40 Times Car Owners And Designers Took Things Way Too Far And Got Shared On This Facebook Group
When it comes to the automotive universe, there's no end to human creativity. But while some rides leave us awestruck and seem like a wonder to behold, there are also drivers who go way overboard with their modifications, ending up with stupidity on wheels. Just think about it, we're walking down the street or driving down the highway, and something so bizarre passes by us that we just have to do a double-take.
So many questions cross our minds: what, who, and, most importantly, why would anyone ever buy that? Well, there’s a place on the internet that might help us find some answers. Enter the Facebook group called Ugly, Odd & Unique Automotive Masterpieces which offers its members exactly what it promises. With 203K car enthusiasts and counting, this community serves as a great place to both shame and spark intriguing discussions about unusual rides people come across.
Whether drivers wanted to stand out from the crowd or designers had zero clue about what they were doing, this community is dedicated to exposing them all. Bored Panda has collected some of the most entertaining examples this group had to offer, so continue scrolling and upvote the ones that baffled you most!
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Let’s be honest, the vast majority of us opt for pretty standard rides. Whether it’s an old Volkswagen or a trusted Toyota, people often prefer function over form. You see, any car that is in good condition can be a true wonder to behold. And extremely convenient when all you need to do is run some errands, get from point A to point B, and visit your loved ones.
But the Ugly, Odd & Unique Automotive Masterpieces Facebook group lets us in on a whole different world. Ever since it was founded in February 2020, it has amassed car fanatics from far and wide to share their insights about the most ridiculous vehicles that couldn’t be found in any auto store. After all, there are endless possibilities for what you can do with your car if you only have the imagination.
As you’re scrolling through this list, you’ll notice that some drivers wish to stick out like a sore thumb and really show off their personalities. While the fact that taste is subjective is nothing new, some of these cars would have been better off the road. Adding strange sculptures on the exterior, lowering the suspension to the point it’s almost impossible to drive, or choosing to do such bizarre paint jobs that leave everyone scratching their heads in confusion are just a few things from the list.
But if you still believe that having a one-of-a-kind car is your thing, you’re probably looking into the car modding scene to be able to fully express yourself whilst on the road. Well, we previously reached out to an expert in the field, Gianni Lamanuzzi, to learn more about car modifications and why so many enthusiasts find them fascinating.
Lamanuzzi is a car aficionado and founder of Status Error, a place to find clothing and merchandise for people who love the automotive, skate, and BMX lifestyle and culture. He celebrates beautifully upgraded and altered cars on his Instagram account and told us he often feels inspired by them. You see, he managed to make a career from the modified car scene, so he owes it a lot.
First, he told Bored Panda what a car mod (modification) actually is: "[It's] when you make a change to a car that doesn’t come from the factory as standard. From something as simple as changing out some interior light bulbs to glow a different color, to going all out and cutting up the car to add a body kit or even changing an engine. If it changes the car from standard form, it’s a mod!"
When asked which car alterations look good and which ones simply don’t, he guessed that everyone is going to have a different opinion on this. "For me, the first modifications I look into doing are usually adjusting the ride height (coilover suspension, air bags, shorter springs) and changing the wheels. Be it a color change, a better-looking tire, or even a whole new aftermarket wheel, I personally think these are good places to start."
"If I was being sensible though, I’d probably look more into starting with engine mods. Make sure the engine is running the best it can, which can be something as simple as upgrading your air filter."
I have a sneaky suspicion that it isn't roadworthy/legal. . Sometimes because you can doesn't mean that you should.
But when people come up with improvements that will damage the car or put other people in danger, modifications like these are downright useless and even harmful, the founder of Status Error argued. "From experience, I wouldn’t recommend chopping your suspension springs to lower your ride height," he said.
"I think [taste] is subjective because people absolutely love different things in the car mod scene, it’s like fashion for cars," Lamanuzzi added. "For example, I once had a Porsche that I painted a non-factory color. I thought it was the best thing I’d ever done and all of my friends really loved it."
However, the Porsche community was up in arms: "It wasn’t something that Porsche would do. I’d say 90% of them would have burned it if they had the chance!"
The Facebook group in question is full of car enthusiasts who are obsessed with sharing opinions about ambitious car projects and discussing how impressive (or not) they are. According to Lamanuzzi, we enjoy looking at this content because we love to see what new things people are up to. "The car scene has some seriously talented people among it and it’s always moving forward fast. Most days you will see something new that has never been done. It also gives you inspiration and ideas to work on your own car if it’s something you’re doing."
If you're thinking of trying it out for yourself, Lamanuzzi advised you to always go with your gut. "Don’t let other people’s opinions alter the goal you have in your head. Sure, take some ideas and a little advice, but if someone is downright negative about what you’re doing, then just ignore them."
"If you listened to what other people had to say each time, then everything would be the same, and nothing would stand out. Never shy away from putting your crazy ideas out there on social media because it absolutely works both ways. If people are complimenting you on what you’re doing, then it can give you the biggest buzz to get out there and do more modifying," he concluded.
This could be what people see at night when they think they've seen a UFO.
Am I the only one who thinks this is Vector from Despicable Me’s motorcycle right here?
This is just a list of cars curated by someone that has no clue. Some are stock vehicles, some are well done custom jobs and maybe one or two are actually stupid, the green car with the bookshelf on the back comes to mind. And then there are all the comments by non-car people calling the air suspension cars unsafe because they don't understand that they raise up for driving. I would say they had airbags but that would also confuse the non-car people.
I’m sensing a title name change in the future….”Stupidity on wheels” doesn’t really speak to this grouping of cars
Why, when the group you nicked the pictures from is called "Ugly, Odd & Unique Automotive Masterpieces" did you come up with a title for this that implied they were all stupidity when they're obviously not.
This is just a list of cars curated by someone that has no clue. Some are stock vehicles, some are well done custom jobs and maybe one or two are actually stupid, the green car with the bookshelf on the back comes to mind. And then there are all the comments by non-car people calling the air suspension cars unsafe because they don't understand that they raise up for driving. I would say they had airbags but that would also confuse the non-car people.
I’m sensing a title name change in the future….”Stupidity on wheels” doesn’t really speak to this grouping of cars
Why, when the group you nicked the pictures from is called "Ugly, Odd & Unique Automotive Masterpieces" did you come up with a title for this that implied they were all stupidity when they're obviously not.