You'd be surprised to learn just how many useless things there are in the observable universe. While there is the potential of anything and everything being actually useless, we have to be thankful that not anything and everything really is. But you never know how close humanity is teeter-tottering near that territory.

Whatever the case, there is one thing that is certainly absolutely useless and that is the red circle around anything that is just too obvious to not notice. Maybe you can interpret that it's there for the folks who are of questionable intellect to an extreme degree, but I digress.

There is actually an entire community dedicated to pointing out the uselessness of the red circle in the form of a subreddit very appropriately called r/uselessredcircle that points out all the red circles that are... you get the point.

More Info: Useless Red Circles


My Mom Sent Me This Meme. I Love Her But Goddamn

My Mom Sent Me This Meme. I Love Her But Goddamn

karakat2005 Report


The Circle’s Purple, But

The Circle’s Purple, But

bsoyka Report

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karentetrault avatar
Zoey Rayne
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

To be fair, depending on genetics and health issues, some people need a lot more than a gym membership to lose weight, and some people will never be as thin as society's ideal.

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oh_bummer Report

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vikrant-talponkar avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's not a food chain, it's a food mesh.. anything goes!!

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The subreddit was created back in late 2017 by Redditor u/Teekeks, with whom Bored Panda got in touch for an interview, after seeing a video of a borderline car crash (more like truck, and not really a crash, more of a stunt-filled near-accident... I am getting really off track here) and a subsequent comment thread that followed it.

Don’t worry, everyone involved in the supposed accident was fine, but what was not fine was what one of the commenters called “the single most useless indication circle I have ever seen.” And if you see it, you’ll understand the magnitude of that comment.


Thanks For Circling! Wouldn't Have Seen It Otherwise

Thanks For Circling! Wouldn't Have Seen It Otherwise

AMiniMinotaur Report

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southon avatar
Bobert Robertson
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's a compliment and a burn all in one....I've.. I've never seen this before and I love it

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The subreddit is rather straightforward with its presentation and the bulk of its content. The description pretty much says it all: “for images or videos where something obvious got highlighted with a red circle or outline.”

But simplicity is often a cause for people to challenge themselves and to dive deeper into the crux of things, explore the vast unknown and unexpected... which is another great subreddit, but I digress.

Because it’s not just about a useless red circle. It’s also the emphasis on how ridiculous the whole situation is. It’s about finding all red circles, both artificial and natural, those found in the wild on bottles and Xboxes. It’s meta on another level. (This is besides the content around the circles.)

This is where Redditor wit knocks it up a notch (or several) and creativity begins. Ultimately, after a few scrolls, you’ll start noticing red circles everywhere, possibly snapping a pic and uploading it to the subreddit. You see what it does to you?!


Ah Yes, I Almost Missed That

Ah Yes, I Almost Missed That

Moses2SandyKoufax Report

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professormcgonagallminerva avatar
Stardust she/her
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well if you’re in a poly or open relationship then I guess it might work for everyone

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8226 Report

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vikrant-talponkar avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That too, with correct spelling! Not like Valydictoriann or something..

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Another One For Yall

Another One For Yall

_CHXPO_ Report

When the majority of subreddits have specific rules for what content they allow, this one keeps it self-explanatory and fairly liberal.

“Ideally, [the post] is something a user found with a useless highlight somewhere in the wild, but just crossposts from other subreddits and some self-created memes that follow the topic are also allowed (as long as they don’t get out of hand in post frequency),” explained Teekeks.

This in turn also allows for some meta humor, i.e. the aforementioned red bottle rings and Xbox rings of death. But in moderation, as explains Teekeks: “Those kinda posts can be quite fun and a change from the usual topic of the subreddit. But the problem with those is that people tend to go overboard and I end up with 20-30 exactly identical new posts that all are just of that meme kind from time to time.”


High School To... What?

High School To... What?

benhasgay Report

See Also on Bored Panda

She Even Printed Them In Colour

She Even Printed Them In Colour

Blithe17 Report


I Don't Need A Circle To Tell Me Where The Moon Is

I Don't Need A Circle To Tell Me Where The Moon Is

varungupta3009 Report


Dad Asks Me To Buy Lamps From IKEA

Dad Asks Me To Buy Lamps From IKEA

yosemite78atreddit Report

Speaking of the community, it grew rapidly in the 6 years since its founding, now amounting to 177,000 members posting useless red (and other-colored) circles around very obvious things.

“The community consists mostly of people who just want to share their funny pictures they found and people discussing the topic of the post itself. I try to keep the discussion as open as possible, while also not allowing bigotry,” elaborated Teekeks.


Instagram Is On A Whole Other Level

Instagram Is On A Whole Other Level

saint_karel Report


Useless Thumbnail

Useless Thumbnail Report

See Also on Bored Panda

I Already Knew It Was The Olympics After The First Four Circles. Completely Unnecessary

I Already Knew It Was The Olympics After The First Four Circles. Completely Unnecessary

Scooter_McGavin_ Report

For context, Reddit is the ideal place for niche communities like r/uselessredcircle. If you ever wonder just how much more niche Reddit can get with communities like this, the short answer is very. Enjoy seeing people pop a lawn bubble? Check. Random tree things? Check. Placing random items on house cats? Check. Birds with arms instead of wings? Check.

The more I look, the wilder it gets, so you get the point. And r/uselessredcircle fits perfectly in this wild ecosystem of curiosity begetting the bizarre begetting new heights in content of the internet. And the best part? You can’t stop looking at it.

So keep on looking further by visiting the subreddit here. But before you do that, why not leave us a comment about everything that happened in this article in the comment section below!

See Also on Bored Panda

Wow This Red Circle Really Made My Xbox Useless

Wow This Red Circle Really Made My Xbox Useless

Agent_Jenkins Report

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davidhenry_2 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No, you do not go posting this f*****g pic without a thousand trigger warnings 😭

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Note: this post originally had 36 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.