Studies suggest that people who engage in new experiences are more likely to be happy. This is because each time we take a leap of faith, we're training our brain to remember the positive rewards associated with it.
The adrenaline rush, the endorphins, the sense of pride—they're all stored in our memory banks.
But being open to the world also means you might run into something that's not entirely up your alley. So Reddit user Best-Palpitation-915 asked everyone on the platform to share what they tried once that they instantly knew wasn't for them. Here are the replies that received the most attention!
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Living with roommates. Cannot stand it. I'm fine living with a partner, family, or by myself. But a stranger, no thank you.
Adulting. 0 out of 5 stars.
Jogging. I’m in good shape, so it wasn’t solely for health reasons. My dog, who I used to go on long walks with, died mostly of old age. I wasn’t ready to get another dog, so I decided that jogging would be a great hobby. Feeling connected to the neighborhood was a priority for me as I found myself staying at home a lot with no dog to walk.
So I bought decent shoes, did a little research on methods and started jogging just a few blocks a day at first to get into the groove of my new hobby.
Omg I f*****g hated every second of it. There was nothing relaxing or enjoyable about it at all, and I got home every night feeling like I was foolishly making taking a walk punishing rather than fun. About 2 weeks in, I stumbled and fell, scraping my hands up a little. I walked home, put my new shoes in a closet and never jogged again.
I adopted a new dog about a week later.
I can totally relate to that. I even tried it for several years - several times a week. After a while I even joined running courses and ran with groups. Everyone told me that at some point you get to the point where you enjoy jogging. Even after 5 years, I hated every moment I went jogging and couldn't motivate myself to go, even though I got quite "good" at it. It was a huge relief after I decided that I didn't have to torture myself with it and that it wasn’t my kind of sport.
Nightclubs. Happy for the people who like it, but i do NOT understand the appeal
Beer. Hated the taste. Was told I had to get used to it. Why do I have to get used to something that taste gross?
That's me and coffee. Tried it many times over the years. Never learn to like the taste.
Sales. I don't like convincing people they need things, they can decide themselves lol. Don't want a phone? Thats cool with me.
My boss once questioned why I didn't try to push an iPhone 14 onto an old man who came in asking for advice on how to use his flip phone, always loved that one.
The only time I ever had good performance was when I got a lucky streak and the customers came in wanting something already.
This is what a good sales person should be like. Commission bonuses should be made illegal.
Manual labor.
My grandfather did construction. One summer he hired me on one of the roofing teams. All it took was one summer running shingles up and down a ladder to convince me to stay in school.
My dainty little IT hands thank you Pop. well played.
I'm the opposite. Two summers in an office and I realized it wasn't for me.
I once tried to be a morning person. We both agreed it wasn't going to work out.
I wish morning people understood this more. I just function better at night and nobody except my husband seems to understand that. My whole family tries to make me feel bad about it too.
Oysters, too slimy. Telemarketing, also too slimy.
"Oh look, there's a rock with snot in it. I wonder what it tastes like" (some comedian said this and it cracks me up every time I think about it)
Snow skiing. I fell, a lot. I hurt my a*s. I couldn't figure out how to stand up without falling again. I fell again. I hurt my a*s again. I was freezing. It took me another five minutes to stand up just so I could fall yet again and get even colder. Tiny children were whizzing by me like they were competing in some weird kindergarten version of the X Games. I am not cut out for skiing.
Gambling. I gambled for the first time against my cousins when I was around 13, I lost 100 bucks, that was a lot for me. Never gambled again since lol.
Strip club. I don't fully grasp why men of all ages seem to love the idea of watching nude women together. Like, are we going to watch porn and jerk off together too? Also the constant pressure they put on to get you to spend money is anxiety inducing.
And what is the deal with a lap dance? Why would I want to get aroused when I can't take it any further?
I was shocked at how much I hate weighted blankets. People say so many good things about them! I put it over me, boom, instant claustrophobia. I don't even have claustrophobia. Except with weighted blankets.
I can't even bare sheets to be tucked in. I know for a fact I would hate a weighted blanket.
Sex with another woman. It was a good time but I realized I am indeed straight.
One advantage for a man trying gay sex is finding out that all those complaints women make about how selfish men can be in bed are completely accurate.
Customer service. You’re all a bunch of f*****g babies and I’m not your mom.
I worked in customer service for almost 7 years. The worse part of customer service is...the customers. Sigh lol
Public speaking.
Absolutely not, no thanks. I still have flashbacks to school projects and my bat mitzvah as if it was something way more traumatic than it actually was.
Pregnancy. I have one perfect daughter and I'm never ever going through that s**t again!
It always amazes me how the human race survived beyond witnessing the first pregnancy and birth.
I put on roller blades, stood up, sat down and took them off. Was going to break my damn neck.
Partying at clubs lots of way to drunk people, loud noises and crowded.
The whole dominatrix thing. Went to some femdom dongeon once in my youth. Before, I was always fascinated by it. But after the second stroke of whip, I just said my safety word and left.
When they tell you to choose a Welsh place name as your safety word and opt to go with Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch instead of Rhyl
Tinder (actually online dating in general).
Met my now wife, 25 years ago, on a dating website (before smartphones). It can work.
Sex. Tried it once 25 years ago. Stopped before it progressed (lovely understanding bloke).
Hello asexuality.
Getting into management…no thank you.
The very people who most strive to be in management are the worst suited for the role, IMHO.
Pegging. Never sat right with me, and neither did I for a few days...
I can see that you need a jobb and a wage. But the company doing this should be shamed.
I tried ballroom dancing once and realized my two left feet have a secret pact to avoid any rhythm. I’m better off sticking to dancing like nobody’s watching—because nobody should be.
I didn't mind being told to give up dancing. What hurt was hearing it from the Environmental Protection Agency.
I tried to be a morning person everyday TWO YEARS. I got a job that started early in the morning. Even though I pushed through and got up every morning, I still could barley do it!!!!! I was miserable every single day. Complete b******t that you can just train yourself to become one, I literally set an alarm to wake up early every day even on my off days and it was f*****g agony to get up. I’m just not wired to be one.
Sex without emotional feelings involved.
Totally! I can't understand men who go to prostitutes. It's a lot cheaper to learn how to satisfy yourself. Also legal.
Party with a group of people where I only know one.
I tried scubaa diving once and instantly knew it wasn't for me too claustrophobic and not enough air!
Thalassophobia and Claustrofobia is the weirdest combination but exists in diving.
Horses. They’re beautiful, I rode a very gentle one for a week. But after that week I knew it wasn’t for me. They’re scary.
LOVE Horses (and animal in general). One short ride and quick ER visit later, found out I'm allergic to horses.
I tried learning Python, programming is incredibly abstract and difficult. My brain just couldn’t proceed, wish I was smarter.
Update: Giving Python another go because the good people of Reddit provided awesome advice/guidance and resources! You guys are a wholesome bunch, thank you!
Boxing. It turns out that getting punched in the face sucks.
Cigarettes. Yuck.
My mom smoked while I was growing up. I hated it. Then I read that the reason people die in fires is not the fire, but smoke inhalation. It seemed stupid to me that people would do that voluntarily. So I never smoked.
IPA beers. I tried more than I should. Can not get into them. Every now and then someone will say, but you are going to like this one because...
I just say, nope, never met an IPA that I like.
It seems like all the IPAs are taking over most the taps places. Can that many people really like them? Or is everyone scared to be the 1st to say they suck, so they just keep buying them.
I don't like them either, and proudly say so in public. (While wearing a disguise.)
Coconut water. I love just about anything coconut but a coconut water sample almost made me vomit in the middle of Costco.
Have you drank pure coconut water straight from a young fruit? It's fantastic!
Waitressing. I knew instantly I was objectively terrible at it. Quit same day I started.
If everyone had to do a stint waiting tables, nobody mistreat waitstaff again.
The fat on chicken. it’s like chewing a big a*s booger.
Teaching middle school. I taught high school for 19 years, moved states and had to take a middle school position for a year.
I instantly realized it was not for me. I thought, "they're just a few grades lower, how different can they be?"
Completely opposite, exactly. I dragged myself into that school so exhausted and irritable every day. I quickly realized that one middle schooler with bad behavior = 5 high schoolers with bad behavior. My humor went right over their heads. The misbehavior itself was a type of misbehavior I'm not used to. Also, high schoolers sleep. Middle schoolers scream. High schoolers will sometimes be apathetic. Middle schoolers throw things. High schoolers are developing the capacity to think before they speak. Middle schoolers shout whatever comes to mind. High schoolers bully each other online. Middle schoolers bully each other in person in front of a teacher's face.
I have never gotten so many rude comments as I did when I taught middle school.
The younger the kids are, the more it's like trying to train cats to do synchronised swimming.
Edibles. Didn't enjoy having my memory wiped every few minutes.
Wearing high-heel shoes. I got a pair through Freecycle, and since they were glitzy I wore them to a New Year's party. In barely an hour, my legs were sore AF. I switched to some flats and gave the heels away.
Wentvto the store, sat down, put high heels on my feet. Stood up. Fell over. Decided to stick with flats.
Wearing high-heel shoes. I got a pair through Freecycle, and since they were glitzy I wore them to a New Year's party. In barely an hour, my legs were sore AF. I switched to some flats and gave the heels away.
Wentvto the store, sat down, put high heels on my feet. Stood up. Fell over. Decided to stick with flats.