Are you planning your next vacation? Then better check this map by International SOS and Control Risks to see if you’ll come back alive. Zika virus and terrorism made 72 percent of people believe that travel risks are higher in 2017 compared to 2016. In addition, 57 percent expect 2018 to be even more dangerous.
The map was released together with Ipsos Mori survey, that provides insights about travelers’ experiences around the globe. While potential terror attacks are the main concerns (51 percent), in reality, the biggest harm comes from petty crime and poor road safety.
According to this year’s research, the most dangerous countries are Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Darfur, Somalia, South Sudan, as well as Timbuktu and Kidal regions in Mali. On the flip side, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland, and Slovenia are thought to be the safest. Main criteria for rating a country’s danger level were its government’s exercised control and the threat of various kinds of violence to travelers.
More info: (h/t)
Is it joke??? Poland or Slovakia are more dangerous than France or Belgium?!?! Haha are you kidding? LOL, please tell me about 1 (ONE!!!) terrorist attack in Poland/Slovakia. Our countries are most safest in whole world but of course your political correctness doesn't allow you to tell the truth. Believe me you have a 10 times greater chance to be robbed in France, Germany, Belgium, Holland than in Poland. United States safer than my country XDDDDDD LOL. Nice try lefties.
Terrorist attacks hardly define danger in a country. More people die from walking through a red traffic light on a daily basis, than people die from terrorist attacks. I get the feeling this list is made with attention to diseases and health care, otherwise Venezuela would light up a very bright red since it is home to the most dangerous cities in the world.
Load More Replies...SWEDEN one of the safest country in the world XD
Panda you made me laugh today! Capture-58...09d74c.jpg
I'd take this picture with a grain of salt. I can imagine that people do _report_ more rapes in Sweden though, than for example in UAE. I think they are also more informed about their rights and what is considered rape, what probably makes the numbers higher.
Load More Replies...Please note that the map shows by default "Medical Risk" instead of "Travel Security Risk". Yo can switch in the upper-right corner's tab.
Wow, I was wondering why Antarctica was moderately dangerous.
Load More Replies...This map so very incorrect. Malaria in Greenland? Are you kidding me?
I have been to Greenland last summer - and yes believe me that there are billions of mosquitos. You have to cover your entire body and wear a face net - day or night. They may not carry malaria now, but, scientists are saying if global warming continues it may offer a habitat hospitable enough to allow mosquitos with malaria to breed.
Load More Replies...Australia in green?! really? if I believe internet it's the place where all creatures intend to kill you! :P
I lived in Australia for 4 years and it's actually really safe as long as you don't go around poking snakes and swimming with jellyfish.
Load More Replies...USA is not that safe there is no go areas and the public transport is not safe in some areas lots of racial issues
Jordan, Tunisia or Egypt as safe as Poland or Poland danger as Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia😂😂😂 long time i didnt read bigger bulshit
WTF, Slovakia is Yellow and same level as Turkey but South Africa is green? Ridiculous.
WTF, Slovakia Yellow and at the same level as Turkey but South Africa green? Ridiculous.
People, in the top right corner you need to switch map you want to look at. So basically from 'Medical risk' switch to 'Travel security risk' and you will find what you all came here for.
Very dumb article, come on panda the article doesnt even match the map! Red and dark red?? And chile, south africa the same level as irelandor japan? Wtf
Just HOW is Israel green? They kill each other every day there... They promote aggression against Palestinian children.. How is that safe?
Wait, what??? So no big crime rates in the U.S. and Central Europe is yellow???? Check again! Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania. It is more dangerous to be in Paris or Berlin at this moment, to be honest, than in Prague, Warsaw or Bucharest!
2015 data,
Chicago (USA, 2,7mln citicens) --- 500 murders
Warsaw (Poland, 1,7mln citizens) --- 35 murders
Rapes statistics, do you see Poland among these countries?
Sweden, Norway, Finland, Belgium, USA, what is wrong with U? Capture-58...da17f6.jpg
Well, first of all, note that the map shows "Medical Risk" by default. Neither rape or murder is concidered medical task, I believe. And we all know our healthcare system here in Poland doesn't work well. Just pick "Travel Security Risk" and you'll see that most European countries are on the same of level of risk (low). Secondly, Sweden has higher rape statistics because of their extended definition of "rape" (in Poland it would be "sexual assault", not "rape") and because of high detection level of such crime. Please note that we have a very low rape detection rates in Poland. It's believed that around 95% of rape cases never make it to police. 1 on 5 Polish women have experienced rape. Your statistics show not that there are nearly no rapes in Poland, but that they are not detected at all. Really nothing to be proud of.
Load More Replies...This has to be a joke, places like Laos, They rate it "high"i lived there for 12 years, it's not high risk. I have been to quite a few of the red places too, ok some of them are but the overall ratings seem quite inaccurate to me. Europe seems to be getting a more dangerous place too.
USA, UK, France, Germany, Belgium and most of Western Europe should be HIGH RISK. So should South Africa. China is relatively safe when compared to the above countries. Sri Lanka is now the safest country after the conclusion of the war in 2009. They have the best trained security and counter terrorist units in the world.
US, UK, Germany, France and most of Western Europe should be in the High risk area. So should South Africa for different reasons. On the other hand China is relatively safer than all of the above countries. Sri Lanka is now probably the safest. This compilation is a typical western perspective / propaganda with absolutely no basis.
LMAO, I'm a dumb, I didn't change the Layer, MY FAULT!
Load More Replies...I had lived in Asia half of my life and I Know China, Hong Kong, Singapore & Taiwan are the safest place on earth, at least the chance you get shot by police or others are very low !!
This map would be 1000% more green if the tourist was Canadian, jussayin'
You suck! Google ads cover map in article and when closed the map continues to be covered. Why post an article if people can't get all of the information? Really frustrating.
We learnt bombing from the whites HYPOCRITE!!! And now u want to label eff u
Your illustration scream racism,where are all th black peeps who have balls all gone?????
The people that die in some countries in a day is the amount that dies in some countries a year please let us be sure of our statistics before we prevent people from coming to Africa because of ur inaccuracy and RACISM I'm BLACK and I'm proud to be.
Racism is everywhere why does africa have so much red is that where all the nuclear bombs,9 11 attacks take place how about the middle east suicide extreme bombings? Violence is everywhere my dear
insignifiant risk in south africa hahaha ..sorry but don't believe in this stats... it's classed by how many tourists travels there and not about the threat!
This is manipulation. Someone paid for rating this countries. No one can convince me that it is safer walkin in Johanesburg or Kapetown than Budapest or Warsaw.
You have to change it to travel security risk it's on medical risk at the moment guys.
According to who? US is considered as least dangerous? Is this from 1416? It`s a country where you are a victim on daily basis just because you have a different culture, look, belief or even a different language. And is that a safe place to be in? I don`t mean to be negative but the facts are far from what is shown on the map.
Chance of food and water-borne diseases and malaria in Slovenia? According to the European Environmental Agency we have one of the best quality natural mountain water in Europe that is drinkable from tap anywhere in the country and there have been no noted malaria and dengue fever infections in the country -- ever! WHO MADE THIS RESEARCH?
Even the least smart person can guess where this s****y lists came out from. Oh well.. I'm the best of all..and if i hate you or don't get benefit from you..i will do whatever it takes to discredit you and make you miserable!! But wait a minute...who is in the top place of the most hated country in the world???!
It's b******t. From where you get crime statistics? Because this year Scandinavian region and Germany have the highest numbers of rapes in the world. You got there the closed "no entry" districts where even Police is not entering.
It's a b******t. Scandinavia and Germany have the highest level of rapes this year in the world. In Scandinavia f.e. you have closed diatrict and you can't go there because you will get raped and killed. Thise countries are the most dangerous in Europe.
France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden are much safier than Poland or Slovakia? We didn't have at least one terrorist attack!!! Sweden, France and Germany had a lot of rapists. In Bruxelles, Paris and Madrid were terrorists acts and so much people died from bombs or shooting. In Germany and Sweden is so much refugees and country can't handle this and can't fix problems with that - there is a lot dangerous people between refugees, they raped a lot of women and kids in this year. Someone who made this map is so stereotypical and think that East is more dangerous because Russia is close. This is fuc**ng scandal. Maybe you can come and check on your eyes before saying anything or creating this stupid and non objective map. Why India aren't red? The have one of the biggest index of rapes in whole world!
How can you make South Africa green as well, seriously! Go and read the news on SA then correct your map please, I think it should definitely be red, or atleast orange.
What a crock of bs. This is the shittest rating i've ever seen whole year.
Huge bull....! Perfectly safe countries like Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia etc. in the same category Yellow) with Egypt, Ukraine and Colombia! And a big laugh! USA where every year more than 20.000 die shot is safer (green)!!!!!
Are you kidding me? Malaria or Dengue Fever at Slovakia? We have the biggest reservoir of drinkable water in whole Europe ... this is such a BS.
Evrn if you know that id a country when yo can get/hold weapons as you wish
Are these people serious about the states? Where every crazy person can buy weapon freely and starts shooting people? How about the chances of getting shot by police (Especially if you are not white)?
Yeah, you dropped the ball very low with this article. You seem to have just divided Europe on West... and Greece. Also, RSA safer than the entire Eastern Europe??? BS! The US pretends to be also safe... It belongs rather in beige as well as Australia does. And looking at most Asia and South America... I think you just divided the continents by main media stereotypes, rather than of what you actually researched.
Ahahaha USA low risk :)) give me a break...they have more guns than people there
They say in Kosovo there are malaria and and cholera disease. This is for sure an English humor, If Kosovo would have this two disease then these would be present in Macedonia, Albania Montenegro and Serbia to. Bored panda this time really bored.
This is most ridiculous, diletant and stereotypical cold war division of europe on western and eastern block. Infectious diseases malaria and dengue present in whole eastern europe? Give me a break. Food or water-borne diseases? Slovenia for example has one of the best quality drinking water resorces in the world.
South Africa the only 'safe' country on the continent?!?! This is b******t. And a bit racist.
South Africa as greeen ??? france, belgium should be red as well!!! turkey in the same group as Slovakia or Poland??? r u kidding me? SVK and POL are one of the safest countries nowadays - no immigrants, strong police, no robbery!!! men put this article down!!!!! or I will report it.
I like Bored Panda, but I think this post is ridiculous. First of all, the explanations do not match the labels in the map. Then, WTF? Antarctica low/medium risk? I'd say, stick to what you do better, Bored Panda.
South Africa low risk vs Namibia med ? More like Namibia low risk and South Africa extremely high
I'm sick of the "is -country name- safe to travel?". I'm a female solo traveler. My first backpacking trip was in India, I was 22, I'm white and ginger. NOTHING, Absolutely nothing have happened to me, either in India or in South America or Central America. I'm sick of all the FEAR we all have. F**k this list
South Africa green?! Fifty-one (51) murders per day in 2015/16. Forty-three-THOUSAND (43.000) rapes in 2015/'16. Granted, these don't happen in the touristy safari parks and hotel lodges. Do your homework man...
Try having an accident without medical insurance in the USA. High risk of ending up homeless.
well, kindly F. U. with this bias article! i feel perfectly safe in my country...
So wait, South Africa is green, but Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia or Romania are yellow, the same color as Mexico? You know, Mexico, the one with the drug cartels running amok, not the paradise beaches one. Seems legit. "Crime is a prominent issue in South Africa. The country has a very high rate of murders, assaults, rapes (adult, child, elderly and infant), and other crimes compared to most countries. Most emigrants from South Africa state that crime was a big factor in their decision to leave.[1]" (Wikipedia)
Ok nvm, didn't switch to travel associated risk.
Load More Replies...Some risk of food or water-borne diseases. Infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever may be my country!!! Not since the middle ages. This is a joke!!!
This is nonsense. There is no way South Africa can be green. Transportation services is of highest quality. What was this person smoking because I want some of that stuff. It must be damn good.
Yay!!! Croatia and S.Korea appear to be safe in all aspects!! (but the huge difference with N.Korea kinda seem to threaten that safety....) Btw, this reminded me of what a colleague from Guatemala always used to say whenever he'd get the chance → "Don't go to Guatemala! It's a very very dangerous place!" He says so because of the high crime rate and some personal experiences growing up there.
"Infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever may be present." in Antarctica. Buahaha
WHAT A B******T!!! BORED PANDA DEFINETLY LEFT WING b******t friendly - time to boycot this portal :( POLAND more dangerous then the UK - BUAHAHAHA - muslim fanatcics beheading people in London, terrorists attack, whole cities taking over by SHARIA law, teenagers raped and killed on the steets...
South Africa 🇿🇦 is green? Hello it's in total political unrest and one of the most crime ridden countries in the world! Murder every day!! And white people shouldnt travrl there as the blacks want to kill them
Malaria and Dengu in Baltic states????????? are you kidding???? :D
Is it joke??? Poland or Slovakia are more dangerous than France or Belgium?!?! Haha are you kidding? LOL, please tell me about 1 (ONE!!!) terrorist attack in Poland/Slovakia. Our countries are most safest in whole world but of course your political correctness doesn't allow you to tell the truth. Believe me you have a 10 times greater chance to be robbed in France, Germany, Belgium, Holland than in Poland. United States safer than my country XDDDDDD LOL. Nice try lefties.
Terrorist attacks hardly define danger in a country. More people die from walking through a red traffic light on a daily basis, than people die from terrorist attacks. I get the feeling this list is made with attention to diseases and health care, otherwise Venezuela would light up a very bright red since it is home to the most dangerous cities in the world.
Load More Replies...SWEDEN one of the safest country in the world XD
Panda you made me laugh today! Capture-58...09d74c.jpg
I'd take this picture with a grain of salt. I can imagine that people do _report_ more rapes in Sweden though, than for example in UAE. I think they are also more informed about their rights and what is considered rape, what probably makes the numbers higher.
Load More Replies...Please note that the map shows by default "Medical Risk" instead of "Travel Security Risk". Yo can switch in the upper-right corner's tab.
Wow, I was wondering why Antarctica was moderately dangerous.
Load More Replies...This map so very incorrect. Malaria in Greenland? Are you kidding me?
I have been to Greenland last summer - and yes believe me that there are billions of mosquitos. You have to cover your entire body and wear a face net - day or night. They may not carry malaria now, but, scientists are saying if global warming continues it may offer a habitat hospitable enough to allow mosquitos with malaria to breed.
Load More Replies...Australia in green?! really? if I believe internet it's the place where all creatures intend to kill you! :P
I lived in Australia for 4 years and it's actually really safe as long as you don't go around poking snakes and swimming with jellyfish.
Load More Replies...USA is not that safe there is no go areas and the public transport is not safe in some areas lots of racial issues
Jordan, Tunisia or Egypt as safe as Poland or Poland danger as Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia😂😂😂 long time i didnt read bigger bulshit
WTF, Slovakia is Yellow and same level as Turkey but South Africa is green? Ridiculous.
WTF, Slovakia Yellow and at the same level as Turkey but South Africa green? Ridiculous.
People, in the top right corner you need to switch map you want to look at. So basically from 'Medical risk' switch to 'Travel security risk' and you will find what you all came here for.
Very dumb article, come on panda the article doesnt even match the map! Red and dark red?? And chile, south africa the same level as irelandor japan? Wtf
Just HOW is Israel green? They kill each other every day there... They promote aggression against Palestinian children.. How is that safe?
Wait, what??? So no big crime rates in the U.S. and Central Europe is yellow???? Check again! Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania. It is more dangerous to be in Paris or Berlin at this moment, to be honest, than in Prague, Warsaw or Bucharest!
2015 data,
Chicago (USA, 2,7mln citicens) --- 500 murders
Warsaw (Poland, 1,7mln citizens) --- 35 murders
Rapes statistics, do you see Poland among these countries?
Sweden, Norway, Finland, Belgium, USA, what is wrong with U? Capture-58...da17f6.jpg
Well, first of all, note that the map shows "Medical Risk" by default. Neither rape or murder is concidered medical task, I believe. And we all know our healthcare system here in Poland doesn't work well. Just pick "Travel Security Risk" and you'll see that most European countries are on the same of level of risk (low). Secondly, Sweden has higher rape statistics because of their extended definition of "rape" (in Poland it would be "sexual assault", not "rape") and because of high detection level of such crime. Please note that we have a very low rape detection rates in Poland. It's believed that around 95% of rape cases never make it to police. 1 on 5 Polish women have experienced rape. Your statistics show not that there are nearly no rapes in Poland, but that they are not detected at all. Really nothing to be proud of.
Load More Replies...This has to be a joke, places like Laos, They rate it "high"i lived there for 12 years, it's not high risk. I have been to quite a few of the red places too, ok some of them are but the overall ratings seem quite inaccurate to me. Europe seems to be getting a more dangerous place too.
USA, UK, France, Germany, Belgium and most of Western Europe should be HIGH RISK. So should South Africa. China is relatively safe when compared to the above countries. Sri Lanka is now the safest country after the conclusion of the war in 2009. They have the best trained security and counter terrorist units in the world.
US, UK, Germany, France and most of Western Europe should be in the High risk area. So should South Africa for different reasons. On the other hand China is relatively safer than all of the above countries. Sri Lanka is now probably the safest. This compilation is a typical western perspective / propaganda with absolutely no basis.
LMAO, I'm a dumb, I didn't change the Layer, MY FAULT!
Load More Replies...I had lived in Asia half of my life and I Know China, Hong Kong, Singapore & Taiwan are the safest place on earth, at least the chance you get shot by police or others are very low !!
This map would be 1000% more green if the tourist was Canadian, jussayin'
You suck! Google ads cover map in article and when closed the map continues to be covered. Why post an article if people can't get all of the information? Really frustrating.
We learnt bombing from the whites HYPOCRITE!!! And now u want to label eff u
Your illustration scream racism,where are all th black peeps who have balls all gone?????
The people that die in some countries in a day is the amount that dies in some countries a year please let us be sure of our statistics before we prevent people from coming to Africa because of ur inaccuracy and RACISM I'm BLACK and I'm proud to be.
Racism is everywhere why does africa have so much red is that where all the nuclear bombs,9 11 attacks take place how about the middle east suicide extreme bombings? Violence is everywhere my dear
insignifiant risk in south africa hahaha ..sorry but don't believe in this stats... it's classed by how many tourists travels there and not about the threat!
This is manipulation. Someone paid for rating this countries. No one can convince me that it is safer walkin in Johanesburg or Kapetown than Budapest or Warsaw.
You have to change it to travel security risk it's on medical risk at the moment guys.
According to who? US is considered as least dangerous? Is this from 1416? It`s a country where you are a victim on daily basis just because you have a different culture, look, belief or even a different language. And is that a safe place to be in? I don`t mean to be negative but the facts are far from what is shown on the map.
Chance of food and water-borne diseases and malaria in Slovenia? According to the European Environmental Agency we have one of the best quality natural mountain water in Europe that is drinkable from tap anywhere in the country and there have been no noted malaria and dengue fever infections in the country -- ever! WHO MADE THIS RESEARCH?
Even the least smart person can guess where this s****y lists came out from. Oh well.. I'm the best of all..and if i hate you or don't get benefit from you..i will do whatever it takes to discredit you and make you miserable!! But wait a minute...who is in the top place of the most hated country in the world???!
It's b******t. From where you get crime statistics? Because this year Scandinavian region and Germany have the highest numbers of rapes in the world. You got there the closed "no entry" districts where even Police is not entering.
It's a b******t. Scandinavia and Germany have the highest level of rapes this year in the world. In Scandinavia f.e. you have closed diatrict and you can't go there because you will get raped and killed. Thise countries are the most dangerous in Europe.
France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden are much safier than Poland or Slovakia? We didn't have at least one terrorist attack!!! Sweden, France and Germany had a lot of rapists. In Bruxelles, Paris and Madrid were terrorists acts and so much people died from bombs or shooting. In Germany and Sweden is so much refugees and country can't handle this and can't fix problems with that - there is a lot dangerous people between refugees, they raped a lot of women and kids in this year. Someone who made this map is so stereotypical and think that East is more dangerous because Russia is close. This is fuc**ng scandal. Maybe you can come and check on your eyes before saying anything or creating this stupid and non objective map. Why India aren't red? The have one of the biggest index of rapes in whole world!
How can you make South Africa green as well, seriously! Go and read the news on SA then correct your map please, I think it should definitely be red, or atleast orange.
What a crock of bs. This is the shittest rating i've ever seen whole year.
Huge bull....! Perfectly safe countries like Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia etc. in the same category Yellow) with Egypt, Ukraine and Colombia! And a big laugh! USA where every year more than 20.000 die shot is safer (green)!!!!!
Are you kidding me? Malaria or Dengue Fever at Slovakia? We have the biggest reservoir of drinkable water in whole Europe ... this is such a BS.
Evrn if you know that id a country when yo can get/hold weapons as you wish
Are these people serious about the states? Where every crazy person can buy weapon freely and starts shooting people? How about the chances of getting shot by police (Especially if you are not white)?
Yeah, you dropped the ball very low with this article. You seem to have just divided Europe on West... and Greece. Also, RSA safer than the entire Eastern Europe??? BS! The US pretends to be also safe... It belongs rather in beige as well as Australia does. And looking at most Asia and South America... I think you just divided the continents by main media stereotypes, rather than of what you actually researched.
Ahahaha USA low risk :)) give me a break...they have more guns than people there
They say in Kosovo there are malaria and and cholera disease. This is for sure an English humor, If Kosovo would have this two disease then these would be present in Macedonia, Albania Montenegro and Serbia to. Bored panda this time really bored.
This is most ridiculous, diletant and stereotypical cold war division of europe on western and eastern block. Infectious diseases malaria and dengue present in whole eastern europe? Give me a break. Food or water-borne diseases? Slovenia for example has one of the best quality drinking water resorces in the world.
South Africa the only 'safe' country on the continent?!?! This is b******t. And a bit racist.
South Africa as greeen ??? france, belgium should be red as well!!! turkey in the same group as Slovakia or Poland??? r u kidding me? SVK and POL are one of the safest countries nowadays - no immigrants, strong police, no robbery!!! men put this article down!!!!! or I will report it.
I like Bored Panda, but I think this post is ridiculous. First of all, the explanations do not match the labels in the map. Then, WTF? Antarctica low/medium risk? I'd say, stick to what you do better, Bored Panda.
South Africa low risk vs Namibia med ? More like Namibia low risk and South Africa extremely high
I'm sick of the "is -country name- safe to travel?". I'm a female solo traveler. My first backpacking trip was in India, I was 22, I'm white and ginger. NOTHING, Absolutely nothing have happened to me, either in India or in South America or Central America. I'm sick of all the FEAR we all have. F**k this list
South Africa green?! Fifty-one (51) murders per day in 2015/16. Forty-three-THOUSAND (43.000) rapes in 2015/'16. Granted, these don't happen in the touristy safari parks and hotel lodges. Do your homework man...
Try having an accident without medical insurance in the USA. High risk of ending up homeless.
well, kindly F. U. with this bias article! i feel perfectly safe in my country...
So wait, South Africa is green, but Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia or Romania are yellow, the same color as Mexico? You know, Mexico, the one with the drug cartels running amok, not the paradise beaches one. Seems legit. "Crime is a prominent issue in South Africa. The country has a very high rate of murders, assaults, rapes (adult, child, elderly and infant), and other crimes compared to most countries. Most emigrants from South Africa state that crime was a big factor in their decision to leave.[1]" (Wikipedia)
Ok nvm, didn't switch to travel associated risk.
Load More Replies...Some risk of food or water-borne diseases. Infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever may be my country!!! Not since the middle ages. This is a joke!!!
This is nonsense. There is no way South Africa can be green. Transportation services is of highest quality. What was this person smoking because I want some of that stuff. It must be damn good.
Yay!!! Croatia and S.Korea appear to be safe in all aspects!! (but the huge difference with N.Korea kinda seem to threaten that safety....) Btw, this reminded me of what a colleague from Guatemala always used to say whenever he'd get the chance → "Don't go to Guatemala! It's a very very dangerous place!" He says so because of the high crime rate and some personal experiences growing up there.
"Infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever may be present." in Antarctica. Buahaha
WHAT A B******T!!! BORED PANDA DEFINETLY LEFT WING b******t friendly - time to boycot this portal :( POLAND more dangerous then the UK - BUAHAHAHA - muslim fanatcics beheading people in London, terrorists attack, whole cities taking over by SHARIA law, teenagers raped and killed on the steets...
South Africa 🇿🇦 is green? Hello it's in total political unrest and one of the most crime ridden countries in the world! Murder every day!! And white people shouldnt travrl there as the blacks want to kill them
Malaria and Dengu in Baltic states????????? are you kidding???? :D