Artist Creates Humorous Illustrations Of Villains Giving Advice On The Fight Against COVID-19 (9 Pics)
While the fight with the invisible enemy COVID-19 is far from over, we need to do everything in our power to prevent the virus from spreading further. Moscow-based illustrator Anastasia Panina, better known as Anastasia in Red on her social media accounts, decided to create humorous illustrations of famous horror movie characters giving advice on how to fight the virus. Compared to other instructions on social media, these ones are engaging, humorous, and thus fun to read!
This series is called “Villains against COVID-19” and it features classic horror movie characters such as Pennywise, Freddy Krueger, Samara, Hannibal Lecter, and many more. The artist says that she created these illustrations when she was really upset about the news of coronavirus, so she wanted to distract herself from negative thoughts and lift the mood for all horror movie fans.
“I was really upset by the news of COVID, especially when it came to my country. I looked at various infographics about precautions and prevention, and it seemed terribly boring to me. Then, to distract from negative thoughts and slightly improve the mood of myself and other horror fans, I decided to create my own anti-COVID tips which would be memorable and definitely not boring. At first, I was going to draw only 5 works, but since these illustrations got such an incredible response and spread on the internet, in the end, I made 9 pieces,” says the artist to Bored Panda.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | ainred.com
Jason Voorhees
Image credits: anastasiainred
“For my new series of works, I once again called on my and your favorite characters to tell you, my little horror fans, some points about the coronavirus. So, the masks. Having learned the information in more detail, I realized that ordinary medical masks don’t protect against the virus. But they can prevent its spread, so it’s more rational to wear masks for those who already have symptoms. As Jason did, for example. Нe had a cough and he put on a mask while in a public place. Also, masks need to be changed frequently. And it’s important to practice good hand hygiene before wearing and after removing a mask.”
Michael Myers
Image credits: anastasiainred
“A lot has already been said about the importance of handwashing. And Michael Myers reminds you of this again. So repeat after Michael: wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds and be sure to use soap. By the way, maybe you are still doing it wrong. So Michael and I strongly recommend that you learn the information on how to wash your hands right. This is especially important in this strange time!”
Freddy Krueger
Image credits: anastasiainred
“Here is one of the rules that is the most difficult to keep, in my opinion, but in this situation, it’s really necessary. People touch their faces countless times a day without even realizing it. So how to stop touching your face? Here’s great advice from Freddy. Just imagine there are sharp blades on your fingers and always keep that in your mind.”
Image credits: anastasiainred
“Hope you already know the best way to stop the virus now is just to stay home. So don’t go outside without a strong reason, my little horror fans! Take an example from Ghostface: talk to friends and relatives on the phone or the internet, read horror books, watch scary movies and TV shows. You can even learn something new. Many educational platforms have opened free access to their courses. For example, I’m taking drawing courses now. Of course, not everyone can stay at home because of their profession… My dark heart with these guys. Be careful.”
Image credits: anastasiainred
“Today, Pennywise will teach you how to cough and sneeze properly. This is especially important in the current situation. If you have a tissue, cover your nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing, then throw it in the trash and wash or sanitize your hands. If there are no tissues, then you can use the inside of your elbow. But never use the palms of your hands. Because that way, you can turn your hands into a biological weapon.”
Image credits: anastasiainred
“Limiting close contact with other people is the best way to reduce the spread of COVID-19. That’s why it’s so important to keep a social distance of at least 6 feet (2 meters). Although this isn’t always easy, especially if there is someone nearby who doesn’t comply with this rule. But Regan, for example, due to her possession, can make people just not want to get close to her. And here’s some advice for you: stay away from other people like they are possessed by the Devil himself.”
Image credits: anastasiainred
“Maybe you didn’t know, but the coronavirus can stay alive for up to several days on surfaces. Therefore, you should now clean your home more often and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, as Samara does. And also don’t forget to aerate the room from time to time.”
Image credits: anastasiainred
“In this hard time, it’s very important to take care of your health, both physical and mental. Of course, this doesn’t guarantee 100% protection against the virus, but a healthy lifestyle increases the body’s resistance to infection. Just look at Leatherface. Thanks to a balanced diet and moderate physical activity, he feels absolutely great! So get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, be physically active. Now you can find various home workout programs on the internet. Also, try to maintain a positive attitude. Hope my anti-COVID-19 series helps you a bit with this.”
Hannibal Lecter
Image credits: anastasiainred
“I really hope that none of you will need this advice. But if you suddenly get sick and the symptoms are like a coronavirus, stay home! Call your doctor if possible, or the medical institution, or hotline, report your symptoms, and follow the instructions. Don’t wait until it just disappears and be sure to seek medical help, as Dr. Hannibal Lecter advises.”
Share on FacebookAGREED! The more of these in varieties(MCU & DCCU superheroes, Disney Princesses ect.) that can be made, the better
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Load More Replies...AGREED! The more of these in varieties(MCU & DCCU superheroes, Disney Princesses ect.) that can be made, the better
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