People Who Used To Be “Ugly Ducklings” Share Their Transformations, And We Can Barely Recognize Them
Growing up can be incredibly awkward. Our bodies are still developing. We’re covered in spots. And our fashion sense might just match our bad posture. Sometimes, looking awkward doesn’t automatically stop with our teenage years (my collection of baggy sweaters says ‘hi’) and can continue into our twenties and thirties, too.
However, some people have changed incredibly over the years, starting out as ‘ugly ducklings’ and turning into beautiful swans that barely anyone can recognize anymore. One of the places where they share their inspirational before-and-afters is the ‘Ugly Duckling’ subreddit. As you’re checking out these awesome transformations, remember to upvote your favorite ones, dear Pandas. When you’re done, have a look through Bored Panda’s earlier lists about the subreddit right here and here.
We all know that being a good person is more important than having the perfect looks. However, if given the chance, a lot of people would choose both. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look how you feel inside.
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From About 11ish(?) To 25. My Skin Cleared Up, I Got Braces, Learned How To Make Up And Fill In My Eyebrows. I Was Made Fun Of/Very Lonely Growing Up, And I Feel The Way That I Looked Had A Big Impact On Why I Am The Way That I Am Now. “Be Kind”
16-19 Or: How I Learned To Start Shaving And Escape The Neckbeard
Age 14 To 19. Lost Some Weight And Gained Some Confidence Along The Way
The ‘Ugly Duckling’ subreddit is a community of over 116k ‘enthusiasts’ who “turned into butterflies” over the years. The subreddit celebrates late bloomers, positive personal changes, and motivational transformations.
Being a late bloomer is nothing to be ashamed of. It can happen at any time. And the process can be drawn out or happen nearly overnight, just like with Neville Longbottom’s actor Matthew Lewis who ‘Longbottomed’ and caught a lot of us unaware of what just happened.
Scott Barry Kaufman writes on Psychology Today that a lot of human traits (including physical attractiveness) are under genetic control and can take “decades” to emerge.
16-20. Does This Count?
12 - 24 Even My Family Doesn't Recognize Me These Days, It's Nice
Life Begins At 40! 25 --> 40
“There is one way of becoming an early bloomer, but there are an infinite number of ways of being a late bloomer. Also, the more complex a trait, the more ways that a child can become a late bloomer for that trait. This means that the most appreciated abilities in society, such as creativity and leadership will rarely fully present itself at a young age, all at once,” Kaufman explains.
He adds that even though society tends to celebrate child prodigies, being an early bloomer is no guarantee that you will continue to be successful. Dedication, hard work, and moving towards your goals step by step are just as (if not even more) important as talent.
13 - 25
Left-13, Right-34
Age 17-24, Was Bullied A Lot Growing Up
12 And 29. Still With The Short Hair And Glasses, Some Things Never Change
11 vs. 28, Lost That Baby Fat And Learned How To Smile
Left 12, Right 24
2015 - 2019. Basically, I Cleaned Myself Up And Started Over!
You look younger, did you age backwards. Glad you're doing so well now.
Then: 320 Lbs, Face Always Red, Angry At Dad, Ready To Die For Punk Rock. Now: 250 Lbs, Skin Healthier, Love My Dad, Punk Rock Is Pretty Ok But Being An Adult Is Pretty Ok Too
13, 15, 20 And 27 Years Old
(Spoiler Alert) I Didn't Peak In Highschool Lol
Age 12 To Age 26... Still Feel A Lot Like The Kid On The Left
11—>30 Braces Were Good To Me
19 To 20. I Would Like To Thank My Dermatologist
A Slight Change
17-24, Went Through Horrible Cystic Acne, Lost 50 Lbs, Got Braces, And Dropped An Emotionally Abusive Boyfriend
No, she says she was with someone who made her feel badly about her self worth. And she believed him. Sometimes it happens slowly and you don't know you're being abused until its too late. She got self confidence once she was out of the relationship and then worked on herself. Total respect.
4 Years Later (16-20)
Age 15 To 21. Lost Some Weight, It Sucks My Eyes Didn't Get Bigger
12-27. Lost A Chin, But Gained A Smile
Age ~11 To 20 - I Owe A Lot To Contacts, Braces, Filling In My Eyebrows, And My Hairline Somehow Growing Forward
Don't you wish when you were younger that you had a clue how you'd turn out? Beautiful.
Mother’s Day With My Momma 2014-2018
10 Year Different. Ages 13 & 23
Not really an ugly duckling transformation as you were never ugly.
From 17 To 18, I Don't Even Know
Always Felt So Geeky In High School. I Even Went Through A Period Where I Wanted To End My Life In Middle School Because Of My Weight And Look. Now I’m In My 30’s And Feeling The Most Confident I’ve Been In My Life. Big Thanks For Braces And Lasik
16 vs. 46. Took Awhile To Get Here, Lol.
13-21 Puberty Really Hit Me Hard And Shot Me Up To 6ft8
From 18 To 23. A Completely Different Person Now
7 Years Can Make A Crazy Difference
Found An Old School Photo (14/29)
12 vs. 20. Had To Stop Riding The Bus+change My Classes In Middle School Because I Was Bullied So Bad For "Being Ugly"
3 Years With A Lot Of Time In The Gym And Taking Care Of My Skin
Me, Early 20’s Looking Troll Man To More Normal Looking Dude In His 30’s
15 To 23. No Makeup For A Better Comparison
Nearly Two Years Of Hard Work And Dedication. I Won’t Ever Stop!
My One Regret Is Losing The Hat
7 Years Apart
15 → 26, From Strange Genderbender To Recognizable As A Woman
18 vs. 23 Just A Late Bloomer I Guess
18 To 24
21 vs. 29.. Losing 100lbs Has Definitely Helped!
One Year Transformation. 23 To 23 (Almost 24 Hahaha). What A Gym Membership, Self Love And A Skincare Routine Can Do For You
Grew Into My Face A Little(19 vs. 26)
18 To 23. Puberty Hit Me Like A God Damn Freight Train.
11 To 21. Wear Your Sunblock, Folks
14 To 20, Lost Weight, Took Care Of Myself And Stopped Cutting My Hair
I don't like the word "ugly" in this context at all. These people were never ugly. Some of them were somewhat overweight, some had acne (didn't we all, at some point?), some had glasses and now have contacts, some just learned to use make up and fixed hairstyle... Are overweight people, people with freckles and people with glasses ugly? Are we automatically beautiful if we put ton of make up or lose like 10 lbs? While I think people absolutely should make changes on their appearance if it makes them feel good, I simply don't how this was put.
I never got over the bullying as I was an ugly kid. Bad clothes, bad haircut, acne. Even now that I've changed I still have confidence issues. Don't bully, people. It can affect someone their entire life. I'm 62 now.
Same. Even a teacher commented that I was awfully ugly. I'm told that I am now quite good-looking, even model good-looking, but I look in the mirror and I don't see that at all. All is see is the child everyone called ugly looking back at me.
Load More Replies...I was an ugly duckling growing up. I was bullied for having a big nose. I was called so many different names from Pinnochio to Big Bird. I had numerous people make comments like “if you didn’t have a big nose u would be so pretty” or “I would date her if she didn’t have a big nose.” It was all throughout my childhood and partially into adulthood. I had very low self esteem. I had depression. I had no confidence. I saved up money from age 16 to 24 to get my nose and chin done. And it changed everything for me. It raised my confidence and self esteem tremendously. I’m finally happy with how I look. I’m 28 now btw.
I don't like the word "ugly" in this context at all. These people were never ugly. Some of them were somewhat overweight, some had acne (didn't we all, at some point?), some had glasses and now have contacts, some just learned to use make up and fixed hairstyle... Are overweight people, people with freckles and people with glasses ugly? Are we automatically beautiful if we put ton of make up or lose like 10 lbs? While I think people absolutely should make changes on their appearance if it makes them feel good, I simply don't how this was put.
I never got over the bullying as I was an ugly kid. Bad clothes, bad haircut, acne. Even now that I've changed I still have confidence issues. Don't bully, people. It can affect someone their entire life. I'm 62 now.
Same. Even a teacher commented that I was awfully ugly. I'm told that I am now quite good-looking, even model good-looking, but I look in the mirror and I don't see that at all. All is see is the child everyone called ugly looking back at me.
Load More Replies...I was an ugly duckling growing up. I was bullied for having a big nose. I was called so many different names from Pinnochio to Big Bird. I had numerous people make comments like “if you didn’t have a big nose u would be so pretty” or “I would date her if she didn’t have a big nose.” It was all throughout my childhood and partially into adulthood. I had very low self esteem. I had depression. I had no confidence. I saved up money from age 16 to 24 to get my nose and chin done. And it changed everything for me. It raised my confidence and self esteem tremendously. I’m finally happy with how I look. I’m 28 now btw.