As Forrest Gump so astutely said, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.” And as it turns out, anywhere you might do some thrift shopping is akin to a box of chocolates as well!
Below, we’ve gathered photos of some of the most terrifying and unsettling items shoppers have stumbled upon in brick and mortar and virtual secondhand shops, courtesy of the Thrift Store Hauls subreddit. Enjoy viewing these pics that might make you reconsider your upcoming trip to Goodwill, and keep reading to find a conversation with thrifting expert Hannah Rupp!
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$200 Was Too High For Me But My Mom Insisted On Buying This Adorable Cabinet For My Daughter's Disney-Themed Bedroom
Had To Convince Myself That Buying This Bear Was Worth It. Realized It Was A “Build A Bear” Store Display. Painted It Like A Washed Up Build A Bear
Found A Signed Gabriel Iglesias Action Figure At Goodwill And He Confirmed It Was His Signature On Twitter
Part of the fun of going thrift shopping is that you never know exactly what you’ll come across. It’s often a mistake to go in search of one specific item, unless you have hours to kill and various stores to visit, because you might end up going home disappointed. But when you allow the spirit of Goodwill, Humana or Oxfam to guide you through the store, you might stumble upon some amazing gems. Almost all of my wardrobe came from secondhand shops, and because I’m such an avid thrifter, I find a trip to a retail store to be incredibly boring. Of course they have my size, they have everyone’s size! And there’s no need to sift through piles or racks upon racks. Everything is perfectly laid out for you already, and to be honest, there’s no thrill involved.
Thrifting, on the other hand, is so much more exciting. And nobody knows that better than the members of the Thrift Store Hauls subreddit. This group, which has been around since August 2011, has amassed an impressive 2.6 million members. They share anything and everything they find, from amazing deals on fabulous items to creepy clowns that will haunt their dreams. And as you can see, today we’re highlighting the most unsettling corner of the subreddit.
Found This T-Rex Fossil Shower Head At Goodwill
Hell Yeah, Karen
I would buy this for my cousin Karen in a nanosecond! Funny how all the people really named Karen are cool people! 😂
This Old Lady Was Selling Her Painted Baby Dolls At The Flea Market And Nobody Had Bought Any, It Was $20 But I Couldn’t Find It In Me To Haggle Her Down. She Told Me She Made The Suit By Hand. My New Fav Office Decoration!
I cannot tell you how many trips I’ve made to thrift stores in my lifetime; I honestly couldn’t even begin to guess how many there have been. But as much as I love a great Goodwill, I will admit that there are always questionable items. About 95% of the store is full of things I would never ever purchase for myself, but that 5% of decent, and 1% of amazing, items makes the whole trip worth it. Plus, coming across these outlandish and frightening items makes the trip more entertaining as well. You don’t have to ever buy them, unless you need a gag gift or a great Halloween costume, but it’s still fun to see what you might discover!
Thrifting is exhilarating, but if you need some inspiration for why you should hop on the secondhand train yourself, we reached out to thrifting expert Hannah Rupp, aka The Outfit Repeater, to hear why “life is sweeter as an outfit repeater”. On her site, Hannah shares style tips, thrift finds, DIY projects and more, and lucky for us, she was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda about how she first got into secondhand shopping.
$7.99 For This Creepy Alien Lamp. I'm In Love
I Couldn’t Bear Leaving It Behind But I Have No Room
No Batteries Required
“I've been thrifting my entire life,” Hannah shared. “My mom would take my older siblings and me shopping at thrift stores when we were kids. I loved seeing the variety of stuff - I think that's what I still love about it!” As this list goes to show, there’s definitely no lack of variety in these stores!
Sylvester Stallone Prop Found In A Thrift Store
That Time I Found Two Winnie The Pooh Costumes. One Fit Me And The Other Was A Dog Costume That Fit Betty, Our Boston Terrier
Found At Goodwill, Couldn't Pass Him Up For Our Home Theater. We Call Him Fes!
As a thrifting aficionado, Hannah has certainly come across some interesting items in her time, so we were curious if she remembered any particularly bizarre finds. “One item that stands out was a Ziploc bag of kids' toys,” she told Bored Panda. “I noticed a toy inside that I was interested in, and I opened the bag to get it and realized the entire bag was soaked in condensation. Rather than forget the item, I reached inside and grabbed it. I used hand sanitizer immediately following the interaction.” Yeah, I think that would give any shopper nightmares…
Yogi Bear Wearable Head! ($5)
No Eyedea What It Is, From Goodwill
The Weirdest Wallet I’ve Ever Seen
As great as shopping secondhand is, even thrifting enthusiasts don’t buy everything gently used, so we asked Hannah if there’s anything she tries to avoid buying secondhand. “In my opinion, buying secondhand electronics or gadgets is a very risky gamble,” she noted. “Aside from possibly being old and unusable, it could be a fire hazard. Most thrift stores don't test their items beforehand, so you're taking a big chance on buying them!”
Newest Addition To My Creepy Thrift Collection (Seriously, Wtf...)
I Found This Pretty Nifty Cycling Jersey Today At Gw
Did I Just Find A Serial Killer?
If you’re interested in diving into the world of thrifting yourself, but you’re (understandably) a bit frightened by the photos on this list, Hannah recommends to “pick a store and just focus on one section and really take your time examining everything.” And always make sure to check the item for any damage or imperfections before buying it, Hannah warns. "Thrift shopping gets easier with practice, so just keep going, exploring, and enjoy the experience!”
If you’d like to gain more tips for your next secondhand shopping journey or hear more wise words from Hannah, be sure to check out her site The Outfit Repeater right here!
"Garden Decor" For Sale On Fb Marketplace
Veggie Clown Portrait - Double The Scary, Double The Fun $16
Vtg Gremlins Christmas Ornaments For $3 A Piece!
Every thrift store is a little bit different, so you’re always in for a surprise when you go out shopping for something used. But if you live in the United States and you come across something that is genuinely concerning or unsafe, it might be a violation of Consumer Product Safety Commission regulations. According to the CPSC, when in doubt, throw it out. “Products used in the nursery, especially cribs and bassinets, have caused deaths and have been the subject of numerous recalls of millions of units,” they explain on their site. “Do not sell any broken or wobbly nursery furniture or durable infant product that is missing parts, even if it has not been recalled. A baby’s life could depend on it. The risk is too high.”
1970’s Rmic Hand Chair
Scary Find In The Goodwill Bins
Where I Am Going, There Are No Roads…
The CPSC also notes that resellers are not required to test products for safety, so, as Hannah noted, shoppers must be extremely cautious when they’re purchasing anything that might pose a risk. And if you come across an individual or business selling products that violate the law, don’t be afraid to report hazardous products right here. Secondhand shopping should be an enjoyable experience, and sure, you might come across items that are bizarre or a bit unsettling! But no one's safety should be compromised by a simple shopping trip.
This Sealed Big Mac Tin From 1996 Contains Candy That Is 27 Years Old
I Paid 28 Cents For This. Come At Me Cannibals!
Thinking this is meant to be applied on chickens that have been wounded somehow. When chickens see wounds they pick at them, you'll lose a lot of your flock cos they'll eat each other .
Christian Dior Wool Skirt For $14 At Uptown Cheapskate! Came With A Tag, Too... If It's Fake, It's Still 100% Worsted Wool. Pockets, Too!
Normally, I’m a huge proponent of thrifting, but I have to admit, seeing these photos doesn’t make taking a trip to Humana or Goodwill seem too appealing… We hope you’re getting a kick out of these terrifying items, pandas, and remember to keep upvoting the ones you find most bizarre. Then, after you’re finished scrolling through this list, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article featuring unexpected items found in secondhand shops, look no further than right here!
Maybe The Best, Worst Thing I’ve Found Yet
Did Not Buy (Too Scared)
I’m Afraid Of This Wood For Sale On Facebook Marketplace
Best $2 Thrift Store Find Of My Life!!
Snatched This 1970’s Ceramic Witch On Broom! 🤩
An Unopened Talking Psyduck Figure From 1998 For $10
Hard Pass, But Thanks For The Nightmares
This Horrific Vintage Rushton Plush Bunny Rabbit. Included In A Mystery Box Lot Of Vintage Plush For $2!
My Son Is Obsessed With Poppy Playtime, But All The Merch Is Ridiculously Expensive. I Found These Two For 25 Cents A Piece
Aren't these the ones that parents online were warning about a few years ago??
We’re Gonna Party Like It’s 1955
Saw These “Custom” Air Forces On Facebook Marketplace
Best $2 I've Ever Spent
C & R At Goodwill- Wooden Moose
Catch And Release
Actual Catch And Release
Say Hello To Charlie. Charlie Was A Mistake
My 5 Foot Tall Woody Woodpecker
We Found This Massive Print Secondhand. My BF Immediately Knew He Wanted It
Catch And Release - Really Didn't Smell Very Good
Found These Nightmares Wall Sculptures But Only Took Home One Of Them
Reminds me of Glossaryck from Star vs the Forces of Evil for some reason
Catch & Release Cookie Monster Head
Creepy Haul At A Local Value Village
The Goodwill Outlet Bins Are A Scary, Scary Place
dang, two trolls on the same comment? that’s a new low
Load More Replies...Does anyone have a favorite or especially weird or creepy thing they found at a second store? I found a high school astronomy and physics textbook from the early 1960s that had an optimistic chapter about the United States ambition to visit the moon in the future. It even had an illustration of an astronaut standing on the moon wearing a spacesuit very similar to the ones that the Apollo program ended up using. It’s a great textbook. It’s smaller than modern ones but it’s more straightforward and more concise. I actually like it much better than my school’s current textbooks.
dang, two trolls on the same comment? that’s a new low
Load More Replies...Does anyone have a favorite or especially weird or creepy thing they found at a second store? I found a high school astronomy and physics textbook from the early 1960s that had an optimistic chapter about the United States ambition to visit the moon in the future. It even had an illustration of an astronaut standing on the moon wearing a spacesuit very similar to the ones that the Apollo program ended up using. It’s a great textbook. It’s smaller than modern ones but it’s more straightforward and more concise. I actually like it much better than my school’s current textbooks.