50 TV Shows That Were Great In The Beginning And Great Until The End, As Shared In This Online Thread
A good story can transport you to another world. It can make you forget your troubles and take you on adventures that you didn't even think were possible. However, crafting a compelling narrative is no easy feat.
Take television shows for example. Even those that start off strong can gradually lose their luster, leaving fans feeling disappointed. So let's give credit where credit is due.
Recently, a person on Reddit made a post, asking everyone on the platform which TV series never had a dip in quality, and the community delivered. From long-running sitcoms to short-lived dramas, here are some of the most popular responses.
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No one's going to mention How It's Made?
The Joy of Painting
RIP Bob Ross
he's like watching a warm hug, with a side of happy little trees...
Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. Fight me.
I cried happy tears all through his documentary, "won't you be my neighbor". his exemplary kindness reached right through the screen...
MASH. It only got better
The IT Crowd
Twilight Zone the original Black and White.
I'm a Twilight Zone junkie. Rod Serling was THE most visionary TV producer I have ever known. So many of his stories came to pass. And the actors -- OMG. Everybody who was anybody back then was in one or more episodes and they were ALL spectacular. I can even lip sync some of the famous lines, like: "What makes you think this is heaven, Mr. Valentine. This IS the 'other place' ! Mwahahahahaaaaaaa!" (Sebastian Cabot)
The Good Place. The writers knew exactly what they wanted to do it, they did it, and didn't linger any longer even though it was surely successful enough that they could've gotten more seasons if they'd wanted to milk it.
Futurama, but I may be biased.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Frasier. Exactly the same level of quality from start to finish. It was never AMAZING but also never terrible.
Fawlty Towers
True, but I wonder if the planned reboot will spoil that reputation
On this Thanksgiving weekend, let us remember how WKRP in Cincinnati maintained excellence through all four seasons. Turkeys Away!
Murder She Wrote. Angela Lansbury was and is a f****n queen
Star Trek: The Next Generation
greatest TV show ever made, by far, hands down. it actually got better with each season but every season is fantastic
Mythbusters, i need more
Man, Grant's passing sucker-punched me. Such a sweet guy from all accounts.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who's watched these shows, but:
The Librarians,
Warehouse 13
Eureka had a awesome series finale. And the song that plays at the end is great. (You Are my home🎶) I enjoy watching Eureka every now and then.
Keeping Up With The Kardashians
It maintained a standard. It was always absolute horse s**t from the start and never improved
House MD
I'll always enjoy Hugh Laurie in his extra blue contacts but the story lines outside the medical mystery got unbearable with time.
Keeping Up Appearances, Patricia Routledge, Clive Swift. The whole cast was talented, had impeccable timing, the innuendo it’s hilarious! I still laugh when I catch an episode. It’s very relaxing.
Psych! I would argue there was a brief dip in a late middle season but it recovered
The Bob Newhart Show
Some of his roles in movies...where he is having a convo on the phone...priceless
Stargate SG-1. It was a show that knew what it was.
One of my favorites! Unfortunately, I began losing interest when Richard Dean Anderson left the cast and was no longer the Executive Producer. I didn't really care for the addition of Mitchell and Vala, and Daniel lost his nerdiness which had made him so appealing to me. I still watch the original repeats every day though!
Phineas and Ferb
I'm a little biased because it is one of my favorite comfort shows, but it maintained in my humble opinion a high level of quality throughout the entirety of it.
The episodes all followed the same formula but it never got boring.
gravity falls, im suprised i havnt seen this
edit: i mean that i havnt seen this in the comments of the post, not the show, i’ve seen the entire show lmao, multiple times
I was hoping I'd see this! One of my all-time favorite shows, sure some of the episodes aren't the BEST *cough* Roadside Attraction *cough* but overall a really well-written show that still has a strong fandom despite ending six years ago!
Antiques Roadshow
Loved watching it but it always reminded me that school was the next day and it was soon time to go to bed!
What we do in the shadows. Stellar from start to end. I think there is new seasons coming out. But it's fabulous.
Edit : you're allowed to not like the new season, but the threats are a little over kill my friends!
Thank you for my first reddit rewards and all the up votes. I love you my people!
Everybody Loves Hypnotoad
Person of interest. Intelligent, well paced, and never predictable. The ending was just as well written, and thought out as the pilot episode.
The Inbetweeners (UK)
Freaks and Geeks. Hard to decline when you only have 1 season.
The Americans only improved with age. An absolutely fantastic series.
This is one of the best shows ever made in my opinion and the ending was almost perfect.
This Old House
The Clone Wars
This show added soo much dimension to the characters and gave Anakin his "redemption" in terms of his choices. Also...Ahsoka's story too, so win-win. My favorite Star Wars stuff are almost all from Clone Wars.
Mr. Robot
My lovely horse, running through the fiiiieeelds 😆
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Load More Replies...My lovely horse, running through the fiiiieeelds 😆
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