It can be hard to fess up to mistakes, but ultimately a mature person needs to bite the bullet, face the music and go through the embarrassment they inflicted on themselves. However, some folks can’t live with this idea and invent complex scenarios where, somehow, it’s not their fault.

An internet user asked “What "victim" ended up being the bad guy after more information came out?” and people shared their best examples. We also got in touch with the person who posted the question to learn more. So get comfortable as you read through, upvote your favorites and be sure to leave your experiences in the comments below.


The Catholic church when Sinead O'Connor tore the pope's picture up on stage. Everything she was making statement about was 100% true.

lonewombat Report


"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) McDonald's, I guess, in the hot coffee lawsuit. It's tough describing a massive corporation as a "victim," but people were definitely on their side until the details of the lawsuit came out.

TheTVDB , Miosotis Jade Report

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7 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I remember my parents laughing about this story when I was a kid. It’s horrific what actually happened to her.

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Recently there was this dude in a town in Ontario who filed assault charges on his neighbour for spraying him with a water gun. Her story comes out first to the media, saying how she can't return to work as school support staff until the charges are sorted out, and gives a story about how she was just having a fun water gun fight with the neighbour kids and accidentally sprayed the neighbour while he was mowing his lawn.
Week later, his story gets published in the paper. He's repeatedly received targeted harassment for this neighbour and others, he says likely because he's the one black guy on the street of a small town, in an interracial marriage, and releases his security camera footage of him just casually cutting his lawn, with the other neighbour actively telling the kid to bring her the water gun while she's standing behind him, then sprays him directly with it. And the camera also captures the audio of the aftermath where some racial slurs are dropped (also a recurring thing). What's also funny is that the neighbour claimed that there was some language barrier misunderstanding between them... The guy is straight up Canadian and speaks clearer than most people.

lemonylol Report

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7 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nice with video and audio evidence!! Sad about the hate.


Bored Panda got in touch with the netizen who asked this question and they were kind enough to provide some more details. Naturally, we wanted to hear more about what, if anything, prompted them to make the post in the first place. “It was initially to get ideas for a story I was writing.”

“I even mentioned it in the thread at the beginning of its life, but people started downvoting me for no reason. (So I deleted that comment.) Reddit loves negativity, the internet loves negativity. Most popular r/askreddit posts are either about sex or negative things. I do not.”


"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) Mick Philpott. He wanted to show that his ex was violent and dangerous to their children and he wanted to play the hero. He devised a plan to set alight to his family home and he would "rescue" the children. Unfortunately, the fire took hold faster than he anticipated and all six of his children died. He then played the victim on TV shows and news until they discovered that he set the fire.

tulipjessie , stockgiu / freepik Report

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7 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This guy was already a villain to begin with. Get a load of this from Wikipedia: In July 1978, aged 21, Philpott attempted to murder Kim Hill, his girlfriend of two years; their relationship began when she was aged 15. He had previously shot Hill in the groin with a crossbow because he felt her dress had been too short, and had cracked her kneecap with a hammer when she paid too much attention to a baby she had been minding. Philpott attempted to kill Hill by stabbing her over a dozen times as she was lying in bed, because she sent him a letter saying she was leaving him. He also stabbed Hill's mother when she came to her daughter's aid. Hill suffered collapsed lungs and a punctured bladder, kidney and liver. Philpott was convicted of attempted murder of Hill, and grievous bodily harm with intent against her mother, and was sentenced to seven years in prison in December 1978.Philpott was released after three years and two months. What the everlasting f**k?

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"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) Susan Smith. She was all over the news begging for the return of her two boys who were toddlers. Stating she had been carjacked. After several days, it was discovered that she had let her car roll into a lake with her babies strapped into their car seats. I'll never forget hearing it on the radio driving home from work. My children were their age at the time and I had to pull off the road because I couldn't see through the tears.

white_duke , freepik Report


"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) One famous case is when Lance Armstrong was initially seen as a victim of doping allegations, but later it came out he had been using performance-enhancing d***s all along.

mulbiga , Josh Hallett Report

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8 hours ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Let’s not forget how he also rode his cancer survivor story as far as he could while also dumping Sheryl crow as soon as she got cancer. What a guy!

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We also were curious to hear if they had any favorites. “The one where that guy burned his house down to "save his kids" took me on a mini deep dive. He also had a horrible record before that. Kind of messed up to call it my "favorite", more like the one I found most interesting,” they shared.


Dave Kroupa had been dating casually after his 12-year relationship ended and ended up meeting a woman named Cari Farver. They hit it off instantly and spent a lot of time together over the next few weeks. This was until Cari texted Dave at work and asked if they could move in together - this was a shock to Dave and he said no. Cari then sent a super nasty response and basically told him to f**k off. 

Dave then started getting bombarded with texts and emails from Cari. The harassment, already relentless and almost daily, started to expand to include other people in Dave’s life, like his recent ex (sort of) girlfriend Liz Golyar. Liz became a constant target of Cari’s stalking and harassment. 

Things escalated - at one point Liz’s house burned down. (I suggest looking up this case for the full details because there’s so much more to this story). 

As it turned out, Liz had k**led Cari - ostensibly out of jealousy of Cari’s quickly growing relationship with Dave. Liz then began impersonating Cari and sending messages pretending to be Cari. That’s right, Liz was the one behind all those messages. 

The whole story is absolutely WILD. I suggest checking out the book “A Tangled Web” by Leslie Rule for the full story. It’s absolutely nuts. .

LilaFowler88 Report


"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) Katie Sorensen, the nut job "momfluencer" who claimed a couple was following her through a shopping center, plotting to kidnap her children, supposedly because they were so good looking. Turns out the other couple were just shopping at the same time, did absolutely nothing wrong at all, and she just wanted attention and more followers.

rainbowmadnesss , senivpetro / freepik Report

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Brittania Kelli
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8 hours ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Funny but true story my baby was a ridiculously adorable baby, people would ask if they could take photos and cooed over them non stop. But at an indoor market this one lady started following us around and then approached me and asked if she could sit and take numerous photos up close because they made those lifelike baby dolls and wanted to make one that looked like my baby. I said no, and quickly left because she looked incredibly upset when I said no. It would be so creepy to think there were dolls out there that looked like my kiddo.

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"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) Anna Aayala. She claimed she found a fingertip in a bowl of Wendy's chili. The press coverage cost the company over 20 million in losses. Turns out the finger came from a co-worker of her husband who lost it in a work accident and she intentionally planted it.

EdtheHammer , RightCowLeftCoast Report

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“I was expecting to get at least a few more personal-sounding answers. Not celebrity cases that got blown out of proportion. It's easier to "relate" (I guess) to smaller things that not many people know about. Plus it would've been more inspiring and realistic for what I want my story to sound like.”


"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) That story about the Vallejo couple where the girlfriend was kidnapped and the police decided the boyfriend did it and everyone shamed him. But then it turned out that the police did a terrible job and it was an actual kidnapper the whole time.

Mariske , Rosemary Ketchum / Pexels Report


"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) I don’t remember her name, I think it was Sherri Papini, but there was a YouTube video I watched of a girl who faked her own kidnapping, and was trying to play victim. While all the resources were going to finding Sherri, there was a women who was actually kidnapped. She ended up serving jail time.

Lumpy-Effort-1631 , Shasta County Sheriff's Office Report

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CA Hyde
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7 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The whole time she was having a fling with a guy other than her husband, sicko.

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When I was in college there was a young woman who claimed she was getting into her car when someone shoved her into the car from behind and attempted to r**e her in broad daylight. She said they stopped and took off when another car rolled through the parking lot. The story sounded off, so a lot of people were skeptical at first. That led to an outpouring of support, with post-it notes popping up all over the school that said “I believe her”. There was a lot of talk about victim-blaming, and the need for people to support victims.
About a week and a half later, after news stations asked to interview her, she recanted her story and admitted that she’d made the whole thing up for attention.

What really pissed me off about that situation was that she handed ammunition to the a******s who claim “women make up r**e accusations all the time”.

DieHardAmerican95 Report

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6 hours ago

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Handed, like in threatening him by giving him a bullet, or selling ammunition for shady reasons?

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“But yeah, I don't really post easy content like this for fame or popularity. I just like reading people's answers and learning more in my freetime. Sometimes they happen to get popular, sometimes I only get 10 comments. Either way, I just like to learn more about people,” they shared with Bored Panda.


"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) I just listened to a podcast about a girl Mackenzie Shirilla. Basically she, her boyfriend and another friend were involved in a crash that k**led the boyfriend and the friend.

She was a driver and she survived. At first it seemed like maybe there was some fault in the car or that she simply lost control of the vehicle, but as the investigation went on they realized she planned the crash and ran into that wall on purpose. It was a crazy listen!

EDIT: Since a lot of you are asking - I listened to it on the Sword and Scale podcast, Episode 274!

_ToughChickpea , aleksandarlittlewolf / Pexels Report

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7 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Saw the video over a year ago and I could not (still can't) wrap my mind around it! She purposely drove that car into a wall. And then the performance in court afterwards, I have no words. Please watch the vid!

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"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) Carolyn Bryant, who told people Emmit Till harassed her and did nothing knowing her husband m***ered him.

godkingnaoki , Defense Visual Information Distribution Service Report

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7 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As much as it must have pained his mother to let a picture of his severely beaten body (his face – Jesus) in his casket to be photographed and shown, I have immense respect for her! That picture serves as a reminder that as humanity we can't allow ourselves to go back! PS: Carolyn, the woman who accused Emmett, died last year, and despite admitting that she fabricated the whole story that led to a child being brutally murdered, could still not bring herself to apologise.

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"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) Karen Matthews. Faked her daughters kidnapping not long after Madeline McCann went missing so that she could get money. She hid her inside a bed at a friends house and planned to collect the reward money. People actually felt sorry for her, thinking her daughter was missing and it was a huge police investigation. Ended up in jail for kidnapping, perverting the course of justice and false imprisonment.

strawberrypops , freepik Report

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Tyranamar Suess
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7 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hid her "inside" the bed? Like what? Between the 2 mattresses? Was the kid still alive?

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"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) That one lady who said some black guys kidnapped then drowned her children only to find them drowned in her car.

ComfortableAbject416 , Engin Akyurt / Pexels Report

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8 hours ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Susan Smith. Disgusting how she viewed her children as inconvenient objects. Then played on prejudices. Throughout history, various groups have been used as convenient scapegoats for crimes.

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"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) Joe Gliniewicz, Illinois cop that staged his s****de to look like he was m***ered by assailants. Police and community rallied behind his widow for weeks. Search for the assilants. Funds were collected and donated, tributes were made. Turns out he committed s****de because he been embezzling money from a police program and he was about to be found out.

M7489 , Dom J / Pexels Report


"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) Bethany Storro was the victim of an acid attack that was racially motivated in Vancouver, Washington.
Turns out she maimed herself trying to commit s***ide with acid. She chickened out of drinking it after pouring it on her face, I remember watching an unhinged interview after she was found out. Her reasoning was that all the attention would allow her to tell people about Jesus.

Hobo_Knife , freepik Report


Karla Leanne Homolka, the “Barbie” in “The Barbie and Ken K***ers.” She was thought of as the victim of Paul Bernado’s abuse, being forced into participating in his r***s and m***ers. This included the one where Paul r***d and accidentally m***ered her younger sister, Tammy Homolka.

She went to the police to report Paul after a particularly bad beating from him that left her in hospital. She was given a plea deal and her lawyer covered up the tape recordings that showed her willingly participating in the r***s and m***ers. Once this information was let out, it was too late. The plea deal was made, Paul was arrested and is still in prison and she got out and now is working around children in a school.

I f*****g hate that nasty b***h. She was abused by him, yeah, but it disgusts me that she willingly participated in the m***ers and r***s. Oh, and she married the brother of the lawyer who represented her. She’s able to live a normal life whereas the three teenagers she helped k**l never got to start theirs.

Existing_Hatter546 Report

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5 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

How the hell is she allowed to work with kids? She goaded him on to ŕ a p e and m u r d e r her own little sister!

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In 1961, Captain Julian Harvey was found drifting at sea in a lifeboat with the lifeless body of a little girl by the name of René Duperrault. When he was rescued, he explained that he had been hired by the girl's family to sail them around the Florida Keys for vacation in a Ketche called the Bluebelle. He went on to explain that, the previous evening, a strong wind caused the main mast to snap and pierce the hull, causing the ship to sink. Worst still, a fire broke out, separating him from the family and the only other crew member, his own wife. He got into the lifeboat hoping to swing behind and hopefully get through the cabin from behind, but the ship had sunk rapidly and the other person he was able to recover was the already dead René. Truly a tragic story.

That was, until, three and a half days later Terry Jo Duperrault, the other daughter of the Duperrault family, was found drifting at sea in a small cork dinghy. She was dehydrated, starving, sunburned like hell, but alive. When she was healthy enough to make a statement, the story she told was very different from Harvey's. She woke up to find her brother and her mother already dead and when Captain Harvey saw her, shouted at her to go back to her cabin. She did so, cowering under the covers, and says that Harvey was standing at the door of her cabin. She thinks that maybe he was holding his brother's rifle, but she's not completely sure. He eventually left and, when the water started to fill her room, she went up on deck. Harvey got her help to undo the life raft, however, when the rope slipped through her fingers, he dove into the water after it, leaving her on the sinking vessel. She then remembered the cork dinghy and crawled into it. As you can see, her account is very different from Harvey's and, most notable, there never was a fire.

Sadly, we'll likely never know the full story as Harvey would take his own life hours after Terry Jo was found.

wolfeyes555 Report

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3 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’m more inclined to believe Terry Jo. Incidentally, this sounds a little like the start of Life of Pi.


Alicia Esteve Head is a Spanish businesswoman who claimed to be a survivor of the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, under the name Tania Head. She joined the World Trade Center Survivors' Network support group, later becoming its president. Her name was regularly mentioned in media reports of the attacks. In 2007, it was revealed Head's story was a hoax; she was not in New York City on September 11, 2001, but in reality was attending classes in her native city, Barcelona.

oldfuturemonkey Report

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"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) Tracie Andrews. She appeared on TV appealing for the road rage driver that k**led her BF to give himself up. Only thing is that she was the one that had stabbed the BF over 40 times until he died.

Impetuous_doormouse , freepik Report

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5 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

She looked like a nutjob in the pics of her in tears.


In 1864 a train pulled into London carrying a bloodied unconscious man, Franz Müller. Police were alerted and when the man came to Müller told them as they were riding 2 men approached him and tried to rob him. However Mr Muller fought back, was shot, and then left behind as the robbers jumped off the train. 

What actually happened was Franz Müller attacked a Mr Thomas Briggs, a 69 yo banker, and robbed him of his gold chain and pocket watch. Later in the day Mr Briggs would be found unconscious lying on the tracks because Müller shot him and threw Briggs off the train. Briggs would soon pass away from his injuries.

Police were super suspicious and then a p**n shop owner came forward identifying Müller as selling him Briggs' gold chain. London Police issued a warrant however Muller had already fled the hospital and boarded a sail ship for New York. Scotland Yard Inspectors took a steamship to NY beating Muller by weeks. They and an entire crowd of people were waiting at the docks when Muller arrived. 

And that's the story of the first m***er on a train. There's a cool book about it, Mr Briggs' Hat.

Breaklance Report


"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) Penny Boudreau... Daughter was missing, went on TV as the "grieving" mother... Turns out she k**led her 12 year old daughter, Karissa, in order to save her relationship with her boyfriend.
Karissa's dad would have taken her. Super sad.

sculdermullygrusch , Liza Summer / Pexels Report

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Corey Harris. He’s the guy who went viral earlier this year for showing up at a zoom court hearing driving while on suspended license. He spent two days in jail. Then it was reported that Harris should’ve had his license reinstated 2 years prior. Harris’ attorney sets up interviews with local TV stations stating his innocence. Good Morning America does a piece on Harris and lectures the viewer to not judge a book by its cover. Harris goes back to court, the judge does his homework, and discovers Harris has never had a license in Michigan or any other state, yet has been to Secretary of State office multiple times to renew his ID. The opportunity was there for him to get a license, he chose not to. He goes viral again but because he lied and embarrassed so many people along the way.

Hossflex Report

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5 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Good. But I bet he does it again. Some arseholes never learn.

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Natalia Grace's adoptive parents who claimed she was an adult when they adopted her.

She was actually a child, not the diabolical mastermind akin to the movie Orphan.

xcoalminerscanaryx Report


Ana Julia Quezada.
She was dating a divorced man who had an 8 year old son. One day, the kid goes missing and the news started interviewing the parents. She would always stand next to the dad crying and begging the kidnapper that, if they're watching, to please give back the kid (I remember this very vividly watching the news).
Turns out, there was no kidnapping. She'd k**led the kid the very first day of his disappearance and played her part around her boyfriend and the news.
People believe she did it out of jealousy and in hopes of convincing her boyfriend to move to her country to get over his kid. Her 4 year old daughter had also died in 1996 in some strange circumstances.

aversimemuero Report

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The Charles Stuart case in Boston in 1989. Initially a husband and his pregnant wife, Charles and Carol Stuart, were reported attacked in their car at night and the wife was k**led and he husband badly injured. A huge police manhunt was on for the k***er, alleged to be a " black man" by the husband.After much drama it turned out that it was a carefully staged m***er perpetrated by the husband. Charles Stuart k***ed himself when he was about to be charged for m***er.

austeninbosten Report

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7 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It’s so disgusting how many of these people try to cover up their lies by accusing Black folks.

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Belle Gibson. Claimed she had cancer, claimed she beat it through diet. Claimed to donate $1m to cancer hospital. Didn’t have cancer. Didn’t donate. Lied about everything. Played the victim too. Who knows how many people died following her “advice”.

unclewombie Report

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That white racist b***h who m****red Emitt Till.

SeeYouInTrees Report

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"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) Chris Benoit.

First off everybody assumed that someone had k**led him, his wife and his 8 year old son.

Then we discovered it was a double m***er-s****de, that took place over 2-3 days, and that his son was in the house with the body of his dead mum for a period of that time, and the Chris with the bodies of both of them, for a while longer.

WWE jumped on a memorial episode of Raw, the day after the 3 of them were found. A few days later, they had to "come clean" about what the actual truth was.

H16HP01N7 , dani nuestro /smackdown_bangkok Report

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The Roxanne Pallett “punchgate” incident on Celebrity Big Brother. She accused another housemate (Ryan Thomas) of punching her and spent the next couple of days convincing the other participants that this occurred and generally turning the house against him.

Don’t get me wrong, it was immediately evident to the audience watching at home that she was a lying POS. But with the housemates, they initially believed her and confronted Ryan and made his time at the house generally unpleasant. All the while, Ryan was in an isolated environment not knowing what his family/the general public were thinking back home… it was actually awful that the producers let it play off for so long.

Anywho, next eviction vote comes and iirc the housemates could hear the general public outside chanting Ryan’s name and jeering Roxanne. You could see the penny drop for all of the other housemates. Roxanne soon left of her own accord in disgrace and tried to play the victim card… until it turned out that she had pulled this c**p on multiple occasions in private settings with colleagues, etc. Her career is now absolutely well and truly in the toilet. Oh, and Ryan ending up winning the competition.

Honestly, watch a video on it. Not usually a fan of c**p reality tv but it honestly was like some sort of cruel social experiment that needed to be shut down but wasn’t.

birchpiece91 Report

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María Hermida
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3 hours ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

All TV chains worry about is money. Here in Spain, one housemate raped his drunk "girlfriend" in full sight of the camera, but the wonderful Big Brother team didn't stop the aggression. They didn't stop broadcasting either. She didn't remember anything next day, so they told her in one of those "confession sessions" to show her reaction to the audience. Pure s**t. I don't know all the details because I've never watched this show, which I find revolting and degrading. In general, I don't feel sorry for the idiots who willingly participate in this kind of rubbish, but I feel sorry for this girl. I don't know what happened afterwards, but I do hope she found help to cope with it.

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It's local (Greece), but it has not precedence so far. A woman by the name Roula Pispirigou is accused of k**ling all of her three children, out of spite and jealously for her husband.
They had an on and off relationship. She became pregnant, they got married. She gave birth to three girls. The second daughter was in the early stages of Leukemia , but the doctors considered it completely viable. She died unexpectadly and without any cause related to her condition. At some point, in the same timeline, the first daughter was also admitted at the hospital.
Three years later, the third daughter, dies in her crib. SIDS is considered the cause of death. Special tests for hereditary deseceases come back, negative. The only remaining child,the first daugther ends up in the hospital once again. While being treated she goes into some type of a shock. They revive her after trying for 50 minutes. She comes back, tetraplegic.
You can all imagine, how everyone was viewing her. The poor woman, with the unfaithful husband that lost two children and her last one, was left with special needs. That is until, her daughter dies, while being at the hospital. Now all three children are gone.
The prosecutor gets involved and everything starts to roll out. How conviniently, a child was either admitted to the hospital or died, because the husband had left the house or moved out.
Currently she is incarcerate with a lifetime sentence, convicted of k**ling her three children.

victoriageras Report

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Hellena Taylor when she was replaced on *Bayonetta 3*.

She was the original voice actress for Bayonetta in the first two games. About two years ago she came out with an angry statement that she had been offered what sounded like a rather low amount of money for the third game, then replaced by Jennifer Hale. The entire vibe was that it was an intentional low-ball to get rid of her. She insisted that fans should boycott the game.

You saw the response immediately on Reddit. People wanted to jump to her defense and criticized Platinum Games.

Slowly the rest of the story began to come out. She was apparently demanding a ridiculous fee, plus royalties. She had lied or at the very least deliberately misrepresented the deal previously. She increasingly came off as a little unhinged and vindictive, with an inflated sense that *she* was responsible for the success of the games and irreplaceable. For several days it seemed like a new detail was coming out every day that kept making her look worse and worse.

It was particularly interesting to see this happen in such a short period of time. To watch the public opinion shift as more information was revealed with each subsequent day. It really showed the importance of getting all the facts, hearing from multiple sides, and not immediately falling for rage-bait Internet drama in fan culture.

Belgand Report

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Tracie Andrews immediately came to mind. She swore up and down her boyfriend was k**led in a road rage incident. This was the 90s in the UK. The police put together a press conference to appeal for information, but it was designed to catch Tracie out. She told the story wrong because she couldn't remember her lies.
Tracie had stabbed him 42 times.

jennyrob669 Report


Justin Timberlake. It's insane how classy Britney was when he was accusing her of cheating on him when in reality he was banging strippers for years before she kissed one guy ONCE and he made best selling albums about how she essentially destroyed his perfect life by cheating on him.

RemarkableWall387 Report


I dont remember the details of the case and can't find it on a search, but heres the details i do remember.
There was a guy who had an argument with an Uber/taxi driver when his wife complained about him. They were basically harassing each other back and forth.
Then, the Uber driver ended up dead in that man's apartment. He claimed self-defense, saying the guy broke in and was trying to attack him and his wife. Guy was being praised as a home defender and for protecting his family.
Turns out he sent a note to the driver to come to his house so they can work things out. When the driver got there, the guy invited him in and shot him.
The whole thing was staged, and everyone believed it and praised him for k**ling another person, basically stroking his ego. Then it came out as premeditated and everyone was shocked.

midnightBlade22 Report

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3 hours ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No. The husband murderedd his wife, then invited the Uber-driver over, killed him and then claimed the enraged driver had killed the wife. It all was a plot to get rid of his wife.

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My ex girlfriend who has BPD. She attacked me in my own house. My neighbor called the cops and when they arrived she wanted to act like I was the one who attacked her. I was taken to jail, my guns were seized, etc. While I was in jail for like 12 hours, I received a protective order where she filled out MY address as HER address. So, for like 4 days, I couldn't even go to my own home. We got that straightened out at the next hearing for an extended order though. When court finally came around about a year later, I had video footage (security cameras ftw) of her attacking me. The case was immediately dropped, I got my guns back, and got the charge (Second Degree Assault) expunged from my record. Last I heard, she moved to Florida which is awesome because it's far away from me.
She lied to me countless times. She cheated on me at least once. She stole from me at least once. She attempted s***ide after I had fallen asleep, with her idea being that I would wake up the next day with her dead body lying next to me in bed. But the worst thing was her having me thrown in jail after brutally attacking me. If I would not have had that camera installed, I would have lost my guns permanently, I would have lost my security clearance. I would have lost my job, etc.
She came very close to ruining my entire life in about 4 months time. She was pure evil.

JamesKBoyd Report

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5 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I might be reading too much into it, but OP seems to consider getting his guns taken the worst part of this experience, besides going to jail. The situation sounds horrifying, I agree. It just kinda amuse me that he kept mentioning his guns for some reasons.

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Christopher Watts. Horrible what he did and to have the audacity to go on the news and lie about wanting his wife and daughters to return, I'm glad he's rotting away in prison. 

WalkingonCoffee Report

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5 hours ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't believe in hell, but I'll make an exception for this piece of sh1t

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"What Victim Ended Up Being The Bad Guy After More Information Came Out?" (57 Answers) That Kuwaiti girl who told about how Iraqi soliders entered the hospital and threw babies out in the street .

suroorshiv , Muhammed Dinç / Pexels Report

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7 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

“The Nayirah testimony was false testimony given before the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990, by a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl who was publicly identified only as Nayirah at the time. In her testimony, which took place two months after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, she claimed to have witnessed Iraqi soldiers taking babies out of incubators at a Kuwaiti hospital before looting the incubators and leaving the babies to die on the floor. Nayirah's statements were widely publicized and cited numerous times in the United States Senate and by American president George H. W. Bush to contribute to the rationale for pursuing military action against Iraq.“

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Balloon Boy Hoax: Panicky parents called police, claimed their young son was missing and had likely been carried aloft by a home-built helium balloon, which peaked at 7000 ft. Witnesses claimed something had fallen from it while it was ascending. When balloon eventually came down, boy wasn't in it.

Child was later found hiding in the attic. Whole thing was revealed as a publicity stunt when child was asked by Wolf Blitzer why he was hiding, and said to his dad "You guys said we did it for the show!"

Dad (failed actor and comedian) pleaded guilty to attempting to influence a public servant, was sentenced to 90 days and a $36K fine. Mom got 20 days to be served on weekends. Both were later pardoned by Colorado's idiot governor, Jared Polis.

theartfulcodger Report

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Cindy Brick
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3 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They were trying for a reality show...which didn't happen. Poor people. (boo hoo)

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Coco Berthmann and Amanda Riley. Both became D-list celebrities as "victimhood influencers." Both faked cancer diagnoses, then targeted religious institutions, non-profit organizations and/or gullible people to "raise funds for their treatment," made a ton of money, and eventually got caught. Coco's story also included a number of highly questionable claims about being abused.

My gf put on the podcasts about each of them on a long road trip, and I was the classic bf who initially scoffed but was quickly pulled in. What started as "once you go to sleep I'm putting on something else" turned into me binge-listening while she slept in the passenger seat LOL.

TheLastMimzy43 Report

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Alex Murdaugh - he garnerered lots of sympathy for the m***er of his wife and son, and his attempted m***er. When it came out that he'd stolen millions from his legal clients, likely arranged for his wife and son's deaths and definitely arranged for his own attempted m***er, it was...not a good look.
Did I mention all the d***s? Lots of those.

SirFluffkin Report

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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

He also stole the life insurance money from the death of his housekeeper from her children. We will never know if the housekeeper's death was truly an accident.


I used to install security cameras as a side job. I was asked to help out a lady going through a horrible divorce. Her soon to be ex-husband was sending her threatening text messages from burner phones, he was coming by all hours of the night and breaking windows, and a few times attempted to set their house on fire. A friend of hers reached out to me and explained the situation and asked if I could help her in any way.

I purchased cameras and an NVR and went over one night in February and installed the whole system, wires and all. I never felt scared during any of my installations, some of which were in really bad neighborhoods, but this psycho had me worried, so I did this job armed. After finishing up, I showed her how the system works and told her to call me if she ever needed anything else.

A couple weeks later I get a call from a fire investigator asking me for help in recovering video. He told me that the guy had returned, broke out a first floor window, and threw in a Molotov Cocktail causing the first floor of the house to be engulfed in flames. The woman and her two daughters were trapped upstairs. The police showed before the fire department, and they had to grab an extension ladder from a neighbors house and rescue the family through a second floor window. One of the girls was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation.

I walked the guy through the process of pulling up the video. Once he got to the right time on the camera facing the bathroom window he said, “The video just goes blank.” I told him that I set the video cameras to be super sensitive to movement, so the only way it can go blank is if the camera is removed or damaged in some way. I directed him to a camera that would cover the area under the camera that goes blank and he should see someone mess with it. He tells me that nobody ever approached it. I then informed him that the only way that this scenario is possible is if the guy got into the house and disconnected the feed from inside.

We concluded our conversation since he would now need to pour through a lot of video in order to find this man going into the house. About a month passes by and I am driving to work. I hear the woman’s name who I had been helping mentioned on the radio during a news segment. I start paying attention and soon find myself feeling weightless in my chair. It had not been her husband at all; she had been the one doing all these things in order to get her husband arrested and sent to jail.

She had bought burner phones to send herself text messages. She had been going out at night and breaking the windows. She had been taking the family out to dinner, excusing herself to go to the restroom, then driving home to break a window and try to set the house on fire before returning to the restaurant. She had been the one to disconnect the camera from inside the house the night that she almost k**led her kids in an attempt to frame her husband. I thought I was protecting her from a psycho, but turns out I was helping the psycho.

TLDR: I thought I was helping a “victim” by protecting her from her soon to be ex husband, but she was trying to frame him by risking her kids lives.

NiceTuBeNice Report


I worked at a newspaper in college. We covered this story of a student who claimed she had been gang r**ed by multiple men, at a fraternity if I recall correctly. It was a horrifying story that sparked police investigations and temporarily stopped social activities on campus.

A few weeks later someone caught her preparing to fake her own kidnapping / hostage situation - she was found taping her own wrists and ankles together with duct tape, and had written a sign that said something like "help me." When the police interviewed her, she recanted all allegations, admitted that she had made it all up. I still don't even know what to make of that story.

arrownyc Report

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Ian and Angela Diaz. The story appeared on 60 minutes.

In short, Ian (who was a Deputy U.S. Marshall) claimed that his ex Michelle Hadley was posting r**e fantasy adverts on Craigslist in an attempt to get Angela r**ed. Eventually, Michelle ended up arrested and sat in jail for 88 days as police investigated the matter. It was during that investigation that they realized things didn't add up.

It was all a ploy to frame Michelle as part of a twisted plot to get her to walk away from a condo she had purchased with Ian. At first it was assumed or implied Angela alone was responsible and she pleaded guilty and was sentenced to five years in prison. However, five years later Ian was found guilty for his participation in the plot and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

CrotchMcAwesome Report

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Many, many Germans, and quite some other Europeans truly believed for many years that Poland had attacked first when WWII began in Europe.

AM27C256 Report

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5 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Look at the Russians believing Putin. Same. Even when they have more access to media showing the truth. Wilfully ignorant.


Dee Dee Blanchard.
Was k**led and her disabled daughter kidnapped. She was well loved but so there was a lot of shock and sorry for her daughter.
Turns out that Dee Dee had been faking her daughter's disabilities and had been abusing her horribly. The k***er was her daughter's secret boyfriend.

EarthMas16 Report

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5 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Daughter literally got away with murder and has been Hawking her freaky wares ever since. Yes, she was a victim but she was not right.

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Brittany Norwood - A former soccer star that worked at a Lululemon athletic clothing store in an upscale wealthy neighborhood. She had worked the nightshift with her manager and both were the victim of a brutal robbery/m***er. A co-worker arrived at the Lululemon store the next morning, discovered the scene and contacted the police. The manager, Jayna Murray, was brutally m***ered and stabbed over 60+ times. Norwood suffered minimal injuries, her pants ripped and she was tied up. Norwood claimed an African-American man first k***ed Murray, then approached Norwood, ripped her pants apart and r**ed her. The police initially believed Norwood's story and sent her home.

During the investigation, the police came across text messages of manager Jayna Murrary discovering Norwood had been stealing merchandise and she was going to confront her about the theft, then fire her. The police soon made Norwood a suspect, especially after discovering Murrary's car, with Norwood's blood inside, was parked 3 blocks away from the store. Norwood claimed the robber told her to move the car, then walk back to the store, or they will k**l her. The police believed this was absurd she would be allowed to leave , then return after being allowed to leave. She was arrested, charged with m***er, convicted and sentenced to life without parole. It was later revealed at her trial the entire m***er was overheard by several people who did not intervene. An Apple store employee overheard women fighting and assumed it was, "just drama.
Correction: An Apple store...

redman9000 Report

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4 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

She put on men’s size shoes from the store to commit the crime, so it would look like the perp was a man. Then she washed them and put them back on the shelf.

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In 2018, Susan Mize was a promising up-and-coming aspiring 17 year old model in the Houston, Texas area. Upon taking a ride with a male friend, Preston Barry, two teen dudes jumped in the car, threatened Barry with a gun, took his money, forced him to go to an ATM to withdraw money before he eventually escaped. Turns out Susan was the mastermind behind the whole thing. Lost all her modeling opportunities and was sentenced to 7 years in jail
In 2004, Marie-Léonie Leblanc a 23 year old French woman, walked into a police station and told the officers that she had been physically and verbally assaulted on a Parisian RER commuter train by six youths of Arab origin. She claimed that none of her fellow passengers moved a muscle as the youths slashed her clothes, cut off locks of her hair, knocked over her 13-month-old baby's pushchair and scrawled swastikas on her stomach with a marker pen. The story made international headlines, with the leaders of both France and Israel commenting on and condemning the attack... Which never happened. Leblanc made it all up so that her family and significant other would pay attention to her and was sentenced to a four-month suspended prison sentence, two years probation and ordered to seek therapy.

JeanMorel Report

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María Hermida
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1 hour ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well, the French pos did get the attention she craved... There's no therapy to cure racism, though.


Years ago there was a local news story about a woman who was caught shoplifting baby supplies and formula. The cop that responded took pity on her because she had a young kid and no money, so instead of arresting her bought the stuff for her. A local business even went as far as to offer her a job and I happened to know the owner. A few days after the story I asked him if she got the job and he said no because every single one of her references said she was a massive kleptomaniac.

Bigred2989- Report

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Babis Anagnostopoulos. 33 year old Babis m****red his 19 year old wife, Caroline Crouch, and tried to claim it was burglars who had done it. The truth came out after the evidence contradicted his story and he was forced to confess.

Live-Drummer-9801 Report

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John Bobbitt. He continued to abuse others after having his little w***y chopped off.

villagecynic Report

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So, doesn't necessarily fit with all the true crime responses involving "victims" who turned out to be perpetrators all along, but Shinzo Abe, Japan's former Prime Minister, who was assassinated in 2022. The assassin, Tetsuya Yamagami, targeted Shinzo for his support of the Unification Church. The assassin's mother was brainwashed by the church, donating most of the family's possessions to it, resulting in her children going without food and lingering family strife that included the assassin's brother committing s***ide, and the assassin himself attempting it. The assassin initially targeted the leader of the Church, but being unable to reach them, instead targeted Shinzo because of his and his family's close relationship with the Church, which includes the assassin's belief that this support from Shinzo and his grandfather, who was also Prime Minister, helped the Church get established and thrive in Japan.

The effect of the assassination was to highlight the nature of the Unification Church and its influence in Japanese politics. Shinzo Abe's ties to it were scrutinized, as were those of members of his cabinets, and politicians still in office. It hastened the reshuffle of the then-ruling cabinet and one or two political resignations over ties to the church. It also opened up the media to criticism for its lack of reporting on the tactics of the church and its victims. Furthermore, it generated legal efforts to strip the Church of its religious incorporation, strengthen laws against cults and their activities, and adopt policies to aid victims, particularly the children of cult members. Finally, publicity around the Church's activities and the assassin's plight have so tarnished Shinzo Abe's reputation and raised public sympathy for the assassin that prosecutors still haven't actually prosecuted the assassin for the crime.

Gimpknee Report

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Amber Heard and Johnny Depp.

There were a variety of perspectives that painted both of them as the victim. If you paid attention to the case and didn’t have a stake in who was “right”, then what came out was that they’re both terrible, toxic people that treated both each other and people around them like c**p. Johnny Depp won the court case, but through the course of it, it became abundantly clear that he was incredibly abusive in his personal life and many people on his “side” painted it as reactive abuse but it’s incredibly difficult to look at the facts and try to say either of them wasn’t heavily contributing to their horrible relationship.

validusrex Report

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4 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Lol, it did not become abundantly clear that he was abusive. Quite the opposite, in fact: not a single allegation by Heard was confirmed and it was she who came out looking like an abuser.

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Corey Harris.

Corey got arrested for driving with a suspended license. Corey insisted it was a mistake and that his license was not expired. Due to Covid, non-serious court situations like this were handled over zoom. So Corey called into his court hearing... while driving. His court hearing about a suspended license. So Corey was arrested and charged... again.. for committing the same crime... again.

Now Corey's thought process was that it was a mistake and his license wasn't actually suspended so this was okay. Which... makes sense, but it's still not a great look, and more importantly, still illegal.

So everyone had a good laugh at Corey for being so dumb. But then it came out that Corey was correct. His license **was not** suspended. So his initial arrest, and all the ridicule he faced. Turns out he was right the whole time. Everyone owed him an apology.


It came out that Corey's license was not suspended. Because he never had a driver's license in the first place. The 46 year old man had been driving for 30 years, completely without any sort of drivers license.

Sensitive-Chemical83 Report