50 Photos Of Unique People’s Features Because Of Their Rare Genetics (New Pics)
Warning: this article might inspire you to pursue a career in genetics or to become a scientist. The world of genetics is fascinating, to say the least. It can make you feel like you’re living in a sci-fi book, instead of on Planet Earth, and there are plenty of examples that make us go, “Wow, I can’t believe this is real!”
Our team here at Bored Panda has put together this fascinating list of people who were born different from the rest. From small and subtle differences to larger ones that everyone would notice passing you by on the street, here are some of the most unusual examples of genetics at work. As you’re scrolling down this list, upvote the photos that intrigued you the most. And if you’ve got any entrancing tales about genetics in your family to tell all the other Pandas, we invite you to do so in the comment section.
Intrigued by Mother Nature and in the mood for some more examples of unusual genetics? You’ll find them in Bored Panda’s previous two articles on the topic right here and here.
Even though the cases in this list are visually stunning and some might even be classified as ‘cool,’ unfortunately, genetics can also make it more likely that you develop diseases, including certain cancers. For example, 5 to 10 percent of all breast cancers are thought to be hereditary and caused by abnormal genes passed down from parent to child. Bored Panda reached out to experts in the field to tell us more about this.
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Mother And Her 1 Year-Old Son Have Very Uncommon Heterochromia Leaving Them With Beautiful And Mesmerizing Swirled Blue And Black Eyes
Amina Ependieva Has Two Rare Genetic Conditions: Albinism And Heterochromia
The former is a condition that reduces the amount of melanin pigment in the skin, eyes, hair, while the latter is a difference in coloration of the iris. The two conditions together make this young girl extremely unique.
One Of The Coolest Birthmarks I Have Ever Seen
Bored Panda reached out to the team at the UK-based Breast Cancer Now charity to learn more about this disease, the symptoms, the reasons why someone might develop it, and how to reduce the risks.
“There are many different risk factors for developing breast cancer, some of which we can’t control, like being female, getting older, and for some people, a family history of the disease. There is never one single cause of breast cancer, but rather it results from a combination of our genes, the surrounding environment, and the way we live our lives,” a representative of Breast Cancer Now explained to Bored Panda.
8-Year-Old Carter Blanchard And Rowdy The Dog Both Have A Disorder Called Vitiligo
Love The ”Pattern” In My Wife's Eyes
Her eyes are incredible. It almost looks like they have a flower pattern. Truly ice blue, but not cold looking.
I Have Partial Heterochromia In Both Eyes
“There are things you can do to help to reduce your risk such as drinking less alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight, and keeping physically active. Even the small changes like walking more or cutting down on processed foods can be a great start,” they said that there are lots of small lifestyle changes that can reduce the risks. Even though we can’t control everything, we can control some things.
Breast Cancer Now explained that breast cancer is the most common cancer in the United Kingdom. Around 55k women and 370 men get diagnosed with the disease each year. “1 in 7 women in the UK will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, and 8 out of 10 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women aged 50 and over,” the representative told Bored Panda.
My Sister Has Had Hair That's Half Blonde Half Brunette Since She Was Born. 1989 vs. Today
I Have A Hereditary Gap In My Eyebrow
A Rare Genetic Disorder Known As Cat Eye Syndrome
"The boy happens to have cat eye syndrome, a genetic condition that often leads to other detrimental health defects. All that said it was a good lesson...despite his challenges he had the most curiosity, the most to give."
“Everyone’s breasts are different and can change with age and at different times of the month. No one knows your body better than you, so it’s important to get to know how your breasts normally look and feel so it will be easier to spot if there are any unusual changes,” Breast Cancer Now said.
“Most breast changes won’t be cancer but it’s important to report anything different or new to your doctor as soon as possible and get it checked out. The sooner breast cancer is diagnosed, the more effective treatment may be.”
Baby Chanco Was Born With A Lot Of Hair Which Kept Growing. This Is Her At 7 Months Age
I Have A Small Amount Of Sectoral Heterochromia In My Right Eye, Plus A Kind Of Interesting Eye Pattern
My Daughters Birthmark Is An Up Vote
According to Breast Cancer Now, checking your breasts for lumps or swellings is very simple and you can remember what to do by using the acronym TLC: Touch, Look, Check.
“It could be when you get dressed, or when you’re in the bath or shower or putting on moisturizer—just as long as you do it regularly and remember to check the whole breast and the surrounding area, including the upper chest and armpits. Most cases of breast cancer are found by women noticing unusual changes, taking the initiative, and visiting their doctor.”
I Have A Birthmark In My Eye
I'm just saying, you look like you belong in the capitol from the Hunger games
I Was Born Without Finger Or Toe Prints
I (17M) Have Abnormally Long Arms 5’9 With A 6’6 Wingspan
As an adult, he will have a lot of friends...friends who need him during moving day
Here are some of the most common breast cancer signs and symptoms:
-“A lump or swelling in the breast, upper chest, or armpit. You might feel the lump, but not see it.
-Changes in the size or shape of the breast
-A change in skin texture i.e. puckering or dimpling of the skin
-A change in the color of the breast—the breast may look red or inflamed
-Rash, crusting, or changes to the nipple
-Any unusual discharge from either nipple.”
I Was Born With One Of The Rarest Forms Of Belly Buttons In The World
I Have A Skin Condition Called Dermatographia Which Causes My Skin To Raise From The Smallest Scratch And I Like To Draw Flowers On Myself Sometimes
I Saw Some Say That They Have Sectoral Heterochromia, And I Raise You To Central Heterochromia
Taylor Muhl Has A Rare Genetic Condition Called, Chimerism. She Is “Her Own Twin”
I have two sets of DNA, two sets of blood and immune cells. The two colors of skin pigmentation on my torso is from my and my twin's two different genetic makeups. My particular case of Chimerism is linked to autoimmune disease.
I went undiagnosed for more than half my life due to the rarity of my condition. I’m now an advocate for Chimerism, it’s link to autoimmune disease and body positivity. My hope is to prevent others from going undiagnosed how I did.
Brazilian Family All Have 12 Fingers And Toes Due To Genetic Condition "Polydactyly"
None Of My Fingers Have A Middle Joint
I hope this person can still do basic things. Must be quite hard if one's fingers can't bend.
A Boy With Heterochromia
This Hexagon Vein Structure On My Wrist
I Always Hid It, But Now I Want To Share With You My Birthmark In The Center Of My Forehead
She is so beautiful. I have a birthmark on my chest that I treat like "jewelry" and will wear things that emphasize it. I feel that way about her birthmark with her bangs like that. It is like built in jewelry to be emphasized.
A Few People Have Actually Said Wtf When Looking At My Eyes
My Face Birthmark
My Girlfriend Has Freckles In Her Iris. They Look Like Marbles
My Vitiligo Has Turned Half Of My Upper Eyelashes White
I Am Allergic To The Cold
Me too! Idiopathic cold urticaria. Antihistamines every day and I'm ok, but if I forget, I look like I've been sitting in a patch of nettles.
My Hair And Eyelashes Are Naturally Split Into Blonde And Brunette
I Have A Pair Of Moles, That Look Like An Eyebrow Piercing
My Hair Is Half Blonde Half Brunette. Including Eyebrows
My Son Inherited My Joined Together Toes
My Sons Nostrils Are Shaped Like Little Hearts
My Son Was Born With A Black Spot Of Hair In His Blonde Hair. It Grows In Black, And There Is No Birth Mark Or Discoloration Under It
My Iris Is Misshaped But No Known Eye Problems After 25 Years
My Beard Grows 1/4 Orange And Is Split At Pretty Much The Middle Of My Chin (Even Extends Up To My Bottom Lip)
Been Seeing A Lot Of 4 Finger Havers, Here's Me! I Was Born With 3 Of Them
Dinosaur!!! (Not an insult, I think that’s really cool as long as they aren’t impacted too much!)
How My Vitiligo Changes From The Winter To The Summer
The Amount Of Hair My Daughter Had At 2 Months Old
My daughter was born the same. Everyone said it would fall out, it never did.
Her Birthmark Fits Perfectly With Heterochromia
This Is My Sister's Eye. She Has A Condition Called "Coloboma"
My Son And I Have Matching Freckles In The Same Spot
Off-Center Pupil I've Had Since Birth
I'm 21 And Still Have 2 Baby Teeth
I had three untill 24 (had taken them out surgically). My wisdom teeth never grew, and an x-ray showed they don't exist in my jaw.
I Was Cursed With A Belly Button That Sticks Out Through My Shirts
To All The People With Four Fingers. Kneel Before Me
My siblings (twins) were born with 6 fingers but not as long as this. The 6th one eventually dried up and fell off.
This Guy's Super-Long Thumb
My Newborn Son Covered Head To Toe In White "Fur"
That is lanugo hair. Throughout the pregnancy, babies grow and develop in a sac filled with amniotic fluid. This protective fluid cushions the baby. A baby’s skin is covered with a waxy, cheese-like substance called vernix, which protects the skin from amniotic fluid. Vernix prevents a baby’s skin from chaffing in the womb. Lanugo helps protect the skin and makes it easier for vernix to adhere to a baby’s skin. Once a baby sheds lanugo hair — either in the womb or outside the womb — the hair usually never returns. The only exception is in cases of severe malnutrition.
I Was Born With Only Four Fingers On My Left Hand
None of us are perfect. Some, however, are completely unique. I'm awed by the unique eyes. So beautiful..
i have partial heterochromia, meaning the inside of my eyes are brown while the outside are gray, and in my right eye i have two brown stripes
Woah, that sounds so cool! Could we see a pic?
Load More Replies...the article does not mention that some of these cases may not be genetic or hereditary... some people are prenatally exposed to insecticides or herbicides that can do these things. Incorrect prescription of drugs to pregnant mothers like Thalidomide exposure can cause some of these cases.
None of us are perfect. Some, however, are completely unique. I'm awed by the unique eyes. So beautiful..
i have partial heterochromia, meaning the inside of my eyes are brown while the outside are gray, and in my right eye i have two brown stripes
Woah, that sounds so cool! Could we see a pic?
Load More Replies...the article does not mention that some of these cases may not be genetic or hereditary... some people are prenatally exposed to insecticides or herbicides that can do these things. Incorrect prescription of drugs to pregnant mothers like Thalidomide exposure can cause some of these cases.