Transgender Girl Recorded Her MTF Journey For Over 2 Years, Finally Feels Happy
Taylor is from Colorado, USA. Taylor’s young. She’s 22. She has always felt constant dysphoria with her own body, and she always strived to feel ok about herself. So she decided to change things. Radically. And, according to her, she’s succeeding, though she’s not completely there yet. Even though she has been going through hormone replacement therapy for over a year, she’s still in transition. Despite that, everyone can appreciate the stunning results already. Taylor can see and experience these changes firsthand; therefore, it’s best that she shares the story in her own words. Here it is:
More info: reddit.com | Instagram
Image credits: tayloraves
“I guess I just feel like a real person now. Like, everything was gray before. I was alive, but I wasn’t living, if that makes sense. I was acting like a real person and doing things that real people did but everything felt pretend.
Image credits: tayloraves
Even just after starting hormones, the difference was astounding. I only had estrogen in my body for a couple of days and everything had noticeably changed. It was like an alarm had been ringing in the back of my head my entire life and I was so used to it that I thought it was normal, but all of a sudden it was gone and for the first time in my life I could actually LIVE and hear everything so clearly without the alarm drowning everything out. It was like I could see colors for the first time, like I’d never really smiled and I was just learning what it felt like, like I’d never noticed all the beautiful trees and flowers and weeds and rocks around me.Then, as my body started changing, I’d wake up every day excited to notice something new. My muscles I hated so much (I lifted weights a lot in my denial phase) were suddenly shrinking, my boobs were growing, my skin was softer and more sensitive to the touch. I’d bump my chest against the door frame ’cause I wasn’t used to having anything there to bump. A few months later, the same thing started happening with my hips.
Image credits: tayloraves
I started seeing a real person in the mirror. Like the mask I’d worn my whole life was slowly fading away and each day my reflection made more and more sense.
Image credits: tayloraves
Image credits: tayloraves
I started experiencing emotions like I always wished I could. I experienced emotions I didn’t even know existed. I would cry at a cute meme on Instagram or a touching story from another trans girl and it felt like pure ecstasy. When I felt angry or sad, I didn’t have to bottle things up and let them out in bursts of anger. I could cry and feel and experience the sadness and feel it slowly melt away from me.
Image credits: tayloraves
Image credits: tayloraves
So I guess in summary, I feel ‘real’ now. I feel happy and right and content and grateful that I’m finally able to live as a real person.”
Image credits: tayloraves
Image credits: tayloraves
Image credits: tayloraves
Image credits: tayloraves
Image credits: tayloraves
Image credits: tayloraves
Image credits: tayloraves
Image credits: tayloraves
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Fascinated by music, movies and sitcoms, I'm passionate about social media and can't live without the internet, especially for all the cute dog and cat pictures out there. I wish the day had about 40 hours to be able to do everything I want.
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Author, Pro member
Fascinated by music, movies and sitcoms, I'm passionate about social media and can't live without the internet, especially for all the cute dog and cat pictures out there. I wish the day had about 40 hours to be able to do everything I want.

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This dude right here? He works as a Community Manager at Bored Panda. Has no back-story, cause his spine works just fine. He writes about himself in third-person, and in first-person about others. Fell in love with storytelling and cannot let that love go. Now, he's here to help you make your own story simply beautiful. Secretly makes cute music samples and writes stories in the dark that nobody has ever heard of before.
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Titas Burinskas
Moderator, Community member
This dude right here? He works as a Community Manager at Bored Panda. Has no back-story, cause his spine works just fine. He writes about himself in third-person, and in first-person about others. Fell in love with storytelling and cannot let that love go. Now, he's here to help you make your own story simply beautiful. Secretly makes cute music samples and writes stories in the dark that nobody has ever heard of before.
Gives hope to those just starting their journey <3 My daughter started out as a sad little boy and is now a happy young lady, seeing stories like this gave her hope
Zergo. As a non-binary person, I can say truthfully that gender is all in your head. People like you make me sick. I don’t think you realize that a lot of transgender people such as myself (yes non-binary does classify as transgender) go through their whole life being tormented by there own minds. It’s not up to you about what I feel, or identify As. Same thing applys to the whole transgender community. I’m twelve years old, smarter than you, and damn proud to be part of the LGBTQ+ community.
Load More Replies...Thank you I'm 11 and Bisexual so you basically rock to me💛💙💜💚❤
@Rhonda Harris: Elsah was replying to a troll called Zergo who was being a d*ck. she's supporting LGBTQ+ not being cruel
(this is to AnnSmithJones): LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bi, and transgender. that includes the "Transgender" part. so no, lgbt isn't just sexual orientations. also, trans and nonbinary people are valid, and there have been several scientific studies done on transness. it's genetic, it's in dna. it's real, scientifically. here are some links (all to .gov or .org websites :D) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22146048/ https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-states-stop-interfering-health-care-transgender-children https://www.jaacap.org/article/S0890-8567(15)00794-7/fulltext
Not sure what the og comment was but for a 12 year old I have major respect. Im glad ur not one of those people who use like kitty/kittyself or anything and honestly there are only two genders. (Hear me out) male, female, in between, both or none. The rest of those… er… neopronouns are just transphobic nicknames and honestly disgusts me.
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I know that you're only 12 years old but do you have to be so cruel ? If you understand the "torment" of being "bullied" yourself then WHY be so mean to another human that's experienced the same "torment"? You're comfortable where you are in your life and that's awesome but she wasn't so she started "HER journey" to complete her "OWN" happiness... I'm sure that if you asked her if she's proud to be a part of the same community that she would say the same thing (s). B4 you start asking me "questions".... No, I am not gay or transgender myself BUT... My daughter is bi-sexual and that's just fine with me because it's HER choice and it makes her happy... I have several family members along with friends that are "non-binary" as well and I support them in EVERY endeavor (s) in their lives as well because it's their happiness that matters to me no matter what they choose in/for their lives. If ANY of them were to ask me to join them in a parade or march for the LGBTQ+ Community then I'd be more than happy to join them, no matter what they choose... I'm there, ALWAYS & FOREVER !!! Btw, none of them has EVER said to any other human "that it's all in your head" , because honestly, it is not.... If you feel something in your body that "may" change you somehow that will make you feel better and it's safe then by all means... Go for it ! A human that feels good inside AND out is ALWAYS a "more productive" human all day long on any given day ! So please don't judge her for taking the steps to make herself happy, it's very "unbecoming"... Thanks 😊
hi ma'am!! i don't think they (elsahthescienceguy) were saying this about the trans woman the post was about, but replying to a troll who was insulting transness.
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You SOUND like a 12 year old. It's a relief that an adult isn't this f*****g stupid, you're 12, you don't know s**t. "Gender is all in your head", stay in school, you're uneducated ignorance is painful and annoying to read ... moron.
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You're a prepubescent child. LGBT are sexual orientations. It's really sad to me that there are so many children out there who honestly believe that their DNA is wrong. And even worse, their parents allow them to be injected with hormones which will change their bodies permanently.
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It's not up to you to decide if you're a male or female. You were either born as one or the other. It's NOT a choice. Science and facts don't care about your feelings!
Zergo - you have said the same thing over and over. We know how you feel. Your comments about voting for Trump are irrelevant. Huge logical fallacy coming from someone who claims to know about science. All you are doing by repeating yourself is racking up downvotes.
Zergo you're forgetting several things. 1) The biology of sex and gender is waaaaaaay more complicated than most people think. What you learned as a kid at school is the kiddie version. Taylor got half her DNA from a woman. The sex specific part of DNA is tiny, and not just on the X and Y chromosomes. The DNA for things like body hair is all over a bunch of different chromosomes. In fact, occasionally the DNA for "Make testicles" winds up on an X chromosome (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XX_male_syndrome) 2) Our DNA doesn't change at puberty, but our bodies do. My body changed quite a bit again at menopause. What does change is the hormones involved.What makes a transwoman taking hormones so different from a cis woman with polycyctic ovaries, or an older woman taking HRT? They're all looking to be happier. 3) The US constitution is supposed to guarentee "the pursuit of happiness." I think defending the constitution is anti-Trump, myself.
Trump is all for law and the constitution, but lamebrain idiots who basically use his name in vain are just part of the problem that maga movement is trying to get rid of, or at least show a better way of being a real human being, and accepting good people with big hearts, that being said, I absolutely love this, we all face difficult journeys throughout life, and even though I believe there are only 2 natural occurring genders, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be our best selves and making changes in our lives that actually brings us joy and happiness...and as an added note if anyone knows what the ten commandments are, then remember we as people only need to follow 1, "love one another", if we all do that then the other 9 commandments fall in line naturally...God doesn't care if you change into a girl, or if you are attracted to same sex, he cares that we care for each other period!!! Where in the ten commandments does it say thou shalt not sleep with same gender or change self
who the heck is zergo and why are you replying to a lady talking about hope with a comment about trump
Edit: @Cloe Drury, here's who they tried responding to. He is a true fucknugget. Screenshot...15-png.jpg
His comment is at 91 dislikes and i'm honestly laughing my a*s off at how many people hate him.
@Chloe Drury, yes, I'm wondering too Screenshot...0a-png.jpg
Tres, how do you know if someone was born "...as one or the other." ???? What science are you talking about? What facts are you talking about?
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I think you are the hating ones. I honestly do not hate this guy, but I can feel your hate for a different opinion. I won't say other things. I know that some things need more time for people to understand and I wish this guy to find his way and to love himself.
Hey Zergo...who pissed in your cornflakes this morning? What do you care what someone else does with their own body? Does it hurt or harm you in anyway? Is anyone asking to compromise who you are by being who they are? You really need to review your own life to see what makes you so bitter and judgmental. No one forced this young person to do anything they didn't want to. If this person chooses to be called HE or SHE...it is up to them..not you.
I love your look, your pink hair especially. Absolutely gorgeous. I am so happy for you. ❤❤❤
Taylor, you rock! you're so beautiful and your transformation is astounding, the difference even between the first 2 pics is amazing, i'm so glad you finally found who you needed to be, go girl xx
To Rhonda Harris. I apologize if I offended you in anyway! I was and still am very upset with Zergo. To have someone tell my community that we do not exist is sad, and makes me want to cry. Christy Smith. Screw you. Aarush. I did not mean to make it come across as if I was trying to convince someone else if their gender was in their head. I apologize if i came across like that. Ann Smith Jones. Thank you. I TRULY appreciate your comment. (Not). Tres d. Science actually states that being transgender is when in the womb your brain develops as one gender, but your body develops as another. So science is in my side. And also you seem to be a very religious person. How do you believe in science if Jesus supposedly made the earth. Because science says that the Big Bang made the earth, and to a lot of Jesus people think that science is a sin. Also Christy Smith why are you talking to a child like that? If you are an adult, you should be the bigger person and not say anything.
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no matter what change you make, her DNA says that HE is a boy, if he is born like this and his skeleton. This is science, the other way thing is like how Trump understand science...Sorry but I are a bad parent and you will see this in the time. Your kid will hate you for what you did to it. And if someone bans my comment without reasonable scientifical argument - this will show that you will re-elect Trump.
Just by her eyes you can see she went from feeling miserable and unsure to happy, quirky, bubbly girl <3 What a change! You go girl <3
thank you!!! I always wonder how people can look at our eyes in transition timeline pics and continue to bash us and call us freaks. HRT saves lives, it certainly saved mine :)
Load More Replies...Ok oh my F**K NUGGETS you're gorgeous, you were gorgeous as a man but honey you're like 10x more as a woman! Just ehkbfvn dcsowejbvuwiecsnd wHat. Also, I love your hair, it's really shiny and I really want to know what you use because the purple is fabulous, and your hair's really shiny! Sorry for the rant, but GURL. Just realized I said it's shiny twice but it IS like dAMN
I think that you are brave for having yourself out there like that. You're clearly stronger then any hate you could ever get. In all honesty you're prettier then most of the women around me. Xx, Xy who gives a s**t. If you're happy then be happy. I LOVE that pink hair you got going on too btw. It looks great.
I'm super proud of you for taking the steps to ensure your happiness ! That's all that matters ! You were a good looking young man BUT you are a beautiful young lady now AND yes, you can see the happiness in your eyes with each picture ! Keep going girl, you're doing GREAT !!! Your happiness is what matters !
im bi and have many trans friends and i love them for who they are. if someone tells you your not a real girl, tell them there not a real friend
Mom to a FTM transgender here: everytime I meet someone who question my sons or others transition, I think to myself that the just never saw what I saw: a depressed, sad girl feeling so wrong in her body turning into a beautiful young man, confident and happy. If anyone saw that change in their child, they would never ever question or bash it again.
Sometimes I hate people. You are beautiful and I really admire you. I’m really losing faith in my life, and in humanity. I can’t stand this. Why can’t people see that we are aloud to be what we want to be? I am on the verge of tears right now.
AAAAAAA YOU'RE SO PRETTYYYY!!!!! <3333 I love that you are happy with your body now! I send you all the Skater Chickie hugsss
Your eyes are gorgeous and your hair is amazing! Also your fashion sense? Chef's kiss
I’m transgender too, and uh my parents named me with a guy name so to me it was destiny. (Biologically female)
im crying your very beautiful, i wish i could be like you but my parents know that im trans and there those christian parents that suport but dont suport my decision and it makes me mad any sugestions taylor?
I love her transformation! Also i'm sorry but i'm laughing so hard at Zergo's responses. Imagine being that ignorant and pissed and have so much free time that you actively click on a BP link and then COMMENT TO EVERY SINGLE POSITIVE COMMENT IN ORDER TO TEAR THEM DOWN. Imagine being so ignorant that you don't know the difference between sex and gender, and try to "educate" people without being an actual medical practitioner. What a quim he is lol
being open about my transition and active on social media has unfortunately brought a lot of hate messages/death threats. some people just can't stand someone different from them being happy in their own skin. I'm used to it though, and I honestly feel pity for people like this guy. I can't imagine feeling so much hatred that you'd go out of your way to tear someone down. it's unfortunate, although sadly all too common
Load More Replies...You are a beautiful person and brave for being so open about your transition. ❤
You are so beautiful and I'm so happy you are happier now. you're so brave for being open about your transition, and you make my gay self very happy lol
Taylor we all must grieve over his shared .5 brain cells. It truly was a loss. He could've been smart. Hahhh, well anyways the ceremony will be held at 5.
If you are happy, screw what anyone else thinks or says (assuming you’re not hurting anyone else of course). Life is too short to waste it pretending to be something you are not.
Ma'am, respectfully, you're incredibly gorgeous. You make me proud to be a queer person.
I think you are turning out lovely. I do have one question. Why is it necessary to wear such a heavy makeup base? I don't mean this unkindly, but it makes you look a bit like a Barbie doll. Do you still have residual facial hair?
I love your story and I am so happy I found it, I hate all the people who says transgenders are disgusting, you are so beautiful and you are perfect, and please don't let anyone tell you otherwise and whatever you do, DON'T let the hate get to you.
I would date you but, you look older than me seeing as you have a car
Don't feel pity for people like him.That a*s hole is the reason that there are so many hate groups still here.
Her, that's a women if I've ever seen one. Now why don't you take your transphobia elsewhere?
YESSSS like how much time does he have?? I mean yes, I'm responding to his stuff because I don't want to do my homework... but still.
I love his "no-ledge" on the 'Merican language as well. If you're going to troll at least do it with intelligence! **TAYLOR I LOVE YOU AND YOUR "BALLS" FOR TAKING CARE OF YOU!**
Gives hope to those just starting their journey <3 My daughter started out as a sad little boy and is now a happy young lady, seeing stories like this gave her hope
Zergo. As a non-binary person, I can say truthfully that gender is all in your head. People like you make me sick. I don’t think you realize that a lot of transgender people such as myself (yes non-binary does classify as transgender) go through their whole life being tormented by there own minds. It’s not up to you about what I feel, or identify As. Same thing applys to the whole transgender community. I’m twelve years old, smarter than you, and damn proud to be part of the LGBTQ+ community.
Load More Replies...Thank you I'm 11 and Bisexual so you basically rock to me💛💙💜💚❤
@Rhonda Harris: Elsah was replying to a troll called Zergo who was being a d*ck. she's supporting LGBTQ+ not being cruel
(this is to AnnSmithJones): LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bi, and transgender. that includes the "Transgender" part. so no, lgbt isn't just sexual orientations. also, trans and nonbinary people are valid, and there have been several scientific studies done on transness. it's genetic, it's in dna. it's real, scientifically. here are some links (all to .gov or .org websites :D) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22146048/ https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-states-stop-interfering-health-care-transgender-children https://www.jaacap.org/article/S0890-8567(15)00794-7/fulltext
Not sure what the og comment was but for a 12 year old I have major respect. Im glad ur not one of those people who use like kitty/kittyself or anything and honestly there are only two genders. (Hear me out) male, female, in between, both or none. The rest of those… er… neopronouns are just transphobic nicknames and honestly disgusts me.
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I know that you're only 12 years old but do you have to be so cruel ? If you understand the "torment" of being "bullied" yourself then WHY be so mean to another human that's experienced the same "torment"? You're comfortable where you are in your life and that's awesome but she wasn't so she started "HER journey" to complete her "OWN" happiness... I'm sure that if you asked her if she's proud to be a part of the same community that she would say the same thing (s). B4 you start asking me "questions".... No, I am not gay or transgender myself BUT... My daughter is bi-sexual and that's just fine with me because it's HER choice and it makes her happy... I have several family members along with friends that are "non-binary" as well and I support them in EVERY endeavor (s) in their lives as well because it's their happiness that matters to me no matter what they choose in/for their lives. If ANY of them were to ask me to join them in a parade or march for the LGBTQ+ Community then I'd be more than happy to join them, no matter what they choose... I'm there, ALWAYS & FOREVER !!! Btw, none of them has EVER said to any other human "that it's all in your head" , because honestly, it is not.... If you feel something in your body that "may" change you somehow that will make you feel better and it's safe then by all means... Go for it ! A human that feels good inside AND out is ALWAYS a "more productive" human all day long on any given day ! So please don't judge her for taking the steps to make herself happy, it's very "unbecoming"... Thanks 😊
hi ma'am!! i don't think they (elsahthescienceguy) were saying this about the trans woman the post was about, but replying to a troll who was insulting transness.
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You SOUND like a 12 year old. It's a relief that an adult isn't this f*****g stupid, you're 12, you don't know s**t. "Gender is all in your head", stay in school, you're uneducated ignorance is painful and annoying to read ... moron.
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You're a prepubescent child. LGBT are sexual orientations. It's really sad to me that there are so many children out there who honestly believe that their DNA is wrong. And even worse, their parents allow them to be injected with hormones which will change their bodies permanently.
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It's not up to you to decide if you're a male or female. You were either born as one or the other. It's NOT a choice. Science and facts don't care about your feelings!
Zergo - you have said the same thing over and over. We know how you feel. Your comments about voting for Trump are irrelevant. Huge logical fallacy coming from someone who claims to know about science. All you are doing by repeating yourself is racking up downvotes.
Zergo you're forgetting several things. 1) The biology of sex and gender is waaaaaaay more complicated than most people think. What you learned as a kid at school is the kiddie version. Taylor got half her DNA from a woman. The sex specific part of DNA is tiny, and not just on the X and Y chromosomes. The DNA for things like body hair is all over a bunch of different chromosomes. In fact, occasionally the DNA for "Make testicles" winds up on an X chromosome (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XX_male_syndrome) 2) Our DNA doesn't change at puberty, but our bodies do. My body changed quite a bit again at menopause. What does change is the hormones involved.What makes a transwoman taking hormones so different from a cis woman with polycyctic ovaries, or an older woman taking HRT? They're all looking to be happier. 3) The US constitution is supposed to guarentee "the pursuit of happiness." I think defending the constitution is anti-Trump, myself.
Trump is all for law and the constitution, but lamebrain idiots who basically use his name in vain are just part of the problem that maga movement is trying to get rid of, or at least show a better way of being a real human being, and accepting good people with big hearts, that being said, I absolutely love this, we all face difficult journeys throughout life, and even though I believe there are only 2 natural occurring genders, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be our best selves and making changes in our lives that actually brings us joy and happiness...and as an added note if anyone knows what the ten commandments are, then remember we as people only need to follow 1, "love one another", if we all do that then the other 9 commandments fall in line naturally...God doesn't care if you change into a girl, or if you are attracted to same sex, he cares that we care for each other period!!! Where in the ten commandments does it say thou shalt not sleep with same gender or change self
who the heck is zergo and why are you replying to a lady talking about hope with a comment about trump
Edit: @Cloe Drury, here's who they tried responding to. He is a true fucknugget. Screenshot...15-png.jpg
His comment is at 91 dislikes and i'm honestly laughing my a*s off at how many people hate him.
@Chloe Drury, yes, I'm wondering too Screenshot...0a-png.jpg
Tres, how do you know if someone was born "...as one or the other." ???? What science are you talking about? What facts are you talking about?
This comment is hidden. Click here to view.
I think you are the hating ones. I honestly do not hate this guy, but I can feel your hate for a different opinion. I won't say other things. I know that some things need more time for people to understand and I wish this guy to find his way and to love himself.
Hey Zergo...who pissed in your cornflakes this morning? What do you care what someone else does with their own body? Does it hurt or harm you in anyway? Is anyone asking to compromise who you are by being who they are? You really need to review your own life to see what makes you so bitter and judgmental. No one forced this young person to do anything they didn't want to. If this person chooses to be called HE or SHE...it is up to them..not you.
I love your look, your pink hair especially. Absolutely gorgeous. I am so happy for you. ❤❤❤
Taylor, you rock! you're so beautiful and your transformation is astounding, the difference even between the first 2 pics is amazing, i'm so glad you finally found who you needed to be, go girl xx
To Rhonda Harris. I apologize if I offended you in anyway! I was and still am very upset with Zergo. To have someone tell my community that we do not exist is sad, and makes me want to cry. Christy Smith. Screw you. Aarush. I did not mean to make it come across as if I was trying to convince someone else if their gender was in their head. I apologize if i came across like that. Ann Smith Jones. Thank you. I TRULY appreciate your comment. (Not). Tres d. Science actually states that being transgender is when in the womb your brain develops as one gender, but your body develops as another. So science is in my side. And also you seem to be a very religious person. How do you believe in science if Jesus supposedly made the earth. Because science says that the Big Bang made the earth, and to a lot of Jesus people think that science is a sin. Also Christy Smith why are you talking to a child like that? If you are an adult, you should be the bigger person and not say anything.
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no matter what change you make, her DNA says that HE is a boy, if he is born like this and his skeleton. This is science, the other way thing is like how Trump understand science...Sorry but I are a bad parent and you will see this in the time. Your kid will hate you for what you did to it. And if someone bans my comment without reasonable scientifical argument - this will show that you will re-elect Trump.
Just by her eyes you can see she went from feeling miserable and unsure to happy, quirky, bubbly girl <3 What a change! You go girl <3
thank you!!! I always wonder how people can look at our eyes in transition timeline pics and continue to bash us and call us freaks. HRT saves lives, it certainly saved mine :)
Load More Replies...Ok oh my F**K NUGGETS you're gorgeous, you were gorgeous as a man but honey you're like 10x more as a woman! Just ehkbfvn dcsowejbvuwiecsnd wHat. Also, I love your hair, it's really shiny and I really want to know what you use because the purple is fabulous, and your hair's really shiny! Sorry for the rant, but GURL. Just realized I said it's shiny twice but it IS like dAMN
I think that you are brave for having yourself out there like that. You're clearly stronger then any hate you could ever get. In all honesty you're prettier then most of the women around me. Xx, Xy who gives a s**t. If you're happy then be happy. I LOVE that pink hair you got going on too btw. It looks great.
I'm super proud of you for taking the steps to ensure your happiness ! That's all that matters ! You were a good looking young man BUT you are a beautiful young lady now AND yes, you can see the happiness in your eyes with each picture ! Keep going girl, you're doing GREAT !!! Your happiness is what matters !
im bi and have many trans friends and i love them for who they are. if someone tells you your not a real girl, tell them there not a real friend
Mom to a FTM transgender here: everytime I meet someone who question my sons or others transition, I think to myself that the just never saw what I saw: a depressed, sad girl feeling so wrong in her body turning into a beautiful young man, confident and happy. If anyone saw that change in their child, they would never ever question or bash it again.
Sometimes I hate people. You are beautiful and I really admire you. I’m really losing faith in my life, and in humanity. I can’t stand this. Why can’t people see that we are aloud to be what we want to be? I am on the verge of tears right now.
AAAAAAA YOU'RE SO PRETTYYYY!!!!! <3333 I love that you are happy with your body now! I send you all the Skater Chickie hugsss
Your eyes are gorgeous and your hair is amazing! Also your fashion sense? Chef's kiss
I’m transgender too, and uh my parents named me with a guy name so to me it was destiny. (Biologically female)
im crying your very beautiful, i wish i could be like you but my parents know that im trans and there those christian parents that suport but dont suport my decision and it makes me mad any sugestions taylor?
I love her transformation! Also i'm sorry but i'm laughing so hard at Zergo's responses. Imagine being that ignorant and pissed and have so much free time that you actively click on a BP link and then COMMENT TO EVERY SINGLE POSITIVE COMMENT IN ORDER TO TEAR THEM DOWN. Imagine being so ignorant that you don't know the difference between sex and gender, and try to "educate" people without being an actual medical practitioner. What a quim he is lol
being open about my transition and active on social media has unfortunately brought a lot of hate messages/death threats. some people just can't stand someone different from them being happy in their own skin. I'm used to it though, and I honestly feel pity for people like this guy. I can't imagine feeling so much hatred that you'd go out of your way to tear someone down. it's unfortunate, although sadly all too common
Load More Replies...You are a beautiful person and brave for being so open about your transition. ❤
You are so beautiful and I'm so happy you are happier now. you're so brave for being open about your transition, and you make my gay self very happy lol
Taylor we all must grieve over his shared .5 brain cells. It truly was a loss. He could've been smart. Hahhh, well anyways the ceremony will be held at 5.
If you are happy, screw what anyone else thinks or says (assuming you’re not hurting anyone else of course). Life is too short to waste it pretending to be something you are not.
Ma'am, respectfully, you're incredibly gorgeous. You make me proud to be a queer person.
I think you are turning out lovely. I do have one question. Why is it necessary to wear such a heavy makeup base? I don't mean this unkindly, but it makes you look a bit like a Barbie doll. Do you still have residual facial hair?
I love your story and I am so happy I found it, I hate all the people who says transgenders are disgusting, you are so beautiful and you are perfect, and please don't let anyone tell you otherwise and whatever you do, DON'T let the hate get to you.
I would date you but, you look older than me seeing as you have a car
Don't feel pity for people like him.That a*s hole is the reason that there are so many hate groups still here.
Her, that's a women if I've ever seen one. Now why don't you take your transphobia elsewhere?
YESSSS like how much time does he have?? I mean yes, I'm responding to his stuff because I don't want to do my homework... but still.
I love his "no-ledge" on the 'Merican language as well. If you're going to troll at least do it with intelligence! **TAYLOR I LOVE YOU AND YOUR "BALLS" FOR TAKING CARE OF YOU!**