30 Of The Most Atrocious House Listings From This ‘Ugly Irish Houses’ Insta Account
Some houses look bad on the outside and even worse on the inside. Does that mean nobody can live happy lives in them? No. It does, however, mean that not only its neighbors but the Internet will make fun of it as well.
The Instagram account, Ugly Irish Houses, is sharing pics of all the crimes against design the country's homes have pulled off, and the project has already accumulated over 77,000 followers by doing exactly that. From buildings that look like cult headquarters to the ones that appear to be vintage museums, the Irish sure must be... extravagant.
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The creator of the account told Bored Panda they've always thought there should be some account or website calling out just how ugly many Irish houses are. "For such a naturally beautiful country, we've got a lot of ugly houses!" they said. "I so often physically stopped the car to pause and stare at the latest roadside abomination until I finally decided that it deserves its own Instagram account."
At this time, they discovered Ugly Belgian Houses, a project Bored Panda has already written about, and thought, "If the Belgians can do it, the Irish can do it even better!"
According to the person behind the account, if they were to create an Ugly Irish Houses bingo, these items would certainly be on the bingo card: red leather sofas, clunky deformed dining chairs, a cringeworthy home pub, a pool or snooker table in a cavernous empty room, a house surrounded by a sea of asphalt, Roman pillars often installed upside down, red carpets galore, a large framed photo of the house taken from a helicopter or drone, and a few other gems.
"If you were to compare us, the Irish, to most of our European neighbors, I think you'd have to agree that we are prone to making design mistakes, probably because the only references we have for architecture are castles, churches, pubs, and hotels... People seem to want to make their houses look and feel like one of those or a mix of all of them. Maybe it's also because in Irish schools, anything art or design related becomes optional after the students turn 11, so the Irish aesthetic kind of fossilizes at the end of primary school."
The account only features houses that are for sale on the open market, so no candid shots are taken from the side of the road. "Luckily, there's an absolute wealth of content on all of the Irish property sites, plus I have a fantastic community of ugly house fans who send me what they find on a daily basis."
(Not) surprisingly, even the showrunner lives in an ugly Irish house. In fact, it has even appeared on the account. "It's not ugly on the inside though!"
"I'd like to add that I'm not an architect or designer, and don't have any involvement with construction or design. I run this page just for a bit of fun and particularly during the last 9 months in and out of lockdown, it's helped my own mental health to have some kind of escapism, to have fun and interact with my followers in Ireland and abroad." Let's hope Ugly Irish Houses does the same for you too.
Love the thing on wall in bathroom “how can a Man who can hit a Deer at 250 yards keep Missing the TOILET”
This could be a STUNNING property for someone with a bit of flair to own.
Would love to hear the owner give a house tour that explained the choices.
I can overlook alot for an indoor pool, but wow. Who puts a loveseat in front of a storage door and facing stairs?
I want to go running throught that bedroom and rip the drapes off. Ok with the pool room.
Bathroom clearly done by the same company that did psychotic race horse owning bling bling house. Do love the parquet floors.
I admit that none of them suit my taste and they surely are "unique". Personally i like it simple and minimalistic. But some of them are well executed actually. Like the color combinations are on point and all of them are clean and tidy. Plus you can tell that the person in charge spent a lot of time planning all of that. It's not like they just put in whatever.
plus: ugly is in the eye of the beholder :). as long as the person living there loves it.
Some of these are actually not that bad. As they say there is no accounting for taste. As long as the owner is comfortable in it. Mostly what I see is that a lot of them just tried to do too much. Many of them are like my place, they have too many dust collectors. They would look better if they would take half of the stuff in each room and throw it in the trash.
I admit that none of them suit my taste and they surely are "unique". Personally i like it simple and minimalistic. But some of them are well executed actually. Like the color combinations are on point and all of them are clean and tidy. Plus you can tell that the person in charge spent a lot of time planning all of that. It's not like they just put in whatever.
plus: ugly is in the eye of the beholder :). as long as the person living there loves it.
Some of these are actually not that bad. As they say there is no accounting for taste. As long as the owner is comfortable in it. Mostly what I see is that a lot of them just tried to do too much. Many of them are like my place, they have too many dust collectors. They would look better if they would take half of the stuff in each room and throw it in the trash.