109 Times Product Packaging Was So Wrong, People Couldn’t Stay Silent Any Longer
Food packaging waste equals to about one-third of all trash, costing governments billions of dollars each year in disposal expenses. Bored Panda has collected a set of images, proving this huge plastic waste contributor to the global waste crisis could be reduced significantly.
Product packaging solutions often become the subjects of heated debates. While the eco-minded consumers want it to be as minimal as possible (meaning fully recyclable), manufacturers often fire back that they don't want their products to start decomposing in the store or become an easy target to shoplifters and put many layers of wasteful and entirely unnecessary plastic wrapping. And while some of their arguments have reasons behind them, a lot of the time the amount of plastic wrap is needlessly excessive. Do we need a pill to be wrapped in three layers of plastic? Or, better yet, casings for coke cans?
Now, we do agree that a zero waste life can be quite challenging to lead sometimes, but it is something we should all aspire to if we don't want to evacuate from our planet Earth in the near future.
Scroll down to learn why we need to rethink packaging and vote for the worst or most ridiculous images!
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If Only Nature Would Find A Way To Cover These Oranges So We Didn't Need To Waste So Much Plastic On Them
whilst this certainly seems is a complete waste of packaging for most, there are a lot of peole out there with chronic arthritis and other disablilities that makes peeling fruit either incredibly difficult, extremely painful or both. Opening a small plastic tub is nothing compared to peeling an orange, so this sort of thing is a God-send for them.
Individually Packaged Coke Cans
If Only Bananas Had Robust, Natural, Bio-Degradable Packaging Of Their Own. Some Sort Of Peelable Skin, Perhaps
The Amount Of Packaging For This One Single Pill
and it says 'non drowsy', i'm guessing you'll at least be a little tired after working through all that so not sneeze at the flowers.
7ft Of Air Packaging To Protect The Socks
This Is Just Plain Ridiculous
Amazon, I Don't Think The Box Was Big Enough
yeah, they could've used one of those envelope packaging things for this.
I Ordered 5lbs Of Sugar Free Jelly Belly's Online... They Arrived Individually Wrapped! Why?
who has that much time and how would program a machine to do that or even deem it worth creating a machine in the first place
New Laptop Came With Anti-Virus Program. I Only Needed The Security Key Code Underneath A Sticker On The Bar Code. A Huge Waste Of Plastic
Single Wrapped Potatoes
Individually Packaged Slices Of Bread
Ridiculously Redundant Over-Packaging
This Peeled Avocado
A Tic Tac Novelty Box That Has 60 Individual Boxes Each With 6 Tic Tacs... So Much Plastic
This Knife Is Far Too Small For The Packaging
Amazon Sent My Bubble Wrap Wrapped In Paper
Pre-Peeled Bananas Wrapped In Plastic
So Much Waste
These Organic Oranges Individually Wrapped In Plastic
What On Earth
Less Waste They Say
top tip - leave some potatoes wrapped in tinfoil in various places around your house. then, in the event of a house fire, you'll have a delicious snack to eat while waiting for the fire brigade to arrive.
This Is Some Next Level Laziness
This SATA Packaging
they should fill those pouches with helium, would reduce the weight and cost of postage. they could then float the boxes to you?
This Is Ridiculous
There's Silly Amazon Packaging But Then There's This
If There's One Thing The World Needs It's More Disposable Plastic Packaging
People are pigs. Often when you buy bananas they look like they've been through the wars because they've been manhandled by so many slobs. It's also a way to sell overripe or overly green bananas. If they come packaged, people won't be able to take them off the bunches and leave them behind. ... I still think it's ridiculous, but I can see where they're coming from.
Amazon Used Protective Packaging To Ship My Protective Packaging
These Individually Wrapped Premium Strawberries
This is quite common for luxury fruits in Japan which is often given as a present (since other types of presents take too much space in one’s home). Remeber the whole square watermelon thing? While the rest of the world giggles a bit, I can tell you these fruits are absolutely perfect i every way. I’ve never seen or tasted more consistently perfect fruit.
I Purchased A Pallet At Work And It Arrived Today
This might be used to not confuse the people handling the shipment. An empty pallet could look like the cargo is missing or the pallet might disappear and become one of all the other pallets at a warehouse (I work in logistics). This way it's clear that the pallet is the shipment. But it still looks silly.
So Much Wasted Plastic
Opening A Box Of M&M's To Find A Bag Of M&M's
These Gloves Must Be So Fragile...
dya reckon they get paid based on how much packaging they've sent out?
Harry & David Strawberries
Saving The Planet With 500% More Packaging
Does Anyone (Besides Me) Think It's Odd That These Organic Free-Range Eggs Come In A Plastic Container Rather Than An Environmentally Friendly Recycled Paper One?
Yes, it's odd. We also buy organiz free-range eggs and they come in a cardboard box, which we then recycle.
Inside This 30 X 30 X30 Cm Box From Sun Was Another Box. Inside That, Was Another Box. Inside That Was Some Foam And An Antistatic Strap + Bag... Inside That? A Cr2302 Battery, About The Size Of An Australian 10c Coin
Festive Potatoes. Just Gonna Leave This One Here
They Sent Me This Tiny Micro SD Card (Red Thing On The Bottom Right) In This Huge Package. What A Waste Of Plastic
Dear Amazon Packaging Dept, You May Have Gone A Bit Overboard On Protecting This Burt's Bees Lotion. I'm Not Sure That This Size Box Or This Amount Of Protection Was Needed, But Thanks For Being Over Cautious
That tube of cream looks scared for being surrounded by those beefy Airbags.. :P
Pointless Packaging
No One Wants To Avocuddle With This Much Plastic
Why Are There So Many Wrapper Layers? I Just Want To Eat Some Candy
simple, we have a lot oof these. the first pack is keeping all flavours together. the second to store a nice amount with the flavor shown. the last is an average wrapping. basically so you know what ur eating
Banana In A Bag
All This Packaging For A Single Mango
Costco Packaging Is Absurdly Huge
To grab people's attention with bright colors and big letters? To make it bulky to avoid theft? Either way, it's still a TON of ridiculous packaging.
Unnecessary Packaging
Hi yeah is that the tea people? yeah, I've been dunking this bag for like, a week now and it's still not fusing. Yeah I'll hold"
If Only Garlic Had A Natural, Biodegradable Casing Instead Of Plastic
These come in jars too...it's pretty convenient unlike some of the other bad packages
How Extra Do You Need To Be To Buy Individual Shallot And Garlic Bulbs In Boxes Instead Of Loose?
What's The Point Of This?
the point? it's the lead, however, it's not actually lead its more graphite mixed with some other things, but it gives the same effect. A standard pencil would write for about 35miles, but I mean, who has ever needed to draw a line that long? a marathon is only 26.219 miles long, it used to be 26, but the royal family were sitting beyond the finish line, and insisted the winners cross the line past them, so they moved the finish line. anyway, I'm rambling, how are you?
This Nerds Easter Egg Contains A Single Box Of Nerds
Not only is that a waste, it's a dissatpointment too. All Easter Eggs should be chocolatey.
Gummy Bear Cup
These Tomatoes
Unwrappig This Chicken Takes Longer Than Cooking It
This is one I can actually understand. When I was living alone, I preferred to buy chicken like this so I didn't have to worry about thawing it for 9 hours at room temperature if I froze it, or worse, have all my chicken go bad and stink up the fridge.
I Ordered One Jar Of Honey Mustard And The Packaging Is A Little Excessive
Dear Amazon, Are You Kidding Me?
These Clementines
100% Compostable Pods. 0% Compostable Packaging. Good One Mcdonald's
Some plastics ARE compostable... biodegradable plastics are being used quite a few places now. Maybe this is one of them? Maybe not, but seems the poster is making assumptions.
Following The Post On Amazon And Their Excess Packaging... I Give You My Cellophane Roll Complete With Huge Box And 55 Feet Of Paper
These Individually Wrapped 3-Inch Slices Of Watermelon
Look At These Lemons
Let me tell you, I worked in a bar in college and restaurant citrus is some of the FILTHIEST food you can eat. I get why they package it like this, cuz lemons and other fruits that are left out for customers is covered in germs. But it is a major waste of plastic.
A Single 6mm Earring
Is This Packaging Really Necessary Zyrtec?
Sadly packing antihistamines and other medications like this is what they do to keep people from making meth out of them or overdosing. It's necessary, in a way.
Carrots In Japan
Wholefoods Is Selling Lemongrass *in A Plastic Box* And Charging $2.99 For Essentially Half A Piece Of It
Single Serve Wine In Plastic Cups
The Ridiculous Amount Of Unnecessary Packaging This Load Of Bread Comes With
Not really. It’s paper, and more economical than me, having to throw half a mouldy loaf away as an adult living alone.
Just As Nature Intended
Asked For Bacon On The Side
I've Gotta Call Out Vans On This. My One Order Arrived In Two Packages Today, About 6 Hours Apart. The Second One Was My Youngest's Teeny Tiny Old Skool Shoes Rattling Around All Alone In This Gigantic Box
Guess they figure the person wearing the tiny shoes needs boxes for a fort? ....yup! That's why
Useless Packaging
These Apples
This Kiwi
Why Not Just Buy A Fresh Watermelon?
This Packaging. Entire Contents On The Left
Why Though?
This Individually Wrapped Jelly Bean
Pre-Peeled Onions In Plastic
SD Memory Card Packaging
Hey, Gillette Would You Please Re-Think Your Packaging? Especially When We Need To Cut All The Excess Paper To Get To The Actual Product And The Package Become Useless
Seriously Tesco?
So This Was The Packaging For My Free Chapstick
These Doughnuts
My question is, why is the packaged bell pepper on the curb?
Was This Really Necessary?
Why Did They Need To Make All This Extra Space
Ridiculous Waste. What An Incredibly Wasteful Way Of Packaging A Tiny Product
Single Wrapped And Single Labelled
Insanely Wasteful Packaging For A Tiny Memory Card From Dabs.com
I Ordered A Small Piece Of Magnet. It Comes In Some Unnecessary Packaging
For A Tiny Webcam In A Tiny Box, Amazon Decided To Use A Huge Box The Guy In The Old Yellow Pages Ads Might Want To Stand On
1 ream of paper in each box (10 boxes) and all beat up and tattered.... boxes-5ace...1962a8.jpg
This Excessive Costco Packaging
My One Spatula (For My Food Processor) Arrived In Two Separate Envelopes And A Plastic Wrapper Too
Little Box
Extra Special Melon
Another Amazon Packaging Failure. Hair Ties. Very Fragile
Why don't you buy them in a store near you? It's cheaper and with waaaaaaayyyyyy less plastic and paper....
Just Why
Microsoft Defines Overpackaging By Putting A Plastic Box In A Plastic Box In Plastic Box
Just In Case You Want To Lick The Unpeeled Garlic
Roses Individually Wrapped
Why Is There So Much Plastic Wrapping On These?
All PET drinks come in packages like this. They are used for storage and carrying around to shops. In my country, they are on ALL PETs in the stores (in case you wish to buy bulk, instead of just one - also for easy carrying). That plastic allows for stacking. You can grab it and carry the whole thing (Trust me, it's tough plastic). And 100% recyclable.
You Know What Really Grinds My Gears? An Absurd Amount Of Unnecessary Packaging
Is This Huge Box Really Necessary For Five Small Packages Of Doritos?
So Wasteful
This Coconut
Individually Wrapped Candies
i think these are meant to be for communal bowls and such like at restaurants. just so you aren't getting the germs off every customer before you.
Simply Insensitive
This is needed for warehouse storage -> see square watermelon to get an idea. Some of these are stupid. Others, not so much. Stop blaming packaging and just recycle! I blame non-recyclables (like mixed plastic and paper)and poor education far more than useless packaging. Just saying.
Most of these, I agree, too much packaging or wrapping, however, the individually wrapped candies, I don't see nothing wrong. Especially when you have candies out for people like in offices, I don't wanna eat candy that have been touched by kids or other ppls hands. So, that one I agree.
Most of it is outraging. But you can't blame online shops for using packages and protections... or else you have to stop buying online (or use it wisely)
Most of these, I agree, too much packaging or wrapping, however, the individually wrapped candies, I don't see nothing wrong. Especially when you have candies out for people like in offices, I don't wanna eat candy that have been touched by kids or other ppls hands. So, that one I agree.
Most of it is outraging. But you can't blame online shops for using packages and protections... or else you have to stop buying online (or use it wisely)