30 Of The Best Worst Architecture Pics That Showcase “Ugliness In All Its Glory”
Time and again we hear about stunning architecture, mesmerizing buildings from around the world, and breathtaking structures that seem to defy gravity. Well, this article is about none of that.
Quite on the contrary, today, we take a look at the outsiders of architectural skill that challenge our perceptions of aesthetics, practicality and common sense.
Thanks to these two online groups, the “Ugly House” and “Ugly Architecture” subreddits, we have rounded up quite a collection for you to scroll through. Don’t forget to upvote your favorite posts as you go!
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Seems Like This Was A Mis-Steak. Okay, I’ll See Myself Out
Classical Style That Seamlessly Blends Into The Original Structure
Small town airport called, they’d like their small town airport back please
It Seems So Innocent At First
If you've ever spotted a weird-looking building and thought to yourself “jeez, this thing is ugly,” you can be sure you’re not the only one. There’s something about particular architecture that makes our eyes almost physically sore.
According to architectural historian Timothy Hyde, the author of “Ugliness and Judgement on Architecture in the Public Eye,” “ugliness is an undertheorized dimension of architecture, given how common that critique is.” Hyde has seen numerous people commenting about ugly buildings to him so naturally, he took notice.
This Building I Saw The Other Day Kinda Looks Like A Bad Sims Starter House
What Would You Even Call This Color? Fugly Fuschia?
Boy Do I Love Modern Belgian Architecture!
I was trying to think of a boring joke for this pic and then I yawned. Good enough.
Hyde argues that people always think buildings are ugly. “Particularly as a historian of modern architecture, I encounter any number of people who say ‘Oh, you’re a modern architectural historian, can you explain why would an architect ever think to do a building like that?’”
In the early 19th century, the architect Sir John Soane filed a long series of libel cases against critics who criticized his creations. “There was a prevailing assumption at the time that a work of architecture, a work of art, a work of literature, was an embodiment of its creator,” says Hyde. In those years, a critique of a building, something we experience on a daily basis, was seen as a personal attack on its creator.
Built The Ugly Houses From Across The Street
In Loganville, GA - Overseas Money Built An Entire Subdivision Of Tacky Mega Mansions. The Builder Didn’t Use An Architect And Built These All Based On His Own Vision... And Went Bankrupt
This Is Horrendous
Things have changed beyond recognition today. “Now what we take for granted, this modern idea that one can criticize a work of architecture or book without necessarily saying its creator is a bad or immoral person, begins to emerge as a legal concept,” Hyde explained.
It Was A Bold Choice. That’s About All I Can Say About It
Who Thought This Window Was A Good Idea?
“Venezia” Mega Outlet In Istanbul
Someone Paid To Build This Monstrosity
It looks like a mid tier apartment building. With terrible parking.
The Epicenter, Seattle, USA
Those balconies definitely look as though the building has been the epicentre of an earthquake
Looks Like It's Stomped On
Do Ugly Townhouses Qualify?
Zurich, Switzerland (No, It's Not Abandoned)
When You Let Your 5 Year Old Design Your Custom Home
Someone Lied On Their Resume
If U Wanna Have A Big Building In The Middle Of A Hill At Least Put Some Facade
This Is Just
You Like Big Windows? I Got Big Windows!
This House Is Furious It Exists
I think there are a lot of people out there that would love to have this home.
Holiday Home In Near Balatonszemes, Hungary
Romsås, Oslo. These Buildings Are Horrible
Cleaning/painting the exterior surface would help. Not much admittedly.
Church "Saint-Pierre" In Pau, France
Miltifunctional Center aka The Cappuccino Cup (Quartucciu, Sardinia, Italy)
I want a boat! No, a house! No wait, a home, but like a boat on land. Perfect!
All those different window styles makes it look they went on online and searched for "free used windows near me".
Sparrow Hills, Moscow, Russia
Torre Insignia, Mexico City
I dunno. I love looking at architecture… but does anyone feel guilty? Many of these are people’s homes! Actual living human people call these places home… 🤷🏼♀️
A lot of the very square or run down looking ones just make me think of some government housing or private places done specifically for Section 8. Made to be barely functional, and that's it. But still someone's home (don't get me started on the situation of US housing...)
Load More Replies...I'm kinda disappointed, most of these were just totally normal looking houses. Some even looked really cool.
Then try to find on facebook Ugly Belgian houses.
Load More Replies...Ah some Brutalist, some Minimalist, and some true garbage mixed in. 🤌
I dunno. I love looking at architecture… but does anyone feel guilty? Many of these are people’s homes! Actual living human people call these places home… 🤷🏼♀️
A lot of the very square or run down looking ones just make me think of some government housing or private places done specifically for Section 8. Made to be barely functional, and that's it. But still someone's home (don't get me started on the situation of US housing...)
Load More Replies...I'm kinda disappointed, most of these were just totally normal looking houses. Some even looked really cool.
Then try to find on facebook Ugly Belgian houses.
Load More Replies...Ah some Brutalist, some Minimalist, and some true garbage mixed in. 🤌