A warm puppy snoring in your lap, the scent of freshly baked cinnamon rolls filling your home and a pair of wool socks your grandmother knitted for you as a Christmas present. We all love wholesome content, so if your day is in need of some virtual sunshine, pandas, we’ve got the perfect list for you down below.
We’ve gathered some of the most uplifting and heartwarming posts from the Unexpectedly Wholesome subreddit, so you can spend the next few minutes restoring your faith in humanity. Enjoying these pics with surprisingly sweet twists, and be sure to upvote the ones you’d like to brighten someone else’s day with!
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Friendly Thing In Unfriendly Times
Unexpectedly Wholesome
Hey, just like in the movie "Saved!" where (spoilers) they send this poor guy off to a special detention centre for "correction" and he falls in love with his roommate.
Yes! BACA (Bikers Against Child Abuse,) are an amazing organization! You can find some really heartwarming stories about them on YouTube.
Not everyone is a fan of surprises, understandably, but there’s nothing better than a pleasant surprise. Expecting standstill traffic when you’re running late for work and being blessed with all green lights and not another car in sight, finding flowers and chocolates on your desk that your partner got for you “just because,” or finding out that your best friend will be in town for your birthday can easily make your day. Many of us are taught to hope for the best yet expect the worst, and thankfully, all of the posts on this list don’t disappoint when it comes to providing the best possible outcomes.
The Unexpectedly Wholesome subreddit has a simple concept: members share things that end up being, well, unexpectedly sweet! And clearly, Redditors can’t get enough, as the group has 210k members, or simply people as they call themselves, and is full of uplifting posts about anything and everything. Many of these pics have the potential to be sad, hateful, disappointing or terrifying, yet they all take a quick turn and end up bringing pure joy to readers.
Meet Max - The Goodest Of Good Boys
This Is So Wholesome
Best Things In Life Are Simple!
i really wish everybody could see this, i hope this gets higher
As I’m sure you know, pandas, we love wholesome content here at Bored Panda. Whether it’s adorable photos of baby animals or sweet pics of elderly people standing up for gay and trans rights, these kinds of pics will always be precious. But the word ‘wholesome’ hasn’t always been a compliment, so Sadiba Hasan wrote a piece for The New York Times discussing when this word became a term of endearment for Gen Zers. Apparently, the word started gaining popularity in 2018 and peaked in September 2020.
But when Celeste Scott referred to the content at the lifestyle blog The Good Trade as “wholesome” during a meeting in 2019, she learned that her colleagues had a negative connotation with the word. “Maybe before, ‘wholesome' was used to describe something a little more conservative,” she told The New York Times. But nowadays, especially amongst the youngest generation, wholesome is not associated with outdated, traditional family values and virtues, but rather linked with kindness, positivity, sincerity and anything cute.
You Helped To Completely Change Someone's Life For The Better
Such A Cute Moment For Them To Have
Good Husband
how did he say something that usually is offensive in such a cute way? bless him
Perhaps part of the reason Gen Z has decided to cling onto the term wholesome is because of their positivity overall. One 2022 study interviewing college undergraduates found that this young generation highly values optimism and contributing to social change. So it’s not surprising that Gen Z would also be a huge fan of “wholesome” memes and pics that promote gay rights, disability rights, taking care of the planet and anything else that makes us feel warm and fuzzy. Especially in times of turmoil, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, this content can be a welcomed escape for young people to dive into the world of all things wholesome.
This Is True
Good Parenting
No You’re Crying
urgggghhhhhhh dad-son relationships againnnnnn. i so love them
Millennial memes of the early 2010s were often full of dark humor and sarcasm, but we live in a very different world now. “Sometimes those ironic and satirical memes are too heavy-handed, and they go into things that, at a certain point, it’s not really a joke anymore,” Enzo Luna, a 22-year-old communications consultant, told The New York Times, noting that he particularly loves watching cute cat videos. “I really enjoy seeing that type of content as opposed to people making fun of others.” We’re in an age where young people are increasingly valuing social justice and kindness, and it’s reflected in what’s popular online.
Yea Pretty Much
Two Really Cool Guys. This Made Me Smile
Thanks Tim, Very Cool
Constance Grady also wrote a piece for Vox explaining how she has seen the word wholesome undergo a complete revival in the past couple of decades. Gone are the days where the word signified being behind the times and reminding people of their grandparents (in a bad way); today, being wholesome is aspirational. Anything from snacks we buy at the grocery store to music we listen to on Spotify can be wholesome, and many of this comes in direct opposition to the alt-right movement that gained traction online around 2014. “Part of the way the alt-right spreads its message is through internet trolling. When it is ascendant, the internet landscape around it starts to feel more than a little toxic,” Grady writes. “And wholesomeness becomes an appealing escape.”
Duolingo Can Be Good Sometimes
He Wanted His Dad Home
Doggo knows how to play his humans. A cuddle day with dad was worth a vet visit, which says something.
Former BuzzFeed staff writer Natalya Lobanova also told Vox that, “Wholesome memes will always do well after something devastating (Trump, Brexit, whatever) because in those moments, people crave to be reminded of good things, and to simply just switch off from feeling uneasy or angry.” It seems like we have barely had a break from bad news in recent years, with school shootings, war, the pandemic, inflation and much more. So can we really blame anyone for wanting to have a few minutes of peace, intaking refreshing, wholesome content?
Threw Away An Easter Wreath With Dyed Eggs All Over It. Just Watched The Trashman Use It As A Hat
Not All TV Is Dark And Full Of Terrors
If you’re feeling deprived of wholesome moments in your own life, remember that they likely appear more often than you realize, you just might have to train yourself to be on the lookout for them. “I imagine it like a nutrient deficiency; my fingernails are brittle when I’m not taking my calcium supplements regularly,” Emily Torres writes for The Good Trade, explaining why we’re all craving something wholesome. “Likewise, my heart gets brittle when I forget to practice presence—to slow down and smell the clean fur of a sun-drenched puppy. (Is there any other smell that matters?) Wholesome moments are everywhere, if only we’ll pay attention.”
Wholesome Hints
glad to know you're together for 6 years, here's to another 6!
This Made Me Smile
i saved a stuffed zebra from traffic yesterday and someone honked because i went to the middle of the street. From now on i'll assume they were a nice person glad that the zebra was saved lol
Romantic 🥰
The great thing about ingesting uplifting content is that you can find whatever you love the most and dive deep into that wholesome hole. Perhaps videos of fluffy bunnies are right up your alley, or maybe you’re more interested in satisfying cooking videos on TikTok where the chef tells stories about their own life while perfectly chopping veggies and crafting warm, comforting meals. Whatever it is that brings you joy, make time for it. And be cognizant of media you in take that has the opposite effect as well, such as toxic reality TV or depressing news programs. Life is about balance, and we can stay informed without missing out on the wholesome joys in life.
Town Council In Scarborough, UK Cancels Their New Year's Fireworks Display To Avoid Disturbing A Visiting Walrus
Kevin's Vacuume
Well This Took Off
The world can easily become an overwhelming and scary place, with doom and gloom filling news outlets everywhere. But we hope you’re enjoying this little breath of fresh, wholesome air, pandas. Keep upvoting the pics that restore your faith in humanity, and feel free to share even more wholesome stories in the comments below. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article featuring unexpectedly wholesome content, we’ve got the perfect list for you right here!
There's Always A Shark Behind You
*5 Gang Members
I love this story no matter how many times I read it it makes me smile.
We Need More People Like This
This Made My Day
Wholesome Tall People
My husband and I did this while visiting Nashville last year! He's 6'5" and I'm 6' in heels and there were 3 lovely women in their 50s-60s behind us watching a band in this bar and I told them to move in front of us so they could see and they just kept thanking us over and over.
Count Me In
Lol I’m allergic to grass Edit:I don’t like sitting on grass anyway.
Such A Cutie
Surprisingly Wholesome
and that's one of the 46354926534 reasons why nurses are incredible
Wholesome Granny
Not My Original Post But How True
Mrs Duck And Her Kid Make An Unexpected Visit To The Grocery Store
She must have told them she'd buy them a snack if they helped clean the nest.
Does This Count?
Even Thanos Is Impressed
oh lord that's so sweet. That reminds me of a mom who charged her son rent and secreetly kept everything so he could have savings when he went for his own house
You're A Human Being
awwwww. some people really do care. at my local pizzeria every saturday-sunday they give away whole sheet pizzas for free to those who can't afford food.
Well That's Pretty Unexpected
Pizza Time
Florida Man In A Wholesome Context. It's A Christmas Miracle
The Most Wholesome Tomato
My Kitten Climbed Onto A Mattress And Fell Asleep
Take That, Rage Bait!
That Turned Out Wholesome
Spooky And Wholesome
I love and need these wholesome memes. It helps my depression. ♥
F is for friends who do things together..... U is for you and me..... N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea!!! Seeing your account always gets SpongeBob songs stuck in my head and that helps MY depression, which I love and need, so thanks for that :)
Load More Replies...Reminds me how I had to use the help chat to reactivate my phone and just typed like I normally do when around new friends 'cause I figured the service rep dreaded helping customers who may or may not be aggressive about reading sh!t. Nothing too hilarious but lots of "thank you" and "no worries" and "you're welcome" as well as "uhhh i can't get this site working lemme try another browser". 😅 After we figured out my phone issues (my autopay was declined for no reason and I had ways to find out which I forgot my login for also like an idiot) and many more "thank you, thank you" and "you're welcomes" and "thanks" she broke out of script to say exactly "your the nicest customer i ever had!" 🥺 It told me how many people just don't say their thanks and welcomes and be more laid back. The little things, man
I love and need these wholesome memes. It helps my depression. ♥
F is for friends who do things together..... U is for you and me..... N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea!!! Seeing your account always gets SpongeBob songs stuck in my head and that helps MY depression, which I love and need, so thanks for that :)
Load More Replies...Reminds me how I had to use the help chat to reactivate my phone and just typed like I normally do when around new friends 'cause I figured the service rep dreaded helping customers who may or may not be aggressive about reading sh!t. Nothing too hilarious but lots of "thank you" and "no worries" and "you're welcome" as well as "uhhh i can't get this site working lemme try another browser". 😅 After we figured out my phone issues (my autopay was declined for no reason and I had ways to find out which I forgot my login for also like an idiot) and many more "thank you, thank you" and "you're welcomes" and "thanks" she broke out of script to say exactly "your the nicest customer i ever had!" 🥺 It told me how many people just don't say their thanks and welcomes and be more laid back. The little things, man