Hi, my name is Bianca, and I write children's books and YA fantasy in my spare time. My brother is a talented artist, and to help me promote my stories and characters, he's been drawing funny webcomics.

My first book, The Tale of Prince, is the story of a posh pedigree dog named Prince and a stray she-dog named Bennie.

Bennie turns Prince's life upside down, steals his toys and his humans' affections. He thinks she's ruined everything. In the end, she'll steal his heart too.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy them!

More info at my website and our Instagram (Bianca & Marco Staines).

More info: Instagram | | Instagram


The Council Of Pets

The Council Of Pets

Cats do what they want.


Environmental health officer by day and writer by night, I'm an Italian dog lover based in New Zealand. I'm passionate about animals and have a background in ecology/marine biology, but my first love is writing. I’ve authored middle-grade animal stories under my birth name, Bianca Staines, and they've won Purple Dragonfly Awards in 2017 and 2018, respectively. My books, The Tale of Prince and The Tale of Tyriii, can be found on Amazon under The Taleweavers' Adventures series.

I grew up reading Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Chronicles of Narnia, Earthsea, Discworld, and pretty much everything, fantasy, and sci-fi. All I wanted to do as a kid was tell stories - I still do. My younger brother, Marco, was my original reader. Even now, he calls dibs on those terrible first drafts you're not meant to show anyone, and it's pretty amazing how he brings my characters to life in these webcomics.


    Prince's Mansion In Bendall Road

    Prince's Mansion In Bendall Road

    Everyone loves Prince. Except Blake. Blake does not love Prince.


    When it comes to creating relatable characters that children can connect with, I think about what I enjoyed as a kid. Of course, it was great to see champions in shining armor vanquish the fire-breathing dragon that was terrorizing the realm, but the characters that stayed with me the most were the grey ones. Prince is a scheming villain turned unlikely hero. Bennie is a happy-go-lucky stray with a dark past in the fighting rings. In my mind, writers have to be keen observers of the world. It's essential to take a long, hard look around - to see what drives people, what they've lived, and what made them today. Writing is taking a peek at what it's like to be someone else. It's a process of self-discovery. Sometimes you find parts of yourself you never even knew existed.


    Bennie And Timmy

    Bennie And Timmy

    Just when Prince thought he couldn't hate Bennie more.


    As a writer, you have to grow a thick skin. Rejection is part of the job, and it was a really important lesson for me to realize this: once you write a story, it isn't just yours anymore. It's the readers' too. Some people will really vibe with your book. Some people won't. That's no one's fault. The important thing is to write because you love it. Not because you're planning on making money from it or hinging your sense of self-worth on your book's success or lack thereof. It took me a long time to learn and to be light about my writing. When I did, it became a lot more fun.

    The hardest thing to stick to is the writing routine! When I'm in the middle of a project, I aim for 1000 words a day, but it's more realistic to go for the "nifty 350". Even if it's going to be garbage, write 350 words. There are always parts of a draft that are tougher to write than others. With the nifty 350, you will eventually navigate those hurdles and get to the juicy bits. What ultimately keeps me motivated and productive is the way I feel when I don't write. To paraphrase best-selling author Elizabeth Gilbert, "possessing a creative mind is something like having a border collie for a pet: it needs to work, or else it will cause you an outrageous amount of trouble." In essence, give your mind a job to do or else it'll eat the couch.


    Timmy's First Word In A Long Time

    Timmy's First Word In A Long Time

    Timmy hasn't spoken in so long, no one was expecting it. It changes everything for Bennie. And Prince too...


    I think ensuring stories resonate with children of all ages and backgrounds is about saying something that matters. There is a universal quality to good storytelling. I've filed away several half-drafted projects because there was little point to them. True, the characters were enjoyable, and the story was decent, but I wasn't saying anything. In The Tale of Prince, the plot revolves around the conflict between a pedigree pooch, Prince, and his unsophisticated but likable rival, Bennie. Prince is awful. He bullies Bennie, calls her names, and wants her gone. Yet, when she goes missing, Prince's young owner, Timmy, goes quiet again. In an uncharacteristically noble gesture, Prince sets off to find her. For him, this isn't just a quest to bring Bennie back but a journey of self-discovery - from an arrogant, selfish villain to a mature, introspective hero. And, on the way, Prince might just find the wolf that lives inside every dog. People aren't so different from our animal heroes. Every one of us has something wonderfully unique to offer. No exceptions.


    Introducing Timmy, Prince's Owner

    Introducing Timmy, Prince's Owner

    There is a softer side to Prince. One he never talks about. This is Timmy, his young and silent owner.

    Timmy is practically mute. He doesn't speak, not to anyone - not even Prince. There was a time when they used to, and Prince wants to connect with the boy again. He's just been too busy running things around here.



    Special Op: Timmy's Birthday

    Special Op: Timmy's Birthday



    Beware Of Spinning Wheel Accidents

    Beware Of Spinning Wheel Accidents

    You may notice Mr Nibbles' expression never changes :D



    The Nosy Poodle Neighbours, Malita And Annabelle

    The Nosy Poodle Neighbours, Malita And Annabelle



    Recon At 57

    Recon At 57



    The Book To The Well-Behaved Dog

    The Book To The Well-Behaved Dog

    Yeah, right.



    You Can't Hide Forever, Or Can You?

    You Can't Hide Forever, Or Can You?



    Bennie Does What She Wants

    Bennie Does What She Wants


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    Unwanted Advice

    Unwanted Advice


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    Bendall Road's Hamster Secret Service

    Bendall Road's Hamster Secret Service

    Most of the hamsters in Bendall Road are part of the HARASS team (Hamster Alley Regulators and Secret Service) led by a gruff old police dog, Blake, and his trusty second, Miss Pickanut.



    Welcome To Bendall Road

    Welcome To Bendall Road


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    If It's Not About Prince, It Ain't News

    If It's Not About Prince, It Ain't News



    Meet The Gang Of Osiris

    Meet The Gang Of Osiris



    Stealth Master Lancaster, At Your Service

    Stealth Master Lancaster, At Your Service


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    HARASS Team Assembleeeeeeeeee

    HARASS Team Assembleeeeeeeeee

    The best we've got.



    Finally Free!!

    Finally Free!!


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    Prince Sabotaging Bennie's Training

    Prince Sabotaging Bennie's Training



    For The Love Of Sizzle

    For The Love Of Sizzle


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    Introducing Sapis, Prince's Advisor

    Introducing Sapis, Prince's Advisor

    Why wouldn't you take advice from a myna bird in a cherry tree? Sapis has been Prince's long-trusted advisor so as long as he can remember. Even if he doesn't always like the advice, at all.


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    Titas Burinskas
    BoredPanda Staff
    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The sapient-but-sappy advisor Sapis loves sipping sap, and eating cherries (for some reason).

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    No One Expects The Pound Inspectors

    No One Expects The Pound Inspectors



    A Mysterious Presence In Bendall Road

    A Mysterious Presence In Bendall Road

    Don't worry, we have the best hamsters on the job.


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    Easier Said Than Done

    Easier Said Than Done


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why get hurt ? is the dog a Pitbull ? They are so heartwarming they will only hurt u if u hurt them or if they are traumatized .

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    Oh-Oh, Someone's Jealous

    Oh-Oh, Someone's Jealous


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    Timmy's Birthday Party Is A Time To Be Spent Together... As A Family

    Timmy's Birthday Party Is A Time To Be Spent Together... As A Family


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    Introducing Nero The Cymric

    Introducing Nero The Cymric


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