A short animation I made about one of my favourite subjects, Insects. They are very important, and although they can be very annoying at times, it is vital we appreciate how crucial they are to ecosystems. This animation gives a short insight into what insects do, why they are important, and how they are beneficial to us.


    The animation itself. I hope you like it, and find it informative on some level. Even if you already appreciate the importance of insects!

    I tried to hand draw/paint a lot of elements in the animation, some are digital also.

    I would create the elements separately, scan them in, and composite them together on my pc.


    Before I even planned out the animation, I began by just sketching out some of my favourite insects.

    Some didn’t make the final cut. I decided I would try and keep it specific to British insects as this is what I am most familiar with. Not the most exotic, but interesting none the less!

    I am a big fan of Mary Blair and wanted parts of the animation to resemble her style.

    Some of my own insect pals. This is one of my Black Beauty Stick Insects (Peruphasma schultei)


    My Leaf insect (Phyllium bioculatum I think)


    And my Rhino beetle. I have had a few Rhinos. This one is Eupatorus siamensis