Hi my name is Tijana, I come from Serbia and I am a professional nail tehnician. It all
startes out small but now I have my own small nails salon called ‘Flawless’. The difference between me and others of my profession is that I can portray anything my clients want on their nails. From Dali, Picasso all the way to themes like The Litrle Prince etc. Since I am a perfectionist at heart I use this strength in order to make my artwork as flawless as possible. My clients are my walking pieces of art.
‘Guernica’ by Picasso
‘Guernica’ by Picasso
‘Guernica’ by Picasso
‘The Scream’ by Edvard Munch
‘The Scream’ by Evdard Munch
‘The Persistence of Memory’ by Salvador Dali
‘The Scream’ by Edvard Munch
‘Water Lilies’ by Claude Monet
‘The Starry Night’ by Vincent van Gogh
‘The Scream’ by Edvard Munch
The Little Prince
The Little Prince
‘The Persistence of Memory’ by Salvador Dali
‘Water Lilies’ by Claude Monet
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