50 Hilarious And Wholesome Moments That Vets Have Experienced At Work (New Pics)
If you’re an animal lover, chances are you’re a fan of veterinarians too. They keep our pets happy and healthy, and they are our go-to resources when little Spot swallows something she shouldn’t have or Pickles comes home limping on a hurt paw. And while being a vet can be incredibly stressful and challenging, it can also, thankfully, be extremely rewarding.
Below, you'll find some of the most adorable, hilarious and wholesome moments vets have experienced in their clinics that might make you wish you had chosen a career in animal health care, as well as an interview we were lucky enough to receive from Dr. Julie Cappel, the Veterinary Life Coach. Be sure to upvote the pics you find particularly heartwarming, and feel free to share any personal stories in the comments if you are a vet or have ever worked in a veterinarian office. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article celebrating all of the precious patients vets get to see every day, look no further than right here.
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This Swan Hugging The Vet Who Saved Its Life
This Veterinarian Has A Comfort-Dog Assistant That Helps Sick Patients Know That Everything Will Be Alright
I'm fascinated by the technology that causes onion-fumes to be released from my phone when I look at pics like this.
Young Koala Came To Us With Dog Fight Wounds And I Noticed She Had A Lactating Nipple. It Took A Full Day, But We Were Able To Find And Reunite Her With Her Baby
To learn more about what it's really like to be a veterinarian, we reached out to Dr. Julie Cappel, or the Veterinary Life Coach. When it comes to what Dr. Cappel loves most about being a vet, she told Bored Panda that it's the variety of tasks and challenges that she faces every day. "The people may be lovely or terrible, but in all cases they love their pets like family, and that makes our job so rewarding," she shared. "We get to serve the pet owning public in a way that is unmatched in any other profession. The relationship that we form with the pets and their families lasts a lifetime and we share the highs and the lowest lows. Veterinarians are unique and wonderful."
We were also curious if Dr. Cappel has any favorite patients or any particularly fond memories with them. "I love all of my patients - except the ones that try to bite me," she says. "In particular, I love the parrots because they interact in unique ways - they can talk. So sometimes they say funny things or just act out when they hear my voice. One of my parrot patients says, 'I'm scared' when I walk into the room with her. Another says, 'Pet the birdie! Don't eat the birdie'. I also am very fond of all the puppies and kittens. They always bring excitement to our hospital day because they are so cute and happy, and we get to watch them grow up and capture their families' hearts."
A Chonky Boy
Another Vet Checkup. Another Instance Of Scared Big Boy With His Support Animal
When Everyone Else Has Gone Home
We also asked Dr. Cappel if she could share any funny stories from working in her clinic. "There are so many," she told Bored Panda. "I had a client show me her knee surgery scar by dropping her pants in the waiting room. I had a gentleman come in with pet sugar gliders that he released in the room and they were jumping and gliding all over our heads, in and out of our pockets, terrorizing the veterinary technician. There have been many pets left on our doorstep over the years, some with notes attached asking us to find them a home."
We then asked Dr. Cappel what she thinks the most important qualities of a wonderful vet are. "I think all veterinarians are great and uniquely special," she shared. "It takes a special kind of person to take on the responsibilities that veterinary medicine brings and also keep their sense of humor and curiosity."
Doug Has His Own Sign And It's Almost The Best Part. He Was So Quiet I Didn't Notice Him At First
Can you imagine standing there, seeing him then asking him can you book an appointment? I wonder if people do ask him things, I know I would lol ❤️
Cheesecake Goes To The Vet
My Girlfriend Is A Veterinarian. This Is How I Found Her Today After Last Night's Overnight Shift
"There is so much pressure put on us from the pet owning public, and our pay scale is much below that of our human medical counterparts," Dr. Cappel added. "We also are experiencing a severe shortage of veterinarians and technicians, which adds to the daily pressure and subtracts from our work/life balance. In order to be an excellent and healthy veterinarian, someone has to have a solid appreciation for themselves and have the ability to set boundaries in order to not allow the 'negative' clients bring them down. Veterinarians also need to design a life outside of veterinary medicine that includes strong family and friends, and mental health support."
9-Week-Old Maine Coon Kittens, Waiting For Their Vet Check
My Boy Got Neutered Yesterday. The Vet Office Took A Photo For Me After He Woke Up
First Vet Visit. Tony Was Purring So Loudly The Vet Had To Cover His Nose To Hear His Heart
"Veterinarians are incredible people, doing a very difficult job," Dr. Cappel added. "I would love for people to realize how the profession is struggling, so that they can appreciate what veterinarians do for them. Veterinarians are not only involved in caring for pets, but they care for farm animals, service animals, provide for healthy food production, and give emotional support to the pet owning public."
If you would like to learn more about what it's like to be a vet or hear more words of wisdom from Dr. Julie Cappel, be sure to check out her website, the Veterinary Life Coach, right here.
This Scaredy Cat
Ron Came To The Vet's Clinic As A Stray. After A Few Weeks He Started Making Rounds To See Patients And Would Sit Next To Any Pet While They Were Asleep, Offering Comfort
This Adorable Kitty Was Brought To The Vet By A Rescue For A Checkup
As Dr. Cappel noted, being a veterinarian is not easy. Just becoming one in the first place is often a long and arduous process. In the United States, for example, there are only 32 veterinary schools, and within each program, there are a limited number of spots available. Applicants have to compete against aspiring vets from all over the country to be accepted into these extremely competitive programs, and once they’ve been admitted, the challenges have just begun.
Similar to medical school, veterinary school requires a vast knowledge of math and science, but many people agree that veterinary school is even harder than medical school. Not because the work is less strenuous in medical school, both paths are comparable, but vet schools are even more selective and competitive than medical schools. And for vets who aim to earn a bachelor’s degree before applying for veterinary school, it takes about eight years to complete their education. This career path is certainly not for the faint of heart.
My Sister Is A Vet Tech And Took My Dog With Her To Work, I Asked Her How He Was Doing And She Sent Me This
A Patient Of Mine With A Heart On Its Nose
A Very Smol Checkup
Because it is so difficult to become a veterinarian in the first place, it’s only fair that the job comes along with excellent perks. Vets often get to treat some of the most adorable patients you could ever imagine, as this list shows us. But there are plenty of other benefits to being a vet, as St. George’s University breaks down on their blog. For example, vets can have as much variety as they want in their daily routines. “Veterinarians don’t have to choose a specialty,” Dr. Lori Pasternak, co-founder of Helping Hands Affordable Veterinary Surgery & Dental Care, told St. George’s University. “Every day we get to be dermatologists, cardiologists, surgeons, internists, neurologists, ophthalmologists, and more.”
They can also work with a wide array of species if that interests them too. “I work with more than 4,000 animals of 500 different species in my day-to-day practice, which is incredibly exciting and fulfilling,” says Dr. Allison Tuttle, Diplomate of the American College of Zoological Medicine and Vice President of Biological Programs at Mystic Aquarium.
This Made Our Day
I Work At A Vet's Clinic, And This Baby Was Surrendered By Owner. I’m Now The Owner Of This Cutie
My Wife Is A Veterinarian And I Think This Owl Is Plotting To End Her
Being a veterinarian also provides pretty great job security. We all want the best care for our furry, scaly and feathery friends, so when they need medical attention, we want to find the most skilled and most reliable professionals. “As animal care standards continually increase, there is an additional need for veterinarians,” Dr. Tuttle says. And according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of veterinarians in the nation is expected to increase by 18% through 2026. This is great news for our pets as well. The more accessible veterinary care is, the better chance they have of making it through their next injury or illness that might have previously been a death sentence.
The Clinic Cat Got A Shirt, And He Won't Let Anyone Take It Off
My Cat Went To The Vet Today
Dylan, 11-Month-Old Norwegian Forest Cat. Our Vet Tech Carried Him Around The Office To See The Rest Of The Staff For Pets And Pictures. He Was Feeling Proud
Many vets also note how rewarding they find their careers. They are making a real difference in the lives of so many animals and humans, as most pet owners would be completely lost without their beloved animal babies. Lots of vets treat more than just pets though. Wildlife can often benefit from great veterinarians as well, as conservation is at the forefront of many vets' personal priorities. “With a mission to inspire people to care for and protect our ocean planet through conservation, education, and research, Mystic Aquarium is in line with my personal passions and philosophies,” Dr. Tuttle says.
This Sweet 10-Month-Old Girl Came In Friday With A Snake Bite. She Stayed This Happy The Entire Time Even Though It Was Very Painful For Her
A Vet In Catstantinople, Turkey
"That's right, hooman, I was a VERY good kitten today! Now write it down or be sure to check your shoes for surprises for the rest of your life."
The Vet Is Very Familiar With My Boxer. They Know He's Good Natured, So They Decided To Put A Cap On Him. They Sent Me This Picture
We hope you’re enjoying this list of wholesome and adorable moments from veterinarian clinics. We know your pets might not be thrilled the next time they have to visit the vet, but you can rest assured knowing that they are in loving, capable hands. Keep upvoting the pics that make you wish you had become a vet, and feel free to share any of your personal stories from working in or even just visiting vet clinics down below. Then if you’d like to check out our last article on the same topic, you can find more adorable pics of vets with their patients right here.
Always A Pleasure To Take Care Of Kenya
One Of My Favorite Parts Of Being A Vet Tech Is Getting To Hold Hands With The Kittens
My Dog Insisted On Keeping His Face Like This At The Vet. Was Mildly Sedated
Vet Had To Shave My Little Man's Legs And Ended Up Giving Him Boots With The Fur
Hammie Going For Checkup
Benjen Was Mean To The Vet, So They Suggested We Get Him Used To Being Swaddled. Now He's A Purrito
The Vet Called And Asked If They Could Use A Picture Of Our Cat For Marketing Purposes While He Was In For Dental Surgery. I Said Sure. Then They Sent The Picture
Side Pocket
Occasionally We Do Get To Play With Puppies
Bird Getting X-Ray And Being Held By Its Feathers
I See The Dogs And Cats In The Corners Of The Vet, And I Raise Our Cat, Yam. He Escapes Through The Trash Hole
My Aunt's Dog Got A Little Nervous During His Annual Checkup
Hiding From The Vet
World's Cutest Patient
A Veterinarian Helped A 12-Week-Old Parrot To Take A Flight Again After A "Severe Wing Trim" Left It Unable To Fly
The vet, named Catherine Apuli, made it happen by giving the bird a new pair of wing tips made from donated feathers.
While Waiting At A Bus Stop, A Bird Crashed Into A Nearby Window And Broke Its Wing. Thankfully, It Was A Veterinarian's Office
Cat Didn't Eat For 3 Days, Went To The Vet Where They Did An Ultrasound Only To Find A Belly Full Of The Neighbor's Cat's Food
Hedgehog Getting An X-Ray
My Aunt Works For A Vet And This Guy Was Booked In For A Check Up
“Well hi there, neighbor! Now I was just wondering if I could borrow an egg or two?”
Cheddar Was Drugged Up At The Vet The Other Day
Vet's Business
This Is How Vets Listen To Your Heart When You Weigh Five Grams
My Cat Was Being A Bit Of A Jerk At The Vet Today
Made My Day
My rabbit bamse dont really care when going to the vet, its the car ride he hates. We have not had a local vet that can check on non-big-farm animals since early 2000.
Sivi - rabbits live underground in the wild, so when they are somewhere where it is rattling and shaking their instincts tell them there's an earthquake, or some kind of danger like a predator digging at their tunnel or on the ground above them. If you can put your bunny;s cage on a big pile of blankets in the car, or pillows it might make him feel safer because he won't bounce around so much. Maybe that would help
Load More Replies...Old joke: What do you call a vet who can only treat one specie? A physician. Huge respect for everyone who has skills to heal others, but vets have all this different creatures as patients who also cannot tell them what happened or where it hurts.
Paeds are good with little creatures, behaving a little odd at times and not able to tell you were it hurts ... (guess my profession .... ;) )
Load More Replies...Kids are great, but I feel for you having to deal with some of the parents 😉
I always take new pups to the vet just to visit and get pets, use the scale in the waiting room, and get a treat from the jar on the counter. My dogs love the vet!
And I'm sure the staff loves that you get your dogs used to the clinic from the start. That's extremely helpful. Good job!
Load More Replies...Same vet clinic for 51 years so they're used to me just popping in whenever I have a new dog. Many pix of vet techs and office staff holding my puppies over the decades.
When I take my cat to a vet check, I use stress spray for my cat. It really works.
Never heard of that.... is it called Mary Jane in other circles?
Load More Replies...Is it the same ingredient in those diffusers with happy pheromones? What brand works for you? We foster cats, and anything that would help the nervous kitties is appreciated.
Our profession is kind of in a suicide crisis right now and a lot of us work insane hours for a horrible debt:income ratio but 'ooh wow it must be great to play with puppies and kittens all day' 🙄
My beagle loves the vet and all the staff. She whines and cries until the come into the room to see her. Doesn't care about shots or nail trims. She loves their attention.
After seeing all these pictures of non-happy patients, now I'm wondering how our dog and cat fared at the vet (50 years later). I know my cat didn't like the grooming part at the salon but my dog did - he always came back with ribbons and smelled like baby powder but the vet? No idea and my father has passed so I can't ask him how it went.
Yes! I love our vet, she explains things and really cares about her patients. Most physicians could take social skill lessons from her and vets like her!
Our vet is absolutely wonderful!! She is so well-loved that she has been unable to take on new patients for over 7+ years. There is a waiting list for when a spot does open. We, and our babies, are truly blessed!!!!
I can’t really take my cats to vets anymore. They are so expensive. The best vet around here shut down.
More posts like this. So tired of dumb stuff. Need more recognition of the good in the world. 👍😁
I have a dozen doctors doing a terrible job at "helping" me manage my chronic health conditions yet my diabetic dog's vet goes above & beyond. One day I went to get his insulin and the clinic had run out so she drove to another clinic 30 miles away to get it then delivered it to our home🥲 meanwhile, I sit in my doctor's office crying through a long explanation of my crippling symptoms and they say "your blood work is good, idk what you want me to do." Vets are amazing, I've only had one bad apple over the years, and it's the exact opposite with human doctors.
My rabbit bamse dont really care when going to the vet, its the car ride he hates. We have not had a local vet that can check on non-big-farm animals since early 2000.
Sivi - rabbits live underground in the wild, so when they are somewhere where it is rattling and shaking their instincts tell them there's an earthquake, or some kind of danger like a predator digging at their tunnel or on the ground above them. If you can put your bunny;s cage on a big pile of blankets in the car, or pillows it might make him feel safer because he won't bounce around so much. Maybe that would help
Load More Replies...Old joke: What do you call a vet who can only treat one specie? A physician. Huge respect for everyone who has skills to heal others, but vets have all this different creatures as patients who also cannot tell them what happened or where it hurts.
Paeds are good with little creatures, behaving a little odd at times and not able to tell you were it hurts ... (guess my profession .... ;) )
Load More Replies...Kids are great, but I feel for you having to deal with some of the parents 😉
I always take new pups to the vet just to visit and get pets, use the scale in the waiting room, and get a treat from the jar on the counter. My dogs love the vet!
And I'm sure the staff loves that you get your dogs used to the clinic from the start. That's extremely helpful. Good job!
Load More Replies...Same vet clinic for 51 years so they're used to me just popping in whenever I have a new dog. Many pix of vet techs and office staff holding my puppies over the decades.
When I take my cat to a vet check, I use stress spray for my cat. It really works.
Never heard of that.... is it called Mary Jane in other circles?
Load More Replies...Is it the same ingredient in those diffusers with happy pheromones? What brand works for you? We foster cats, and anything that would help the nervous kitties is appreciated.
Our profession is kind of in a suicide crisis right now and a lot of us work insane hours for a horrible debt:income ratio but 'ooh wow it must be great to play with puppies and kittens all day' 🙄
My beagle loves the vet and all the staff. She whines and cries until the come into the room to see her. Doesn't care about shots or nail trims. She loves their attention.
After seeing all these pictures of non-happy patients, now I'm wondering how our dog and cat fared at the vet (50 years later). I know my cat didn't like the grooming part at the salon but my dog did - he always came back with ribbons and smelled like baby powder but the vet? No idea and my father has passed so I can't ask him how it went.
Yes! I love our vet, she explains things and really cares about her patients. Most physicians could take social skill lessons from her and vets like her!
Our vet is absolutely wonderful!! She is so well-loved that she has been unable to take on new patients for over 7+ years. There is a waiting list for when a spot does open. We, and our babies, are truly blessed!!!!
I can’t really take my cats to vets anymore. They are so expensive. The best vet around here shut down.
More posts like this. So tired of dumb stuff. Need more recognition of the good in the world. 👍😁
I have a dozen doctors doing a terrible job at "helping" me manage my chronic health conditions yet my diabetic dog's vet goes above & beyond. One day I went to get his insulin and the clinic had run out so she drove to another clinic 30 miles away to get it then delivered it to our home🥲 meanwhile, I sit in my doctor's office crying through a long explanation of my crippling symptoms and they say "your blood work is good, idk what you want me to do." Vets are amazing, I've only had one bad apple over the years, and it's the exact opposite with human doctors.