Although life is already full of unanswerable questions, like what to watch tonight or what you would like to eat, they are not entertaining in the very least. So, we got this idea to harness these tough questions, dig around a bit more, and find rhetorical questions that are actually entertaining, good conversation starters, and nice topics for deep pondering. Et Voila - our selection of funny unanswerable questions for you to enjoy!
Another awesome thing about these questions with no answers is that they will require you to actually slow down, take a breather, and think about them (instead of thinking about which TV series to choose or why your cat is staring at the ceiling). And these days, everything that allows you to slow down is well appreciated! Also, these inquiries touch various subjects - from material things to travels - so we’re pretty certain you’ll find ones that you’d like to ponder for a while on. Yet, if you’re a fan of unanswerable philosophical questions, your curiosity will also be satisfied in this list. So, as far as questions that are unanswerable go, this is probably where all of them come to in the end.
Right, so our selection of questions with no answers is just a smidgen down below; you should absolutely check them out. Who knows, picking such a question might even become a nice evening tradition. But before it does, the best questions will have to find their way to the top of this list, and you can help them by giving them your vote!
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Why does Tarzan never have a beard?
Because a British gentleman must uphold certain standards, and being abandoned by your family in a jungle and raised by apes is no excuse.
Where do the missing socks go?
Why does the Easter Bunny bring eggs when rabbits don’t lay eggs?
In the word 'scent', which letter is silent? S or C?
Are child actors in adult-rated movies allowed to watch the film?
Why do people say that they "slept like a baby" if they slept through the night when babies are known for not sleeping?
What do people who are born deaf hear when they think?
I read that they think in words if they are literate, and in images if not. Maybe someone will answer with personal experience.
If we learn and improve from our mistakes, why are we so afraid to make mistakes?
We are actually trained out of seeing mistakes as a natural part of learning and to see it as absolute bad. Think of grades in school. How many things depend on the outcome of your grades? Every mistake is counted and tallied. Your worth being summed up by a letter. Participation in activities depending on it, likely parts of your home life depending on it. If your grades are bad, you're seen as a bad kid/person. As an adult, if you make a mistake you are seen as a failure. One mistake and you're homeless and others see you as less than. Everyone is one mistake from fired. One mistake from dead. One mistake from ostracized. Honestly, we'd be better as a society if we encouraged trial and error, more scientific method coupled with compassion, less worth measuring by who made the fewest mistakes. That really only encourages people to live so far inside the box they fear touching the walls.
What would happen to the world’s oceans if every person on Earth jumped into the water at the same time?
Are there any extraterrestrial beings?
Im 99.99% sure there are 1st because the history Chanel says there are lol, 2nd and more importantly because there is no way that in the vastness of the universe there is not another planet with similar conditions to the earth
Is your glass half-empty or half-full?
Surley it depends on the state before the fluid was in it. If it was empty and you half filled it, it is half full, if it was full and you drank half then it is half empty.
How far up do bald people go when they wash their face?
Dude.... Come on, bald people wash their face like every One else, i start at the chin and end at the back of my neck.
Why do we cook bacon and bake cookies?
You can bake anything in an oven if it fits. You could cook cookies in a pan, but not vary many at the same time. The words are just conventions, like cows are living animals, from old english, but beef is from french.
Can emotions ever be controlled via technology?
In a way, they are allready, if you are depressed, you can get anti depressivos, if you're anxious you can get an anti anxiety pill, só in a way technology allready controls your emoticons.
To what degree have you been able to control the course that your life has taken?
A very high degree, not 100% but a good 85 to 90% thats why my life is só screwd up right now.
If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, will we ever know it?
Spelling is a convention. If other dictionaries have a different spelling, then maybe there is a mispelling, or it may be a different convention. For example, color versus colour.
Why do we call them buildings if buildings are already built?
The word “erections” used to be common instead of “buildings”, but it went out of style for some reason.
The same reason we use the name cookie and biscuit. Cookie, for something cooked, and biscuit from the italian word, biscotti, which means twice baked ('bis' means 'two', and contributes the first syllable of binary, binoculars, bicycle, etc.)
Will we ever find a universal cure for cancer?
No, because 'cancer' is not a single disease. The term cancer covers a surprisingly broad spectrum of ailments, with a large number of causes. It is impossible for a single cure to be effective for all types of cancer. The same way we can never cure the common cold, because it is a term for a number of different diseases with similar symptoms.
Why is a pizza box square when a pizza is round?
Space and transportation... Why are ship containers " square " when they carry furniture or Cars??? Come on....
How do we know we all see the same colours in the same way?
Why is vanilla ice cream color white when vanilla itself is color brown?
Because the ingredients are mostly light colored. Cream is a light yellow shade.
Are soulmates a real thing?
If you think feelings are a real thing, then, yes. But it doesn't mean there is only one soulmate out there.
What exactly is consciousness? Are animals also conscious?
One definition could be: an organism that reacts to its surroundings is concious. But plants react to thier surroundings in various ways. I once had a concussion, during which I was walking around, talking with people, but I don't remember any of it. I woke up the next morning not remembering going to bed. Was I conscious during that time? I think conciousness should include the ability to remember experience, but maybe that's too much.
Can someone blind from birth see in their dreams?
If a cave has a cave-in, is it still called a cave?
If it desperately wants to be empty again, I would call it a crave(ing).
What is freedom and does it really exist?
No One is completelly free, we all have laws, morals, ethics etc, that makes that none of us are actually free, we have some freedoms, but none of us are free.
If you punch yourself and it hurts, are you wear or are you strong?
How would you know if time had been altered in some way?
When a black cat walks by a doorway the exact same way, twice in a row.
Will the world be better off with relatively more countries or relatively fewer?
More, definitely. Diversity is good, as long as we are all intelligent enough to be interested in others.
Will we still have today’s style of nation-state countries 1,000 years from now?
No, 1,000 years from now humans will no longer live on Earth, we would have either destroyed our whole race by then or the planet itself.
Why are cars made that go faster than the worlds speed limits?
Because Germany thats why, imagine if you buy a car in the US or Canadá for example, but later in your life you have to move to Germany, there are zones of the autobhan that don't have a speed limit, i mean, its preety onvious lol ( Im of course kidding, i have no frikking idea )
Why does the early bird get the worm, but patience is a virtue?
Because the early bird got up early and had the Patience to wait for the worm.
What shape is your field of vision?
Why do black olives come in cans and green ones in jars?
Will it ever be possible to communicate with people from the past or from the future?
People communicate with people from the future all the time. It's just one-way.
How do we know that a new dogfood has an "improved taste"?
If you can be allergic to anything, can you have an allergy to water?
Yes you can, Aquagenic urticaria. Very rare but also very painful.
Will it be possible for countries to operate without prisons in the future?
Easy to answer this one. NO. Never happen here in the US the judicial system is way too corrupt to ever be fixed. They are mostly privately owned for profit prisons with politicians as share holders that basically use prisoners as slave labor, and they will never give up their revenue streams.
A tomato is a fruit, so why is ketchup not called a smoothie?
Did Adam and Eve have a bellybutton?
The omphalos question (omphalos is Greek for navel). It was a big theological issue in the middle ages. Some believed that, not being born, Adam and Eve would not have navels; others contended that they would have been created to appear normal. The *actual* answer is, of course, that Adam and Eve didn't exist (mitochondrial Eve is a metaphor).
Is the world eternal?
It depends on your perspective. When you eat something, the atoms don't dissappear, they just go different places.
Is there life after death?
No, you die and that's it, unless you take the walking dead as a documentáry....
Is it really possible to experience anything objectively?
Yes, math is objective, no matter what your fellings are, the math Will always be objective.
Isn’t the word "queue" just the letter Q followed by four silent letters?
Are we the only life in the universe?
Almost certainly not, but we may well not live near enough to any other life to ever discover it.
If God is watching us, why doesn’t He stop us from doing bad things like killing each other?
This is called the problem of evil. If god is omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent then he can and should stop evil things from happening. If he does not stop evil things happening then either he can't stop them, in which case he is not omnipotent; he doesn't know about them, in which case he is not omniscient; or he doesn't care enough to stop them, in which case he is not omnibenevolent. If any or all of these things are true then god, as we define him, does not exist. Most people try to wriggle out of this by appealing to "free will", conveniently forgetting that many evils of the world - such as diseases and natural disasters - are not the products of human action.
When you forget a thought, where does it go?
It doesn't go away, stay or disappear. You rebuild a thought so that you remember.
If you are bald, can you get dandruff?
Why are we called humans?
From Latin(?) humus meaning earth, made from earth and will return to
Why do people have to die?
Biologically, because our cellular processes can't maintain themselves forever. Also, if we didn't die everyone would starve, so dying permits children to live.
If you expect the unexpected, doesn’t that make the unexpected expected?
Why is the objective of golf to play the least amount of golf?
If life is so short, why do we do things that we don’t like and like so many things that we don’t do?
Doing the things we don't like aids in the pursuit of doing those we do. The former, unfortunately, usually thwarts the latter!
Is there a risk to ever be completely dependent on AI?
Yes, there is a risk to everything, but personally I hope AI behaves like terminator
Is karma real or just a human construct?
How do you measure the worth of someone’s life?
How far east can you travel before you are travelling west?
You will always travel east ... but, if you travel north you will eventually travel south
Are we living, or are we dying?
What is the purpose and meaning of time?
The universe needs neither purpose nor meaning. They are human constructs.
What is the color of a mirror?
The coating on the back of a piece of glass which makes it a mirror is called silvering for a reason. Traditional mirrors are silver.
When does it stop being partly sunny and start to become partly cloudy?
Partly sunny means that it is more clouds with some sun. Partly cloudy means it is more sun with some clouds. So the tipping point is when it is equal sunny and cloudy.
How do you grow a seedless fruit?
If you told someone to "be a leader and not a follower", wouldn’t they become a follower by following your advice?
Leaders usually follow the instructions of advisors. Follower is not the opposite of leader, you can be either, both, or neither.
Who taught the first ever teacher?
Do today’s technologies make global conspiracies more or less feasible?
Equally unfeasible. Humans are intrinsically bad at cooperating. Technology does not change that. We're all tribalist morons.
If people were given the option of starting a new country, what features, options or capabilities would make it more valuable than counties today?
Is there a limit to how smart one person can be?
Knowledge is limited by experience, whether personal, or learned from others. Insight is also limited by knowledge. For example, the smartest people in the world would not have understood that viruses inject thier dna into other cells to reproduce, even though they understood that something was being spread from person to person.
What is our place in an infinite universe?
Earth. Maybe some other planets someday. The universe doesn't care. Our place is whatever we can accomplish.
What happens if we are stuck in a dream and have no way to come out of it?
Would time continue if everything in the world was frozen?
Time is just how human's percieve events. Even if everything was frozen, events would still happen. Humans are not so cosmically important that things would stop happening simply because we don't percieve them.
Do our human accomplishments have a long-term, universal significance, or when the world ends, do we all end with it, including what we’ve achieved?
When you get to heaven, do you look as you do at the age that you die?
What happens when an immovable objects meets an unstoppable force?
What will be the biggest human advancement on planet earth during your lifetime?
Define 'achievement'. An engineering project? Political transformation? Extinction?
Are there mysterious species hiding from humans?
If you were an different species and saw how humans are wouldn't you hide as long as you could?
Why do we make exceptions to rules if we all should follow the rules?
Because the universe is far too complex for any rule to be able to account for every possible contingency. Rules form the guidelines, but exceptions must be made for situations not planned for when the rules were created.
Can you have a daydream at night-time?
If the sky is the limit, then what is space?
What are dreams?
a state of consciousness characterized by sensory, cognitive and emotional occurrences during sleep.
Do you ever really do anything out of your own conscious choice, or are we always controlled by some external stimulation or motive?
Do you think a victim ever made a conscious decision to be assaulted?
If killing people is wrong, then why do we kill people that kill people?
What would a room made of mirrors look like if there was nothing inside that room to create a reflection?
Nothing inside would mean it would be dark, so it would look like dark.
Where do they put the Bible in libraries – fiction or non-fiction section?
Do you consider eyebrows facial hair?
Yes. Which is why it is totally ok to tell a woman that her “facial hair looks good today.”
Do prison buses have emergency exits?
By law they have to. But they are welded shut for obvious reasons.
If the fountain of youth can make you live forever, can you drown in it and still die?
I believe the fountain of youth rule is “Drink before you drown, have a night on the town. Drown before you drink, you’re as dead as one might think.”
Will it ever be possible to "replay events" that happened in the past?
Will the advancement of today’s technologies yield a positive or negative result?
If someone altered your memory, how would you know?
Is poverty an inevitable part of every social structure?
Which major corporations will no longer exist 20 years from now?
What exactly makes us human?
What comes after cryptocurrencies?
Why do people squint their eyes when they can’t see? Wouldn’t that just make it less space to see out of?
"Squinting helps momentarily improve their eyesight by slightly changing the shape of the eye to make it rounder, which helps light properly reach the fovea."
What lies behind death, if anything at all?
How do you know that you are not hallucinating?
Honestly, as a schizophrenic, sometimes its hard to tell. Even the pinching/biting method isn't foolproof (I have tactile hallucinations alongside visual and auditory hallucinations) sometimes i just have to reach right into myself and tell myself it isnt real. It's difficult.
Can you yawn when you are asleep?
Will tomorrow ever come?
Is it possible to know everything?
What is the purpose of death?
It doesn't need a purpose. That's anthropocentric thinking.
When does the future begin?
There’s no past,present or future,only an eternal now,and if one can’t live there,one can’t live anywhere else.
If data scientists had the ability to accurately predict who was more likely to commit crimes in the future, how should society respond to that information?
They already can. The problem is the word "likely", and the fact that society doesn't want to spend the money.
Will people still own their own cars in the future?
I mean, some cars you don't technically own now. Sales are considered an "extended lease" and are still owned by the company.
Will we ever have an ability to measure artificial intelligence the way we measure horsepower?
Given that we can't accurately measure human intelligence, it's reasonable to say that any sufficiently advanced AI to actually be called "intelligent" would be too complex to measure according to a simple scale.
How did the universe begin and why did it exist in the first place?
How is life on earth going to become extinct?
Are aliens ancient human beings?
Are aliens really visiting us in UFOs?
Which came first: the sun or the earth?
Sun....Come on..... These are supose to be " unanswerable questions... This One is in most science books from the 9th grade....
What came first: the seed or the plant?
In the case of an individual plant, the seed. It is the same organism as the plant it births, and it came from a different one. In general terms, however, plants came before seeds. The oldest plant families, like mosses and ferns, reproduce by releasing spores. Seeds are a more recent evolutionary development.
How do you learn about something that doesn’t exist?
Same way you learn about things that do exist: you read about them or somebody tells you.
If the truth is different for each of us, how can we call it the truth?
It isn't. False premise. Just because you believe something doesn't make it true.
Which came first: the universe or time?
Can God create a stone that is too heavy for even him to lift?
Is a question with no answer still called a question?
Was there ever a time when nothing existed or has something always been in existence?
A thousand years from now, which things will be possible and which ones will not?
You will be able to work but won't be able to have physical money in your possession.
Is the Earth alive, as in a living, breathing organism?
Will we ever have a definable form of measurement for the concept of truth?
Things are either true or not. There is no measurement, and there is no such thing as "alternative truth".
Why do we keep time if time is endless and everything happens in its own time?
“Keeping time” is simply a construct of the human Id. In multidimensional hemisphordal planes the entire notion of keeping time is actually quite ludicrous.
What forms of government will be better than democracy?