40 Times ‘Real Beauty’ Was Chosen Instead Of Photoshop And People Really Liked It (New Pics)
Social media is notorious for everything except showing the real things. From heavy photo editing and airbrushing pictures to carefully staging every move they make, from hiding the raw stuff and only showcasing the perfect side of things, you may start to wonder why everyone but you has a perfect life, perfect relationship, and perfect skin. Hence, the self-image issues.
Very rarely, unedited and real beauty pictures find their place on notoriously fake social media. Like a very fresh breath of air, they remind us to not take things for granted. They pour a bag of salt onto everything influencers show, do, and say.
Thanks to the r/Instagramreality subreddit with over a million members, which documents all the Instagrammers and influencers that cross the line in faking their pictures, we have quite a collection of real beauty pics to look at. When you're done with this list, make sure to check out part 1.
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I Spy With My Little Eye… A Real Thigh
Runway Model For A Major Fashion House. This Level Of Representation Makes Me So Happy
Polish Lingerie Brand, The First Thing You See On Their Website
Many of us suspect that the picture-perfect and highly photoshopped images of people we see on social media make us feel worse about our own bodies. Often subconsciously, we start comparing ourselves to people in Instagram images, and we judge ourselves to be worse off. Whether it’s the perfect skin, the successful career, the luxurious holidays, the designer clothing you cannot afford, or the gym body, the reality on social media affects our body image in a shattering way.
The research has made it clear social media triggers teenagers and children to dislike their own bodies. The findings of this study warn that social media represents a significant risk to the current and future health of today’s young generations.
Such A Striking Look
On Europe’s Biggest Billboard
I Love This
In fact, nearly half of all children and young people aged from 12 to 21 questioned said they have become withdrawn, started exercising excessively, stopped socializing completely or self-harmed because they are regularly bullied or trolled online about their physical appearance.
Four in 10 said they are in mental health distress, with almost one in five experiencing body image issues and 14% experiencing eating difficulties, such as extremely restrictive eating, binge eating and purging or vomiting. Of those in need of support, just one in ten young people were receiving treatment. While the youngest internet users may be more prone to being negatively affected by social media, grown-up men and women are no exception.
The Representation Is So Wonderful To See
Genuinely Surprised And Happy To See This On A Major Retailer’s Site!
The Existence Of Arm Hair!
Unattainable beauty standards popularized by influencers on social media provided little space for examples of real beauty in the past. But body positivity movements are growing bigger and stronger, and there are obvious signs that people are tired of fakery.
In fact, in recent years, there has been an important and necessary shift towards embracing body inclusivity in the fashion and beauty industries. Body inclusivity is the belief that all body types should be represented and celebrated in the media, regardless of size, shape, ability or gender.
This shift has been driven by a growing movement of individuals and organizations who are committed to making fashion, beauty and media more inclusive and representative of a wider range of body types.
80s Supermodel Wants To Reject Anti-Aging Culture And Prove That Beauty Gets Better With Age
How brave. Except not all of us win the genetic lottery. Edit: I'm saying it's rather disingenuous to add her to this list of truly courageous individuals overcoming physical limitations or obvious nonconformity to beauty "standards" [don't bite my head off!] when she not only looks better at 56 than most of the population at their best AND she participated in/benefited from the industry that created havoc with self esteem issues to begin with!!
This Lingerie Brand Using Women Of Different Ages And Letting Them Actually Have Some Wrinkles Made Me Really Happy
More Of This
The aim of body inclusivity is to challenge the traditional beauty standards that have long been perpetuated by the fashion and beauty industries. This movement seeks to create an environment where all body types are seen as beautiful and worthy of celebration.
The fashion industry has recently begun to embrace body inclusivity in a number of ways. Many brands have started to cast models of all shapes and sizes in their campaigns, which has helped to create a more diverse representation of body types in the media. Additionally, many brands are now offering extended sizing to better accommodate a wider range of body types.
The beauty industry has also taken steps towards body inclusivity. Many beauty companies have begun to expand their shade ranges to include a wider range of skin tones.
Look At These Swimsuit Models
Sported For Shoe Store Advert ♥️
Nice To See A Well-Known Clothing Brand Not Editing Out The Model’s Arm Hair Or Skin Texture!
Women have hair on their bodies and I love to see that being embraced more
“Everybody deserves to feel beautiful no matter where they are in their journey. This is why body positivity and inclusivity is so important,” Pua’Nani Owens, a lifestyle influencer and body positivity advocate told Bored Panda. Owens said that there are “literally thousands of curvy influencers and plus-size fashionistas on every social media platform.”
Owens argues that the very representation of girls with bodies like hers is “what gave me the courage to claim my spot as a curvy lifestyle influencer. What started as a movement to love ourselves turned into a lifestyle of breaking the boundaries of both the beauty and the fashion industry to create and promote inclusivity.”
French Jewelry Brand Uses Gray-Haired Model
This Photo Of Her Was Taken In 2003 And Not Photoshopped
A Breath Of Fresh Air
Importantly, Owens believes that body positivity is crucial for not only curvy women but women and men of all sizes. “It’s just that curvy bodies are currently leading the way with the movement!”
“I feel as though true body positivity starts on the inside and with each individual person. I’m a firm believer that if you love yourself and have a positive outlook on life, that it is contagious and will boost others on their individual journeys within their own lives,” Owens explained.
A Little Joy Seeing A Tummy And Legs That Look Like Mine While Scrolling For Bikinis
Famous Actress Who Doesn’t Feel The Need To Filter Out Skin Texture
Okay but I want those dragon toys XD EDIT: Google Image Search to the rescue! They are from the Paw Patrol Rescue Knights gift pack! XD
Love Her. Love The Unapologetic Real Photo
According to Owens, body positivity comes from evolving as a person so that you can accept yourself. “Evolving through self-esteem, self-confidence and realizing your worth outside of what your body can physically or visually offer others, and instead what your body can do for you.”
The body positivity advocate concluded by saying that we can all love ourselves a little more; that way, we can love and accept each other as a community within society.
Its Amazing That A Lingerie Brand Shows All Types Of Bodies
As they should, because we all have different body types and different looks.
She Looks Incredible
Love This Polish So Was Glad To See This When Browsing
And short nails too! As a lifelong nail-biter (it was so bad that it was a form of self-harm in my childhood) I appreciate seeing short nails!
So Refreshing To See Skin Texture And Wrinkles
Just An Appreciation Post For This Beautiful Actress Aging Gracefully And Showcasing It By Posting Unedited Instagram Pictures. I've Always Thought She Was Beautiful
Happy New Year (Found On Instragram)
Same Legs Different Lighting For This Fitness Influencer - It's Time To Love Your Lumps And Bumps
Please no downvoting, it's 'fair'/respectful to the model imho. So here: Tbf, it's okay to turn your body a bit for better lighting. Same as a type of smile, or a better body pose. You wanna look nice. In the past I have edited out pimples on a face. Person had never pimples, but exactly on that day, big pimple. Told her to forget about it, and be the person who she would be on any other day, otherwise we would have NO images or someone really self aware... Not worth it imho. So... I edited out (more downgrading, still there but more subtle) the pimple. I don't regret it. But big retouches, never done it, unless by specific request of model.
This Is A Glorious Photo. Love That We Are Seeing More Natural Bodies In Advertising
Make Up Brand Teaching A Winged Eyeliner Technique
Hip Dips (Aka Normal Body Anatomy), Skin Texture, Rolls, Stretch Marks. Models Are Still Clearly Slim But Not Edited To Oblivion
I thought hip dips were called saddle bags. Well, that's what mine have always been called! Hip dips sounds waaaaay nicer!
She Just A Rare Natural/Unedited Pic, Refreshing
Artist At An Event A Couple Weeks Ago With A Tummy Just Like Mine
One Of My Favorite All Inclusive Swimwear Brands
Aging Skin, Natural Teeth And Brows, Skin Texture, Model Variety... *chef's Kiss*
Glad To See The Magazine Didn't Edit This Out
Refreshing indeed... However I've got the suspicion that this is a paparazzi shot, published by a magazine to possibly body-shame JLo. (Edit: to acknowledge the comments below she is indeed in fantastic shape. Anyway as a women reading ("toxic") women magazines since the 90s, I can tell you that this would be a bodyshaming post. Pointing out how her skin "wraps" over the waistline of her jeans (either because she's too fat or too skinny), to have 16 pages later the ideal workout to get a bum like JLo... Since Covid I've mostly stopped reading those... hope they'd become better in the meantime.)
It Wasn’t Until I Saw This Post That I Realized How We Are Never Shown A Variety Of Arm Sizes In Makeup Swatches. Also Love Seeing Real Skin!!
She Looks Stunning
This Polish Singer I Recently Found Who Doesn’t Edit Her Wrinkles Or Pores Away, Was So Refreshing To See This!
Inclusion To A Level I’ve Never Seen By Very Popular Clothing Store
awesome list! i wish there was more representation for men too, though.
I really needed to see this. I've recently put on weight and went clothes shopping. Almost started crying when I saw I gained two pants sizes (thought it was only one). But now i have clothes that feel good because they FIT and it helps to see realistic bodies online and see thighs, tummy rolls, extra hair, all of the good stuff.
awesome list! i wish there was more representation for men too, though.
I really needed to see this. I've recently put on weight and went clothes shopping. Almost started crying when I saw I gained two pants sizes (thought it was only one). But now i have clothes that feel good because they FIT and it helps to see realistic bodies online and see thighs, tummy rolls, extra hair, all of the good stuff.