Magical Cat Has Condition That Makes His Fur Look Like A Galaxy Of Stars, People Are Obsessed
Interview With OwnerWhile stargazers are searching for the most beautiful celestial bodies high above in the night skies, this unusual kitty has the entire galaxy on his own fur.
This adorable black cat named Gatsby took the entire internet by storm after a video of him shared on Instagram on the 1st of July went viral. The short clip, made by his owner Jean Noyes, has gained more than 1 million likes and has captivated viewers worldwide ever since.
More info: @gatsbygalaxykitty
Jean Noyes has a very special kitty – his unique black fur is dotted with stars due to a condition called vitiligo
Image credits: @gatsbygalaxykitty
Image credits: @gatsbygalaxykitty
Image credits: @gatsbygalaxykitty
Gatsby, who just turned 5 in August, is mesmerizing millions of people with his starry night fur, thanks to his caring and loving owner, who’s always sharing short clips about the cat on the social media.
The whole story started when Jean Noyes from Red Oak, IA rescued Gatsby and his sister, Daisy, from a man who unfortunately lost his battle with substance abuse and passed away. His mother was Jean’s neighbor, therefore she asked the woman to take care of the kitties, as she was not able to.
“From the moment I saw them, I knew that what I was missing in my life were cats,” the woman recalled the memories in an interview with Bored Panda. “They were both very shy and a little underweight. I had a pet rat called Oliver at the time, and he was instrumental in bringing them out of their shells.”
Jean told us that Gatsby was an ordinary cat and didn’t have his markings (stars) until he was about 6 months old.
“He was a beautiful little tuxie, but I had no inkling that he was going to develop these amazing markings,” she said. “I had taken him to the vet for his initial shots, and to be neutered, and there was no indication that he had vitiligo.”
Jean explained that vitiligo is a very rare genetic pigmentation condition which affects only about 1% of humans worldwide, and even fewer animals. It affects Siamese and Burmese kitties more than other breeds, but to see it in a tuxedo cat is especially rare, therefore the woman always felt very grateful for having such a special cat.
She also noted that Gatsby suffers no ill effects from this rare condition since it is purely cosmetic.
The woman rescued Gatsby and his sister, Daisy, from a man who unfortunately lost his battle with substance abuse
Image credits: @gatsbygalaxykitty
Image credits: @gatsbygalaxykitty
Image credits: @gatsbygalaxykitty
Probably the most beautiful moment in this very special friendship between Jean and Gatsby was the transformation of the woman’s habits. When she adopted the cat, she was struggling with substance use disorder herself.
“I got sober about a year later and as his fur started to transform, so did my life,” Jean recalled. “I have worked very hard and am 4 years clean, but I will always draw a correlation between the changing beauty of his coat and the peace and beauty in my life.”
Gatsby got his first ‘star’ at the time on the face and even tried to scrub it off for a while.
“He probably found that pretty challenging,” the woman said and noted that it has been so humbling and beautiful the way people from all over the world have responded to him.
“I especially love when people with vitiligo reach out to me and thank me for showing the beauty and uniqueness of this condition,” Jean shared and told us that she would be truly happy if Gatsby could help create acceptance and acknowledgment of the beauty in vitiligo and all things that make us different and unique: both in animals, and in their humans.
And I suddenly remember another similar story about a black Labrador called White Eyed Rowdy who developed vitiligo at the age of 11 and whose mission was to inspire and empower individuals with this condition.
This adorable dog was not only a sweet family pet spreading awareness, but truly helped lots of kids to accept their skin imperfections.
Image credits: @white_eyed_rowdy
“‘Cause you’re a sky, you’re a sky full of stars
Such a heavenly view You’re such a heavenly view,” sings Coldplay, and it seems the song was created looking at Gatsby.Now each time I hear it, I will definitely think of this marvelously unique kitty who has the entire night sky on his black fur and who inspires all of us to embrace the beauty of our uniqueness.
People on the internet couldn’t get enough of Gatsby and his unique night sky fur
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