There is surreal quality to experiencing mother nature’s two extremes side by side and snowfall in the desert is the perfect example. Those living in Arizona and New Mexico are accustomed to living with sometimes agonizing heat that the west brings, but this New Year began bestowed a chilly break with snowfall across the Sonoran desert.
Image credits: Stock Photos from Mau Horng/Shutterstock
A white winterland blanketed over the saguaro cacti, rocky desert and iconic Grand Canyon and the photos are breathtaking. According to weather reports the city of Tucson experienced 0.4 inches (1 cm) inches of snow, while Arizona had up to 18 inches (46 cm). Meanwhile the Los Alamos and Mountainair areas of New Mexico reported having 20 inches (50 cm). The whimsical landscape occurred due to a deep pool of cold air swirling among the high altitudes across the region.
Image credits: Stock Photos from Anton Foltin/Shutterstock
People were eager to share stunning images of ‘fire and ice’ coming together.
Image credits: Sarai_AZ
Image credits: 1NativeSoilNerd
Image credits: Willi_H2O
Image credits: azIllustrated
Image credits: Cassyarch
Image credits: TruthIsUMatter
Image credits: vederouet
Image credits: CheyneWalls
Image credits: martinjrperez
Image credits: NWSAlbuquerque
Image credits: NWSTucson
Image credits: Fourtht
Image credits: BJKurtzAuthor
Image credits: MissAmericaAZ
Image credits: gardengirl125
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