“This Is Violently American”: 45 Posts From A Facebook Group Dedicated To Things That Could Only Come From The States
Giant portions, big trucks, and nigh-on endless refills of soda (poo or cola, depending on your location) might all be part of everyday life or something you look at in wonder on the internet. We are, of course, talking about the parts of life that, to use the parlance of the time, might “send people into a coma.”
This Facebook page is dedicated to content that is perfectly described by its one name, that is, “violently American.” So scroll through, upvote your favorite posts, and comment your own experiences with things that are unmistakably and authentically American.
More info: Facebook
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Used my $5 off $20 purchase at Safeway. Used it to buy Schar sourdough.
If I could UP vote by a 1000 votes I would...no questions asked?!!!!!!!!!!
In the UK we use feet and metres. Does that make us all bi in some way?
One of the more obvious signs of “American excess” is, of course, the massive, breaded pork tenderloin sandwich, a regional specialty of the Midwest. Now, the eagle-eyed among you may notice that it bares a very close resemblance to the classic Wiener Schnitzel (Wien is just the German spelling of Vienna), however, the American variant uses exclusively pork loin, while the traditional Austrian variant uses veal, though these days one can find variants using almost any meat or meat substitute.
After all, deep frying isn’t rocket science, but American cuisine has gotten pretty good at it. One can find nearly everything cooked this way, from pickles to whole sticks of butter. Of course, it must be said that the origin of many of these items comes from European cooking traditions, where settlers took methods from the old world and applied them to the more readily available American food items. For example, Scotland can boast of creating the deep-fried Mars bar, which spiritually seems like an American food item.
This must be a joke? Okay calm down I mean there some dickheads out there who might be seriously suggesting it.
I am gonna say yes, however most states have a victim impact fund that assist. Every hospital in USA is required to give a certain percentage of earnings back in the form of VHARITY. They do not advertise this fact. PEOPLE MUST ASK FOR IT!! 😡😡
Another question many have about the United States is why they love pickup trucks so much. Most people are not actually transporting things regularly, but will happily trade half the space in their vehicle for the ability to hypothetically transport an ATV or some firewood. It’s important to understand that Americans don’t just like pickups, they like vehicles in general. The United States is a big, open place, where one really needed a horse and/or carriage to get anywhere.
It’s no surprise that the first, readily available and mass-produced car, the Ford Model T, was invented precisely in the US, as there was a great deal of demand for something that could get you across great distances pretty quickly. While in this day and age, most people are not doing manual labor and trucks have replaced smaller vehicles as a means of overland transportation of goods, the popularity of the pickup has not diminished. Modern models still have enough space for your family, for example, as the design shifts to meet contemporary needs.
Why is there a gun?
A more annoying part of living in the United States is the constant reminders of safety, “warning, hot coffee, do not eat this sandwich wrapper” and so on. Many point to this as representing some degree of public stupidity, but this isn’t accurate. Americans simply love to sue companies that have done them harm. Americans spend roughly 310 billion dollars a year suing someone, making it easily the most litigious country in the world.
The result is that most businesses will do their utmost to limit their liability. There is an abundance of lawyers in the US and the nation's common law system and the use of “juries of your peers” give regular people the ability to demand compensation from corporations, if they can prove some form of injury. So when McDonald's tells you that coffee is hot, they don’t think you are dumb, they are just trying to prevent another Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants.
Had to look this guy up - Indian comedian who also tweeted, "I come from an India where a comedian is held to higher standards of accountability than the elected prime minister of a democracy." Sames in America, sames.
While not unique to the US, Americans do love their highways. As a nation where the car is more accessible and common than in most places worldwide, the US built a massive amount of public infrastructure allowing citizens and visitors alike to go all over the country from the comfort of their motor vehicles. However, this over-dependence on cars has made transportation lopsided, so car-based infrastructure gets the majority of resources which continues the cycle of car dependency.
All those words are spelled correctly. That's what you call English. Not the bastardised language called American English.
When we ran out of hotdog buns because Marines can't math so they gave us a hamburger patty instead
Mobile Fox News enthusiast at the Air Show.
Yuppers, pretty darned American.. people gatekeeping patriotism who have never read the flag code which states you cannot use the flag for anything but as flag. All those folks who freaked about kneeling were cheering for a paid display of flag presented horizontal to the ground. Darn tootin'
Load More Replies...And you have no idea just how much the vast majority of us Americans wish it wasn’t.
Nah, this guy is classy and has a propane tank full of Crown Royal on the back. 😄
Careful, if that flag touches the ground, we’ll have to burn it!
The flag is not a decoration. Kneel or don’t kneel, but for the love of all that is holy, RESPECT THE FLAG! https://www.legion.org/flag/code
based on the laws of physics, how far back to you think that chair will blow from the recoil on those guns?
The guys on WALL-E were lazy, this guy thinks murder is funny.
Load More Replies...Never let the flag touch the ground or you have to burn it. Love merica, keep flag up, can’t use bullets to burn the flag.
These inbred "patriots" always find a new way to desecrate the flag, don't they?
it's rather violently american of you to assume the pride flag is a knock off of the american flag. let me guess, every other country flag is a mockery of the star spangled banner? are sport team flags also a mockery? are the flags of every movement out there? oh right, you're just homophobic
Funny of you to assume that the Pride Flag is just some silly knock-off of the American flag....
Uh you know the American flag isnt the only flag in the world right? How does a pride flag, that is a recogonized flag used world wide, mock the AMERICAN flag? Next your gonna say only Americans are patriots. I mean IKEA has a flag is that also mocking the American flag. Lol there is a whole world out here and a generous part of it is perfectly happy not being American.
Holy cow that air show looks epic tho. Combines planes, helicopters, and classic cars? Sign me up!!
I always laugh at people saying burning the flag is disrespectful yet look at all the other ways that legitimately disrespect the flag. Burning has a legitimate and strong message. Using it for non-flag things is the real disrespect.
Ahhhmerica, where millions think adoration of weapons designed for war and mass murder amount to both recreational hobby and g*d given entitlement
According to the Flag Code, that is disrespectful...unless a 45ster does it, then it's okay.
Everyone can shut up that's kickass! I don't see any of y'all building motorized recliners, ket alone making them anti-tank ready!
Proof the republicans don't think.. but to be able to think they need a brain.... MAGA ;-)
This trump loving idiot doesn't even come close to getting it. The Moron is using the American flag as a shade awning... not appropriate. I doubt my Navy grandfather, Army father and combat Marine husband would take kindly to this visage. FYI, we all voted Dem.
The worst thing is the moron doesn't know that it's illegal to use the american flag in that way
I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know i'm free. (To be an idiot.,) Probably at a Trump rally.(No offense intended)
Hah! Excessively American but with a Crown Royal bag! (Famously Canadian. Distilled about two hours from where I’m sitting, in fact)
Pretty sure there is a painting of this in every American history classroom.
Being America, I have to presume the guns are real. And yet nobody blinks an eye.
They can't be functional, they would heat up too much and melt the fake leather. Also, the permits to buy that kind of gun are very expensive.
Is this really an American thing? I would imagine that there are people all over the world who do stuff like this?
Ah yes, on 'health' bread. Who needs health care when you have health bread
I genuinely do not know what he means by "rippin' lips", and I'm also genuinely scared of whatever it does mean
Let me break it down for yall: first, we will never be European. We're from the states. So, we have a culture unique to the US. We have our own style of humor, we have have distinctly American hobbies. We have our unique cultural idiosyncrasies. We do admit we have room for improvement, and we're working on it. In closing my TED talk, let me remind yall that Europe isn't the bastion of righteous perfection either. Also, I apologize for Trump and Christian nationalism.
We don't have a unified culture in the US any more than the entirety of Europe has one unified culture. I live in New England. I briefly lived in the Southwest and felt like a stranger in a strange land the whole time I was there. Nothing about the Southwest was familiar to me. I've been in the Deep South, and everything there is unfamiliar to me, as if I'm from a different country. And most of the garbage in this article was completely strange to me.
Load More Replies...Yes, it's true that the USA have not a unified culture. But from abroad it's easy to forget it because the USA are still a nation. Europe doesn't have a unified culture either, but Europe is a continent with different nations and even the European union is not a nation. So it's easier to differentiate every culture belonging to every different country
Thanks Nikki Seven and Thanks LilliVB. On topics like this, I wish BP would compare two regions of the US and two regions of Europe. It would be more interesting and it would remind people not to make generalizations about the 'states'.
i moved 200kms/ 120mile south and crossed a country border, i feel like an alien :-D
I'm with you up until the last line. I don't apologize for things I'm not responsible for.
We should. It's our national heritage. If all Germans today feel bad about the Holocaust, I think we can feel bad about some stuff, too.
Do you Americans from the USA get sick of people taking the p**s out of you.
Fück yes, we do, but dare to say anything about it and you get downvoted into oblivion.
Load More Replies...Yes, because it would be liked us bashing English or French normal customs, along with the more problematic thing. It’s just repetitive
I have family in both the United States and United Kingdom and have lived in both countries, so I get sick of people taking the p**s out of me from both sides on this site. If you dare complain and say that Europe also has problems you are downvoted into oblivion and told that you aren't working hard enough to better your home country. This is just plain meanness now. I have contacted BoredPanda multiple times about these really cruel listicles and they do jack s**t.
not really. I haven't liked this place since I found out everything I learned in american history class was a glorified lie. I haven't wanted to live here since I realized how much hate I'm surrounded by. I hate this place because it costs so much to get necessary medical care for my disability. I wish my ancestors just stayed in europe.
Meh, sorta. I know that a good portion of our country is really crappy, and that it needs so much work, posts like this just kinda enforce how much change we really need. It doesn't bother me that much, because I know what all the stereotypes are for the US, but I do know that there is a lot of beauty here that gets ignored, because there are a bunch of s***y people here
u were downvoted for some reason so i upvoted bc i agree w u there are a lotta terrible things happening. on the other hand, good people still exist
Meh, when it's just taking the p**s I don't really care, sometimes it's actually funny . When people get into the whole "I hate this country because of xyz" then my response is to remind them that flights leave Dulles everyday, and they're welcome to get on one.
Actually I find it to be rather funny in a sad, embarrassed kind of way... Especially when I know someone is just going to keep it going with a bad attempt at defending it all. Pretty sure bashing other countries is a national pass time in every country.
Well, Hitler copied America’s treatment of Native and Black Americans for his Final Solution. Also, whites lied about pretty much everything having to do with those 2 groups. Passed laws to allow every imaginable crime against those same groups and then call it superiority and then censored k-12 textbooks to cover up white crimes. Currently we whites are e people are the majority of drug dealers and users, serial murderers, Sexual psychopaths, serial rapists, sexual sadists, sexual deviants, Stalkers ,obsession crimes, torture, we lead in incest, child p0rnography, arsonists, spree killers, abduction of children, US terrorism acts, police brutality convictions, hate crimes, mass murder, malpractice suits, convicted politicians but blame every other group out there but ourselves. DV abusers and racists profile have similar profiles as psychopaths and serial killers and these same two groups run the country, so no can’t be angry with the truth being told. Oh c**p! CRT!!
Lol not really, I find it hilarious. Granted, I live in Canada now and can point and laugh easier ...
Hey Kristal, so you think that stereotypes are funny? How would you like it if BoredPanda wrote an entire post bashing Canada and spreading harmful stereotypes. You wouldn't? Then stop saying stuff like this. The United States has a c**p ton of problems, but so does my other home, the UK.
I think South Park already did a pretty good job of bashing Canada. Lol.
I mean we're trying but it's really not up to the people anymore, just the government ):
Kipper: More accurately, change is extremely difficult because of billionaires who buy politicians and supreme court justices.
Oh gosh golly gee! Can it be? BoredPanda went almost an entire month without spreading stereotypes about the United States and other countries, but here we are back at it. I honestly would love to know if BoredPanda listicle creators have to meet a monthly quota of United States bashing posts or they risk losing their jobs. I mean, it would explain a hell of a lot about this site.
Come on man... one American to another, it's hardly stereotypes at this point. And poking fun is hardly the worst thing possible, a little grace.
Load More Replies...I’m dual nationality (family in both UK and US), but I’m just so damn sick and tired of how negative BoredPanda has gotten. We aren’t doing so well in the UK either. I have lived abroad in Europe and well and absolutely loved it, but European countries also have their own fair share of problems.
Grace my äss. There's a difference between poking fun and being deliberately nasty. If they were at least even-handed about it and bashed someone else once in a while, it might be a bit more tolerable, but they don't. It's always the US and Americans.
Maybe because we are proud of burning books and passing laws against the truth? American history approved by the Daughters of he Confederacy is just porn for white people. We whites as a group are the r@pists who claim they had consensual sex.
Photo of the statue of David shown in a school and they must protect the children. Mass shooting in a school and they must protect the guns.
I agree. It's like that elsewhere too. I'll never forget the first time I visited Malaysia. My viewing choices in my hotel room were violence, violence and more gory violence. Not one romantic movie or even something like holding hands or kissing.
Load More Replies...Our politicians have lost their link with reality. The sane among us are at our wits end. I'm not a naturally fearful person, I spent most my life protecting others... but I find myself telling people to avoid gatherings, don't go to certain places, have your kids blood type on file. I insist on going to certain places with friends because I'm scared of them being alone if something happened. I carry a fking trauma kit in my school bag.
Even Texas woke up a bit after the last one and passed a law. A weak sucky law, but hey, getting the right-wingers here to vote on gun control is like telling Eichmann "Close the camps". Ideology has bred a peculiar brand of banal evil. It's not unique to the States.
Mike, you are comparing the action of a single school principal in one state to the actions of the entire legislature and governor in another state.
American expat here. Sure the US deserves criticism. But where are the BP posts bashing Russia? China? Iran? North Korea? Maybe there's one of these posts now and then, but the US bashing is a specialty.
Bashing Russia, that's all over... the rest is no fun, there's a good chance people will die or get tortured... I'm more ok having my own being teased than making light of all that. The jokes about Russian soldiers getting taken out trying to flee is not funny. There's no joke about North Korea that isn't coming with a shade of murder...
There are a lot of america-bashing posts, to be fair, but this one wasn't that mean-spirited, i thought. (Maybe I'm drunk, or maybe I'm hating on america today, too.) It's an easy place to hate on because there are so many stellar examples of WTF? (Is America the florida man of the world??)
Our worst just make it easy, the loss of shame and access to camera's. They also tend to broadcast their worst selves like there will be no backlash. It adds to irritation, I get it. Drinking ... more... helps.
Did you know there are more places in America than the deep south Bored Panda,?
Please just downvote it from the main BP page so the entire article gets pushed off the BP home page.
People find this stuff funny ig. Totally agree tho
Load More Replies...They find it funny until BoredPanda says one bad thing about their home country. If you are from Europe you can complain, however, when the US or the UK is bashed on this site you are told to shut-up. It is so bizarre.
Bla bla bla. Same BP s**t, different day. I'd think everyone is bored with it, not just pandas. Nothing to see here folks, move along.
This is bothering me. We don't call soda poo. I think you mean pop?
Please remember that the USA is MUCH younger than damn near every other country. Y'all have had your ups, downs and growing pains along the way. Now we are. We have SO MUCH ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT and we're working on it, slowly but surely. But the constant USA bashing doesn't help. Speedgoat & Arik, thank you both for your honesty and reminding us we're not all bad!
Umm... the USA isn't that young. There are SO MANY countries that were formed after 1789. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_by_date_of_formation
Load More Replies...Guys the introduction says poo or cola instead of pop or cola
Sorry. I know it is just a little typo, but that bit in the first line of the introduction got me giggling. It was a very strange mental picture with "endless refills of soda (poo or cola, depending on your location)."
I'm disappointed there's no pictures of idiots wearing guns in a Texas Walmart. Nothing more American than showing off how small your reproductive organ actually is!
#37 is a specialty burger that comes from a small Canadian Meat Market called Schinkels Meat Market in Essex, Ontario. Just FYI.
To think, this was once the country that put men on the moon. Now degenerated into anti-vaxxers, flat-earthers and brainwashed into thinking their country is the best - and it seems, the only one in the world, with no desire to research, read or learn. How the mighty have fallen. They can't see that most of the world n longer desire to be like them.
Can we do Australia next, coz Goddamn there is some f****d up s**t happening over here at the moment. Not to mention the past couple of hundred years
I live in Australia. We don't know if we're European or North American. We have Europe's coffee culture and North America 's car culture. I think we're a bit confused.
Honestly, as an American, I im fine with these kinds of things. I am not particularly fond of America myself (I know that there are good parts, but... it's not great)
It’s just hard to make posts laughing at other countries because a lot of it would be hard to translate to English!
As an American that was funny. But again, they're not all neccesarily American things.
Did this title always say "violently american"? have they grown in numb er ?
It's not the pictures or memes I mind. It's the alt-left comments underneath. And god forbid you disagree w/ them and have your own opinion.
Well we killed most of them over the years, and they don't go around wearing feather headress every day. (Not to trivialize Native genocide, but we all know this dude is an idiot)
Load More Replies...Let me break it down for yall: first, we will never be European. We're from the states. So, we have a culture unique to the US. We have our own style of humor, we have have distinctly American hobbies. We have our unique cultural idiosyncrasies. We do admit we have room for improvement, and we're working on it. In closing my TED talk, let me remind yall that Europe isn't the bastion of righteous perfection either. Also, I apologize for Trump and Christian nationalism.
We don't have a unified culture in the US any more than the entirety of Europe has one unified culture. I live in New England. I briefly lived in the Southwest and felt like a stranger in a strange land the whole time I was there. Nothing about the Southwest was familiar to me. I've been in the Deep South, and everything there is unfamiliar to me, as if I'm from a different country. And most of the garbage in this article was completely strange to me.
Load More Replies...Yes, it's true that the USA have not a unified culture. But from abroad it's easy to forget it because the USA are still a nation. Europe doesn't have a unified culture either, but Europe is a continent with different nations and even the European union is not a nation. So it's easier to differentiate every culture belonging to every different country
Thanks Nikki Seven and Thanks LilliVB. On topics like this, I wish BP would compare two regions of the US and two regions of Europe. It would be more interesting and it would remind people not to make generalizations about the 'states'.
i moved 200kms/ 120mile south and crossed a country border, i feel like an alien :-D
I'm with you up until the last line. I don't apologize for things I'm not responsible for.
We should. It's our national heritage. If all Germans today feel bad about the Holocaust, I think we can feel bad about some stuff, too.
Do you Americans from the USA get sick of people taking the p**s out of you.
Fück yes, we do, but dare to say anything about it and you get downvoted into oblivion.
Load More Replies...Yes, because it would be liked us bashing English or French normal customs, along with the more problematic thing. It’s just repetitive
I have family in both the United States and United Kingdom and have lived in both countries, so I get sick of people taking the p**s out of me from both sides on this site. If you dare complain and say that Europe also has problems you are downvoted into oblivion and told that you aren't working hard enough to better your home country. This is just plain meanness now. I have contacted BoredPanda multiple times about these really cruel listicles and they do jack s**t.
not really. I haven't liked this place since I found out everything I learned in american history class was a glorified lie. I haven't wanted to live here since I realized how much hate I'm surrounded by. I hate this place because it costs so much to get necessary medical care for my disability. I wish my ancestors just stayed in europe.
Meh, sorta. I know that a good portion of our country is really crappy, and that it needs so much work, posts like this just kinda enforce how much change we really need. It doesn't bother me that much, because I know what all the stereotypes are for the US, but I do know that there is a lot of beauty here that gets ignored, because there are a bunch of s***y people here
u were downvoted for some reason so i upvoted bc i agree w u there are a lotta terrible things happening. on the other hand, good people still exist
Meh, when it's just taking the p**s I don't really care, sometimes it's actually funny . When people get into the whole "I hate this country because of xyz" then my response is to remind them that flights leave Dulles everyday, and they're welcome to get on one.
Actually I find it to be rather funny in a sad, embarrassed kind of way... Especially when I know someone is just going to keep it going with a bad attempt at defending it all. Pretty sure bashing other countries is a national pass time in every country.
Well, Hitler copied America’s treatment of Native and Black Americans for his Final Solution. Also, whites lied about pretty much everything having to do with those 2 groups. Passed laws to allow every imaginable crime against those same groups and then call it superiority and then censored k-12 textbooks to cover up white crimes. Currently we whites are e people are the majority of drug dealers and users, serial murderers, Sexual psychopaths, serial rapists, sexual sadists, sexual deviants, Stalkers ,obsession crimes, torture, we lead in incest, child p0rnography, arsonists, spree killers, abduction of children, US terrorism acts, police brutality convictions, hate crimes, mass murder, malpractice suits, convicted politicians but blame every other group out there but ourselves. DV abusers and racists profile have similar profiles as psychopaths and serial killers and these same two groups run the country, so no can’t be angry with the truth being told. Oh c**p! CRT!!
Lol not really, I find it hilarious. Granted, I live in Canada now and can point and laugh easier ...
Hey Kristal, so you think that stereotypes are funny? How would you like it if BoredPanda wrote an entire post bashing Canada and spreading harmful stereotypes. You wouldn't? Then stop saying stuff like this. The United States has a c**p ton of problems, but so does my other home, the UK.
I think South Park already did a pretty good job of bashing Canada. Lol.
I mean we're trying but it's really not up to the people anymore, just the government ):
Kipper: More accurately, change is extremely difficult because of billionaires who buy politicians and supreme court justices.
Oh gosh golly gee! Can it be? BoredPanda went almost an entire month without spreading stereotypes about the United States and other countries, but here we are back at it. I honestly would love to know if BoredPanda listicle creators have to meet a monthly quota of United States bashing posts or they risk losing their jobs. I mean, it would explain a hell of a lot about this site.
Come on man... one American to another, it's hardly stereotypes at this point. And poking fun is hardly the worst thing possible, a little grace.
Load More Replies...I’m dual nationality (family in both UK and US), but I’m just so damn sick and tired of how negative BoredPanda has gotten. We aren’t doing so well in the UK either. I have lived abroad in Europe and well and absolutely loved it, but European countries also have their own fair share of problems.
Grace my äss. There's a difference between poking fun and being deliberately nasty. If they were at least even-handed about it and bashed someone else once in a while, it might be a bit more tolerable, but they don't. It's always the US and Americans.
Maybe because we are proud of burning books and passing laws against the truth? American history approved by the Daughters of he Confederacy is just porn for white people. We whites as a group are the r@pists who claim they had consensual sex.
Photo of the statue of David shown in a school and they must protect the children. Mass shooting in a school and they must protect the guns.
I agree. It's like that elsewhere too. I'll never forget the first time I visited Malaysia. My viewing choices in my hotel room were violence, violence and more gory violence. Not one romantic movie or even something like holding hands or kissing.
Load More Replies...Our politicians have lost their link with reality. The sane among us are at our wits end. I'm not a naturally fearful person, I spent most my life protecting others... but I find myself telling people to avoid gatherings, don't go to certain places, have your kids blood type on file. I insist on going to certain places with friends because I'm scared of them being alone if something happened. I carry a fking trauma kit in my school bag.
Even Texas woke up a bit after the last one and passed a law. A weak sucky law, but hey, getting the right-wingers here to vote on gun control is like telling Eichmann "Close the camps". Ideology has bred a peculiar brand of banal evil. It's not unique to the States.
Mike, you are comparing the action of a single school principal in one state to the actions of the entire legislature and governor in another state.
American expat here. Sure the US deserves criticism. But where are the BP posts bashing Russia? China? Iran? North Korea? Maybe there's one of these posts now and then, but the US bashing is a specialty.
Bashing Russia, that's all over... the rest is no fun, there's a good chance people will die or get tortured... I'm more ok having my own being teased than making light of all that. The jokes about Russian soldiers getting taken out trying to flee is not funny. There's no joke about North Korea that isn't coming with a shade of murder...
There are a lot of america-bashing posts, to be fair, but this one wasn't that mean-spirited, i thought. (Maybe I'm drunk, or maybe I'm hating on america today, too.) It's an easy place to hate on because there are so many stellar examples of WTF? (Is America the florida man of the world??)
Our worst just make it easy, the loss of shame and access to camera's. They also tend to broadcast their worst selves like there will be no backlash. It adds to irritation, I get it. Drinking ... more... helps.
Did you know there are more places in America than the deep south Bored Panda,?
Please just downvote it from the main BP page so the entire article gets pushed off the BP home page.
People find this stuff funny ig. Totally agree tho
Load More Replies...They find it funny until BoredPanda says one bad thing about their home country. If you are from Europe you can complain, however, when the US or the UK is bashed on this site you are told to shut-up. It is so bizarre.
Bla bla bla. Same BP s**t, different day. I'd think everyone is bored with it, not just pandas. Nothing to see here folks, move along.
This is bothering me. We don't call soda poo. I think you mean pop?
Please remember that the USA is MUCH younger than damn near every other country. Y'all have had your ups, downs and growing pains along the way. Now we are. We have SO MUCH ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT and we're working on it, slowly but surely. But the constant USA bashing doesn't help. Speedgoat & Arik, thank you both for your honesty and reminding us we're not all bad!
Umm... the USA isn't that young. There are SO MANY countries that were formed after 1789. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_by_date_of_formation
Load More Replies...Guys the introduction says poo or cola instead of pop or cola
Sorry. I know it is just a little typo, but that bit in the first line of the introduction got me giggling. It was a very strange mental picture with "endless refills of soda (poo or cola, depending on your location)."
I'm disappointed there's no pictures of idiots wearing guns in a Texas Walmart. Nothing more American than showing off how small your reproductive organ actually is!
#37 is a specialty burger that comes from a small Canadian Meat Market called Schinkels Meat Market in Essex, Ontario. Just FYI.
To think, this was once the country that put men on the moon. Now degenerated into anti-vaxxers, flat-earthers and brainwashed into thinking their country is the best - and it seems, the only one in the world, with no desire to research, read or learn. How the mighty have fallen. They can't see that most of the world n longer desire to be like them.
Can we do Australia next, coz Goddamn there is some f****d up s**t happening over here at the moment. Not to mention the past couple of hundred years
I live in Australia. We don't know if we're European or North American. We have Europe's coffee culture and North America 's car culture. I think we're a bit confused.
Honestly, as an American, I im fine with these kinds of things. I am not particularly fond of America myself (I know that there are good parts, but... it's not great)
It’s just hard to make posts laughing at other countries because a lot of it would be hard to translate to English!
As an American that was funny. But again, they're not all neccesarily American things.
Did this title always say "violently american"? have they grown in numb er ?
It's not the pictures or memes I mind. It's the alt-left comments underneath. And god forbid you disagree w/ them and have your own opinion.
Well we killed most of them over the years, and they don't go around wearing feather headress every day. (Not to trivialize Native genocide, but we all know this dude is an idiot)
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