Upskirt Umbrellas Is The Latest Craze In Japan
The aptly named Million Girls Project has listened to your cries, and bestowed upon you the accessory of your dreams: an umbrella whose underside shows the underpants of an animé school-girl. Called “Un-burera,” a play on the words “underpants” and “umbrella.”
The Million Girls Project produces products that promote the idea of “Crazy Japan.” It also warns that “This umbrella will cause an intense sense of shame to the user,” and that, “The use of public roads will be at your own risk.”
More info: milliongirlsproject.jp (h/t: rocketnews)
Share on FacebookI can't believe Bored Panda curated this, knowing what BP stands for. Congrats, you just insulted about two thirds of your readership!
Bored Panda SHARES strange and interesting things. It's called BORED Panda. Bored Panda wouldn't be Bored Panda if it shared the same c**p every other outlet shares. And they're not insulting anyone. You're getting butthurt over a nation's common place practices (Japan). Educate yourself.
Load More Replies...Funny and disturbing at the same time. Any guy who has that umbrella...good luck getting a date!
you're right, it's precisely meant for those guys who couldnt get a date, sad and lonely playing games and browsing mangas at home
Load More Replies...This is sick and demoralizing. It borders on child pornography (yes, I'm aware that it's a cartoon), and oversexualizes young ladies. Even the cartoon looks victimized and afraid. WTF are you thinking, Ged/Boredpanda? Keep pissing us off, and this will not end well for you. Unsubscribing now.
Lol, you mad bro? You obviously have no knowledge about Japan and the guys there.. Ita fiction yet you say they are "victimized"? Wow..
Load More Replies...This is really disgusting. Why the hell would someone buy that. Unless they're a freaking pervert.
Honestly, I thought it was funny until I saw the expression on the girl's face. I am female and fiercely feminist.
The girl is depicted worried and afraid like a rape victim. That and the fact she is a school girl makes it unacceptable.
Has anybody noticed how the only people defending this c**p are exclusively men? Just sayin'...
Perhaps women are more into kilts. But then it would be fictional nudity.
Load More Replies...That's revolting. The Japanese's fetishes for invading personal space is not something to be applauded.
As well as their laissez-faire approach to paedophilia.
Load More Replies...Could of been something a bit sexy if left to the imagination, I find the whole school girl thing really disturbing.
Gross! Thats just perverted. I mean, a cartoon character that looks like a child upskirt. Bunch of gross dudes!
Who cares whether I'm educated or not in respects to another countries culture? Whatever you choose to do got ones sexual gratification, and whether it's is the norm....does not make it right. It doesn't take s degree to know right from wrong.
True. But once you know the background of such disgusting things, and what they are result of, you realise it's actually very sad. And then you stop just judging, and decide that something should be done about it.
Load More Replies...Thought Bored Panda was a safe space. This is not OK. It's a good bye to BP from me.
This is really hot. As a panty connoisseur, I love looking up girls' skirts to view their sexy little panties. <3
all the outrage in the comments. y'all clearly have no idea how Japanese pop culture works.
Don't blame Panda, this happens and there's nothing that anybody can do.You think this happens just in Japan? In the US there's more than 3.5 Billion (with a B) dollars spent on pornography. You can not like it, but it's not going away.... You have to protect your children yourself as a few people has said. And the rest of you can push delete..
Absolut inakzeptabel, Mädchen so herabzusetzen. Kategorie: Dinge, die die Welt nicht braucht
For those immune to embarrassment, they might deter umbrella thieves: http://en.rocketnews24.com/2015/06/15/how-to-protect-your-umbrella-from-rampant-umbrella-thieves-in-japan/
Load More Replies...They won't engage intercourse with each other but they rather buy this c**p. Japanese people will go extinct in a few generarions.
These comments are cancer and show just how little people know of the cultures outside of their own country. Japan has been having an intimacy/marriage/love crisis for years now. There is a ridiculously high single-rate for Males and Females. Not because people are stingey with who they pick but because culture has pushed the nation in this direction. There isn't any one cause but it's been highly effected by conservatives insisting customs that have existed for years. Japan arguably suffers from one of the biggest cases of skeletons-in-the-closet. In Japan, there are less marriages, less relationships, and by trade, less sex and repopulation. People are actually ashamed to get into relationships. It's almost seen as taboo. I'm sure either some of you have said it or you've heard people say it; "Gee. Some weird s**t comes out of Japan." While it's weird to us, it's actually normal over there. The sex-based market over there is huge; both for males and females. That's why products like
this or services such as professional cuddling or host clubs (ACTUAL host clubs, not escorting services) are so popular. With recent generations not wanting to get married or get into relationships at all and with it being such the norm, new generations being born are being born into a culture where love and relationships are seen as weird and where turning to, what other countries would see as weird, other means of sexual discovery or intimacy is common place. None of this makes the people over there any more perverted than anyone over here. If anything, it's more welcomed in Japan because it promotes business.
Load More Replies...This while comment section is nothing but a joke and need to be educated on what they do in Japan and anime.. I feel bad for those people that say "why is the victimized" and stuff like that.. Obviously you have no idea about the J-pop culture.. So educate yourselves?
You are so full of c**p! If there is no male version of this sad umbrella, it is because there is no market for it, i.e women not interested
Load More Replies...I can't believe Bored Panda curated this, knowing what BP stands for. Congrats, you just insulted about two thirds of your readership!
Bored Panda SHARES strange and interesting things. It's called BORED Panda. Bored Panda wouldn't be Bored Panda if it shared the same c**p every other outlet shares. And they're not insulting anyone. You're getting butthurt over a nation's common place practices (Japan). Educate yourself.
Load More Replies...Funny and disturbing at the same time. Any guy who has that umbrella...good luck getting a date!
you're right, it's precisely meant for those guys who couldnt get a date, sad and lonely playing games and browsing mangas at home
Load More Replies...This is sick and demoralizing. It borders on child pornography (yes, I'm aware that it's a cartoon), and oversexualizes young ladies. Even the cartoon looks victimized and afraid. WTF are you thinking, Ged/Boredpanda? Keep pissing us off, and this will not end well for you. Unsubscribing now.
Lol, you mad bro? You obviously have no knowledge about Japan and the guys there.. Ita fiction yet you say they are "victimized"? Wow..
Load More Replies...This is really disgusting. Why the hell would someone buy that. Unless they're a freaking pervert.
Honestly, I thought it was funny until I saw the expression on the girl's face. I am female and fiercely feminist.
The girl is depicted worried and afraid like a rape victim. That and the fact she is a school girl makes it unacceptable.
Has anybody noticed how the only people defending this c**p are exclusively men? Just sayin'...
Perhaps women are more into kilts. But then it would be fictional nudity.
Load More Replies...That's revolting. The Japanese's fetishes for invading personal space is not something to be applauded.
As well as their laissez-faire approach to paedophilia.
Load More Replies...Could of been something a bit sexy if left to the imagination, I find the whole school girl thing really disturbing.
Gross! Thats just perverted. I mean, a cartoon character that looks like a child upskirt. Bunch of gross dudes!
Who cares whether I'm educated or not in respects to another countries culture? Whatever you choose to do got ones sexual gratification, and whether it's is the norm....does not make it right. It doesn't take s degree to know right from wrong.
True. But once you know the background of such disgusting things, and what they are result of, you realise it's actually very sad. And then you stop just judging, and decide that something should be done about it.
Load More Replies...Thought Bored Panda was a safe space. This is not OK. It's a good bye to BP from me.
This is really hot. As a panty connoisseur, I love looking up girls' skirts to view their sexy little panties. <3
all the outrage in the comments. y'all clearly have no idea how Japanese pop culture works.
Don't blame Panda, this happens and there's nothing that anybody can do.You think this happens just in Japan? In the US there's more than 3.5 Billion (with a B) dollars spent on pornography. You can not like it, but it's not going away.... You have to protect your children yourself as a few people has said. And the rest of you can push delete..
Absolut inakzeptabel, Mädchen so herabzusetzen. Kategorie: Dinge, die die Welt nicht braucht
For those immune to embarrassment, they might deter umbrella thieves: http://en.rocketnews24.com/2015/06/15/how-to-protect-your-umbrella-from-rampant-umbrella-thieves-in-japan/
Load More Replies...They won't engage intercourse with each other but they rather buy this c**p. Japanese people will go extinct in a few generarions.
These comments are cancer and show just how little people know of the cultures outside of their own country. Japan has been having an intimacy/marriage/love crisis for years now. There is a ridiculously high single-rate for Males and Females. Not because people are stingey with who they pick but because culture has pushed the nation in this direction. There isn't any one cause but it's been highly effected by conservatives insisting customs that have existed for years. Japan arguably suffers from one of the biggest cases of skeletons-in-the-closet. In Japan, there are less marriages, less relationships, and by trade, less sex and repopulation. People are actually ashamed to get into relationships. It's almost seen as taboo. I'm sure either some of you have said it or you've heard people say it; "Gee. Some weird s**t comes out of Japan." While it's weird to us, it's actually normal over there. The sex-based market over there is huge; both for males and females. That's why products like
this or services such as professional cuddling or host clubs (ACTUAL host clubs, not escorting services) are so popular. With recent generations not wanting to get married or get into relationships at all and with it being such the norm, new generations being born are being born into a culture where love and relationships are seen as weird and where turning to, what other countries would see as weird, other means of sexual discovery or intimacy is common place. None of this makes the people over there any more perverted than anyone over here. If anything, it's more welcomed in Japan because it promotes business.
Load More Replies...This while comment section is nothing but a joke and need to be educated on what they do in Japan and anime.. I feel bad for those people that say "why is the victimized" and stuff like that.. Obviously you have no idea about the J-pop culture.. So educate yourselves?
You are so full of c**p! If there is no male version of this sad umbrella, it is because there is no market for it, i.e women not interested
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