Wife Decides To Throw A Vasectomy Party To Celebrate Her Husband’s Selfless Act, And It’s Hilarious
For many guys the thought of having a vasectomy is just horrifying. Who wants somebody poking around down there with sharp objects? Just the word ‘snip’ is enough to make you shudder.
That’s why Washington State mom Kimberly Hemperly was both proud and grateful to her husband Jason for making the decision to have a vasectomy. “I really just wanted to show my support and appreciation to my husband for doing what he did, because not many men offer to go under the knife, “ she told Bored Panda. “The procedure is much harder for the woman, and since I’ve had 2 C-sections with rough recoveries, he ‘took one for the team.’ It’s pretty cool of him to do something like this for me.”
In order to show her appreciation for this chivalrous act she did exactly what any grateful partner with an amazing sense of humour would do: throw a genital-themed party. From meatballs and sausages, to seeds and extra tender beef jerky, the pun potential of the situation was gloriously realised, with the custom made T-shirts for Jason and the kids a nice added touch.
“My husband was surprised by the party. He didn’t know I was planning anything until he got home from work Sunday. He thought it was thoughtful, caring and of course hilarious,” She told us.
Her small but hilarious gesture has resonated with many people, her post has gone viral with 50k shares so far. Perhaps it will inspire a few guys to do likewise and bite the bullet – a short, non-invasive procedure that takes only a few days recovery isn’t much to ask in comparison to, for example, many years of hormone-altering birth control pills.
Jason has since undergone surgery and seems to be doing just fine. Kimberly told Bored Panda: “He only just had the procedure today, so he’s still in the beginning stages of recovery. So far the frozen pea hands are working out perfect!”
“He was nervous about it and he’s in some pain, but says it’s not really that big of a deal. Although that could be the pain meds talking!”
Kimberly and her family certainly weren’t expecting such a response to her post, but seem to taking the attention in their stride. “Our daughter doesn’t really understand what’s going on, I’m sure this will make for a great story when they’re both older,” She said. “Since the post went viral I’d say the majority of the feedback has been positive. A lot of people found the humour in the story, which is why I shared it to begin with.”
Washington State mom Kimberly Hemperly was both proud and grateful to her husband Jason for making the decision to have a vasectomy
In order to show her appreciation for this chivalrous act she did exactly what any grateful partner with an amazing sense of humour would do: throw a genital-themed party
From meatballs and sausages, to seeds and extra tender beef jerky, the pun potential of the situation was gloriously realised
The custom made T-shirts for Jason and the kids were a nice added touch
“My husband was surprised by the party. He didn’t know I was planning anything until he got home from work Sunday. He thought it was hilarious”
“Since the post went viral I’d say the majority of the feedback has been positive. A lot of people found the humour in the story, which is why I shared it to begin with”
Jason has since undergone surgery and seems to be doing just fine!
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