Game Of Thrones is definitely the most popular TV series of all times. And no wonder – with the skilfull writer George RR Martin and HBO behind it all, it sure is a show-stopper. Or heart-stopper. And, of course, if you are a fan of something this huge, sometimes you have to turn on the hardcore mode – just like this Panda and her husband did. They’ve spent their summer vacation in Croatia tracing the real-life Game Of Thrones filming locations.

Some places from the GOT map were really easy to find – Dubrovnik, for example, is just like one large filming set. But other Game Of Thrones locations (like streets in Split, Croatia) were harder to spot. They either required long searches or were stumbled upon by a lucky chance. All that wandering was really rewarding in the end!

So if you were wondering where is Game Of Thrones filmed, this compilation of filming locations will answer the question. Though more countries add to this list – Iceland, Ireland, Morocco, just to name a few – Game Of Thrones Croatian settings mostly depict King’s Landing, the most important city in all of the Seven Kingdoms.

Valar Margulis!


    Fort Lovrijenac (Dubrovnik) – Red Keep (King’s Landing)


    Outside the Walls of Dubrovnik Old Town


    Still Not Finding My Dragons…


    Baroque Staircase (Dubrovnik) Becomes the Stairs to the Great Sept of Baelor (King’s Landing)


    Outside the Walls of Dubrovnik Old Town


    Inside Dubrovnik’s Old Town – the Place Where Sparrows Were Preaching


    Baroque Staircase (Dubrovnik) and the Famous “Shaming” scene


    Another Shot of Famous “Shaming” scene

    Fortress of Kliss – City of Meereen


    Trsteno Arboretum (Trsteno) – The Gardens of Red Keep

    Minčeta Tower (Dubrovnik’s Wall) as House of the Undying


    Fortress of Kliss – City of Meereen

    The Basement of Diocletian’s Palace (Split) – Daenerys’ Throne Room


    Papalićeva Street in Split became one of the Streets Seen in Slave Rebellion Scene

    The Basement of Diocletian’s Palace (Split) – Where Dragons are Kept