiny details - should be beautiful, stylish, conscious, fair, perfect; - trust in life: sometimes it is said about them that they go with the flow, but let's ask ourselves, how many of us trust the universe so much?!


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    For me, this zodiac sign is about - solidity, integrity, slowness - a lively mind of a scientist-inventor, the ability to see something new, holistic behind individual phenomena - a sense of humor - soft, sparkling - efficiency, practicality, combined with the ability to sit on the river bank and wait until everything unpleasant floats by and the necessary docks - gourmand and hedonism - these people know how to enjoy beauty to the maximum: smells, tastes, sounds, sights, oh yes, give more! - stocks: stories, money, goodies, tips, outfits, books, wine, ideas.


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    For me, this zodiac sign is about - scale: big plans, huge ambitions, infinity of peaks that need to be conquered; - pressure like water in a cannon: it can extinguish any fire, or it can knock down and throw you out of sight; - harmony and beauty: in clothes, in actions, in goals, in dreams - loneliness is the reverse side of great ambitions and achievements, few people can catch up with the pioneer, and even more so, share his path; - (visually) Klimt: grace, refinement, strength, love, gold.


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    Heidi Svenson
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, I was going to say - your art definitely evokes Klimt for me. Beautiful!

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    For me, this zodiac sign is about - new peaks: I don't even know what is more important here - ambitious peaks or the temptation of novelty, I know one thing for sure - take away from these people a challenge, an adventure, untouched paths, and they will cease to be themselves; - risk: the new always fraught with the likelihood of danger, error, failure, but Sagittarius accept risk as an absolutely fair rule of the game ... well, let's be honest, they like to feel adrenaline; - honesty: you need to go to these people with questions only when you are really ready to receive an answer, they will not evade or embellish, but they will not spare either, because you yourself asked to tell the TRUTH; - strength: they are real warriors, not at all one of those who will whine, complain and blame others for mistakes, they can grind their teeth to the ground, but people nearby will only see a restrained smile;


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    For me, this zodiac sign is about - disguise: people of this sign love when they underestimate their intelligence, sense of humor, appearance, talents, they are very amused when others consider them boring and simpler than they are; perhaps there is something of a ninja warrior in this, or maybe they just don't want to waste time on other people's high expectations; - money: earn, save, invest, plan spending, count - oh, Capricorns like these games, they like to stand firmly on the ground and the knowledge that they are financially protected is of great importance; - strategy: they do not publicly announce their big goals, they think over their achievement, and silently, coolly achieve them, pretending to just walk ... disguise, remember?


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