Strangers Who’ve Kept Hilarious Tinder Conversation For 3 Years Go Viral, So Tinder Itself Decides To Step In
When 22-year-old Josh Avsec got a Tinder match with 21-year-old Michelle Arendas on Tinder back in 2014, he did what most people would do in such a situation. He sent her a message. And then he waited. And waited. Until finally Michelle responded…two months later! “Hey sorry my phone died!” she wrote, and after a brief exchange, the two never spoke again. Then another two months later, Josh decided to continue this Tinder conversation with his own tongue-in-cheek excuse. “Hey sorry was in the shower,” he wrote, which prompted Michelle to respond…another month later.
And so their long term relationship has continued for the last three years, and the Ohio Kent State University seniors have never once met during that time, but since Josh recently shared a screenshot of their exchanges on Twitter, the internet has been rooting for them to meet up in person. Even Tinder dating couldn’t handle the suspense, which is why they’ve just offered to send the two of them on vacation together! “It’s time you got together IRL,” the dating app tweeted “You have 24 hrs to decide the city you want to have your first date in and we’ll send you there!” The couple have since decided on Hawaii (on the condition that they don’t take two years to pack their bags!), so follow Josh and Michelle on their twitter accounts to find out how it goes!
Meet Josh…
…and Michelle
They both matched on Tinder in 2014 but they’ve still never met
It all started with a simple ‘Hey Michelle,’ which took two months to get a reply (notice the other reply dates)
Sometimes they wouldn’t reply to each other for up to 10 months!
They’ve been messaging each other for three years now
Josh recently posted the conversation online and it went incredibly viral
Michele also thought it would be interesting to meet up but she didn’t want to break the joke
Eventually Tinder couldn’t handle the suspense so they offered to arrange their very first date!
Josh and Michelle decided on Hawaii
And Tinder delivered
Josh couldn’t be happier
And neither could the internet
Share on FacebookSorry, but I just can't keep quiet....HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO NOT LIKE FRIENDS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? You are cute, but you lost me with that....seriously.. :(
Friends was in retrospect a hugely sexist show about a bunch of privileged white kids.
Load More Replies...Plus she has a Jennifer Aniston chin! How can she not like her chin-twin on Friends?
I think she's too young. Nowadays if someone made a show like that it wouldn't work, with the laugh track and all. If she was 10 years older she'd get it. Or she just has poor taste
What would be the funniest thing ever is if he didn't even read her bio and that conversation came up while they were in Hawaii and that broke the 3 year Tindership haha
It's pretty easy to not like 'Friends', actually. Never been a big fan of 'Seinfeld' either....
Friends was cute at the time, but I guess if you watch it, today, it's probably a bit lame and annoying.
I don't like Friends :D A bunch of people in... what, their late 20's, early 30's, living like teenagers, never swearing, I understand how it can be appealling this "the world is a sweet place", but it didn't do for me ;)
Agree! You may never seen Friends (chocked) but after you see it is impossible not like it!! FRIENDS 4EVER
HOW can nothing happen between them ever again after a first date in HAWAII!??!!?! Sooooooo lucky. Wish them all the best
They are cute, I hope they match for real ! Would be so sad if they didn't find something to talk and laugh about...
I haven't spoken to my husband on Facebook for the past 6 years can we go to new York please?
And I can already see the wedding... Priest: Do you Josh take Michelle as your lovely wedded wife? Josh: *( 5 months later) I do. Priest: Do you Michelle take Josh to be your lovely wedded husband. Michelle: *(8 months later) Sorry...I was in the shower...and yes I do.
This was also partly made possible because they are an attractive pair.
It's going to be horribly disappointing if they don't get together after all this! But at least they can be friends, right?!
Ha ha, I also hate those "never anding stories"
Load More Replies...Sorry to be the ice bucket of reality - 1) He said clearly he just came out of a relationship and is struggling with it. 2) She is wearing an engagement ring in one of the pics, so she clearly just finished (or is still IN) a long-term serious relationship. 3) If either of them were emotionally available they would have made a move sometime within those 3 years. 4) Their 'romantic connection' almost predominantly consists of them making excuses for not wanting to talk to each other. I'm not gonna lie - doesn't sound to me like they are each other's lobster...
that's what make that piece of the shared humor so good...the relationship was in high school...he is 22 now...following the whole "delayed reaction" style they are using to banter about with each other....hilarious!
Load More Replies...It's not over 'til it's over. My husband and I had 6 years of very occasional texts or emails and nothing else. We both had other relationships come and go. From the time we first met until we were married...10 years.
Oh my god, it looks like à romantic comedy. Please make a movie with it !
Oh my god, it looks like the synopsis of a romantic comedy ! Please do a movie with it !
This post left me speechless! You two should get married! I love you guys and I want a relationship like that! Tinder is so great for sending you to Maui!
You've got to admire their perseverance... I lost interest in this just reading halfway through it. Must be slow news day at Bored Panda.
Night diving in Kona with the Manta's 3 days in a row was my most memorable time in Kona.
I wonder if we will see a post-Hawaii sequel over the next couple years?
I notice she is holding an alcoholic drink in 50% of her photos. So apparently she is drunk half the time.
My husband and I did this back in the days of email and plain text. We joked we had to "keep each other on our radar". Met in 2004, didn't start dating until 2010, married in 2014. Nothing wrong with making sure it's right. :D
lol well thats silly because I have 5 year long tinder convos going with guys I've never met. Should have posted it online ig.
I'd never use tinder but that is creepy they monitor the conversations like that.
So.. she doesn't like FRIENDS! That's c**p minded !! .. How can someone not at least"LIKE" FRIENDS!..
I've not spoken to my husband on Facebook for six years can we go to New York?
Sorry, but I just can't keep quiet....HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO NOT LIKE FRIENDS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? You are cute, but you lost me with that....seriously.. :(
Friends was in retrospect a hugely sexist show about a bunch of privileged white kids.
Load More Replies...Plus she has a Jennifer Aniston chin! How can she not like her chin-twin on Friends?
I think she's too young. Nowadays if someone made a show like that it wouldn't work, with the laugh track and all. If she was 10 years older she'd get it. Or she just has poor taste
What would be the funniest thing ever is if he didn't even read her bio and that conversation came up while they were in Hawaii and that broke the 3 year Tindership haha
It's pretty easy to not like 'Friends', actually. Never been a big fan of 'Seinfeld' either....
Friends was cute at the time, but I guess if you watch it, today, it's probably a bit lame and annoying.
I don't like Friends :D A bunch of people in... what, their late 20's, early 30's, living like teenagers, never swearing, I understand how it can be appealling this "the world is a sweet place", but it didn't do for me ;)
Agree! You may never seen Friends (chocked) but after you see it is impossible not like it!! FRIENDS 4EVER
HOW can nothing happen between them ever again after a first date in HAWAII!??!!?! Sooooooo lucky. Wish them all the best
They are cute, I hope they match for real ! Would be so sad if they didn't find something to talk and laugh about...
I haven't spoken to my husband on Facebook for the past 6 years can we go to new York please?
And I can already see the wedding... Priest: Do you Josh take Michelle as your lovely wedded wife? Josh: *( 5 months later) I do. Priest: Do you Michelle take Josh to be your lovely wedded husband. Michelle: *(8 months later) Sorry...I was in the shower...and yes I do.
This was also partly made possible because they are an attractive pair.
It's going to be horribly disappointing if they don't get together after all this! But at least they can be friends, right?!
Ha ha, I also hate those "never anding stories"
Load More Replies...Sorry to be the ice bucket of reality - 1) He said clearly he just came out of a relationship and is struggling with it. 2) She is wearing an engagement ring in one of the pics, so she clearly just finished (or is still IN) a long-term serious relationship. 3) If either of them were emotionally available they would have made a move sometime within those 3 years. 4) Their 'romantic connection' almost predominantly consists of them making excuses for not wanting to talk to each other. I'm not gonna lie - doesn't sound to me like they are each other's lobster...
that's what make that piece of the shared humor so good...the relationship was in high school...he is 22 now...following the whole "delayed reaction" style they are using to banter about with each other....hilarious!
Load More Replies...It's not over 'til it's over. My husband and I had 6 years of very occasional texts or emails and nothing else. We both had other relationships come and go. From the time we first met until we were married...10 years.
Oh my god, it looks like à romantic comedy. Please make a movie with it !
Oh my god, it looks like the synopsis of a romantic comedy ! Please do a movie with it !
This post left me speechless! You two should get married! I love you guys and I want a relationship like that! Tinder is so great for sending you to Maui!
You've got to admire their perseverance... I lost interest in this just reading halfway through it. Must be slow news day at Bored Panda.
Night diving in Kona with the Manta's 3 days in a row was my most memorable time in Kona.
I wonder if we will see a post-Hawaii sequel over the next couple years?
I notice she is holding an alcoholic drink in 50% of her photos. So apparently she is drunk half the time.
My husband and I did this back in the days of email and plain text. We joked we had to "keep each other on our radar". Met in 2004, didn't start dating until 2010, married in 2014. Nothing wrong with making sure it's right. :D
lol well thats silly because I have 5 year long tinder convos going with guys I've never met. Should have posted it online ig.
I'd never use tinder but that is creepy they monitor the conversations like that.
So.. she doesn't like FRIENDS! That's c**p minded !! .. How can someone not at least"LIKE" FRIENDS!..
I've not spoken to my husband on Facebook for six years can we go to New York?