In December 2015, I heard the story of a rainbow-colored Painted Bunting arrived in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, diverted from its typical migration to Florida, Mexico, and the Caribean. Strange juxtapositions like this are becoming commonplace in the wake of rising temperatures across the globe.

This rare sight inspired me to create “Tropical Birds,” a public art project launching a migration of birds into the trees of New York City neighbourhoods to initiate a conversation around climate change.

My first migration is based on five different species of tropical birds from Colombia. Each is constructed from laser cut MDF and wheat pasted original illustrations with gold paint details. The handmade silhouettes include toucans, parrots, and hummingbirds with intricately-layered textures. Birds are installed at specific sites and arranged in proportion to the size and scale of the trees they inhabit.

The photographs are a courtesy of my good friend and photographer Peter Ross

More info:


    Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan

    Yellow-crowned Amazon

    Green-bearded Helmetcrest