While employment isn’t necessary to love, most people would probably prefer a partner who has some income and career prospects. But like all things in life, not all jobs are created equal, particularly when it comes to dating the person doing them. 

An internet user wanted to hear other’s “icks” when it comes to a potential partner’s profession. From slimy jobs, and bad smells to difficult logistics, the citizens of the internet gave their best ideas. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorite submissions, and be sure to comment your thoughts and experiences below. We also got in touch with career coach and hiring specialists Divya Kataria and Rosie, from Badass Careers.

More info: Instagram | Youtube


People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags "Influencer" First of all they influence nothing, and are sheep following the crowds, second I believe in living in the moment can't stand the thought of cameras everywhere all the time, and I wouldn't want to be part of their stupid mindless meme videos... There's already enough cameras recording everywhere why would I voluntarily invite more.

IceDeath731 , George Milton Report

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Susie Elle
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Agreed, however personally I would be willing to deal with someone who streams. It depends on the frequency and life outside of streaming I suppose.

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Every time I see one of these in the wild I can’t help but to laugh at their absurdity. I’d struggle to spend 5min with one, much less date them.

Kat Lyle
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And we should talk about making friends wait and their food going cold until they get the ultimate shot. My food blogging mate knows she gets 1 minute and 3 shots and then I'm eating.

Pepperoni Pizza
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

These so-called "Influencers" are nothing but a sham. Most of them don't own or buy the products/services they try to push upon their so called "followers". The sad part is, companies ask for such people to promote their products. Personally, the moment I see someone is an "influencer", I just runaway.

Bored Templar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just came back from London. Please don't go there during summer... I beg you!

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Who wants to see themselves this much and who wants to watch someone else that much. It’s strange to me.

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No idea who any influencers are or what they do. I'm also devoid of curiosity about them. Happiness!

raisin hippo
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Me: YES OMG I AGREE WITH THIS POST SO MUCH! I hate influencers! Also me if i saw any remotely famous youtuber in real life: *passes out*

Id row
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I couldn't be with someone I didn't respect and I have zero respect for those idiots.

Rostit .
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

this is a little "blankety". there are plenty of people who are technically influencers who do good things. But, I understand the sentiment and agree with it if its pointed towards the AW types.

Cuppa tea?
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I worded at place, let's call it major tourist attraction in the country. Voted repeatedly as the best whiskey tour. So there was major redone of whole place, marketing team put in place to " freshened it up" they even had some stupid acronyms for targeted groups. Basically someone had idea, that major tourist attraction should attract your middle age family people. One of the ideas how to attract new kid of visitors was to use influencers and they "reach" to bring this crowd. They done few events for the selected biggest IG's (seriously, they called them that). Then everything went suddenly suspiciously quite. I asked after few weeks about it, it was a bit of swept under carpet. But some insider spilled the beans and told us there was no data driven evidence of the whole campaign to be working. As anonymous questionnaire provided by visitors told us, most were recommended by previous relatives and a friend's. IG's? Almost none.

Cassidy Moore
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I personally would not be an influencer and most of them out there are just followers copying whats trending to get popular. However there are some influencers that do something creative and fun that teach people or open up ideas. And seeing those people start from nothing and work their way to going to events and meeting fans and even the improvement in their lives is amazing.

Bobert Robertson
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Depends on the type of influencer IMHO. Most are annoying and I agree with the OP, but some follow their passions and create a following and I can support that 100%. I love fishing, and 10 years ago there were a group of kids making random fishing videos, they partnered up with each other and made a whole empire with videos, gear, etc and now sponsor professional fisherman. I don't like all the members, but some are still very humble and the fact they get to fish all day doing what they love and make a ton of money doing so, i say good for them.

Petra Schaap
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i know one personally :-) She became pretty rich and yes everyone on her YT looks up to her AND wants to buy the stuff she's showing off. So yeah, she's influencing. And its a job. She's also a nice person but i tried to look at her video's once and couldnt stand longer than one minute because nothing really happened :-D She shows up on fashion teamed TV shows now too. Good for her.

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Most influencers were already rich before anyway now they need the attention mommy and daddy were too busy to give them

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Anything that has to do with selling or advertising for homeopathy or 'alternative medicine', especially when they're targeting people who are seriously ill.

    ubifrog , Anna Shvets Report


    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Back in the day when I was on Tinder I'd get unmatched because when they asked what I did, I always said I worked in a factory, which was true. A lot of the time they never responded or unmatched because I guess they thought I was on a low paid job. Not to brag but it is anything but low paid and I had life sorted by 27 with a house, car etc and a decent wedge of disposable income. I found it weeded quite a few out!

    One girl I matched with took a keen interest in the fact I worked in a factory and asked me loads of questions about it. We met up and we got married 4 years later and are still happily married!

    CliffPromise , Kateryna Babaieva Report

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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The struggle is real.....people think you have a low income, and also think you are an idiot, who cant get a better job....but actually you need to be good in math and other stuff, cause you have to calculate lots of stuff....

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    Bored Panda got in touch with career coach and hiring specialists Divya Kataria to learn a bit more about not getting into a job that you will end up hating. We also asked Rosie, from to learn more. First and foremost, we wanted to know what red flags people should look out for when applying in the first place. 

    “When I see words such as detail-oriented, family-like culture, bonuses are great culture, weekly barbeques, etc. These terms in the job description depict toxic work culture and show that companies don't give monetary or KPI-oriented bonuses but prefer to have pizza Fridays. Or when they mention they are looking for someone who is committed, punctual, organized, go-getter, and personable. These terms are generic, overly used, and old school and mention nothing specific about what the requirements are from a potential candidate,” Divya shared with us. 


    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags MLM salesperson!

    frogfootfriday , Canva Studio Report


    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Sales. It takes a certain personality type to be good at sales, and I find that personality pretty annoying

    RosenButtons , Ketut Subiyanto Report


    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Politicians. Professional and personal life WILL get mixed up. You'll be forced to attend public events to up their public image and show the world that he/she is a normal person

    DildoFappings , August de Richelieu Report

    Rosie, from Badass Careers also suggested to look out for a few things. “The job description is extremely vague, indicating that not even they know what the person will be doing. The job description sounds like a 3-person role in 1, for example expecting you to be the Marketing Manager, Head of Communications, PR specialist and why not chuck a bit of Human Resources in there while we're at it?”

    “They're looking for a "high energy self-starter" to work in their "fast-paced environment" aka they'll have you running towards burnout in no time with a lack of support anchored in a hustle culture. Too focused on what they need / what you can do for them vs. how it feels to work there "We're like a family" - no one wants the in-built expectations of loyalty and unprofessional levels of commitment and emotional involvement required by actual family members.”


    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Medical debt collector. Scum of the earth.

    ifukkedurbich , Pavel Danilyuk Report


    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Royalty falls under this umbrella. Disney tells us it is a fairy tale to marry a prince - but then you have to live a strictly regimented life under a microscope and wear panty hose every single day. No thank you

    Music_withRocks_In , Jonathan Borba Report


    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Honestly, restaurant/service industry. And I don’t mean anything negative against servers/bartenders or anything. Hell, a good many of my friends are in that industry. It’s just that their mostly evening/weekend work schedules vs my M-F work schedule meant zero time to spend together. I dated a bartender once who worked at a high volume club…she was awesome and is still a good friend…but essentially most of the time I wanted to see her, I just drove to her work and sat at the bar. We’d go back to her place and pass out at 4am. Then I’d get up at 6:30 and go to work. She worked almost every night, so “us” time was rare. It just wasn’t a good fit. Still love her dearly though!

    tgoynes83 , MorNa Tang Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    this is the same in any entertainment job as well. You have no weekends and no holidays. My dad's job was entertainment and I grew up just expecting THAT schedule. Any other kind is so weird to me... like what do you mean I'm not working christmas and saturdays???

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    We also wanted to hear what they thought were good questions to ask while interviewing. Divya shared some examples she thought would be useful. “How would you describe the company culture? What will be my first 30,60 and 90 days' goals? How do you measure performance in this role? What does a typical day look like in this role? What is the biggest challenge you are facing in your business?”

    Similarly, Rosie suggested “What are some of the things you have put in place to empower your team recently? When was the last time you made a change based on feedback from a direct report, and what was the impact it had? How do you help your team to grow professionally? How are you developing yourself right now?”


    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Military. I highly respect people who choose this line of work but personally it would be really stressful for me when they get deployed.

    ManagerSensitive , Specna Arms Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just a general comment to thank everyone who serves their country (in any country). You lay your life on the line for others. It's very noble. Take politics out of it and it's all admirable.

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags High level politician, professional athlete, celebrity, life coach, mega church pastor, news anchor. Too much ego and they need too much attention. I’m just not into that.

    Hopeful_Science2586 , Guduru Ajay bhargav Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not sure all of these have huge egos. There may be other circumstances that make it less enticing to date them though. Like lack of privacy with celebs and little flexibility in schedules with athletes.

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Marketing / Advertising. No one in advertising ever shuts up about their career, and all advertising firms are adult daycares.

    Asleep-Read3997 , Mikael Blomkvist Report

    Divya left us with some parting thoughts. “One thing I would add would be that if the job description is detailed and showcase what exactly are the requirements for this role clearly demonstrates that they know what they want from you and they have spent considerable time drafting the job description. Another bonus is if they are clear on the salary range and can justify during the interview how will they assess your expected salary based on your experience level. Communication is the key.” You can find her Instagram here to learn more. 


    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Anyone who doesn’t have a healthy work life balance. Not only do I value quality time in my relationships, but stress has serious affects on the body and health. So management consultants, investment bankers, or just people who choose to sacrifice their entire life to improve the bottom line of a greedy, highly profitable, corporation!

    Sweet_peach88 , cottonbro studio Report

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    Michael P (Perthaussieguy)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I went through a stage when I didn't have much of a choice. Single dad to 2 school age kids, mortgage and full time job. I didn't have a healthy balance. But we survived and now I DO have a life/work balance... and loving it.

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Police officer. Dated a couple, both psychos.

    Badknees24 , DEELIN Report


    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags I (30sF) have had men tell me they couldn’t date me because I’m a licensed massage therapist. Absolutely nothing shady about what I do, but they didn’t like the idea of me having my hands on other men

    Away-Wait-1681 , Elina Fairytale Report

    Rosie also shared some personal experiences with difficult job conditions. “I personally left a job after just a few months because the role they sold me wasn't at all the day-to-day job I was doing. I thought I was going to be a Leadership Consultant and they had me translating slide decks from French to English as it was a slow period. I quit while I was still on my trial period and explained that the role they sold wasn't the day-to-day reality and I needed my challenge and stretch to feel like I was achieving my career potential.” You can find her Instagram here, Youtube here, and website here


    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags I feel like any careers that would have them away for long periods of time like flight attends or long haul truckers.

    Chee-shep , Pew Nguyen Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm actually p chill with this but I'm in a profession where I need to be alone a lot anyways, and also I wouldn't mind as long as they were communicative on some text-based thing like sms or discord or something, you know? I could work that. I would definitely be agitating for punching the boss in the face a lot though--truckers and flight attendants are abused by their bosses so much!!!

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags im a writer. When ive told people this ive watched the interest from them literally vanish. Im assuming because they just think it means im broke or unemployed when in reality i do very, very well for myself.

    Myitchyliver , Vlada Karpovich Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've never understood this black and white scenario. You're either James Patterson or you're broke when in reality 99% of writers are somewhere in between and very much grey.

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Well I can tell you from my online dating experiences, I've been immediately unmatched when I tell women im an auto mechanic.

    So i guess maybe that

    mclobster , Kevin Bidwell Report

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Professional landlord or AirBnb owner

    Ilovefishdix , Alena Darmel Report


    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Pharmaceutical rep

    44035 , Edmond Dantès Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok aside from the opioid pushers....not all drug reps are bad...I work in cardiology and when a patient can't afford their medication and don't qualify for assistance I've enlisted the help of the reps to provide enough free samples to keep the patient on the medication they need. Most are more than happy to accommodate.

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Bartender, never date a bartender.

    Alone_Necessary_6192 , Michal Lizuch Report

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    Pittsburgh rare
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Worked as a barmaid through college and l wholeheartedly agree. Odd hours and I saw almost all of my workmates cheat on their gfs

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags As a teacher, I would never date another teacher. I work crazy hours in a stressful job and when I get home, I need my spouse able to support me physically and emotionally. I'm not ashamed to say I just don't have the reserves to do for someone else what my husband does for me in that regard.

    MerylSquirrel , Max Fischer Report

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    Michael Largey
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One reason I married another teacher was that we were naturally supportive of each other.

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags If the main goal of your job is to make money, I'm out. Salespeople, bankers, a share of businesspeople, these are not my types at all

    TFOLLT , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Some night jobs like night guard for example. You'd barely get any time together and if they woke me up every night when they come home my sleep schedule would surely get ruined. Not so great since sleep is very important for me

    Active-Magician-6035 , Kuan-yu Huang Report

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    Allison Smith
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Bit selfish. I'm a night worker. Me and him we get time off together, I'm not at work all the time

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags People say law is rough to be married to esp in the early years where you’re doing tons of overtime. And army but that’s only cause I dated a couple

    Weary-Marionberry429 , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am married to a lawyer. There are therapists in the US specialized for marital therapy for laywers. They get constantly rewarded for being manipulative, lying well (as in walking the thin line between lying and not lying) and winning that sooner or later this skillset and mindset seep into the marriage. This doesn’t have to do with what kind of lawyer you are - as a lawyer your job is to stand 100% for your client and disregard any interests of other people (or regard them insofar as you pretend to regard them to get smtg for your client). if you start representing yourself like that in your private life you find out very soon why that is not a good idea.

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Doctors...I've dated enough of them to know they suck! Sure, they can help in some situations, but their attitudes are just not worth it. They want an employee, not a wife. I'm not about that c**p. Also, just about any Ivy League soon as a guy flexes that, I'm out! They can keep it! I've dated enough douches to know it's NOT worth it!

    BlairRose2023 , Jonathan Borba Report

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Zookeeper. I’d love to hear the stories but have heard horrendous things about the smell and can barely handle being around wet dogs.

    Butcher/anyone working with dead animals

    Timely_Victory_4680 , Chester Zoo Report

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    der sebbl
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Friend of mine is a zookeeper, never noticed a bad smell on her. Gave me the chance to pet a giraffe once

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags I once dated a guy who seemed perfect in almost every way except for his desired career path, which was to work in a mortuary embalming the deceased. I never did understand it. Creeped me TF out, had to nope right outta there no matter how damn attractive he was.....

    supercali-2021 , Scary Side of Earth Report

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    Susie Elle
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This seems a little extreme. Working in a mortuary is still a job, I can imagine how you would find fulfillment in dressing up and preparing people's deceased loved ones for their final goodbye.

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Parking inspector, why be in a job where all you do is ruin people’s days?

    Dry-Significance8463 , Jah Nomad Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you park according to law no one is gonna ruin your day. If your park like a*****e you ruin your own day.

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    People Share 30 Professions That Are Red Flags Any type of surgeon. I know logically they are amazing members of the society and help people and are almost always smart. But a few things about their jobs are red flags to me. They hold too much power between life and death. Their hands are inside a human being way more than acceptable occasions. They eventually become desensitised to death and blood. I feel their profession is too similar to a serial killer or a slaughterhouse worker/butcher. I’m not proud of this feeling though

    Drunk-Scorpion , Vidal Balielo Jr. Report

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    Aknavi Epona
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Similar to a serial killer or butcher? I don't think you have any clue what's happening in an OR or how we work at all. It's the opposite.. We try to save and improve people's lives. We don't try to play god and decide who will live and who won't. Your weird thinking here is a red flag to me..

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