This bighorn sheep from Canada just happens to look absolutely crazy and you might have already seen it in this viral video. Some say it looks possessed, others that it's planning to overtake the world. So let's reveal what the sheep is up to!
Here are the rules:
1. Photoshop this pic of a bighorn sheep
2. Add it to the list and vote for other submissions
3. Have fun!

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Maximum Relaxation
Am Not Drunk! Maaaaaa
Bighorn Sheep For A President!
Behehehllerina;) Oh god that was a horrible pun. I'm sorry, I laugh at the dumbest things lol
Does This Hurt...?
This Is What's Been Hiding Under The Darth Vader's Mask All Along
The Real Bighorn
It's Smiling!
Lets Go On An Adventure!
What? My Yep Review Was Deleted?
Luke Battles The Rancor Sheep
Shake Your Booty
I know the challange is over but couldnt help myself because im a bored panda Photoshop-...489fe5.jpg
I know the challange is over but couldnt help myself because im a bored panda Photoshop-...489fe5.jpg