’til Death’ By Maureen Ruddy Burkhart: Her Reluctant (But Joyful) Journey As A Wedding Photographer
All About Photo is proud to present “Til Death” by Maureen Ruddy Burkhart, the February Solo Exhibition.
Being the most serious person on planet earth is such a huge burden that I am thankful to have discovered photography early on in life. Besides being a creative outlet, it’s a way for me to express beauty, whimsy, and joy. And, if I’m lucky, it’s a nod to Cartier-Bresson’s ‘decisive moment’.
That said…I never once actually wanted to shoot a wedding.
For better or for worse, I approach every task with an attitude of defiance—to be or not to be ‘the best wedding photographer’, when truthfully I feel that anyone could do better. I’ve had to develop a faith in my vision, honed over many years and countless mistakes.
It began with my late mother-in-law volunteering me for family weddings. I had to beseech her to please stop. Many years later, however, I will admit that there is a certain relief that comes with ”SHE made me do it!”
Sometimes I get ‘lucky’— like when the official wedding photographer is evacuated on the eve of Colorado’s 500-year flood—and I’m the backup photographer. I say LUCKY because everyone is so relieved that I’m available that they are happy with whatever they can get.
And then there’s the quirky daughter who has to be married on Halloween and whose mother happens to be a documentary photographer who has also given said offspring the gift of a free-range and artistic childhood—who would be perfect for the job.
Ten years after my last wedding shoot, I had to open my mouth with a promise to another family member: ”Heck, if you do decide to marry the girl you’ve been with for 9 years, I’ll photograph your wedding for free!”. Six months later they were married.
One day while perusing my photo library, I was sighing over the wedding photos that I personally adored but might not be held in the same regard as the bride. These were photographs that made my heart so happy it would sing! I heard my sub-conscious declare that it was finally time to take stock in my own vision and create a gallery of said images—which is how this series ”Til Death” was born.
Hopefully I won’t be shooting any more weddings now that I’ve retired from that…but…
More info: all-about-photo.com