Feeling sad and alone most of my life was the inspiration to create these unique illustrations. Struggling with depression since I was a teen it took me years to unlearn a lot of ideas that I was socialised to believe, many of which were negatively impacting my mental health. I'm still figuring out how to be alive in this world but sharing my thoughts and realisations with others has proven to be a very rewarding process. The more I learn about how to live and love more fully the more I like to share my thoughts and realisations with my online community Recipes For Self Love. I've been running my Instagram account for about two years now and have built a following of over 445k people from around the world. I want to continue growing my online community while spreading awareness and truths that I found to have helped me a lot.
More info: Instagram
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This applies to both romantic and platonic relationships!
We are not competitors, we are allies. We need to work together to destroy oppressive power structures that seek to distract and control us
This can also be applied to personality, taste, talent, success, etc. It's ok to support and admire others, and not have it signify any deficit in you!
Not everyone's family is a source of love and support. Boundary setting can be extremely difficult, especially with family, but it's important to do in order to protect yourself
Society as lead us to believe that our ultimate goal is to be beautiful because according to the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy beauty = value. Beauty standards exist, they are narrow and limited, some people fall into the category of what is considered “beautiful” and some don’t. The truth is we don’t need to be beautiful!!! It’s not the most important in life - we are so much more than that. Let us be weird, ugly, gross, have bad taste. It doesn’t mean we’re any less amazing, valuable or worthy of love
Don’t feel ashamed about feeling the need to spend time hiding away from the world - take the time you need to rest and repair
You don’t need to spend time with people you bring you down and make you feel shitty, you simply don’t
Don’t spend time with people who bring you down, drain your energy or make you feel lonely. There are plenty of precious connections to be made with people who will enrich your life, invest in those relationships
Not a smile, not an engaging conversation, nada. Men are not entitled to women’s and trans-feminine bodies and attention. You don’t owe them anything
Self preservation! Often in life one needs to put oneself first, and there's nothing wrong with this. You need to look after yourself and protect yourself, and this doesn't mean you're a selfish or bad person
We often feel the need to be nice, since we run the risk of being labeled "a b****" for exercising characteristics like boldness, assertiveness or critical thinking. It’s also often safer to be nice and exercise de-escalating tactics in order to reduce conflict in a potentially violent situations. Your safety comes first of course but in ordinary situations remember that you don’t always have to be nice. If you’re low on energy, keep it for yourself
This one is true. I'd just add that, sometimes, it's your non-nice side that protects you from harm (both psychological and physical), and from people who misinterpret your niceness. You really gotta learn to see who deserves your nice side and in which situations.
You don’t have to know where you’re going. You don’t have to have a clear plan or path. Don’t let not knowing where you’re going stop you from moving. Keep going and you’ll get there
There’s only one you, that’s ever been and ever will be. You’re so precious and unique so celebrate that!
Don’t sacrifice too much for your job, don’t lose sight of yourself and your worth in the face of pressure from work. You are replaceable in any position, remember that no job is worth damaging your physical, mental health, valuable relationships and happiness. Capitalism doesn’t care for us, it’s just not worth it
The world tries so hard to convince us that the way we look is the most important and defining thing about us when in fact it's not really important at all. We are so much more than our bodies, we are magic!
You’re not perfect and you don’t have to be. You’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea but it doesn’t matter. Don’t change yourself to get other’s approval, don’t apologise for who you are
Sharing your emotions takes courage, it often brings you closer to the people you're sharing with. Sometimes people make you feel weird when sharing but maybe it's not you that's weird but them who feel discomfort because of your vulnerability. Try to practice sharing your emotions when you feel compelled to, perhaps remain conscious of who you chose to be open with.
We all grow and change over time and so do our relationships. Not everyone is meant to be in your life forever. Friends come and go, allow them to, and don't be afraid to let go of relationships (platonic/romantic) that are no longer good for you
I agree with everything so far, I even agree with this to an extent. I do worry that the ones with this sort of message can be taken out of context. "No Longer Healthy" or "toxic" (seen above) -- that could be something where there is a definite need to remove a person from your life. I can also see people using this as a way to justify not dealing with things too though... and not only that, but not giving the person any chance or opportunity to work on things. I guess I read these and I am immediately like "yeah, definitely" and then I think about friends, and if they thought this way about me, and it kind of terrifies me lol
In work and relationships, it hurts to hear someone doesn’t want you or your ideas & it can really knock your self worth. Don’t let it get you down, the world has a way of working things out. Try to process those feelings and release them. Everyone experiences rejection, it’s going to happen and happen again, it’s not the end, trust that there is something better for you
Beauty is whatever you want it to be. Make it something something worth while and find it everywhere :)
They want to convince us that if we meet certain beauty standards, then we can have whatever we want in life.
Sadly enough I think that they are right in some way. It seems that people valuates much better a person if she looks atractive.
Load More Replies...capitalism? really? how stupid it is. so in soviet union we had no beauty standards, no makeup, no high hills, no diets and workouts, no hair dying, no body shaming, no fashion icons, no movie stars, no beautiful women were marrying important guys, we were not even shaving legs probably she thinks.
Lol. What! You mean those things happen in other places besides America? No way! (Just kidding)
Load More Replies...This is, of course, utter nonsense: women have been using beauty products for centuries and indeed probably invented most of the earliest ones, long before there were business, a patriarchy or a capitalist system to expand and exploit them.
Capitalism had not been identified in biblical times, and there's a lot of talk about beauty, especially in women, in the Bible. Not saying it's right, but 200 years of history isn't responsible for that.
i love the fact that she was drawn without a bra (not because i'm a perv, but because comfortability is more important than 'fitting in')
This is blatantly untrue, for so many reasons. This is just as stupid as saying "The beauty of nature was created by American camera makers, so they could sell more cameras." Beauty, whether in nature or humans, does exist. Beauty can be admired, appreciate and sought after. Beauty can also be exploited for profit. Regardless of the endeavour, if a profit can be gleaned, someone will try to exploit it. We see "flaws" in ourselves and then seek a solution. Someone sees the need for a solution and sets out to profit from it.
Marketing is not confined to capitalism. Marketing 101: Recognize a need and sell to it. If there is no need, create need.
Don't make fun of their fashion, or their hair, or anything. Get out of the habit of being critical of other women, the world is critical enough
It might take a bit of practice but boundary setting is so important when it comes to protecting yourself
You’ve heard the saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” and there is a lot of truth to it, but sometimes what doesn’t kill you leaves you fucking traumatized and/or with PTSD so be gentle with yourself when it comes to facing life’s many challenges. Don’t let platitudes like this make you feel like you’re failing to somehow “rise above” your circumstances
This if often easier said than done but it's really helpful when you can get it right. Don't worry about other people, what they're doing or what they think of you. Stay focused on yourself and your goals
Get behind other women, build them up, support them, their success is our success
This looks like a plus-size model I see all the time on Catherines' and Woman Within's websites.
Oh and btw things that you might not think affect you actually do. For example most men don’t realize that they also suffer from the patriarchy. Toxic masculinity is a dangerous by-product of the patriarchy and restricts and punishes men for deviating from a particular idea of masculinity. This hurts them, and in turn they hurt us. It is in all of our best interest to rid this world of oppressive power structures!
The problem is that women get raped/abused and men and boys get raped/abused also. The commun person who abuses most women, men and boys/girls are : MEN. It is a men problem and we should address it as such. We should help men and try and find out why there is so much abused perpetrated by men and try to address the situations. It's a real problem and I am sure there are good solutions. We just need to stop blaming the women and telling them what to do to avoid this situation. NO. We should help the men stop these behaviours.
Although it might feel like you’re barely surviving rn, and you’re drowning, it’s not always going to be like this. There are new and positive experiences you’re going to have, people you will meet that will make you happy you’re alive, don’t lose hope
Life is often difficult and confusing , you’re not responsible for how you feel about the things that happen to you and around you. You can't control your feelings, all you can do is decide what do to with them when they arrive. Try not to run away from your feelings, even the ones that don't feel good. Try to remember that you are not your feelings and your feelings are not always reality
All of the captions are true. But haven't we been told this over and over and over again and yet the myths and stereotypes still continue. Maybe we need to realize that truths are multi-faceted and a more insightful, intellectual understanding is needed.
these are all very well drawn and super aesthetic. their message is also extremely powerful
Sorry to say but they are traced... I noticed one than it all made sense, the one of the girl laying down is the cover of the song Peach Tea
Load More Replies...You know, I identify strongly with how women feel about how society views them. Because as a genderqueer person, I feel loathing and hate and ignorance from -everyone-, both men and women. And that sucks; knowing that even people who are discriminated against still find it acceptable to discriminate against others.
I do like the advice, but the images are traced. Many people have noticed how they look odd, I can say that the one I c pups find a source of is the one of the girl laying on her stomach. It is the cover of peach tea
I was thinking the same. They all appear on a scale of depressed to evil to me.
Load More Replies...Gain the trust and complacence of your adversary until they're close enough to punch in the throat. How's that for an affirmation?
All of the captions are true. But haven't we been told this over and over and over again and yet the myths and stereotypes still continue. Maybe we need to realize that truths are multi-faceted and a more insightful, intellectual understanding is needed.
these are all very well drawn and super aesthetic. their message is also extremely powerful
Sorry to say but they are traced... I noticed one than it all made sense, the one of the girl laying down is the cover of the song Peach Tea
Load More Replies...You know, I identify strongly with how women feel about how society views them. Because as a genderqueer person, I feel loathing and hate and ignorance from -everyone-, both men and women. And that sucks; knowing that even people who are discriminated against still find it acceptable to discriminate against others.
I do like the advice, but the images are traced. Many people have noticed how they look odd, I can say that the one I c pups find a source of is the one of the girl laying on her stomach. It is the cover of peach tea
I was thinking the same. They all appear on a scale of depressed to evil to me.
Load More Replies...Gain the trust and complacence of your adversary until they're close enough to punch in the throat. How's that for an affirmation?