Moving can be a real pain in the neck; not only because of all the packing and goodbyes, but also because of the logistics of it all. Once you’ve put all of your belongings into bags and boxes—and likely realized you have too many of them—you also have to find a way to drag them from point A to point B.
That’s when services such as U-Haul come in handy. You can rent a vehicle or equipment that you need and set off on the next chapter of your life. Seems pretty straightforward, right? Well, it’s not always as simple as that and these pictures, shared by the Facebook group fittingly titled 'Uhaul probably wouldn't like you doing that with their vehicle', prove it. Scroll down to find some of the best instances of U-Hauls in the wild and see for yourself what an adventure moving can be.
In addition to the pictures, below you will also find our conversation with a professor in the Faculty of Law at Queen’s University in Canada, expert in accident law and automobile insurance, Erik S. Knutsen, who was kind enough to answer a few of Bored Panda’s questions.
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So A Guy Drove The Uhaul With The Trailer To Pick Up His New Project Truck Then Decided To Haul The Uhaul Back To Save On Mileage
“This is a Uhaul memes and fails group,” reads the description of the oddly specific yet undeniably amusing Facebook group. Created in 2020, it covers all sorts of mishaps and bizarre situations related to the vehicle renting service in the US and Canada, typically used when moving.
“The group was started by my brother Noah a few years ago,” one of the group’s admins, Rachael, told Bored Panda in a recent interview. “A bunch of us siblings, as well as a few others, administer the page now.”
“I think internet users benefit from pages like these because it builds a sense of community around the comedy of real life, and honestly I think keeps Facebook alive,” she added.
I Mean, Uhaul Said It Could Move A 2-3 Bedroom House
Don't Worry, They're Run Flat Tires
Rachael told Bored Panda that when it comes to her personal U-haul experiences, being part of this group is the biggest U-haul adventure she’s had.
The company itself was founded back in 1945, when after World War II, Mr. and Mrs. Shoen noticed a need for “do-it-yourself” moving equipment, which allows people to travel one way cross-state when moving households. Back in the day, the couple themselves tried to rent a trailer for moving their belongings from Los Angeles to Portland, albeit unsuccessfully.
I Can Hear This Picture
It Was Tired. Just Taking A Nap On Its Back
Since the Shoens’ hunt for a rental trailer to move to a different state was an unsuccessful one, they used their car and took whatever they could fit in it. And on that car ride, the idea for what grew to become an internationally recognized name came to life.
According to U-Haul, nowadays, one-in-five people move every year, 75% of whom are “do-it-yourself” movers. Such movers ensure the demand for this type of a rental service, but they also cause situations that end up on 'Uhaul probably wouldn't like you doing that with their vehicle' and similar groups.
Better Hope That Wagon Has Brakes
The Things You See
My Customers 2 Seconds After Telling Me "I Dont Need Your Stupid Insurance"
FYI: it is always cheaper to call ur insurance company and have ur own car bumped up to full coverage (if u don't already have it) when u are renting a vehicle, than it is to pay the rental company's crazy Collison waiver rate. A week should cost u less than 20 bucks depending on how much u choose for the deductible and then when u return the car u just call them back and have it change back to whatever ur preference is.
Even though accidents can happen to anyone on the road, drivers of U-hauls and other rentals might often get into troublesome situations because they’re unfamiliar with the vehicle.
“Rental vehicles like U-Hauls tend to be larger and more awkward to drive than your typical car or truck that most people have experience driving. Therefore, that makes them riskier to operate,” Queen’s University professor Erik S. Knutsen told Bored Panda.
“They are larger, move differently, have different blind spots and viewing angles, and are heavier vehicles. People operating them may not be familiar with how to drive them, because they are essentially ‘one shot’ rentals that people may do once or twice in their lives.”
There’s Nothing Wrong Here, The Uhaul Was Just Thirsty
*in David Attenborough voice* and here we see a lone majestic U-Haul, separated from it's herd on their long migration south. Sadly, without the protection of its fellow hauls, this young vehicle is easy prey for hungry predators. Calmly drinking at the watering hole, it is unaware of the stealthy approach of caterpillar tracks on the bank behind"
Real Life Oregon Trail
What is the problem here? It looks a bit odd, but it is just a uhaul on a boat. Probably for a private island or something similar.
Prof. Knutsen explained that because of the drivers’ unfamiliarity with the rented vehicle, you can expect them to do things they might not normally do. “This would include parking in awkward or dangerous places, driving under overhangs that are too low for a higher vehicle, and difficulty backing up.
“If it is a U-Haul trailer, the art of driving with a trailer is an art unto itself—especially backing up with it,” the expert added. “Many people may be shocked to learn that one must turn the steering wheel in ways they may not expect to get the reversing trailer to go the way they want. This can cause all sorts of unexpected accidents.”
Is Now The Wrong Time For Insurance? Asking Fer A Friend
Pole Came Out Of Nowhere
That was some precision flying to land it right in the back of the truck
Knutsen emphasized that a driver is legally mandated to purchase liability insurance when operating a vehicle in either Canada or the United States. “States and provinces require this because we know that driving is a risky activity,” he said. “Therefore, a driver who takes on the responsibility of operating on a road must have valid, collectible liability insurance in case they hurt someone or someone’s property.
“The insurance responds to the loss so that the accident victim is compensated. Most people, on their own, do not have enough assets to satisfy a court judgment if sued for hurting someone in a car accident. For example, hurting someone bad enough so they cannot work could be very expensive. That is why liability insurance is required to drive.”
All That Fun For 19.95 What A Deal
The Hitch On This Pop Up Is Literally Held Together With Zip Ties
No, no, no. Unless you ran out of (and are on your way to get) ducktape.
Hope They Got The Insurance
It’s scary to know that trucks this big can be rented out to common consumers ( when the drivers have to get a special license to drive these, I live in a small alley street, the neighbor actually rented a truck bigger than that one, she couldn’t make that sharp turn into the street and nipped the car parked on the side( yes it was my freakin car) dumbass just sat there not knowing what she was supposed to do, a neighbor on that block had to call us to come down the street 🤬😫
Judging by the pictures shared by 'Uhaul probably wouldn't like you doing that with their vehicle', it seems that some drivers might act differently depending on whether it’s a rental that they’re operating or their personal means of transportation. (Unless these are some really unfortunate mishaps instead of unfortunate decisions from the driver.)
The expert in accident law and automobile insurance explained that there are several factors affecting an individual handling a rental. “In insurance, there is a concept called ‘moral hazard’, which is the idea that people behave less carefully if they are insured from a loss. However, people are also expected to be careful and avoid risks to themselves or their property—this is called ‘risk aversion’.”
He suggested that if a driver of a rented vehicle would be responsible to pay in some way if it was damaged—either by having to pay out of pocket or have insurance premiums raised as a result of an accident—they would behave more carefully because of risk aversion.
Cuz Who Needs A Dump Trailer
Apartment For Rent $19.98 Per Day
Air B&B 19.98 + 50.00 cleaning fee + 17.00 full service exterior wash. Owner's instructions - clean all dishes, fill up tank and check tire pressure.
Uhaul New Submarine
Prof. Knutsen continued to point out that ‘moral hazard’ can also affect driver behavior. “There are some studies that point to possible evidence that there is a higher incidence of road traffic accidents if there is no-fault insurance in place. This means that people do not have to sue other at-fault drivers in cases of accidents—they simply seek compensation from their own insurance company for injury or property damage.
“However, there is a flaw in that thinking when driving a car—the driver behind the wheel is at risk of getting hurt themselves. So because people are ‘risk averse’—meaning they behave to avoid risks to themselves and their property—most people would drive safely whether they are insured or not, because they do not want to get hurt.”
I Guess Uhaul Wouldn't Like This
Thats A New Feature For When You Dont Return It On Time
Redneck Ingenuity Right There
According to Erik S. Knutsen, it’s not only the time spent on the road that can be dangerous. “Even loading and unloading a vehicle like a U-Haul can be risky,” he told Bored Panda. “People can stack all kinds of things in awkward ways in these vehicles. They can load them unevenly. They can get hurt opening and closing the large doors at the back, or using the loading ramps. All of this involves automobile liability insurance, which covers people for ‘use or operation’ of a motor vehicle like a U-Haul.
“Anything you hook up to a vehicle, like a trailer, is considered part of the vehicle in law and is covered by the driver’s automobile liability insurance, if there is an accident,” he explained.
You're Not Supposed To Park There
These Prom Proposals Are Getting Clever
Maybe Rent A Bigger Trailer?
The pictures on this list show that some people get real creative when it comes to loading U-Hauls. Whether it’s trying to close the gap in the back doors by using whatever it is they can lay their hands on or playing tetris with furniture to squeeze as many of them in as possible and save an additional trip, they might seem like good solutions at first, but can prove otherwise in a matter of minutes.
Saw This On The Way Out Of U-Haul
All Just Sounds Like A Big Misunderstanding
Uhaul Landscaping Division?
Hey Must Still Be Inside Because There's No Way To Get Out
Remember that the U-Haul slogan used to be "Adventure In Moving". Seems accurate when seeing all these!
Remember that the U-Haul slogan used to be "Adventure In Moving". Seems accurate when seeing all these!