UK Civil Service Says Exactly What They Think Of Boris Johnson Backing Up His Adviser On Their Twitter Account
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson recently came under intense fire after he defended his most trusted adviser Dominic Cummings for breaching the lockdown measures set by the UK government. In April, Cummings drove across the country to visit relatives all while falling ill himself. The revelation of this has caused quite an uproar and people expected Johnson to dismiss the adviser for blatant disregard for people’s safety as well as the lockdown rules.
Unfortunately, in a controversial move, the prime minister defended Cummings by saying: “He followed the instincts of every father and every parent, and I do not mark him down for that.” “I believe that in every respect, he has acted responsibly, and legally, and with integrity,” Johnson said. That, however, did not sit well with the rest of the British populace.
Someone behind the UK Civil Service account tweeted this in response
Even though the above tweet was quickly deleted, people surely noticed it
yeah that civil service tweet is good, but it’s even better when it’s being read out slowly on BBC News pic.twitter.com/dxiRvN9MJZ
— Jon Stone (@joncstone) May 24, 2020
Image credits: GrantTucker
Image credits: JimMFelton
Image credits: jimwaterson
Image credits: twcuddleston
When Boris catches the civil service intern running the twitter account pic.twitter.com/HyAewcL3lg
— Hawk (@etobedlam) May 24, 2020
Image credits: MarkFrancois12
Image credits: scottygb
Image credits: RalfLittle
Image credits: jk_rowling
Image credits: Statistitching
Image credits: AbiWilks
Image credits: miserablebastad
Share on FacebookThis would be the same civil service who wouldn't release the grooming gang report which would expose which of the many politicians in central and local Govt, police forces, social services AND civil servants who were complicit in the systemic rape of children for decades...
This would be the same civil service who wouldn't release the grooming gang report which would expose which of the many politicians in central and local Govt, police forces, social services AND civil servants who were complicit in the systemic rape of children for decades...