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Mom Accidentally Causes Drama At BBQ When She Gives A Burger To Son Who Wasn’t Given One

Mom Accidentally Causes Drama At BBQ When She Gives A Burger To Son Who Wasn’t Given One


Barbeque parties are popular not only because of the delicious food but also because of how fun they tend to be. Yet, from time to time, there are parties that just don’t turn out to be such fun. And sometimes, it’s all due to one person. 

Like in this BBQ party that OP attended. The cook refused to give her son a burger just because he was a kid. So the mom had to switch plates with him, which made the host view her as the bad guy. Doesn’t sound fun, does it?

More info: Reddit

Sometimes, even the tastiest food can be ruined by a cook’s attitude

Image credits: Samuel Peter (not the actual photo)

A family attended a barbeque party of a husband’s friend, where they had to bring food despite not being hosts


Image credits: Luis Quintero (not the actual photo)

During the party, a child from this family asked for a burger instead of a hotdog because he doesn’t eat hotdogs, but his request was refused


Image credits: Fábio Alves (not the actual photo)

And so, the mom, who got a burger, switched plates with her son, angering the cook


Image credits: Inside_Listen_4266

After the party, the husband received a message that said his wife won’t be invited to the BBQ parties anymore because she gave her son the burger

The friend of the OP’s husband invited their family to a BBQ. Typically, BBQ parties are when people come together to eat food slowly prepared over a low flame with the smoke produced by the barbecue. Even though meat is usually the main ingredient at these parties, they aren’t limited to it – vegan or vegetarian options are legit at barbecues, too. 


Well, at the party the author’s family attended, it seemed like meat was the main ingredient, as the cook was barbecuing hotdogs and burgers. Interestingly, though the party was hosted by the husband’s friend, the OP’s family were the ones who brought the food. Yet, the main conflict of the party wasn’t related to this. 

Rather, it was related to the fact that the author’s eldest child doesn’t like hot dogs. Apparently, he once watched a video on how they are made and now refuses to touch them. And it’s not surprising he reacted this way. After all, usually, hot dogs are made from parts of animals that aren’t used for any other type of meat mixed with preservatives, spices, and coloring. The mixture is then put in casings made from collagen. Sounds pretty gross, doesn’t it? Well, imagine watching a video of it. 


So, during the party, the boy asked for a burger instead of a hotdog. Yet, the cook refused to give him one, saying burgers were only for the adults. Even when the kid’s mom explained that he doesn’t eat hotdogs, it didn’t change the situation. So, she switched plates with her son. This caused other kids to question why only this kid was allowed a burger. 

Image credits: Mizuno K (not the actual photo)

After the party, the OP’s husband received a message that said the next time there is a BBQ party, his wife won’t be invited. Apparently, he didn’t like that she gave a burger to her kid when only adults are allowed them in his home. This is an odd rule, knowing that the children who ate at his party were definitely old enough to be consuming hamburgers. 


So, this made the woman feel like the husband’s friend wasn’t such a nice dude. They brought food, and then he denied some of it to their son. Then, he proceeded to ban the boy’s mom from upcoming parties for simply giving her son a dish he wanted. Such a jerk, isn’t he? 

People online agreed with this sentiment. Some even shared their experiences with people who think that, for some reason, children don’t deserve good quality food, which is a very dumb take. In fact, it is a harmful take, too. Kids are growing individuals who need proper nutrition. An improper diet can affect their health and immune system, and these problems can follow them throughout their lives. 


So, we would say that it’s sad that the woman got banned from the upcoming BBQ parties, but is it? Who would want to attend a party hosted by such an insufferable cook? No matter how delicious his cooked meat is, it is all diminished by his actions. Let’s hope the OP finds new family friends who respect the wishes of her kids. 

“Get some better friends”: people online assured the woman that this dude was a jerk and that not attending his parties wasn’t the end of the world

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Ugnė Bulotaitė

Ugnė Bulotaitė

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I am a writer at Bored Panda. I have loved creating and writing down stories about people and things since I was little and I think this passion led me to get degrees in sociology, communication, and journalism. These degrees opened various paths for me, and I got a chance to be a volunteer in the human rights field, and also try myself out in social research and journalism areas. Besides writing, my passions include pop culture: music, movies, TV shows; literature, and board games. In fact, I have been dubbed a board games devotee by some people in my life.

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Ugnė Bulotaitė

Ugnė Bulotaitė

Author, BoredPanda staff

I am a writer at Bored Panda. I have loved creating and writing down stories about people and things since I was little and I think this passion led me to get degrees in sociology, communication, and journalism. These degrees opened various paths for me, and I got a chance to be a volunteer in the human rights field, and also try myself out in social research and journalism areas. Besides writing, my passions include pop culture: music, movies, TV shows; literature, and board games. In fact, I have been dubbed a board games devotee by some people in my life.

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21khan6573 avatar
Community Member
3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


omboyganesh avatar
Community Member
3 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’d tell the husband he needs to make a HARD choice right that very second where his loyalties lie. His wife and oldest son or a POS garbage person he happened to befriend. This isn’t a spectrum or grey area. The complete BS this scumbag flung at the wife & kid, then passive-aggressively to the husband/dad via text, warrants an absolute black & white choice.

jasmine_hinziwin avatar
CD Mills
Community Member
1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I agree 100%! I would have told my husband that we were going to leave as soon as that asshattery started. I would also tell him that you and the kids were never going to go back to that Neanderthal's house again! And that he might want to rethink that 'friendship' as that guy is not welcome in your house. No one needs that kind of caveman behavior in this day and age.

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vivianekatz avatar
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3 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So do kids have to wait until they're 18 to get a burger? Or is it 21, as per likely drinking age in their state? Do they get carded ("No burger for you - I know you borrowed a friend's ID!")? Do his kids get into trouble if they sneak out for burgers? Is this a brilliant ploy to ensure that upchucking a plate of burgers becomes their rite of passage, instead of the usual drink-till-you-puke? In their household, will "I caught you grinding your meat!" be the *literal* expression??

tinateso avatar
Community Member
3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just imagine catching your kid eating a forbidden burger and the kid screaming back, “I learned it from watching you!”

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21khan6573 avatar
Community Member
3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


omboyganesh avatar
Community Member
3 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’d tell the husband he needs to make a HARD choice right that very second where his loyalties lie. His wife and oldest son or a POS garbage person he happened to befriend. This isn’t a spectrum or grey area. The complete BS this scumbag flung at the wife & kid, then passive-aggressively to the husband/dad via text, warrants an absolute black & white choice.

jasmine_hinziwin avatar
CD Mills
Community Member
1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I agree 100%! I would have told my husband that we were going to leave as soon as that asshattery started. I would also tell him that you and the kids were never going to go back to that Neanderthal's house again! And that he might want to rethink that 'friendship' as that guy is not welcome in your house. No one needs that kind of caveman behavior in this day and age.

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vivianekatz avatar
Community Member
3 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So do kids have to wait until they're 18 to get a burger? Or is it 21, as per likely drinking age in their state? Do they get carded ("No burger for you - I know you borrowed a friend's ID!")? Do his kids get into trouble if they sneak out for burgers? Is this a brilliant ploy to ensure that upchucking a plate of burgers becomes their rite of passage, instead of the usual drink-till-you-puke? In their household, will "I caught you grinding your meat!" be the *literal* expression??

tinateso avatar
Community Member
3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Just imagine catching your kid eating a forbidden burger and the kid screaming back, “I learned it from watching you!”

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