I was commisioned to carve two ten foot long cedar trees that would be used as support for the entrance to a cabin being built in North Bend British Columbia. I was asked to simply carve what felt natural to be standing outside the cabin while theoretically keeping watch like two guards. These are the two original works I came up with and I love the way they turned out. One of their names is “Garrison”( which is another name for a guard) and the other is “The North Mystic”. I love the way they turned out and they make quite a cute couple… don’t you think?

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    Here they are! Both my guards standing tall at their new station in North Bend British Columbia.

    I stated out with skinning all the bark off and sanding it down to get it to be a nice clean canvas.

    Started carving the nose as that is what protrudes out furthest and then onto the big pouting lip.

    Next it was time to add a little more detail to the eyes and the folds in Garrisons skin.


    Here is the left and right view to show how the folds and facial features wrap around the whole post.

    Next up is cleaning up the log which will be the “North Mystic”

    Once again I started with his nose and then onto the eyes.

    It was a bit of a surprise when getting deep into the wood because the core of the log was a much deeper colour. It seemed to give it more character which never hurts!


    Finishing up the details in the face then sanding down.


    Here is the side view and as you can see the nose is carved completely through to add a little more 3 dimension.