50 Photos Of Unique People That Show That Genetics Is Hard To Predict (New Pics)
Embracing yourself and coming to terms with your appearance can take years. But some people are born with genes that make them stand out even more than us regular folks. Because of this, getting through the day can be a lot harder. That's why it's so awesome to see those who aren't hiding and are confident in their skin.
So we at Bored Panda decided to expand on our earlier publications (this one and this one) and compile a new list of pictures posted by folks with unusual and rare body features. Like pear-shaped pupils. Or abnormally long arms. Despite the challenges these people face, they choose to live their lives with a positive attitude. And that's something to be celebrated.
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Mother And Child With Poliosis
My Wife's Eye That Her Doctor Told Her Was The Weirdest He'd Ever Seen
Genes are hereditary information units that organisms pass down to new generations. Genes contain coded information for the production of proteins that enable cells to function. An organism’s entire collection of genes is called its genome.
The human genome, for example, contains somewhere between 20,000 and 25,000 genes. We resemble the people in our family because our genes are more similar to their genes than they are to those of strangers.
On the other hand, your genes are more similar to the genes of all other humans than they are to the genes of a different kind of organism, such as a rabbit. That being said, humans resemble chimpanzees because we share nearly 99 percent of the same genes.
I Have Vitiligo And Heterochromia
My Dad Has Something Called A Bifid Thumb Or Pre-Axial Polydactyly. About 1 Out Every 1000 Babies Have It. This Was The Thumb Of Our Uber Delivery Guy
I checked the stats and that is indeed what the hospital says, but apparently most people get surgery around 1 or 2 years old to remove one of the extra bits. So there are 26k people running around the country who may have once had thumbs like this! Cool.
This Little Girl's Big, Beautiful Eyes Are Due To A Rare Genetic Syndrome Called Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome
Heredity is a concept that humans have been aware of for thousands of years as we’ve cultivated crops and selectively bred animals.
However, the first formal genetic study was undertaken by a monk named Gregor Mendel in the middle of the 19th century—Mendel bred peas and noticed he could cross-pollinate them in certain ways to get green or yellow seeds.
Nowadays, the field of genetics is breaking new ground searching for new ways to treat disease or develop crops more resistant to insects or drought.
Vitiligo Is A Disease That Causes Loss Of Skin Color In Patches
I Traced Around My Vitiligo Spots
I have vitiligo! Mine's segmental (around hands, joints, eyes, mouth and neck) and usually appears after an injury or because of stress. I never knew what it was until I became an adult, my family called it Maw-maw's disease because my great grandmother was the only other person that had it. She looked like a reverse giraffe in her old age, I can't wait. Vitiligo is uniquely beautiful. <3
Neonatal Progeria Or Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome. A Progressive Genetic Disorder That Causes Children To Age Rapidly, Starting In Their First Two Years Of Life
These photos warmed my heart and made me smile. What a proud mom and precious baby!
While genomes may differ greatly, the genes themselves are all built in the same way. A gene is a section of a long molecule called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), or—in some viruses—a similar molecule called ribonucleic acid (RNA).
DNA and RNA are made of building blocks called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is constructed around one of the four different subunits, called bases. These bases are known as guanine, cytosine, adenine, and thymine (in RNA thymine is replaced with uracil).
A gene carries information in the sequence of its nucleotides, just as a sentence carries information in the sequence of its letters. Although most genes are made of DNA, the genes use RNA to make the proteins that are coded for in the DNA.
Sectoral Heterochromia. People Always Comment On My Eyes, So I Thought I Should Post A Picture
Ok I'm aware I say this for every type of heterochromia but wow 💕
Unique Birthmark
I Was Born With Naturally Pointed Ears
Her Birthmark Created Awesome Highlights
Genes are located on threadlike structures called chromosomes in the cell nucleus (a chromosome itself is a long molecule of DNA with proteins attached). Each cell of an organism carries at least one chromosome. Many organisms, including humans, have numerous chromosomes in their cells.
To make a protein from a gene in DNA, a cell first builds a strand of RNA that copies the information from the DNA molecule. This process is called the transcription of a gene.
I Had No Fingernails All My Life
I've seen this one before and wondered if it was photoshopped, so I looked into it and yes, there is a condition where you're born with partial or no fingernails. It's called Anonychia!
I Have This Thing Called Raynaud’s Disease. This Happens Every Time I Get Cold
Where's My White Lash Enjoyers At? Just Wanted To Remind Everyone We Are Beautiful Because/Despite Our Vitiligo
Both Of My Eyes Are Split Between Two Colors
The cell then uses the message in the RNA strand to build a protein molecule. This process is called the translation of a gene.
Only about one percent of our DNA is in protein-coding genes. The other 99 percent is noncoding DNA. Geneticists do not know the purpose of all this noncoding DNA, but they believe at least some of it is necessary for the proper functioning of cells, especially in controlling gene functions.
Stef Sanjati Was Born With A Rare Condition Called Waardenburg Syndrome. It Is A Genetic Mutation Which Gives The Individual Wide-Set Eyes
Twin Girls Have Achondroplasia. This Genetic Disorder Is Characterized By A Large Head, Short Arms And Legs, Short Stature, Prominent Forehead, And Flat Nasal Bridge
I Have A Skin Condition Called Dermatographia Due To Which Lightly Scratching My Skin Causes Raised, Red Lines Where I've Scratched
Yes, I have this too, I have chronic urticaria also, and must take antihistamine daily, since then the Dermatographia has reduced, but still pops up occasionally.
I Have Abnormally Long Arms
I have that also. I am 184cm and my ´wingspan´ is 200cm. Handy to get a quick measurment
Genetic disorders occur when a mutation (a harmful change to a gene, also known as a pathogenic variant) affects our genes or when we have the wrong amount of genetic material.
We receive half our genes from each biological parent and may inherit a gene mutation from one of them or both. Sometimes genes change due to issues within the DNA (mutations). This can raise our risk of having a genetic disorder. Some cause symptoms at birth, while others develop over time.
Congenital Melanocytic Nevus. It Appears As A Circumscribed, Light Brown To Black Patch, Covering Any Size Surface Area And Any Part Of The Body
Rare And Unique Genetic Condition Which Is Known As Waardenburg Syndrome. It Can Cause Hearing Loss And Changes In Coloring (Pigmentation) Of The Hair, Skin, And Eyes
My Name Is Sara I Have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (Classical And Dermatosparaxis)
EDS is a connective tissue disorder that inhibits the body’s ability to produce collagen As a consequence, Geurts has skin that wrinkles prematurely and makes her look older than she is.
Hypertrichosis. Jesus Was Born With A Rare Genetic Mutation Called Hypertrichosis, Which Has Left Him With Excessive Hair Growth That Can Occur Anywhere On The Body
Dunno if it's the same guy, but someone with this condition had shaved his face, and his kids cried because they didn't recognize him. Said he would never shave again
Genetic disorders can be:
- Chromosomal: This type affects the structures that hold your genes/DNA within each cell (chromosomes). With these conditions, people are missing or have duplicated chromosome material;
- Complex (multifactorial): These disorders stem from a combination of gene mutations and other factors. They include chemical exposure, diet, certain medications, and tobacco or alcohol use;
- Single-gene (monogenic): This group of conditions occurs from a single gene mutation.
Chimeras Are Organisms With Two Different Sets Of DNA. Human Chimerism Is Rare, But Its Characteristics Are: Two Distinct Red Blood Cell Lineages Or Skin Pigmentation
I have this on my tummy too. One sunburns and the other tans. Super cool to finally put a name to it.
This Toe, With It's Own Toe, Complete With It's Own Nail
Two Cowlicks In Different Directions
Called a “double crown” - not all that uncommon (2/3 of my kids have them). Makes it hell to make their hair neat for school pictures!
I Have A Pear-Shaped Pupil
There is a condition known as “coloboma” which can cause this type of pupil irregularities. In the show “Vikings” there was a character, based on a real historical figure known as “Sigurd Snake-in-the-eye”. It has been hypothesised by historians that Sigurd had coloboma, giving him the snake-in-the-eye look and, hence, earning him his title.
There is often little we can do to prevent a genetic disorder. But genetic counseling and testing can help us learn more about our risks.
If you have a family history of a genetic disorder, you may wish to consider genetic counseling to see if testing is appropriate for you. Lab tests can typically show whether you have gene mutations responsible for that condition. In many cases, carrying the mutation does not always mean you’ll end up with it.
I Have Full Heterochromia
Was Born With Some Extra Skin On My Ear, So I Figured It Had To Be Done
Shilah Madison Was Born With A Condition Because Of Which Her Hair Constantly Stands Up
The "Uncomfortable hair syndrome" is quite painful and the hair often breaks off from the roots, explains her mother.
There's A Tooth In My Chin
Bam Syndrome Is A Rare Genetic Disorder In Which Children Are Born With A Small Nose Or No Nose At All. Also, They May Have Problems With Vision And Their Eyes
Here’s A Picture Of The Hand I Was Born With
Interesting Iris Pattern (It Doesn’t Affect Vision)
Congenital Melanocytic Nevus Is Visible Pigmented Spots On The Skin Present At Birth. They Usually Are Brown, Tan, Pink, Or Black. Some Moles Produce Dark, Coarse Hair
My Little Sister Was Born With Six Fingers
I Had Identical Twin Girls, And One Ear On One Of The Baby Is An Elf Ear
A Photo A Friend Took A While Back Of My Eyes Which Shows My Rare Eye Condition, Double Coloboma (Of The Iris And Retina). I Have This In Both Eyes
I Was Born With A Hole At The Top Of My Ear That Used To “Cry” When I Cried As A Baby
I Have Somewhat Long Thumbs
My Girlfriend's Birthmark In Her Eye
None Of My Fingers (Or Toes) Have Middle Knuckles, And It's Hereditary
I Have Skeeter Syndrome (Allergic To Mosquito Salvia)
My Hands After Washing The Dishes For 20 Minutes
There's A Patch On My Leg That Doesn't Get Goosebumps
I Have Muscle Hypertrophy (Muscles Grow Big Without Exercise). I Got Botox In My Jaw Yesterday Because Of This
My daughter had such big muscles that she ended up needing to go to physical therapy as they were so tight she couldn’t stand up straight. The doctor said she had hypertrophy. She is perfectly normal, but built like a gymnast with cut muscles. She was 10 at the time. She is also the fastest girl I have ever seen.
I Have A Freckle On My Eye
Fell Asleep On A Chair. I Apparently Have Remarkably Level Shoulders
It's thanks to Bored Panda that today (at age 33), I realized I have Central Heterochromia. And I have green eyes, which is even rarer. Feels good ☺️
I figured out at age 49 that I have webbed toes. They're not super webbed but webbed nonetheless. I just never thought about it until someone said something.
Load More Replies...My physical weirdness is that I have hobbit feet. They're an EEE width. Also, one is an inch longer than the other. I often wish I lived before the industrial revolution so that I could easily get handmade shoes that fit.
OMG, I have every kind of large foot proportion; wide feet, high arches, long toes, and one foot longer than the other. I have bought shoe stretchers and made several types of my own. It takes several months (or up to a year) to gradually stretch a shoe to the size I need.
Load More Replies...I was born with a condition called craniosynostosis (premature fusion of the skull in utero). The specific type I have is trigonocephaly (premature fusion of the metopic (forehead) suture resulting in a triangular shaped skull. This scar goes all the way across the top of my head from ear to ear. Other symptoms include short stature and other bone deformities (follow up picture of my hand - both pinkies and index fingers are bent). I also have a lot of eye, ear, nose, and throat issues. 35 years old and just had my 29th surgery in January. IMG_202209...a04ab3.jpg
It's thanks to Bored Panda that today (at age 33), I realized I have Central Heterochromia. And I have green eyes, which is even rarer. Feels good ☺️
I figured out at age 49 that I have webbed toes. They're not super webbed but webbed nonetheless. I just never thought about it until someone said something.
Load More Replies...My physical weirdness is that I have hobbit feet. They're an EEE width. Also, one is an inch longer than the other. I often wish I lived before the industrial revolution so that I could easily get handmade shoes that fit.
OMG, I have every kind of large foot proportion; wide feet, high arches, long toes, and one foot longer than the other. I have bought shoe stretchers and made several types of my own. It takes several months (or up to a year) to gradually stretch a shoe to the size I need.
Load More Replies...I was born with a condition called craniosynostosis (premature fusion of the skull in utero). The specific type I have is trigonocephaly (premature fusion of the metopic (forehead) suture resulting in a triangular shaped skull. This scar goes all the way across the top of my head from ear to ear. Other symptoms include short stature and other bone deformities (follow up picture of my hand - both pinkies and index fingers are bent). I also have a lot of eye, ear, nose, and throat issues. 35 years old and just had my 29th surgery in January. IMG_202209...a04ab3.jpg