Bride Asks Guests To Dress Based On Their Weight, Completely Loses It When Someone Shames Her On Reddit
Either the thought of getting married temporarily messes up their heads, or they’re simply pathological narcissists, but some bridezillas show off their worst colors before they even say “I do.” I mean, sure, the bride is the center of attention at most of the wedding receptions, but that doesn’t mean they become the center of the universe, too.
Image credits: iStock /Reptile 8488 (not the actual photo)
This wife-to-be, for example, made such ridiculous dress code demands, one of the invitees leaked them online. The wedding attire was assigned to people by weight categories and to make it even worse; the formal attire color scheme was more than ugly. What do you think happened after she found out about the leak? I’ll give you a hint; it wasn’t a wake-up call. Scroll down to check out the bridezilla story, and if you won’t believe people can be so unreasonable, take a look at the bride who asked her guests $1,500 each, making sure her wedding costs were fully covered by the participants.
Here’s the post she was talking about if you were wondering what the demands were:
We decided to illustrate what the “thin guests” are supposed to wear. Women: 100-160 LBS
Men 100-200 LBS
People were just speechless after reading the whole thing:
Image credits: cappaccinodagreat
Someone later also shared this guests response to the bride after she announced the “Polygraph party”
Yes, or tacky colour clashing clothing attire for you lot.
Load More Replies...WTF?!? I've heard of crazy bridal requests..but this one takes the cake. And if I had $1000 to throw down on an outfit, it sure as heck is not going to be one worn only once at the party of some skanky ho with a chip on her shoulder. I sure hope someone records this and posts this "dance" so that people can see it for the train wreck it's shaping up to be. These bridezillas need to start realizing that having the best day of your life should not include making everyone else miserable. How are these dim wits getting engaged anyway. It's a year out to the wedding. Hope the groom wises up by then and RUNS!
If she's this much of a control freak where her friends are concerned, imagine what it must be like for her husband to be! That poor guy is going to either be cowed for the rest of his life while he bangs the au pair on the side, or he's going to wise up and run, run, and never look back.
Load More Replies...When I read "certified spiritual healers", I knew what would come... totally crazy
I thought "soda hat" was some sort of style I had never heard of. Not an *actual* soda hat! OMG.
Load More Replies...Yes, or tacky colour clashing clothing attire for you lot.
Load More Replies...WTF?!? I've heard of crazy bridal requests..but this one takes the cake. And if I had $1000 to throw down on an outfit, it sure as heck is not going to be one worn only once at the party of some skanky ho with a chip on her shoulder. I sure hope someone records this and posts this "dance" so that people can see it for the train wreck it's shaping up to be. These bridezillas need to start realizing that having the best day of your life should not include making everyone else miserable. How are these dim wits getting engaged anyway. It's a year out to the wedding. Hope the groom wises up by then and RUNS!
If she's this much of a control freak where her friends are concerned, imagine what it must be like for her husband to be! That poor guy is going to either be cowed for the rest of his life while he bangs the au pair on the side, or he's going to wise up and run, run, and never look back.
Load More Replies...When I read "certified spiritual healers", I knew what would come... totally crazy
I thought "soda hat" was some sort of style I had never heard of. Not an *actual* soda hat! OMG.
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