40 People Are Sharing True Stories About Themselves That Sound Completely Made Up
Ever had an unbelievable coincidence happen to you? Ran into a celebrity while grocery shopping? Were you on the edges of a scandal that made national news? How about a close brush with the supernatural?
If so, writer Aidan Moher wants to hear from you. A thread he started on Twitter asking for his followers’ wildest stories has attracted responses that range from goofy to chilling. Bored Panda asked the author what he learned from the viral thread and you can see what he said, along with the stories themselves, below. You can also browse all of the responses by searching the tweet’s permalink to find tweets quoting it, but here's a handful of our favorites.
The sci-fi and fantasy author shared some of his own experiences that he’d had in mind when he started the thread, but he admitted that the people of Twitter had him bested. Some of these stories are a little stranger than fiction, whether they're just odd scenes or the whole movie pitch.
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"There are a ton of amazing stories to inspire writers," Aidan Moher, who started the thread, told Bored Panda. "But it's important to make sure you remember and acknowledge where that inspiration came from, and go through the appropriate methods of getting permission to use those stories."
"I think the big takeaway for me as a writer is that life is full of coincidences and just as weird, unusual, and wacky as anything an author can come up with off the top of their head. So, writers should go big, but also think about how those stories impact the people in the moment and later into their life."
When asked if he'd gotten any stories that went beyond unbelievable and were just... not very believable, Moher said there was one rather risque trend.
"I've had... more than a few men making outlandish claims about the size of their sexual anatomy. Those are probably the most obviously fake. Otherwise, while I'm sure there are lots of embellishments and outright fake stories, I'm having fun because I think the majority of these stories are genuine."
Another reason Twitter trends like this take off so hard (see all the beginning vs. end of the decade posts plus any meme asking people to share facts about themselves) is because they tap into people’s penchant for talking about themselves.
Harvard researchers looked into what it is about talking about ourselves that lights up pleasure centers in our brains, and found that we enjoy not just sharing information about ourselves with other people, but self-examination in the first place.
Aww its so sweet that the firefighters would go out of their way to save the presents!
Basically, there’s a reason why asking people questions about themselves is one of the most popular pieces of advice for being a good conversationalist, said to make people more likable. Try asking the same question Moher did next time you’re at a party—some of your acquaintances might have their own stories that they’ve been waiting to share.
YoyoSthlm, I believe you need a class in manners. For it appears you are a troll and a worthless waste of human flesh to act superior to someone who may not be a native English speaker due to jealousy and ugliness. What exactly did you contribute to the situation other than your nasty attitude?
Respect.... I go very often to the BarberShop, so I got a discount and I have my own button with my name on it on the cash register :-)
I would have just joined him/her. Weird cats also deserve love.
Being an introverted and shy adolescent, and, frankly, the opposite of popular with the boys, I was one of the rare kids that weren't in a romantic relationship. Random people would put random pressure on me in this regard with questions like "Why don't you have a boyfriend?", "When you gonna get a boyfriend?", "I know someone nice, maybe I can introduce you?" etc. So, being famously crazy for east Asia and sci-fi, half jokingly (half wishinly) I'd reply in my typical fashion: "I'll find myself a nice and tall Korean guy who will build me robots". My husband is Korean, over 180cm tall and holds a PhD. in robotics. ♥ (And, yes, he's nice too)
So all your dreams are fulfilled... My french wife always wanted to marry an exotic foreigner and all she got was an Italian-german :-)
Load More Replies...I have a unique one: I got kicked out of my room because Nancy Reagan wanted it! (That was in a hospital)
@Ana J Republicans threw huge fits about Ms. Obama. Every first lady has a cause, and Michelle's was healthy eating. Republicans would say horrible things about planting a vegetable garden at the White House, say Michelle Obama wanted to take away their french fries, and continuously acted like kids eating healthy and nutritious food was affront to their Constitutional rights. They called her "an ape in heels." Melania's cause is anti-bullying. No one has said that anti-bullying is a stupid cause. Just that it's ironic considering how much her husband bullies others.
Load More Replies...#3 - I was always a bit odd and strange. Never fit it. Didn't speak for the first 5 years of my life. Struggled in school (maybe because I was hardly ever in primary school, heh Mom and Dad???) Anyway, I digress. I just didn't fit in and didn't understand the world or people. I was repeatedly told I had a learning disability. Because I heard this so often I believed it. I'm 44 and this year I was informed I'm Autistic. Got tested by Mensa and turns out I have an IQ of 150, an eidetic memory, and am a super-recogniser. For weeks after I got the invite letter I'd just burst out giggling. I kinda feel like someone handed me a wand and said: 'You're a wizard!' XD
Being an introverted and shy adolescent, and, frankly, the opposite of popular with the boys, I was one of the rare kids that weren't in a romantic relationship. Random people would put random pressure on me in this regard with questions like "Why don't you have a boyfriend?", "When you gonna get a boyfriend?", "I know someone nice, maybe I can introduce you?" etc. So, being famously crazy for east Asia and sci-fi, half jokingly (half wishinly) I'd reply in my typical fashion: "I'll find myself a nice and tall Korean guy who will build me robots". My husband is Korean, over 180cm tall and holds a PhD. in robotics. ♥ (And, yes, he's nice too)
So all your dreams are fulfilled... My french wife always wanted to marry an exotic foreigner and all she got was an Italian-german :-)
Load More Replies...I have a unique one: I got kicked out of my room because Nancy Reagan wanted it! (That was in a hospital)
@Ana J Republicans threw huge fits about Ms. Obama. Every first lady has a cause, and Michelle's was healthy eating. Republicans would say horrible things about planting a vegetable garden at the White House, say Michelle Obama wanted to take away their french fries, and continuously acted like kids eating healthy and nutritious food was affront to their Constitutional rights. They called her "an ape in heels." Melania's cause is anti-bullying. No one has said that anti-bullying is a stupid cause. Just that it's ironic considering how much her husband bullies others.
Load More Replies...#3 - I was always a bit odd and strange. Never fit it. Didn't speak for the first 5 years of my life. Struggled in school (maybe because I was hardly ever in primary school, heh Mom and Dad???) Anyway, I digress. I just didn't fit in and didn't understand the world or people. I was repeatedly told I had a learning disability. Because I heard this so often I believed it. I'm 44 and this year I was informed I'm Autistic. Got tested by Mensa and turns out I have an IQ of 150, an eidetic memory, and am a super-recogniser. For weeks after I got the invite letter I'd just burst out giggling. I kinda feel like someone handed me a wand and said: 'You're a wizard!' XD