30 Examples Of ‘Urban Hell’ That Don’t Look Real But Sadly Are (Worst Of All Time)
Interview With ExpertWhen people started leaving rural areas for cities with hopes of finding a better life, they probably didn’t expect urbanization to get so out of hand. Now the concrete jungles where dreams were supposedly made of are seen drowning in pollution, trash, traffic, and dystopian dwellings. One could say that the promise of a better life has somehow turned into urban hell.
To show just how really bad things are getting, Bored Panda compiled a list of the worst consequences caused by developing cities shared on the Urban Hell subreddit. Scroll down to find them, and make sure to upvote the ones that made you sad to see the reality we live in.
While you're at it, don't forget to check out a conversation with urban planner Andy Boenau, who kindly agreed to tell us how we can reverse the damage to urban environments.
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Urban Art In Belgrade
The Annual Monsoon Ritual Of Mumbai's Ocean Giving Back What Has Been Dumped In It
Mumbai, India
It’s predicted that 68% of the world's population will live in urban areas by 2050. While cities offer jobs and prosperity, among other alluring things, their growth doesn’t come without a cost. One of the most pressing issues that urban populations face is environmental degradation.
Beirut Port
A Boy Gathers Recyclable Items From A Semi-Dry Drain, At Taimoor Nagar In New Delhi
Electrical Wiring And Water Pipes In A Brazilian Favela
When people move to urban areas in large numbers, which is known as urbanization, it results in urban sprawl. This means that the population of cities becomes dispersed in a large geographical area, which takes up the land formerly occupied by forests, wetlands, or agriculture. Urban sprawl leads to less biodiversity as species are losing their habitats, with some going extinct.
This Is The Most Apocalyptic Image Of Modern Cairo, Egypt, I Have Ever Seen Anyone Take
Stuff built thousands of years ago still standing proud. Newer construction falling apart and looks like c**p. We sure have progressed, haven't we?
Hong Kong
Not A Very Romantic Scene
The loss of nature and green spaces creates the “heat island effect,” where urban areas get significantly hotter than the countryside. As a result, disasters like heatwaves, droughts, and fires are becoming more common, causing health and water supply problems. Higher temperatures can increase the risk of sunstroke, heatstroke, and respiratory problems in inhabitants. Lack of parks, plant life, and water features can also negatively affect city dweller’s mental health.
Ah Yes, Trees
Hong Kong's Dismal Cage Homes House Thousands Of People
Uae Nad Al Sheba III Neighborhood
Additionally, dense populations produce infinite amounts of pollution, contaminating air, water, and soil. This can have dire consequences for people’s health, as harmful particles in the atmosphere can cause respiratory infections, heart disease, and even cancer. In overpopulated cities like Tokyo, Beijing, and Mexico City, inhabitants have to wear masks to protect themselves from the polluted air.
Chinese Ghost Town Of Mansions Reclaimed By Farmers
This one makes me truly hopeful. More c**p being reclaimed for better uses, please.
Kowloon Peninsula, Hong Kong. Comparison Of 1964 - 2016
Cairo, Egypt
All of this sounds like a script from a dystopian movie but sadly, this is our very real reality. However, the good news is that urban populations can improve, says urban planner Andy Boenau to Bored Panda.
New Delhi - During Lockdown vs. Now
India has a population of 1.4 BILLION people. The USA has a population of 350 MILLION. COVID killed 1.2 MILLION Americans but only 530 THOUSAND Indians. Now please tell me how Donald Trump isn't guilty of at least a million deaths.
San Francisco, USA
Not justifying anything, but this is Oakland, not San Francisco. The original images are from here: https://peraltacitizen.com/2019/02/15/advocates-respond-to-massive-oakland-homeless-camp-shut-down/, and the here's the location on Google Maps today Screenshot...02016f.jpg
Contrary To Popular Belief, The Belgian Coast's Real Estate Did Survive To The Two World Wars. Its Cultural Heritage Was Destroyed By Real Estate Developers' Greed And Public Officials' Lack Of Care
“Two key things should give any person hope for the future: (1) a basic understanding of how local land use and transportation decisions are made, which will give (2) a blueprint for changing the built environment to fit who we are as humans,” he explained.
Literally, Just Thanksgiving Traffic In La
Hong Kong Street Life
Some say....Judge Dredd patrols that area! Dredd-3D-P...838261.jpg
People Offering Prayers At River Yamuna, India, Which Is Frothing From Industrial Waste
“It's true that state departments of transportation have a funding formula that favors junk infrastructure, but everything starts with local land use restrictions. The path to healthy infrastructure begins by persuading local leaders to reform the major obstacles of zoning and parking mandates,” he further explains.
Residential Building In Hong Kong, Shot By Me On 35mm Film
I often wonder how anyone can have any quality of life in these mega-building. I guess the answer isn't quality, it's survival. Most of us are so lucky.
People Living Next To A Helicoidal Street In Chongqing
Dhaka, Bangladesh
... and this folks, is where many of our designer label clothes come from!
“The vast majority of local governments in the US outlaw things like having a single-family home, a duplex, a dentist office, and a market on the same street. Legalize a built environment that fits who we are as people,” Boenau urged.
Magnitogorsk, One Of The Worst Polluted Cities In Russia. Only 28% Of The Children Born In The Town Are Fully Healthy
Magnitogorsk: City by the magnetic mountain. Unfortunately, that pretty much sums it up.
Private Houses On The Roof Of An Eight-Story Mall In Zhūzhōu, China
Naples, Italy
Johannesburg, South Africa
Due to the huge number of robberies, kidnappings, burglaries, carjackings and what not there....tempted to bet the owner of that house has, as security, landmines buried around his house
Inequality In Tembisa, South Africa
"Lying Skyscraper" In Moscow. About 736m Long
Poll Question
What do you think is the biggest contributor to the urban hell phenomenon in the article?
Poor urban planning
Greedy real estate development
Humans have such potential to be amazing but we continuously choose to be absolutely awful most of the time due to capitalism unfortunately
People were plenty awful to each other long before capitalism. Capitalism merely favors particular types of awfulness.
Load More Replies...Scrolled past the last 60 just to say how depressing this article is and how f**ked up is the planet
Humans have such potential to be amazing but we continuously choose to be absolutely awful most of the time due to capitalism unfortunately
People were plenty awful to each other long before capitalism. Capitalism merely favors particular types of awfulness.
Load More Replies...Scrolled past the last 60 just to say how depressing this article is and how f**ked up is the planet