It can be anything from a cat to a tree.
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Finishing A Drawing I’m Proud Of… This Is How I Imagine Buttercup From The Hunger Games After Finishing The Books
Spending Time With My Wife...the Ocean...sunsets (And Our Bulldog - Not In The Pic)
Two Of The Many Things That I Love. They Bring Joy Into My Life
Rocki, Biscuits, Obie, Muffins, Valentino (Fathead), Isabel (Izzi)... All Rescues
The Way My Cat Hilda Curls Her Toes Over When She Sleeps!
My Chinchilla (Little Bugger Triggers That Cuteness Aggression In Me) Is My Laugh Producer
U-Sa-Hana! She's A Lesser Known Serious Character But My Absolute Favorite!!
My Cute Dog
This Is Star She Has Helped Me Stay Sober
My Neighbor's Cat Loves Me. He Comes Over Almost Every Day For Pets And To Talk. He's A Very Chatty Cat! I Call Him Mouse. He's Such A Sweet Boy!
My cats on the other hand are not happy when he comes over. 🙄
My Puppy Tex
My Valentines Gift From My Princess
My Dog Rocky Who Is 13 But Still Acts Like A Puppy And Sleeps In Interesting Positions Lol
Pippin Charlemagne Perrigrin Took Makes Me Very Happy
Two Professional Kittehs. Goober (The Grey One) And Bella (Orange Wild Thing)
Muffin. She Died Last November And I Miss Her Every Day. At Least I Have The Memories.s
I’m realizing I made a post basically exactly like this without realizing there was another one. Sorry!!
I’m realizing I made a post basically exactly like this without realizing there was another one. Sorry!!