32 Books That Are So Strange, You’ll Have To Read Them Just To Believe They’re Real
Buckle up, bookworms, because we're about to take you on a wild ride through the literary universe. Forget those dusty classics and predictable bestsellers—we've unearthed 32 books so bizarre, so mind-bending, and so downright peculiar that they'll leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about storytelling. These aren't your average page-turners either; they're literary oddities that will challenge your perceptions, ignite your imagination, and certainly induce fits of laughter! So free up some space on your shelves and let's get reading!
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Forget Everything You Learned In School. " The Book Of Unusual Knowledge" Is The Education You Never Knew You Needed
Review: "It's waaaaay thicker then I thought it would be but surprisingly very light! Love they sectioned the categories in chapters like "crime" "history" etc. I also like that I can literally just open the book at random and just start reading which is perfect for those odd 5-10minutes you need to kill." - Bunny
Your High School History Teacher Wouldn't Dare Tell You About The Wild Events In " On This Day In History Sh!t Went Down"
Review: "I bought this book for myself as a Christmas present because, as a James Fell fan since 2019, I knew I HAD to read it. I've read so many passages out loud to my partner he actually asked if he could read it after me... I've never seen this man seek out a book as long as I've known him! My only complaint is that some of my pages have started falling out. Not sure why, but thankfully I haven't physically lost any yet! In any case, worth EVERY penny." - Jamie Wolf
If there does have to be ads from amazon at least this list is more appropriate than some of the others!
" Hand Jobs For The Whole Family": A Hilarious Guide To... Well, We'll Let You Read It And Find Out!
Review: "This was a birthday gift for a friend that has everything yet want’s everything. He found it to be hilarious and the most memorable gift he received." - alex
Fascinated By The Macabre? " Morbid Curiosities: Collections Of The Uncommon And The Bizarre" Will Feed Your Dark Curiosity
Review: "I just want to say that it is an excellent book on the subject of people’s oddities collections. The information and the background of each is done well. The book quality is amazing. 👍" - Norrin Radd
Tired Of Toxic Positivity? " Disappointing Affirmations" Is The Brutally Honest, Refreshingly Funny Antidote You Need
Review: "Love this book so much! Discovered through the writers account on Instagram. I purchased this for my friend for his birthday, and it was the perfect gift! It is so funny, great conversation piece to have in your home-- it'll definitely make ya laugh and bring you joy lol after all, laughter is the best medicine :)" - LadyCookieLuck
Obsessed With True Crime Podcasts? " True Crime Activity Book For Adults" Will Let You Dive Deeper Into The Cases That Fascinate You
Review: "So many things to challenge true crime afficiandos, from Name the famous serial killer to “A to Z things that destroy crime scene evidence,” this book is great for adults who dig true crime and quirky, dark humor." - TamilynW
Chapter 12 - How to get away with murder. Chapter 13 - How to survive 20 yrs in prison
Think The Abcs Are Just For Kids? " K Is For Knifeball: An Alphabet Of Terrible Advice" Will Make You Reconsider
Review: "This book isnt exactly a children's book, but we definitely shared it with our infant child who loves reading books. The pages are vibrant so he seems to love this book too. Overall this book is hilarious! I ended up buying for a couple for my pregnant friends and their little ones even." - Amy F.
Looking For A Conversation Starter? " True Facts That Sound Like Bull$#*t" Will Make You The Life Of The Party
Review: "Bought this for my boyfriend as a joke-ish gift but we both love it. We read the "random fact of the day" over coffee 🤣" - TattooedNurse
Thinking Of Adopting A Cat? Read " How To Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting To Kill You" First (Just In Case)
Review: "I bought this for a friend who has a cat with an interesting personality. Before giving it to them, I read it first. It was much funnier and creative than I expected. Love the various chapters and content as well as the illustrations." - Angie N.
If a cat even LOOKS at you, it's plotting to kill you.
Make Your Bookshelf Great Again With The Addition Of " Beautiful Poetry By Donald Trump "
Review: "Very funny stuff, they take lines from Trumps speeches and turn them into poems. It's a great little book." - Buck Tucker
Unfortunately, many of his cult members would fail to realise it's satire and take it at face value :(
Warning: Reading " Crazy True Tales - A Funny Book For Adults" In Public May Cause Snorting, Wheezing, And The Occasional Outburst Of "No Way, That Actually Happened?!"
Review: "Good book. Great for reading. Words were in a straight line. Just kidding. It was very funny ,I enjoyed it very much. Can't wait to read more from this author." - tim hulsey
" The Field Guide To Dumb Birds Of North America": The Hilariously Snarky Guide To The Feathered Idiots In Your Backyard
Review: "I heard about this online and my husband and I joke about being birders despite knowing nothing about birds. This book interesting and funny. The pictures I added show a lot of thought was put into this with the drawings and labeling." - JS
Curious About The Origins Of Everyday Expressions? " Why Do We Say That? 101 Idioms, Phrases, Sayings & Facts!" Will Unlock The Secrets Of Our Language
Review: "My family had a great time reading out loud and challenging each other to guess where these crazy sayings came from. We say these every day without thinking about it. Would be great for a long car trip with the kids!" - mandynewshoes
Silent Letters Are Loud And Proud In " P Is For Pterodactyl: The Worst Alphabet Book Ever"
Review: "Saw this at someone's house and knew the premise, but it's such a great book. Having an 8 year old read it is quite entertaining and I of course learned a thing or two. This is great for kids, teens, and big people too!" - Giselle
Forget Bedtime Stories About Bunnies And Bears. It's Time For A New Kind Of Children's Book: " Mommy's Giant Melons". Just Make Sure The Kids Are Asleep First.
Review: "Absolutely adorable. This is so good. It’s funny and super truthful to how it is with giant melons 😂 Definitely something I will be sharing with friends. The illustrations are just perfect too!" - Rae Fisher
Mansplainers Beware! " Men To Avoid In Art And Life" Is Here To Expose Your Nonsense
Review: "I didnt laugh at all because each page has the harsh truth about what every single woman (or even man) has heard in their lifetime from random misogynists through satirical art memes. So no its not funny at all to me bc iTS A MEANINGFUL ENJOYABLE BRILLIANT read! Love it." - The Student
Ever Wondered What Aliens Think Of Our Human Rituals? " Strange Planet" Is Here To Offer A Hilarious And Surprisingly Insightful Glimpse
Review: "The perfect book does not exi...
This is literally the blueprint for a perfect book! It's super engaging and the characters that Nathan Pyle has created in his strange plan it makes me smile each and every day! He is truly doing the Lord's work out here in these streets! I love this book and I have recommended this book to all of my friends (all of whom have purchase this book). I can't wait for the next one that Nathan Pyle puts out congratulations sir you have officially created the perfect book!" - Amazon Customer
Move Over, Rumi. There's A New Poet In Town, And They're A Little Furrier. Discover The Literary Genius Of " I Could Pee On This: And Other Poems By Cats"
Review: "I received this as a birthday gift and I love it!!! As a dedicated cat owner, I found this relatable and funny. The stories in it will make you laugh and think about your own furry friend as you flip through it. The book itself is small and square, wrapped in a vinyl-like cover that looks great on a bookshelf. I continue to read through this any time I need a laugh. I love it and would 100% recommend it!!!!" - product buyer
" People Of Walmart Adult Coloring Book": Because Sometimes Reality Is Stranger Than Fiction
Review: "Gave as a white elephant gift for gift exchange along with the colored pencil set. Big hit! Looked like plain coloring book at first, once someone noticed its content it was laughter city and hit of the exchange." - DAVID CARR
Concerned Your Cat Might Be A Furry Little Anarchist? " How To Talk To Your Cat About Gun Safety" Offers Purr-Suasive Arguments They Can't Ignore
Review: "This book feels like a joke all around, but is written so seriously and well that it has changed my life. I bought it for my brother for the fun of it, but I read it all before giving it to him. It makes some excellent points, but the humor is throughout it all. Its not very long, but has pictures that fit with the reading well. Just fun and worth it." - Kyla
More curious aboiut the subtitle: "Abstinence, d***s, satanism and other dangers that threaten their nine lives". So... other cats?
If you're still skeptical, just ask the legions of devoted readers who have been captivated by these literary oddities. These books have a way of worming their way into your heart (and your mind) and leaving a lasting impression. So, are you ready to step outside your literary comfort zone?
Bored With Bedtime Stories? " The Book With No Pictures" Will Revolutionize Story Time With Its Hilarious Sounds And Nonsensical Words
Review: "My six year old is obsessed. He makes us read it every night without fail and laughs hysterically, and the falls asleep laughing to himself about “Boo Boo Butt”. And despite reading it nightly I also don’t mind it - it’s fun to read aloud and not a reasonable length. Would 100% recommend." - JSpike
Ryan has come so far after burning his cheese pita, committing corporate fraud & working at a bowling alley.
Love Music, Comedy, Or Just Plain Weirdness? " Weird Al: The Book" Will Tickle Your Funny Bone And Expand Your Mind
Review: "Too many critics write Weird Al off, thinking he only appeals to kids. They are wrong! Al's music is clever and very smart. This book does a great job of celebrating the wonder and heart that is Al. Worth it for any Weird fan." - Margie Kersey
the man belongs in the rock hall of fame. he has outlasted almost ALL of the bands that he parodied!
Philosophers Will Ponder, Theologians Will Debate, And You'll Just Laugh (And Maybe Cry A Little) At The Profound Absurdity Of " The Trouble With Being Born"
Review: "That's a compliment if you missed it. Both Pessoa and Cioran were quasars of originality working their way through earth in the late 1800's and 1900's. Earth is a rough assignment. They both took it on with an hilarious sly even side-eye golden humor. I thank both of them for passing though homo sapien incarnation." - J. Socrates
Cowabunga, Dudes! Get Your Pizza Fix With " The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza Cookbook"
Review: "My youngest son wants to open a pizzeria because of a group of characters he really likes. When I saw this book I was so excited. I grew up loving the TMNT!!! Some of the pizzas are really far out there. Some look really delicious and completely new combinations of flavors for me. Can't wait to get cooking. It's going to be totally awesome!" - Victor Vanyel
Therapy Is Expensive. " Exceptionally Bad Dad Jokes" Is Cheaper (And Arguably More Effective At Inducing Laughter)
Review: "My family loves dad jokes so this was a perfect gift for my dad. When he opened it he couldn't put it down. He was laughing so hard before he could say the jokes out loud. Yes, they are stupid and corny but that's why we love them!" - Dayna fennimore
I've definitely used that joke on Halloween in reference to a friend lol
Think The American Dream Is All Sunshine And Rainbows? " The Radium Girls: The Dark Story Of America's Shining Women" Will Expose The Toxic Truth
Review: "Absolutely loved this book. I had never heard about the radium girls until it came across my Amazon. I read it within a couple of days and it has left me with the urge to read more and learn more about them. I would love to visit the places it talks about in Ottawa. It has really gotten me in my feelings of how careless a company or any human being can be." - MAEGAN SHISLER
I read that book! My husband's grandmother was one of those girls, although not one of the ones featured in the book.
Forget Pinterest-Perfect Home Decor. " Crap Taxidermy" Is The Hilarious Ode To DIY Fails And Questionable Taste
Review: "I have this book on my coffee table to remind my cats what could happen if they don’t behave. This book does not work for that purpose. Absolutely worthless. My friends, however, enjoy it very much." - Jon
Think Unicorns Are All Rainbows And Sunshine? "unicorns Are Jerks: A Funny Adult Coloring Book Exposing The Cold, Hard, Sparkly Truth" Will Make You Grab Your Crayons And Vent
Review: "So informational! I used to think unicorns were nice and spread joy to everyone around them but now I see how wrong I was. After reading this book and coloring all the pictures I gained the courage to dump Franko, my unicorn ex. I had never realized how awful he was until reading this book. Would definitely recommend for anyone with a unicorn in their life. DON'T BE AFRAID TO GET RID OF THE UNICORN IN YOUR LIFE! YOU DESERVE BETTER!" - KittenCakes
From Finger Puppets To Catnip Mice, " Crafting With Cat Hair" Is The Purr-Fect Guide For Turning Fur Balls Into Works Of Art
Review: "I got this book as a gift for a friend, and she loved it! It’s a great coffee table book, as it sparks some interesting conversation! There’s lots of funny pictures, and any cat lover is sure get a kick out of it." - Kayla
Think You Know All There Is To Know About America? " Weird But True! USA" Will Make You Question Everything
Review: "Bought to add to my 4th grade class library- my students are obsessed with these Weird But True books and love sharing the surprising facts they learn from them! Highly recommend!" - Jessica Brackett
Lisa Frank Fans From The 90s Will Shudder At The Sight Of " 5 Very Good Reasons To Punch A Dolphin In The Mouth (And Other Useful Guides) "
Review: "This book is a great addition to any Oatmeal fans! I got this for a friend and he loved it; it was his type of humor!! When my bf saw the book, he quickly bought one as well! The humor is pretty quirky and unexpected and provides more than a few chuckles. This is a great coffee table book or even a bathroom novel. I plan to get the other books by The Oatmeal! :)" - Spammedhamm
A dolphin actually gave me a black eye when I was 19... I *need* this book.
Think Toilet Time Is Wasted Time? " Things To Do While You Poo On The Loo" Will Make Your Bathroom Breaks The Highlight Of Your Day
Review: "This is the perfect gag gift. Everyone in the room laughed when it was opened up. What a great gag gidt for your family, spouse or friends. The paperback is kinda flimsy but hey its a gag gift. You dont need perfect quality. Just a good sense of humor." - Penelope Molenburg