30 Of The Funniest Outdoor Signs From This Vet Clinic To Make You Crack A Smile (New Pics)
Although for most pets and their owners, even the thought of going to a vet clinic is absolutely daunting, the Carroll County veterinary clinic has made sure that every visitor there enters with a smile on their face.
How? Well, the team has put up an outdoor sign with pawesome jokes, and seeing how much people like it, they never took it down. Today, the vet clinic's sign is a star on its own terms, and from the jokes it features, there’s no doubt it deserves the title.
So scroll down through the newest collection of vet jokes, one-liners and puns, upvote the ones you liked the most and be sure to check out our previous posts with the famous Carroll County vet clinic sign here, here and here.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | CarrollCovet.com
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A friend invited me to Christmas with their extended family. They had a Chihuahua famous for its bad temper and were very cautious around him. In this family of extroverts, I apparently was an oasis of calm (mind you, they were nice people), because the dog came closer and closer, then climbed up in my arms and stayed there for hours. I don't know which of us got the side eye more. But as far as I am concerned, he was a very good boi.
Bored Panda reached out to Andie, the communications officer and receptionist who has been working at the Carroll County Vet Clinic since April of 2000. “No two days are ever the same,” she describes her job at the clinic.
When it comes to the internet’s beloved comedy sign, Andie said that they have been doing it since 2005 and since it got so popular, they never stopped. As for the jokes themselves, “We get them from clients or from the internet,” she added. Sometimes, the jokes are about animals, but most of the time they’re hilarious wisdom bits for people to relate to.
Due to the pandemic, the clinic has been doing curbside appointments. “We have an owner call when they get to the parking lot and we get information over the phone. Then, they bring their pet in, and after the checkup, they bring it back to the car.” The procedure is finalized with the payment done over the phone.
I've never understood why people think black cats are bad luck they're super cute, just like all cats.
That's why we got rid of the carpets and installed wooden flooring.
the diamonds thing is a dumb saying. Implying that girls only care about money.
Have you also noticed that, when you wear dark colored clothing your animals only shed their light colored fur, and vice-versa?
Boss Kitty probably fired you thirty seconds after you said that.
If a cookie falls on the floor and you pick it up, you clearly don't have a dog.
Made me laugh out loud in my docs waiting room. What more can you ask for?
Made me laugh out loud in my docs waiting room. What more can you ask for?