35 Times People Saw Some Really Amusing Or Witty Doormats And Couldn’t Help Posting Their Findings
Where does almost any home begin? Some would say, with the hallway - and they would be damn right. Some, with the living room - and they would also be right. But the first impression, you must admit, is often the most important, so I'll tell you what - any home actually begins with the doormat.
Life is an interesting thing - something that was originally conceived as a purely utilitarian thing for wiping dirty soles, over time turned into something incredibly creative. Don't believe it? Then let's scroll through this selection of the most unusual, funny and simply cute doormats from around the world, carefully collected for you by Bored Panda!
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First Attempt At A Doormat... So Fun
My Husband Ordered Us A Doormat
My Bulgarian Dumpster Cat Is Proud Of His Harness And Doormat
It is widely believed that doormats originated in the countries of Northern Europe in the second half of the 19th century, and this is quite reasonable. Firstly, it's usually colder there, so the doormats also served the function of retaining heat. And secondly, the development of the factory weaving industry made various fabrics very common, so homeowners had another opportunity to take care of beauty. Well, then about a couple of decades later, doormats appeared in North America.
My Cat Looks Exactly Like The One On This Doormat My Grandfather Bought For Me
My First Doormat
Dangit, No Chance To Sell A Vacuum Cleaner Here
And today, about a century and a half later, we can say with confidence - the doormat has definitely become part of our cultural code. It has ceased to carry only the function of a "rag for wiping feet" and has become a kind of decoration. Another means of "standing out from the crowd." Another way to show everyone who comes your unique and immaculate wit.
Doormat Kitty
Could Never Quite Find A Doormat That I Liked, So I Made My Own
Doormat Of The Day
By the way, about wit. In one fan fiction, I once read a really outstanding version of the appearance of the inscription "Welcome" on our doormats - supposedly, this is in fact the machination of an influential "vampire lobby." After all, as we all know, a vampire cannot enter a house without an invitation, and a doormat with an invitation already written on it actually solves this problem... Now we are probably waiting for a mass campaign to discredit silver and garlic in the media.
Our Adopted Boi Is Half Husky. Got A Custom Doormat Made Just For Him
New Front Door Mat
I'm that way about calling without texting first time see if now's a good time
My Dad's Doormat
Ah, and also about wit. Of all the doormats presented in this selection, I personally enjoyed the inscription "Please knock, the cat is naked" the most - and the sphinx kitty sitting next to it on the porch. By the way, if your door does not have a special cat door, then a warm doormat can perform another incredibly important function - your cat can lie on it while waiting for you to open the door for them after another pleasant walk.
The Doormats That People Have
This Made Me Laugh When I Dropped Off Here
New Door Mat... Hoping The Amazon Delivery People Can Follow Directions
Well, one of the wise men of the past noted that there are as many opinions as there are people. We, in turn, want to rephrase this quote: there are as many doormats as there are houses. So now please feel free to scroll this list to the very end, and if you smile at least a couple of times (not to mention going out and buying or making yourself some unusual doormat as well), then we have definitely achieved our goal today!
My New Doormat Arrived Today
Doormat Of The Day
Best Doormat Award Goes To
I don't live in a great neighborhood. My neighbors and I have a system. Certain knock if it's friends, other knock if it's landlord, once more for crackhead, and one for the police. I feel so very sorry for the census guy. He's a good dude with no idea where he just parked.
My Neighbour’s New Doormat
Saw This Doormat During A Delivery Today...
Best. Doormat. Ever
My First Doormat
Got A New Doormat For My Dog
Not A Trap Door (Doormat) I Use My Cricut To Create The Stencil
The fact that the wording is not straight, would bother me immensely.
Why, Thank You
The Rainbow Doormat Is So Frickin' Cute
This Doormat Speaks To The Introvert In Me
Their Order Matched Their Doormat I Guess
It's This Doormat I Have. It Really Tied The Room Together
I Painted A Doormat Tonight
Thought This Subreddit Would Enjoy Our New Doormat
Even better if your doorbell chime is the melody to Michael Jackson's "Beat It."
Perfect Doormat For Customers Order
Skiing Lpt: Get A Doormat For Your Car, It Makes Booting Up Much Easier
This Is Definitely Some Door Mat
Rather have 100 posts like this then one TMZ gossip c**p or pathetic cringe am I the AH post.
This was fun. Can we ditch the am I the AH stuff and all the latest Amazon c**p?
Rather have 100 posts like this then one TMZ gossip c**p or pathetic cringe am I the AH post.
This was fun. Can we ditch the am I the AH stuff and all the latest Amazon c**p?