People On This Group Are Sharing Examples Of ‘Urban Hell’ That Look Like A Dystopian Movie But Are Sadly Real (40 Pics)
Not every building is as beautiful as the Palace of Versailles. Or blends into its surroundings as well as the Macallan Distillery. On the contrary, there are many structures across the world looking like outcasts that will fall apart during the next storm. In some places, they aren't isolated examples, either — even an entire neighborhood can be an abomination. And you can find them on r/UrbanHell.
It's a photography subreddit of "all the hideous places human beings built or inhabit." The online community invites everyone who wants to explore the darker side of the cities, towns, and villages in our shared world and welcomes any photos which show either ugliness, or a problem in urban development. Rural and suburban nightmares are also allowed.
Below you will find a collection of pics that perfectly describe what this subreddit is all about.
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The Annual Monsoon Ritual Of Mumbai's Ocean Giving Back What Has Been Dumped In It
If only nature could actually give back all the trash to us, maybe we will see the damage we are doing :(
Hong Kong Street Life
About half of the global population already lives in cities, and by 2050, two-thirds of the world's people are expected to live in urban areas. But as you can see from some of the photos in r/UrbanHell, in cities, two of the most pressing problems facing the world today also come together: poverty and environmental degradation.
Bad urban development isn't just ugly aesthetics. It's also poor air and water quality, insufficient water availability, waste-disposal problems, and high energy consumption, all of which are exacerbated by the increasing population density and demands of urban environments. Strong city planning is essential in managing these and other difficulties as the world's urban areas grow.
New Delhi - During Lockdown vs. Now
For a few months earth took a breath, then humans came back with a vengeance :(
Hong Kong
Beirut Port
Some of the biggest problems caused by urbanization are:
- Intensive urban growth can lead to greater poverty, with local governments unable to provide services for all people;
- Concentrated energy use. It leads to greater air pollution with a significant impact on human health;
- Automobile exhaust produces elevated lead levels in urban air;
- Large volumes of uncollected waste create multiple health hazards;
- Urban development can magnify the risk of environmental hazards such as flash flooding;
- Pollution and physical barriers to root growth promote loss of urban tree cover;
- Animal populations are inhibited by toxic substances, vehicles, and the loss of habitat and food sources.
Uae Nad Al Sheba III Neighborhood
It's Baffling How Fast It Changes
Mumbai, India
yep, that's how Trump likes it. He's in his gold-covered chair, you're dying at his feet.
Solutions might include:
- Combat poverty by promoting economic development and job creation;
- Involve local community in local government;
- Reduce air pollution by upgrading energy use and alternative transport systems;
- Create private-public partnerships to provide services such as waste disposal and housing;
- Plant trees and incorporate the care of city green spaces as a key element in urban planning.
Ultimately, cities can bring us obstacles and opportunities as well as freedom and captivity, and it's up to us to get the most out of them.
People Offering Prayers At River Yamuna, India, Which Is Frothing From Industrial Waste
And none of these fools has the sense to even consider that bathing in industrial waste speeds up your reincarnation process.
Hotel In Łodz, Poland
Its not a nuclear cooling tower. It is for a heating, electric and hotwater generating plant ( TETS in Russian) most are coal or gas powered and that is for releasing steam.
An Interesting Perspective I've Stumbled Upon In Macau A Year Ago
The difference between the have's and the have not's, in one photo.
Petare, Venezuela
Before And After A Desert Is Turned Into A Soulless Suburb Of A Desert. Jk, Its A Single Photo Of Arizona
The water waste hurts. Why do you want lawns in a desert? If you want green lawns, move to England (no offense, England. You have the rainfall, is all.)
I'm from England. No problem. Am typing this with one hand so I can hold my umbrella in the other.
Load More Replies...For y’all wondering why we have grass in the desert: 1) It’s safer than dirt, gravel, and concrete for kids to play on. Especially during the summer in Phoenix when it’s 115F outside. That s**t burns. True story. 2) Protects paws when our doggos and kitties need to go outside during the summer. Again, 115F burns. 3) It helps detect and deter scorpions as they like to hide under rocks and in dark places. * With all that being said, Arizona does have a couple native species of grass that require minimal water. Kinda like a cactus. Most cities in the Phoenix metro area offer grey water irrigation. I irrigate every other month from March to November and my grass stays green.
They also have natural wildlife that I'm sure benefits from plants
Load More Replies...The lowest temperatures there are already around 95 F this early in the year, with the outside being literally unlivable most of the time. Arizona is not a place man was meant to inhabit.
Man has been living in Arizona long before Jesus was born. The Native Americans pioneered sustainable agriculture practices that are still used today.
Load More Replies...Why is ist allowed to have lawns which are in need of massive watering in the middle of a f*****g desert? This is insane..
We lived in Tucson AZ for 15 years. We didn't see many lawns there. Phoenix has more lawns, and higher humidity. In all that heat ...
Load More Replies...Urban nightmare? Large spacious homes, private yards, swimming pools... Anywhere but in the middle of a desert, I'd say it's what people used to dream of.
I believe the land to the left of the picture is a Native American reservation but I could be wrong. I'm pretty sure I've seen this picture in other lists on Bored Panda
Why? Why do you think it's a reservation? Do you think that the people living on the reservation don't take care of their land? It's probably not. It's just undeveloped land.
Load More Replies...When my husband and I were in the States in 2012, the first "outlandish" thing I came across was the loo at Los Angeles airport! It was full of water when I stepped into the cubicle. "OMG, it's blocked!!" A quick glance outside the door showed that there were no other loos available and I was busting! "Okay, I'll have to brave it and run before it pours over the top!" Flushed automatically - another shock - and the whirlpool took it all away! Here in Australia, we use a minimum of water to flush, but in the USA they allow the toilets to fill with water as soon as they are emptied! No wonder there is a huge shortage.
Oddly swimming pools are way worse. Most toilets in the US since I think the early 2000s have to be low-flow. The bowl looks full but that's your water. A couple liters a flush, rather than the old 3-5 gallon jobs.
Load More Replies...Brain..hurts… the neighborhood on the bottom left has no exit? Or am I not seeing it
"souless suburb" is the left's way of judging the fact that people still desire the American dream, with a home of their own and backyard... This modern engineering that allows us to build in the desert is a remarkable achievement. Don't choose it if you don't want it. But stop judging.
I guess it must be fun in the heat, wasting precious electricity on AC that doesn't work, wasting future generations' water. But hey. You do you 🤷
Load More Replies...The left is an Indigenous reservation. "Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Reservation/Suburb, Scottsdale, Arizona, 2011” illustrates changes development reaps: The reservation at the left shows a barren, brush-filled expanse, a huge contrast to the crammed suburb, packed with curvy streets, cul de sacs, homes and pools."
As an AZ native, PLEASE if the one on the right is what you desire, we don't CARE how much money you have, go BACK to California! And STAY OUT!
They sell fake grass and paint rocks green. If you want grass move to Oregon or somewhere. I live in Arizona on 3.5 acres. We got alot of rain (less than 10 days) in 2021 so I had alot of weeds grow and tree saplings. In 2020 I got no rain so many of my trees just feel over with the small roots exposed. I had a 20 ft almond tree blow away somewhere. I have no irrigation but I do fill my kiddle pools daily for my ducks and chickens and geese and use the old water for plants. Its probably not the best place for ducks but I love them so much. I just hope we dont his 119 degrees like last year when I lost six chickens that I loved so much. Its only going to get worse each year. I notice weather changes each year since I work outside.
Those are trees. 99% of yards in Phoenix are colored gravel or pools. Only a very few plots of land have grass or gardens
arizona real estate went insane, everyone moving out of california and las vegas
My fellow liberal-progressives: Stop building that housing!!! Also them: Why's there no affordable housing!?!?! And I grew up in a place some would call a 'soulless suburb of Columbus, Ohio,' but in our home in our 'soulless suburb' we had warm gatherings, holiday dinners, birthdays, graduations and funerals and all kinds of memories. The people who live in those houses in this picture probably wouldn't say they live in a 'soulless' community. And are you, my oh-so-precious-fellow-progressives automatically interesting b/c you live in an urban loft or urban something or other? That doesn't mean you're necessarily worthy or interesting.
I understand the undeveloped portion is a Native American reservation.
This much better use of land than to destroy fertile land that should be used for farming etc
If you zoom in you can see that most of the yards are actually rocks with trees. I grew up in Arizona and rarely did anyone have grass in their front yard.
Idk this doesn't bother me. Maybe it should. I don't know why desserts are important to maintain
What I want to know is, what's wrong with the other side of the street?
most all of the green in the images are native trees that require no additional water. Many times they are thorn trees too. The rest of the landscape for areas like this is usually some kind of succulent or rocks. These areas are basically regreening the desert through active planting of sustainable local vegetation.
Respectfully, I doubt it is sustainable due to drought seasons. Also, AC tends to be on constantly in order to avoid heatstroke, so no going outside most of the time, and no saving electricity. More sweating means more bathing, which wastes water. I have lived in very hot places before, by the way.
Load More Replies...This suburb looks quite nice. And as an added bonus, you can easily take walks into the wilderness just outside your house :)
Should have left it a desert. God, this is ugly and I know people who live there.
Some of that is astroturf. At least it was where I lived in the desert in NM. The unis and govt used astro and most of the peeps used xenoscaping or astro
Some Native plants in AZ are very green, eg., the Palo Verde (Spanish for green) trees. And, certain parts of the desert will be vibrant with color during monsoon season. Hills orange and green with California poppies. But I do agree that most lawns are wasteful unless very thoughtfully planned. As some people have stated, some homes and some communities utilize grey water. That’s what my family used when I was growing up in AZ.
My husband and built a beautiful home in this neighbourhood in AZ. My husband had lived in AZ before. I’m not a desert person. I have to have trees, real, not man made lakes, desert landscaping (rocks). Then we took a look around and realised they were going to build all the way out into the hills. That was 2004. Look at it now. They tore down orange and lemon groves, flower fields to do this. We sold the house at a profit and moved away and I am so happy we did.
I actually like this photo..... Idk the US,but wow....Arizona sure has a lot of green and trees and looks very tidy/planned....
Spots shouldn’t be so crammed and over developed.. leave some natural area in between the housing smh! Destruction of nature!
at least were finding ways to use the giant pit of sand. it does not to much environmental damage in general because the desert is big and it not inhabited by many creatures
Ah, Arizona. Where the sun is too hot and people continue to be idiots like everywhere else on this planet,
It is sad that development has shifted from urban neighborhoods with high density residences, with stores, parks, and restaurants within walking distance to sprawling subdivisions that require people to drive everywhere. and they are not even natural, peaceful, or pretty. No green space.
Good point!! Why the heck are they trying to keep their lawns green when Lake Powell is drying up??? Their main source of fresh water is at it’s lowest of all time, and they have to have green lawns??? FOOLS!!! Tucson has sand lawns!! That’s what makes sense for the desert!!!
I see a lot of trees and maybe bushes, can't see lawns. Maybe too far away.
I'm from the burbs. It looks a lot nicer than the barren dirt on the left!
That’s, horrible. I bet people fight to not be on the left side of the car
I watched it happen in Las Vegas visiting from 1980- 2010. All the surrounding land is developed to the mountains. Before there was a huge circle of desert with all the wildlife. Burros, roadrunners! Wil E Coyote … beepbeep
Anyone have the backstory on why they haven't developed the other side? Guess I'll look it up in Google lens.
I don't think the future looks very promising in this part of world with no water
A before and after would look somewhat like this. I saw it happen. It was so fast.
Wait a few years, the trees will be covering most of the homes. The right side will be around 30 degrees cooler on the hottest days. The changes the urban forest will bring to the desert nextdoor will also be amazing, bringing in plants and animals in abundance due to the perspiration of the trees. Look at Phoenix or Vegas.
Yes, the place before had a character. Now it is a cookie-cutter eastshore suburb forced upon the desert. Complete detachment from reality and violence to the nature.
Why does anyone want a lawn, period ? The rolling prairie was way more beautiful
Well, look at the picture before this one, and you’ll appreciate why some people want to live in a desert!!
Like that one of New York with the street dissecting central park and the city
Eh, don't worry, they can just keep draining the Colorado River to water their bright green foliage.
Most yards are covered with plain or colored gravel because you usually cannot afford the water payment to water the lawns! I lived there 30 years and I left because I love green terrain and tons of the green trees!
Iam Suprised, Australia hasn't done that, l guess more people in America, l see it from a plane. How bare Australia is inland 🇦🇺😁
Oh, that's Camelback mountain viewed from the northeast. That's frightening, and I have relatives that live near there, although not in that type of soulless, crammed subdivision, thank heavens
If they are using AC instead of swamp coolers, they're devouring electricity at an enormous rate.
Besides the heat, the other HUGE reason I will never live in central Arizona despite it being where my grandchildren reside: EVERYTHING is khaki, olive drab or adobe orange YEAR ROUND. I much prefer the ever-changing greenery on and above the ground here in Utah.
This country has sold itself a constant repetition of The American Dream being a “Home of your own”! It’s not fair to then look at a place like this and call it SOULLESS....those are all dreamers in those houses, and to them, getting out of a city was important. The environment pays for follies like this, but people get their dreams!
I’m sure with a little bit of research planners could design environment appropriate gardens.
At least in this one it's greener in urban hell than the pristine land is. Yes, I'm trying the glass half full approach.
Hmmm have you thought about the necessary irrigation? That will empty that half full glass pretty quickly
Load More Replies...The thing is, with the greenery, is that urbanization creates oxygen in places that never used to create any. Is this good or bad? Is oxygen a greenhouse gas? Maybe not. Maybe making more oxygen is good.
We need to fix the oceans, stop polluting it with toys, chemicals, and cheap fragile items. The oceans are more important than even the rainforest. Also, as someone who lived in a very hot state, people can't go outside most of the time due to weather. While inside buildings or cars, AC must run 24/7. Are these ACs solar powered? If not, it is a part of the problem.
Load More Replies...I spent about 10 minutes going over the picture on the right at the highest magnification I can coax out of my laptop. I couldn't find a single solar panel. Here they've got an inexhaustible resource....the sun.....and no one is using it. I was in Colorado a couple of times in the last 6 months. Same thing, Very few solar panels. We are idiots.
Why would they build a city in a desert? The US has plenty of land with water.
Stop trying to make deserts green!! Ffs! and people wonder why we can't make due with the Colorado river during drought.
Doing the same thing in Las Vegas. Greedy politicians and greedier developers are destroying the desert. I shouldn't talk but we DID move her in 1963 originally.
Traditionally people would settle near sources of water and towns and cities grew around major rivers. Why build a city in the middle of the desert where water is needed for drinking, cooking, bathing and manufacture and where the desert is constantly creeping in on the edges of the city? Los Angeles relies on water from melted snow in the Sierra mountains and the main river bed is usually dry.
We have the same problem in Vegas. Destroying the desert as other cities have over priced the ability to live in them.
Sadly Arizona and the people there will be without water before they know it! So much for our acres of produce that come from there...will expire before they know it!
I'd like to see another photo after they shut off the Lake Mead/Hoover Dam water this year due to drought. Absolutely no planning. . .!
The second reason I won't move back the AZ. The first is the heat and dryness. The second is the environmental degradation brought about by all the crazies who "love" the heat.
And they want air conditioning cause,well, they live at the desert, don't they? And it's hot, isn't it? So they pollute the atmosphere with excess of humidity plus combustión gases to keep electric centrals working to supply power for air conditioning... And so on...
And the water is coming from a river that is so being drained by this that downstreams a new desert is forming. The American way of life...
Looks like where I live. Nothing but houses, very little shopping. Having to drive 10 miles to decent stores. Not incorporated and people don't want to be incorporated because taxes...At the same time, locally we have 2 tire stores and 2 car washes. HOA says no front lawns, desert plants only but backyards, do what you want. Water is going to be a huge problem in AZ. Get some water from Central Arizona Project but not a lot.
People move to AZ to escape their allergies, among other things. Then they plant all the things they were fleeing in the first place.
You don't HAVE to move to England to have green grass. I live in the Midwest and we have TONS of it. It's green everywhere...grass, trees, bushes, etc. I'm not sure about how many states have the right Temps, sunlight, soil, etc., to grow grass. But, I can tell you I've been to 22 of the 48 continental states, and you don't quit seeing grass and trees until the western side of Colorado. I haven't traveled to many northern or eastern states, but know enough that have a lot of natural greenery. Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, Nebraska, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Ohio, and parts of Texas have TONS of natural green vegetation!! It's everywhere...you just have to leave the West, more specifically the SW!!
Sorry…. But,does the Great Country Think about water etc in the middle of the desert,when they say ; Hey,lets build a Nice Oase out in the midlle of No Where….Bravo!!!
It's all USA, the left is Native land, the right is gringos.
Load More Replies...Not A Very Romantic Scene
Blame your government’s. This is their fault . They buy rubbish from countries and do not dispose of it correctly.
Naples, Italy
People Living Next To A Helicoidal Street In Chongqing
Kowloon Peninsula, Hong Kong. Comparison Of 1964 - 2016.
Electrical Wiring And Water Pipes In A Brazilian Favela
Johannesburg, South Africa
Literally, Just Thanksgiving Traffic In La
Private Houses On The Roof Of An Eight-Story Mall In Zhūzhōu, China
Cairo, Egypt
Downtown Seattle, In The Heart Of The Retail District
I don't understand how the US can have money to make bombers but not to help citizens who need help.
Progressive Insurance's Call Center
Hyderabad, India
Ghost City In China, Made To Be A Replica Of Paris - Tianducheng
All Residents Of Whittier, Alaska Live Inside One Building
Manila, Philippines
One More Lane Will Fix It
In my country the biggest highway is 3 lanes. No city has more than 3 lanes. And we consider it an achievement. I am amazed at this picture honestly!
Somewhere In Brazil In The 90's
@WilvanderHeidjen They absolutely are homeless. They are squatting in a utilities access cabinet.
Baghdad Between Then And Now!
Billionnaire Vijay Mallya's Mansion Atop A Skyscraper In Bangalore, India
The Capital Of California
Dubai, The Hollow City Of Artificiality
Chongqing, China
Jake: How often does the train go by? Elwood: So often you don't even notice it.
Mirny In Siberia, Russia
All of those houses and infrastructure was built die to that mine . It’s still a working mine right now . Giving ppl jobs homes lives
Ah, Good Old Car Culture...
This is not an urban nightmare (whichever you're reffering to). Also, it's like comparing a clouds and grapes
Block 23, New Belgrade, Serbia
At least they have friendly neighbours. My neighbor wouldn’t take my washing in . 😆
16-Lane Highway Built Through The Downtown Where A Market Square Used To Be In Moscow, Russia
Again context is great. This was done to facilitate troop movements quickly in and out of the capital which proved vital in WWII as the soldiers from Siberia crossed Red Square in the May Day parades and went straight to the front lines to repel the Nazis. The French similarly built huge boulevards in Paris to facilitate troop movements and to keep people from being able to build barricades, which is a French national tradition.
Nobody: Southwest Us Developers:
We urgently need to take better care of our planet.... Birth control and a ban on plastic sound like a good start
May the gods in all their wisdom give you no children but many attempts at making them :,-)
Load More Replies...Some posts are tragic and a lot are just "I've lived this great life so I can decide anything not idyllyc is hell." Which is just like kicking the terrible photos in the teeth. Urban living has metropolis solutions, which is hardly a hell in most of these photos.
wow ... if you find these few photos "downright terrifying" you need to avoid ANY walkabouts in the USA for the next 50yrs, because that is bound to give you an out-right stroke instantaniously
Load More Replies...So many of these images indicate just how jam-packed our world is becoming, especially cities. The overwhelming problem (and all of the world's problems, including global warming) stem from overpopulation. While the deniers will down-vote me, there's an incredibly eye-opening and brilliantly well written thriller novel called 10:59 by N R Baker that contains so many terrifying facts about this issue. It's not my book, so not a self-promo, but I highly recommend that every human on Earth reads it if our species has any chance of survival.
Better for cities to be jampacked than jungles be ransacked for space.
Load More Replies...A lot of these are not "urban hell", they are poverty and decay hell. And those things don't look prettier in the countryside.
Too many comments from narrow-minded people who pass judgement on a place based on a single photograph and have never seen it in person. You all need to travel more and see for yourself rather than through the lens of someone else's opinion/perspective.
There are pictures here of pollution, homelessness, and poverty. These are important problems we need to fix. But this article seems to suggest that living in apartment buildings and suburban developments are equally bad. People have to live somewhere and holiday traffic is a first world problem. And keep in mind, country dwellers, if we all moved to you, you would end up living in a crowded city.
As someone who's been to multiple 3rd world countries, believe me traffic is not a first world problem. Just looks different.
Load More Replies...Hmmm…. Interesting. Not one of the actual largest slums (all in Asia) but a lot of people judging places they have never been…. Just interesting.
To her fair works did nature link The human soul that through me ran; And much it grieved my heart to think What man has made of man. -William Wordsworth
A lot of these images are of one street or location in one city, so it's unfair to judge. Some of the issues raised are not the fault of urbanisation, people have to live somewhere, if not in the cities then where, but down more forward for land? Over population, it's easy to say don't have children when you're in a first world country with health care, social support and child life expectancy is high! What I'm saying is we shouldn't be too quick to judge!
I can think of one very effective way to avoid having children. But the irony is that the places where kids suffer most, are the places where people have the most kids.
Load More Replies...And let’s be frank. We can sit here and discuss how appalled we are, or, we can stand up and do something to make this planet a little better. Just imagine 7 billion random acts of kindness at the same time.
How are a bunch of random acts of kindness going to solve overcrowding and pollution?
Load More Replies...I'm stunned they left off two of the most horrific: the Johannesburg Tower slum (which was supposed to be a modern miracle, but, well), and the Divis Flats in near Belfast in Northern Ireland. Most of the Divis Flats have been torn down (I think the tower is still standing).
I quit after 4 or 5 pictures. It just made me ill to think & see how so many poor people have to survive. AND how so many rich people do live.
Just makes me think more that we don’t enjoy life anymore. Just work and more work.
We just going to continue being gaslighted and go with the lost flow? Elites won't get the fury of justice all we can say it "birth control" "we must take better care of the earth" etc. Really that's all? Force the injection? Never the government that are governed by companies. Never the shells, coca-colas, P&Gs, Nestless? No? We take the blame and the iron first of tyranny but we do nothing. Come on people. This is not conspiracy that ship has sailed this is real scary life realise it becaue your ignorant minds are costing us all on this ONE earth we have.
it’s depressing how many people really think we’re the culprits. brainwashing goes deep. definitely see who’s putting this idea in our heads.
Load More Replies...So all corporate and elite Gov will never be judged as humans we will bare the blame? People, us, are the ones callin on birth control and adding to the maddness to control human life. What about absolute power control? Why cant the monsantos, BP's, Shells, coca-colas, governments, monopolies get the rage of justice???? Why are we so accepting of all this GASLIGHTING? Because conspiracy is too easy of an escape than to admit that it's real life and our HOME Earth is being RUN into the ground by elitists families and close friends. Divided and concurred. Votes continue, consumption continue, we just continue until a brave magician comes and wipes it all away while we just get to sit, relax and watch? STAND UP FOR YOUR SELVES this complacency is killing us all all they do is stack up the bodies. Are we so scared to loose convenience?
I love all the typical BP finger-wagging on this post. I'd like to know how many of you have given up your nice suburban homes and sterilized yourselves to solve the population problem. Or do you just come here to virtue signal and think that suffices?
I feel like this wouldn’t be happening if an entire generation wasn’t so keen on making everyone have kids, even if they didn’t want them
Accurate. Biggest problems are in east Asia and very much India.
Load More Replies...The biggest offenders of urban hell in North America is the endless parking lots in the commercial areas of the suburbs. There is zero sense of community in these car dependent areas. Where do people go to gather and have fun? It's depressing.
Ik this is gonna get downvotes.... but the order and artificiality of some of them bring happiness to my mind. I'm not sure why. I do agree its horrible, i just like looking at it since it's already here.
no that’s fine, outside of the reality of how gross and terrible it is, there’s a pattern that many find calming. kinda reminds me of computer boards.
Load More Replies...All these people need to be able to see things through different people's eyes
I agree with this-cleaning up and taking better care of our home is more urgent than ever now. Because we're very close to the point of no return if not already. I read an article about records in the Arctic circle being shattered. 118 degrees. Sad!!! Our glaciers are nearly wiped out now.
These are all terrifying reality. During the heigh of COVID-19, we saw people at their worst and Mother Nature at her best. The skies were blue again, and crime was down. They lift the quarantine and the skies are brown and crime is like an out take from Purge movies.
Much of what's pictured are buildings that were built decades ago, so how do those somehow foretell our 'dystopian future'? That's actually just our awkward past. Also, how is this all bad? Cubicles? Each person in one is paying their bills that way. Housing? Well we all need that don't we? People hanging clothes to dry on lines between urban buildings? That's classic old NYC type stuff, but actually that's more eco-friendly than using a dryer. Awkward urban design? Well okay, but there's some of that in every city. Pretty stupid listicle.
I thought I had seen all the scars humanity caused. I started crying somewhere in all this misery, and now I can't stop anymore. We did ALL of this, and I'm just so, so ashamed. The fable of Noah and the flood never made sense to me, but now....
These are some amazing photos!! Here I am in the middle of the country in my state. Closest neighbor is 1/4 mile away. I've never lived in a city so it hard for me to relate. But the photos are still amazing!
Time to move back to the countryside and become self-sufficient. Oh, wait! The government overlords don't want you to become independent.
This isn't a recent phenomenon though. Seeing scenes like these over the decades in three continents has made the now graying me grateful I don't live forever. What we're doing, isn't sustainable. Our economic model isn't sustainable. I don't have anything better and can only hope someone out there does. Or I kick the bucket before the brown stuff hit the spinny blades.
Lol all of you please stay in your city squalor! Us living in the mid west be winning with our gardens and land! You voted for this and keep voting for this!
the worst pollution is humans, the world has become trash, both figuratively and literally.
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Mr. Smith from The Matrix had a point in the first movie. Humans are just like a disease. Infecting one area, leaving it dead after it can't serve a purpose anymore, and going off to kill more areas.
Disgusting what humans have done to the planet! And we just sit back and allow our elected twits to just carry on and make the most ridiculous decisions.
I feel extremely privileged to have lived most of my life in central California, Oregon, and now Virginia. I am by no means wealthy, probably close to poverty level. After seeing these pics tho, I feel wealthy beyond my wildest dreams.
Found all the photos interesting and sad. It lets me know that I have it pretty good.
That's. Scary. I think the biggest city I've ever seen is Jackson Mississippi
This post, has been a learning experience, things I was not aware of !!!
My mouth hung open in shock as I looked at these photos. I live on a little farm in Central Wisconsin, USA. I can't see any neighbors. The land is lush, green, peaceful and has a variety of wild animals. I love it here, and after seeing this article, I am so VERY thankful for all my blessings. My farm is called "Bountiful"!
In the late 1960s ZPG became a prominent political movement in the U.S. and parts of Europe, with strong links to environmentalism and feminism. Yale University was a stronghold of the ZPG activists who believed "that a constantly increasing population is responsible for many of our problems: pollution, violence, loss of values and of individual privacy (from Wikipedia) Sound familiar? And we didn't listen...
Manilla, for example, has a population density of far over 100,000 people per square mile. At that population density, the entire Earth could live in a small portion of a single municipality in northern Quebec. People live together because other people offer people opportunity. What you see in the monsoon washback on the Indian coast exists because their socioeconomic development is about where the U.S. was around 1980. And frankly, our trash in the 1980s was pretty damned gross, but we did have more land. And India was where were were in around 1880 not very long ago at all.
So, when are we going to stop pointing fingers and blaming and fighting and correcting and just talking about what needs to change or be done differently and actually start taking action to stop these things? When are we going to stop fighting with each other and being against each other's nations? When are we going to unite as human beings and stop relying on our governments to take care of problems for us? When are we actively going to change this whole world TOGETHER as human kind?
cute notion but our governments made these messes. we need to hold them responsible. boycotting and activism aren’t viable options for a lot of people. alternatives can be expensive, hard to find, or end up being just as problematic because mass production got a hold of it. it’s a complex issue and no amount of peace and love is going to be enough. we need to get our governments in check.
Load More Replies...What this planet really needs is an extinction level event to get rid of all these ugly pink parasites, until the planet's population is back down below 1 billion.
That is disgusting. How could you even say that? You want 6 billion human lives to be taken? Sure, we need to do something about these problems but killing 6 billion people is not the answer.
Load More Replies...The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. Humanity's worst enemy is itself.
Not true. Every statistic ever has pointed to the fact that the poor ARE getting richer.
Load More Replies...The planet doesn't have enough resources for everybody in the world to live like we do in the western world.
At least you have that choice. Billions of people don't.
Load More Replies...We urgently need to take better care of our planet.... Birth control and a ban on plastic sound like a good start
May the gods in all their wisdom give you no children but many attempts at making them :,-)
Load More Replies...Some posts are tragic and a lot are just "I've lived this great life so I can decide anything not idyllyc is hell." Which is just like kicking the terrible photos in the teeth. Urban living has metropolis solutions, which is hardly a hell in most of these photos.
wow ... if you find these few photos "downright terrifying" you need to avoid ANY walkabouts in the USA for the next 50yrs, because that is bound to give you an out-right stroke instantaniously
Load More Replies...So many of these images indicate just how jam-packed our world is becoming, especially cities. The overwhelming problem (and all of the world's problems, including global warming) stem from overpopulation. While the deniers will down-vote me, there's an incredibly eye-opening and brilliantly well written thriller novel called 10:59 by N R Baker that contains so many terrifying facts about this issue. It's not my book, so not a self-promo, but I highly recommend that every human on Earth reads it if our species has any chance of survival.
Better for cities to be jampacked than jungles be ransacked for space.
Load More Replies...A lot of these are not "urban hell", they are poverty and decay hell. And those things don't look prettier in the countryside.
Too many comments from narrow-minded people who pass judgement on a place based on a single photograph and have never seen it in person. You all need to travel more and see for yourself rather than through the lens of someone else's opinion/perspective.
There are pictures here of pollution, homelessness, and poverty. These are important problems we need to fix. But this article seems to suggest that living in apartment buildings and suburban developments are equally bad. People have to live somewhere and holiday traffic is a first world problem. And keep in mind, country dwellers, if we all moved to you, you would end up living in a crowded city.
As someone who's been to multiple 3rd world countries, believe me traffic is not a first world problem. Just looks different.
Load More Replies...Hmmm…. Interesting. Not one of the actual largest slums (all in Asia) but a lot of people judging places they have never been…. Just interesting.
To her fair works did nature link The human soul that through me ran; And much it grieved my heart to think What man has made of man. -William Wordsworth
A lot of these images are of one street or location in one city, so it's unfair to judge. Some of the issues raised are not the fault of urbanisation, people have to live somewhere, if not in the cities then where, but down more forward for land? Over population, it's easy to say don't have children when you're in a first world country with health care, social support and child life expectancy is high! What I'm saying is we shouldn't be too quick to judge!
I can think of one very effective way to avoid having children. But the irony is that the places where kids suffer most, are the places where people have the most kids.
Load More Replies...And let’s be frank. We can sit here and discuss how appalled we are, or, we can stand up and do something to make this planet a little better. Just imagine 7 billion random acts of kindness at the same time.
How are a bunch of random acts of kindness going to solve overcrowding and pollution?
Load More Replies...I'm stunned they left off two of the most horrific: the Johannesburg Tower slum (which was supposed to be a modern miracle, but, well), and the Divis Flats in near Belfast in Northern Ireland. Most of the Divis Flats have been torn down (I think the tower is still standing).
I quit after 4 or 5 pictures. It just made me ill to think & see how so many poor people have to survive. AND how so many rich people do live.
Just makes me think more that we don’t enjoy life anymore. Just work and more work.
We just going to continue being gaslighted and go with the lost flow? Elites won't get the fury of justice all we can say it "birth control" "we must take better care of the earth" etc. Really that's all? Force the injection? Never the government that are governed by companies. Never the shells, coca-colas, P&Gs, Nestless? No? We take the blame and the iron first of tyranny but we do nothing. Come on people. This is not conspiracy that ship has sailed this is real scary life realise it becaue your ignorant minds are costing us all on this ONE earth we have.
it’s depressing how many people really think we’re the culprits. brainwashing goes deep. definitely see who’s putting this idea in our heads.
Load More Replies...So all corporate and elite Gov will never be judged as humans we will bare the blame? People, us, are the ones callin on birth control and adding to the maddness to control human life. What about absolute power control? Why cant the monsantos, BP's, Shells, coca-colas, governments, monopolies get the rage of justice???? Why are we so accepting of all this GASLIGHTING? Because conspiracy is too easy of an escape than to admit that it's real life and our HOME Earth is being RUN into the ground by elitists families and close friends. Divided and concurred. Votes continue, consumption continue, we just continue until a brave magician comes and wipes it all away while we just get to sit, relax and watch? STAND UP FOR YOUR SELVES this complacency is killing us all all they do is stack up the bodies. Are we so scared to loose convenience?
I love all the typical BP finger-wagging on this post. I'd like to know how many of you have given up your nice suburban homes and sterilized yourselves to solve the population problem. Or do you just come here to virtue signal and think that suffices?
I feel like this wouldn’t be happening if an entire generation wasn’t so keen on making everyone have kids, even if they didn’t want them
Accurate. Biggest problems are in east Asia and very much India.
Load More Replies...The biggest offenders of urban hell in North America is the endless parking lots in the commercial areas of the suburbs. There is zero sense of community in these car dependent areas. Where do people go to gather and have fun? It's depressing.
Ik this is gonna get downvotes.... but the order and artificiality of some of them bring happiness to my mind. I'm not sure why. I do agree its horrible, i just like looking at it since it's already here.
no that’s fine, outside of the reality of how gross and terrible it is, there’s a pattern that many find calming. kinda reminds me of computer boards.
Load More Replies...All these people need to be able to see things through different people's eyes
I agree with this-cleaning up and taking better care of our home is more urgent than ever now. Because we're very close to the point of no return if not already. I read an article about records in the Arctic circle being shattered. 118 degrees. Sad!!! Our glaciers are nearly wiped out now.
These are all terrifying reality. During the heigh of COVID-19, we saw people at their worst and Mother Nature at her best. The skies were blue again, and crime was down. They lift the quarantine and the skies are brown and crime is like an out take from Purge movies.
Much of what's pictured are buildings that were built decades ago, so how do those somehow foretell our 'dystopian future'? That's actually just our awkward past. Also, how is this all bad? Cubicles? Each person in one is paying their bills that way. Housing? Well we all need that don't we? People hanging clothes to dry on lines between urban buildings? That's classic old NYC type stuff, but actually that's more eco-friendly than using a dryer. Awkward urban design? Well okay, but there's some of that in every city. Pretty stupid listicle.
I thought I had seen all the scars humanity caused. I started crying somewhere in all this misery, and now I can't stop anymore. We did ALL of this, and I'm just so, so ashamed. The fable of Noah and the flood never made sense to me, but now....
These are some amazing photos!! Here I am in the middle of the country in my state. Closest neighbor is 1/4 mile away. I've never lived in a city so it hard for me to relate. But the photos are still amazing!
Time to move back to the countryside and become self-sufficient. Oh, wait! The government overlords don't want you to become independent.
This isn't a recent phenomenon though. Seeing scenes like these over the decades in three continents has made the now graying me grateful I don't live forever. What we're doing, isn't sustainable. Our economic model isn't sustainable. I don't have anything better and can only hope someone out there does. Or I kick the bucket before the brown stuff hit the spinny blades.
Lol all of you please stay in your city squalor! Us living in the mid west be winning with our gardens and land! You voted for this and keep voting for this!
the worst pollution is humans, the world has become trash, both figuratively and literally.
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Mr. Smith from The Matrix had a point in the first movie. Humans are just like a disease. Infecting one area, leaving it dead after it can't serve a purpose anymore, and going off to kill more areas.
Disgusting what humans have done to the planet! And we just sit back and allow our elected twits to just carry on and make the most ridiculous decisions.
I feel extremely privileged to have lived most of my life in central California, Oregon, and now Virginia. I am by no means wealthy, probably close to poverty level. After seeing these pics tho, I feel wealthy beyond my wildest dreams.
Found all the photos interesting and sad. It lets me know that I have it pretty good.
That's. Scary. I think the biggest city I've ever seen is Jackson Mississippi
This post, has been a learning experience, things I was not aware of !!!
My mouth hung open in shock as I looked at these photos. I live on a little farm in Central Wisconsin, USA. I can't see any neighbors. The land is lush, green, peaceful and has a variety of wild animals. I love it here, and after seeing this article, I am so VERY thankful for all my blessings. My farm is called "Bountiful"!
In the late 1960s ZPG became a prominent political movement in the U.S. and parts of Europe, with strong links to environmentalism and feminism. Yale University was a stronghold of the ZPG activists who believed "that a constantly increasing population is responsible for many of our problems: pollution, violence, loss of values and of individual privacy (from Wikipedia) Sound familiar? And we didn't listen...
Manilla, for example, has a population density of far over 100,000 people per square mile. At that population density, the entire Earth could live in a small portion of a single municipality in northern Quebec. People live together because other people offer people opportunity. What you see in the monsoon washback on the Indian coast exists because their socioeconomic development is about where the U.S. was around 1980. And frankly, our trash in the 1980s was pretty damned gross, but we did have more land. And India was where were were in around 1880 not very long ago at all.
So, when are we going to stop pointing fingers and blaming and fighting and correcting and just talking about what needs to change or be done differently and actually start taking action to stop these things? When are we going to stop fighting with each other and being against each other's nations? When are we going to unite as human beings and stop relying on our governments to take care of problems for us? When are we actively going to change this whole world TOGETHER as human kind?
cute notion but our governments made these messes. we need to hold them responsible. boycotting and activism aren’t viable options for a lot of people. alternatives can be expensive, hard to find, or end up being just as problematic because mass production got a hold of it. it’s a complex issue and no amount of peace and love is going to be enough. we need to get our governments in check.
Load More Replies...What this planet really needs is an extinction level event to get rid of all these ugly pink parasites, until the planet's population is back down below 1 billion.
That is disgusting. How could you even say that? You want 6 billion human lives to be taken? Sure, we need to do something about these problems but killing 6 billion people is not the answer.
Load More Replies...The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. Humanity's worst enemy is itself.
Not true. Every statistic ever has pointed to the fact that the poor ARE getting richer.
Load More Replies...The planet doesn't have enough resources for everybody in the world to live like we do in the western world.
At least you have that choice. Billions of people don't.
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