A turkey is an image of beauty itself. Who could deny being in awe upon observing its stocky round body, its colorful feathers, its elongated neck adorned with rumpled bare flesh, the snot-like protrusion hanging from its mighty beak? It's truly an image formed from dreams, wishes, and hopes! Supplement that vision with its noble gobble-gobble song, and a turkey could be equaled to the charms of a fairy. However, this lovely-beyond-words creature's same qualities can be used for an entirely different thing than adoration, which is turning them into material for laughter. Laughter is, after all, the greatest form of reverence! Right, so we're not here to praise turkeys exactly, but rather to snicker at these hilariously good turkey jokes. All one hundred and seventeen of them, to be exact!
So, as with any animal jokes, the turkey ones are inherently cute, just like the animals themselves. But liking cute things isn't something to be ashamed of! How could one find fluffy kittens, goofy puppies, and freshly-hatched buck-naked shapeless turkey chicks not adorable? See, it is human nature to like soft, fluffy, and helpless things, so a bird joke that incorporates both cuteness and hilarity is definitely double the fun. Soon, you'll figure out this for yourself! Just hang in there for one more minute before skipping to the hilarious jokes themselves - we still have something important to tell you.
Of course, the important thing is us telling you that you'll find the funny jokes exactly where they should be - just a teensy weensy bit below. Once you are done reading these silly jokes, vote for those that have evoked the image of a turkey's nobility the most. After that, there's just one more thing left - to share this article with your friends!
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What are turkeys most thankful for on Thanksgiving?
What do you call a running turkey?
Fast food.
When is turkey soup bad for your health?
When you’re the turkey.
Why turkey prefers an android?
Because he prefers to say googlegoogle.
How turkey got famous?
He played in “Harry Potter and the gobbler of fire”.
Why did the turkey cross the road?
It was the chicken’s day off.
What is it called when a turkey fumbles in football?
A fowl play.
Why did they let the turkey join the band?
Because he had his own drumsticks.
What did the leftover turkey say?
Make me a sandwich!
What is a turkey called on the day after Thanksgiving?
In what country is Thanksgiving sadly not celebrated?
How can a turkey be kept in suspense?
I'll let you know tomorrow.
Why did turkey regret not studying spelling?
He wrote gravy instead of grave in his testament.
Why did the turkey cross the road twice?
To prove he wasn't a chicken!
Why do turkeys lay eggs?
Because if they dropped them, they would break.
What did the mother turkey say before getting into the oven?
"I'm stuffed."
Why did the cranberries turn red?
Because they saw the turkey dressing.
What do we call a turkey with no feathers?
A Thanksgiving Day meal.
When do turkeys get nervous?
When the calendar turns to November!
What's blue and covered in feathers?
A turkey holding its breath.
What did the ghost put on the turkey on Thanksgiving?
What’s the most musical part of a turkey?
The drumstick.
Why shouldn’t you look at the turkey dressing?
Because it will make him blush.
Why did the turkey refuse dessert?
He was stuffed.
What's the best song to play while cooking a turkey?
All about that baste.
What did the turkey say to the computer?
Google, google.
What animal has the worst eating habit?
The turkey, because it gobbles everything up.
What did the turkey sing before Thanksgiving day?
"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas."
What wish did the turkey make on his birthday?
That people find another entree for Thanksgiving.
What did the mother turkey say when her naughty children were annoying her?
She said that if it were for their father, he'd turn over in his gravy!
What happened when a turkey got into a wrestling match with a chicken?
He got the stuffing knocked out of him.
What sound does a turkey's caller tune make?
Wing, wing! Wing, wing!
Why do turkeys always say, "gobble, gobble!"?
Because they never learned table manners.
What do you call a sarcastic turkey?
A smirk-key!
What is an offbeat turkey called?
A quirk-key!
Why did the turkey pack his bags and leave the farm?
Because he was tired of all the fowl language.
Where can one find a turkey that has no legs?
Exactly where one leaves it!
Which animal needs no musical gear to march on a parade?
A turkey can march to the beat of its own drumsticks.
What do you call it when a turkey lays eggs on top of a barn?
An eggroll!
Why was the turkey questioned by the police after the robbery?
Because the turkey got the stuffing knocked out of him by the robbers.
Why couldn’t dad stop moistening the turkey with juices?
It appealed to his baster instincts.
What do you do with a cold turkey?
Make it chilly.
"I prepared Thanksgiving dinner for guests from out of town. I cooked for many hours using recipes I’d found. But the turkey, I confess, was not a golden brown. I made a huge mistake and cooked it upside down."
What do you call it when you cross some leftover turkey with a pointy black hat?
A witch-bone!
Turkey to happiness is meditation, eating right, and not worrying about things beyond your control.
What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient children?
If your father could see you now, he'd turn over in his gravy.
Why should you never set the turkey next to the dessert?
Because he will gobble, gobble it up!
What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter on Thanksgiving Day?
Quack, quack!
How does a turkey use its voice to disguise itself as Thanksgivng Day approaches? It starts saying "Quack, quack" instead of "Gobble, gobble."
You know you overdid it at Thanksgiving when you thought the serving size for turkey was one.
How is a chicken different from a turkey?
Chickens celebrate Thanksgiving!
What is a chicken's favorite holiday? Thanksgiving, known the chickens as Turkey Day.
What were two English turkeys discussing on Thanksgiving day?
To be or not to be stuffed, that is the question.
Why did the turkey visit the cosmetic surgeon before Thanksgiving day?
For its breast and thigh reductions.
If we want to eat a turkey on Thanksgiving day, what does a turkey want?
It just wants to escape!
If you cross a turkey with some corn and veggies, what do you get?
Enough food for Thanksgiving.
How can you make a turkey disappear in minutes?
Invite all your relatives over Thanksgiving dinner!
Why didn't the turkey show up for the Halloween party?
Because the tailor couldn't figure out how to make a gobb-lin costume.
What do you call a turkey with carrot stuffed in its ears?
Anything you want to because it can't hear you.
Why are turkeys not good at baseball?
Because they only hit fowl balls.
Why do turkey basketbll teans get utscored? They start the game with five or more fowls.
Which of these can jump the highest, a turkey or The Statue of Liberty?
The turkey, The Statue of Liberty cannot jump!
Why are most kids scared of the turkey?
It looks like a goblin.
My parents asked me to stop entertaining turkey jokes and turkey puns. But how can I quit cold turkey?
The unique thing about a conservative turkey is that they have a larger right-wing.
How can you tell if a turkey is a liberal or a conservative? Just copare its left wing to its right wng.