Life is full of twists and turns, and none of us could have predicted them. That’s what makes it so interesting and keeps people on the edge of their seats. Its unpredictable nature is exactly why people worry about what’s coming next or feel excited about the possibility of the great things they may experience.

In the spirit of not knowing what to expect, here are a few things folks never thought would ever happen to them until they actually came true. These experiences show exactly how life keeps people on their toes.

More info: Reddit


A woman in dark clothing kneels by a grave, deep in thought, in a serene cemetery setting, symbolizing unexpected reality. Finally found and then lost my soulmate. 38 years alone looking. 3.5 years together. 3 years of pain since he's been gone. Grief is brutal and destructive.

imtiredmakeitstop , freepik Report

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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had 31 years with my soulmate, lost her just three months ago now. I'm sure the pain will never truly go away but hope that life going on around me will help me find a new 'normal' in time.

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    Group of friends sharing an unexpected reality moment, smiling and celebrating joyfully indoors. Found out I was the guy in the friend group everyone kept around as a joke and to mess around with. I really thought they cared about me, and I loved them. .

    Fun_Camp_2078 , freepik Report


    Man unexpectedly resting head on desk, laptop open, glasses beside him, showing the unexpected chaos in reality. Being a miserable adult who hates his job, his life, and struggles to stay in the higher tiers of poverty.

    Sad-Twist4604 , Report

    Although the folks in this list didn’t expect to go through the things that they did, research has found that people often tend to believe the worst stuff will happen to them. Our brains seem to focus on the negative aspects of the world and conjure up scenarios about bad events or experiences and put us smack dab in the middle of all that.


    This kind of negativity draws our attention more than normal circumstances or positive events. Then, due to confirmation bias, we believe that we are always unlucky or doomed, which isn’t actually the case. Rather than letting the bad memories hold so much space in our minds, it’s really important to pay more attention to and value the good moments.


    Four friends with arms around each other, facing a clear sky, symbolize reality's unexpected joys. That I would find people who actually like, love me and want me around. Growing up everybody made me feel like they tolerated my existence.

    DSJns , freepik Report


    Pregnant woman in a lace dress stands in a garden, highlighting unexpected things in reality. Got pregnant with triplets at 41 after being told I was infertile my whole life. Life really knows how to throw curveballs at you when you least expect it.

    Spicy-Bunny1 , Leah Newhouse Report

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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My mom got pregnant with me at 36 after being told the same thing as you. Unfortunately, she never let me forget what an unexpected "accident" I was. I hope you tell your babies that they were unexpected "surprises". If you can't say that, then don't say anything. I'm 72 now and the hurt caused by my mother's words is still there.

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    A person standing confidently in front of a large excavator on a construction site, showcasing unexpected things in reality. Be crushed by the machines I operate. I was in a heavy equipment incident where the dirt caved and I slid over while in the machine into a retention pond without water and was ejected from the machine on the way down. My legs and lower body were pinned under the machine and my head was split open and could see my skull. I was blessed and survived and walked out of that incident without a broken bone.

    Brendxnm20 , bearfotos Report

    It’s often hard to accept the unpredictable nature of life, especially for people who want to be in control of the things around them. Even if we’ve made the best plans or thought of every single possibility, there might be curveballs that we never even expected. This is probably what happened to the folks on this list.

    Rather than always getting frustrated because we can’t stay one step ahead of life, it’s important to sometimes go with the flow. Stressing about what could have happened will not change the outcome of the situation and will only serve to destroy your mental health. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is accept that come what may, you’ll be able to get through it.


    Seagulls flying over the ocean against a clear sky, showcasing unexpected things in reality. A flock of birds s**t on me. And they missed everyone else standing nearby.

    Cute-Kiwi-Boy , Pixabay Report

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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s a terrible experience. A group of us were all dressed up and headed to a soirée for the opening of a new exhibit at a museum and a raft of over-full pigeons descended and expelled their horror all over me. Just me. It was awful. I had to leave, it was so bad and ended up stripping in my car and driving home through a Dallas twilight, very obviously just in my boxers.

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    Man sitting with dog beside "Homeless and Hungry" sign, illustrating unexpected things in reality. Homelessness for just under 4 years total.

    LucidityEngine , MART PRODUCTION Report

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    3 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My cousin who would work 15 hours a day seven days a week if he could became homeless at 60 after a COVID layoff. Lost his job, went through all his saving, lost his apt and then started sleeping in his car. No one would hire him at 60. He is 64 now and just got into a long-term shelter. Edit to add we are in Ontario Canada.

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    A man in an office holding a box of belongings, illustrating unexpected things in reality. Always thought getting laid off was something you see in movies or hear from distant relatives, never something I'd face. Then boom, corporate downsizing turned my 'never gonna happen to me' into a 'how did this happen to me?' moment.

    AngelineNebula , Drazen Zigic Report

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    Michelle C
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unfortunately, many people experienced that during the pandemic and others are experiencing that now.

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    In challenging and unexpected moments, you might feel overwhelmed and worried, but the very best thing to do first is to breathe. Experts say that taking a few moments to calm down your nervous system will help you feel a bit more in control of the situation and will stop you from immediately panicking.


    The next thing to do after you get your breathing in check is to try and focus on the things you can control in the moment. Getting them done step by step will make things feel less daunting. Don’t be afraid to ask for help because that can provide you with all the necessary support you need so that you don’t feel so alone or overburdened by life.


    A woman in bed looking unwell, surrounded by unexpected things like medicine bottles and tissues. I never thought it could be me, in my 20s, to end up with a horrible disease... that always felt like something that would happen to someone else.

    Now I have Huntington's - a very rare degenerative genetic disease that will start to destroy my life in the next 5-10 years. We didn't know my family had it. Now everyone I love is at risk.

    lobstersinlove , freepik Report

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    Erica J
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A cousin of mine married a girl with Huntingtons. She's currently going down hilll fast. Saddest part, her parents pretty much have abandoned her as they have lost one kid already and two more are next. She has a sister who's worse off than she is. This forces my aunt to take care of her when my cousin's at work. Another sad thing, their son calls my aunt (his grandma) mom more than he does his own mom. He recently turned 8. For heaven sake! If you know you have this kind of thing in your family DO NOT HAVE KIDS, especially if you're going to abandon them when they need you most!

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    A woman in deep thought, hand on face, highlighting unexpected emotions in reality. Menopause.

    I mean, I knew it would happen, it happens to every person born female. But I never expected the absolute havoc which has been wreaked on my body, mind and psyche from it. No one told me this s**t, women when I was growing up *never* talked about this monstrous monkey who climbs on your back and grabs your internal reins like god d**n Ratatouille, driving you further and further into mental fog and crazy thoughts. No one until Sinead O'Connor - in her autobiography last year she freely talked about how menopause literally drove her mad. That disastrous Dr. Phil news and her jumping out of a hotel window, thst was menopause, specifically surgical menopause. There have seriously been times where i was thisclose to checking myself in to a behavioral health hospital. The s**t is diabolical. And I've suffered with it for 10 years now!

    AmericanDesertWitch , freepik Report

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    A girl
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel fortunate. The crazy part lasted maybe 7 years. My primary gripes now are every square inch (EVERY) of my skin is chronically dry and my libido is 1/10. Sigh

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    People start worrying about the future right from their teen years. This can negatively impact folks’ well-being and make them constantly feel anxious about what’s coming next. The truth is that nobody can predict what’s going to happen, but worrying about it now will just end up spoiling the present.

    If you find yourself always spiralling and anxious about the scary possibilities of life, it might be better to reach out to a trained therapist for help. Getting into calming activities like yoga, mediation, and mindfulness can help you also deal with those feelings of overwhelm.


    Two people sharing an emotional hug in a cozy room, reflecting unexpected things in reality. Cancer. I was a health food nut. Turned out it was from 9/11. Oh yeah. And witnessing 9/11.

    anon , Thirdman Report

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    Michelle C
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’ve never forgotten September 11, 2001, either, and I don’t understand how there are people who can make fun of the immense tragedy of that day.

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    A woman sitting on a wooden floor, looking contemplative, holding a bottle, capturing unexpected reality moments. Not enjoying things that I did enjoy before 4-5 years ago (Gaming, going out with friends and many other things).

    _Tifo , MART PRODUCTION Report

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    Allen Packard
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Depression it tough, don't go it alone. I pray that you seek help, life can be good again.

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    The experiences on this list show that things can change in an instant, without any warning, but these folks managed to get through it all. 

    Nobody knows exactly what’s going to happen next in their life, but if we did, would it diminish the beauty of the experience? Tell us what you think.


    Aerial view of firefighters responding to unexpected blaze, with smoke billowing from a large building in a rural area. A house fire.

    I was at work in 2023 when I got a call from my landlord saying that my duplex was on fire. Nobody was hurt, thankfully, but my housemates and I all lost most of our possessions. And of course we had to scramble to find new places to live. It's been almost two years and I'm settled again, but on some level I don't think I'll ever be fully over it.

    MissMarchpane , Tom Fisk Report

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    Calvin Smelliott
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    16 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My apartment complex, eight units, burned down in 2010. I lost everything. Including my cats, which I had had for 15 years. Rebuilding my life after losing everything was so very hard.

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    Two men at a bar, one comforting the other who's laying his head down, unexpected reality moment. Becoming [dependent]. Used to question how [dependent people] can't just "stop", now I can't remember the last time I was sober.

    Drynapples , drobotdean Report

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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The first thing to go when counting your drinks is your ability to count.

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    Woman with a bicycle in a green field, highlighting the unexpected beauty of reality. I fell off my bicycle last month and broke my jaw and both arms. I was on my way to a job interview.

    Fortunately my arms aren't/weren't displaced and have been getting better very steadily.

    My jaw required surgery and the surgeons did an excellent job. Eating puree'd vegetables and protein shakes has been unpleasant.

    Leather_Boot_Memory , Ron Lach Report

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    Lowrider 56
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was in a bad car wreck, broke my jaw in 2 places and they had to operate and wire the pieces of my jaw back together and then wired my jaw shut. It's not fun at all.

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    Person stretching in the morning light, experiencing unexpected things in reality. I never thought I’d become a morning person, but now I love starting my day early!

    7awaymelaren , cottonbro studio Report

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    Petra Peitsch
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I tried this for a job in my professional-field for almost a year. Because I liked the specific job, the guys working with ...but NOPE! In 11 months I couldn't change my "night-owl" biorythm to a morning person, who wakes up at 4.30 a.m to get working from 6 a.m. No matter how tired I was, I couldn't sleep till midnight, at least. Guys, sleeping 4-5 max. 6 hours for months, it's a f.cked up scenario. NEVER DO THIS. Please. I had to quit at the end, obviously. Fortunately, in my profession there is place for "night owls" too.

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    Athletes in wheelchairs racing on a city street, showcasing unexpected things in reality. Become a paraplegic.

    MrWheels44 , RUN 4 FFWPU Report

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    Erica J
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    3 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was 5 when I became paraplegic due to complictions of surgery for a narrowing aorta and an aneurysm.

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    A car with a significantly crumpled front, highlighting unexpected things in reality after a crash. My mom dying in a car accident.

    LawWolf959 , memory_stockphoto Report

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    People sitting in a row, wearing breathing masks inside a pressurized cabin, showcasing unexpected things in reality. Being on a plane when the oxygen masks drop down.

    firehfy , Drazen Zigic Report

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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've seen some masks drop once on a plane, but that was due to a rather hard landing shaking them loose. It definitely was not in a hyperbaric chamber like the one shown in the picture that BP chose for this entry for some weird reason.

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    Red and black sports cars racing on a forest road, showcasing unexpected things in reality. I got hit by a car when I was 14 (8 years ago) and it changed my life. I had PTSD for years afterwards and months of physical therapy. I always thought those road safety PSAs were overly dramatic but reality was much worse!

    Full_Rope2377 , azerbaijan_stockers Report

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    My cat getting stuck in the oven, and yes, he is still alive, I always check it before preheating it, and there’s a childproof lock on it now, and my bf and I both check before turning it on.

    To clarify, the oven was not on when I found him there. The cat has a habit of hiding in weird places, he has an AirTag collar, I was a bit shocked when I heard where it was pinging.

    throwaway1_2_0_2_1 Report

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    Failure. I always thought I’d be successful and stable at 25 but here I am now, unemployed and struggling to find a job cause I got complacent with online gaming all day.

    RollsJ0yce Report

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    Geoffrey Scott
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You are NOT a failure. Gaming is an a*******n, just like the Mich they have a gambling help line after each insidious ad for online betting.

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    Group of diverse friends walking together on a tree-lined path, carrying backpacks, showcasing unexpected things in reality. As an overachiever, dropping out of college.

    Ill_Secretary_581 , drobotdean Report

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    Petra Peitsch
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    3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If it led to better fields for you ... College is overestimated. Coming from someone, who also has a University- degree. It helps a lot, especially when it is in a "wanted-field". And to say, I also took advanteges of my Uni-degree at a point in my life. But years later, I made another professional training for a very different field, where I'm working right now. Because we are changing. What was very important in our 20s, is maybe not so really in our 40s.


    Woman removing ring, sitting on a couch with a blurred man in the background, symbolizing unexpected things in reality. My marriage ending.

    poppyisabel , prostock-studio Report

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    Woman in a white shirt using a smartphone with red nails, unexpected things in reality highlighted on screen. That someone who claimed to love me would break up with me over a TEXT message 🤣.

    LadyNessi , Report

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    15 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I broke up with someone via was more than he deserved

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    Family sitting on grass in a field, smiling and enjoying an outdoor moment, showcasing unexpected things in reality. Having somewhat of a relationship with my family, took a long a*s time but at least we talk without fighting all the time now :D.

    O_chaexe , freepik Report

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    Poll Question

    Have you had something similar happen to you?

    Yes! Though I think everyone will have experience like this, in time.

    Kind of, but it wasn't as horrible.

    No, and I hope it never happens to me!