The Bible is known to be one of the most important books that people tend to live by. Its contents teach and inspire people as well as help them to change for the better. Despite it being widely used, studied, and referenced, very often its contents encourage people to discuss various interpretations of matters that are being written about in this collection of religious texts. Having this in mind, Reddit user @LoneShark81 asked people online to share what are the things that people pretend to be in the Bible when, in fact, these things are not there. This question gave a green light to those who have noticed some discrepancies between what is written in the Bible and how people understand these matters. Some of the things that were mentioned by users online include speculations about what Jesus or angels looked like, explanations on how hell really works, and what well-known sayings are not actually taken from the Bible.

Do you know any things that people pretend to be in the Book of Books when in reality it isn’t the truth? Which one of these matters shared by others online do you agree with? Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments down below! 

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Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered Jesus being a white skinned, long haired, white boy.

Dude looks like how most black haired Middle Easterns would look like today. He was a Jew from south Israel but every European and American Christian seems to think he looks like a hippie from a middle-class suburb in the 90s.

KlippelGiraffe , Trevor Hurlbut Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Also, he often said to keep your self clean and tidy. Since Palestine was under the Romans, it would have most likely been fashionable to be clean shaven and have short hair - so even the image of a long haired bearded man is probably wrong.

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered israfilled wrote:
    That Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. A pope conflated her with Mary of Bethany and an unnamed "sinful woman," because he didn't like the fact that a woman was important to Jesus and wanted to discredit her.

    gentlybeepingheart responded:
    Mary Magdalene was, according to the Bible, a wealthy woman who chose to support Jesus from her own resources out of gratitude for him driving demons from her. This was problematic to that Pope because it didn't quite fit what women were supposed to be like.

    Mary, mother of Jesus, was important because she had been chosen specifically by God to bear Jesus and that was her main role. Mary of Bethany was the one who anointed Jesus' feet with perfume and her hair because of him saving her brother. Mary Magdalene chose to follow and support Jesus of her own free will. Mary Magdalene was successful and was not acting in response to the actions/status of a male guardian. This independence was not what the Pope and that society wanted from women, so they decided she was a prostitute. She followed Jesus instead of getting married and bearing children because nobody would marry a prostitute, not because of her own beliefs.

    israfilled , Jules & Jenny Report

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    ShriSha Kamboj
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yet again casting women to be lower than men and punishing them for their "crimes"...........and also a controversial opinion......prostitute is not supposed to be an insult....gigolo isn't...

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered That money is the root of all evil. The correct quote is actually the *love* of money.

    Pixxel_Wizzard , Keith Cooper Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In 1942 the bible was changed to saying “a man who lies with a man is a sin” before it was “ a man who lies wit a CHILD is a sin” so i guess jesus hates pedos

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered That people who commit suicide go to Hell.

    acl2244 , Eric.Ray Report


    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered “Thou shalt hate the gays. Forget all of thy commandments specifically when dealing with queer folk, and thee will be blessed with a Facebook group.”

    MQ116 , Per Pettersson Report

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    Thorfin Wolfsbane
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Disciple: "should we love even gay people?" Jesus: "Yes, we should love even those who ask stupid questions"

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered The_Max_V wrote:
    All those people that think they're better than the rest because they openly demonstrate they're SO religious? The Bible literally say to pray and worship In secret.

    beththebookgirl responded:
    And, if I remember correctly, to do good deeds privately.

    giosaraiv replied:
    Yup. "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." Mathew 6:3-4.

    The_Max_V , brett jordan Report

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    Huddo's sister
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Doing good deeds should be in secret, as getting praise from others for them defeats the purpose. Celebrating God can be done in public, but it is often more powerful to worship with one or two people in private than publicly claiming you know the truth. In other words you can have more meaningful impact sharing the word of God through the way you treat others and live your life than being someone who constantly tells people they should be doing x,y,z because that is what God wants. (I don't know if that last part makes sense)

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered Most stuff about Satan and Hell. He doesn't actually show up that much in the Bible and most stuff about him is taken from other previous cultures like Hades. Most of what people think of Hell is from Dante's Inferno.

    gentlybeepingheart , Spencer Means Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also! Lucifer is not the name of the Devil, It is a translation of the Hebrew word heh·lelʹ, literal meaning is “shining one.” Heh·lelʹ is not a name or a title but, a term describing the boastful position taken by Babylon’s dynasty of kings of the line of Nebuchadnezzar.

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered RodMunch85 wrote:
    The seven deadly sins

    Shadrach451 replied:
    However, listed in Proverbs 6:16-19 are "Seven Things God Hates" and people should maybe pay some attention to those. These are almost definitely the source of what people later construed into The Seven Deadly Sins.

    I should point out that Proverbs is not a book of the law, per say. So, it's not the same as calling these things "sins". But six things "The Lord Hates" and Seven he Detests should not be taken lightly.

    Proverbs 6:16
    There are six things the Lord hates,
    seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes,
    feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies
    and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

    I feel like these are particularly meaningful in today's world, and Christians especially should be paying attention. There is a strong emphasis on that last item. It's highlighted in the wording. Stirring up conflict in the community is directly in opposition to the nature of God, and that sort of division is deeply embedded in our American culture right now. God hates division.

    RodMunch85 , contemplativechristian Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One thing I find funny as an atheist is that according to the christian bible some of us are closer to God in our ways than a lot of those who call themselves christians today. No disrespect intended. Please forgive my english - from Sweden.

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered So many Christian and Non-Christian alike get “goodness” and “worthiness” wrong. People somehow got to thinking that being Christian makes you good and that believing Jesus makes you somehow less fallible or more worthy in some regard. The entire Christian belief is that humans and humanity is so completely corrupted and beyond redemption by themselves that they required Jesus to come to atone for their sins. That doesn’t mean that they’re inherently better once they believe in Jesus nor does it believe they have increased worth amongst humans as a result. Christians should be the ones who recognize that they’re the beyond redemption and need Jesus and should NOT be parading their beliefs as if they’re better than someone who doesn’t believe the same thing. This is entirely contradictory to the entire purpose of Jesus in the Christian lore. Even still, Christians use their beliefs as a prop to hate on Abortion Clinics or for some to even go on “mission trips” to people less fortunate with a seriously effed up attitude that “I’m better than them and they need my service”. I see it all the time. It’s their moment to be better than someone and it sickens me to see people pretend to be better in the name of Christianity.

    OscarDivine , Marco Report

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    Imogene Cargeaux
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dude. Thank you. I have been talking about this for yrs . Mostly bcuz I grew up kinda poor n I went to a very good catholic school (my grandma left the Catholic school tuition $ in a trust for us when she died bcuz she was very religious n demanded we learn the ways of the lord) so I had to go to school with all the rich kids. N don't get me wrong I got a very good education but I was treated like a charity case. Ppl would bring me their old clothes, announce it to the class like they were the nicest ppl for doing so, PARENTS DID THIS S**T TOO! N all the other parents/students would be like "omg Karen, you're such a good Catholic.. god is going to reward u for being so compassionate." the biggest problem was that WE WERENT THAT POOR nor did my family EVER ask for a damn thing from ppl. Nor did we announce we weren't wealthy. We just lived in a small house so everyone assumed we needed to be their charity show Pony. It was so disgusting n so embarrassing. Also....

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered That people become Angels when they die. Nope.

    COAZRanger , Howard Lifshi*z Report


    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered That Satan is in any way in charge of torture in hell.

    derizen , Cahroi Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The word hell in Hebrew didn’t exist, Sheol translates best as grave. It was a place for the dead. “ the dead know nothing at all… all memory of them is forgotten” Ecc 9:5. In the Greek scriptures the term ‘fiery Gehenna’ is used. Gehenna was a literal place outside the gates of Jerusalem where refuse was burned, as well as the carcasses of animals that had been used in sacrifice or ones that were diseased etc. Everyone was familiar with it. On occasion, criminals were given the severest punishment by having their bodies burned there too, AFTER their death. This was severe as Jews carried a lot of significance with burials. It represented they were destroyed, eternally, and likened to refuse. Whenever the Greek scriptures refer to someone going to fiery Gehenna, it represented this shameful cremation after death. It never had any meaning whatsoever to torture, being burned alive, or their soul being held in an afterlife.

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered Kind of a reverse of the question, but a lot of people pretend that "taking the Lord's name in vain" isn't about using other people's faith against them in order to acquire ridiculous wealth, privilege, and power. God most certainly does not approve of people like Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland and any of the other mega millionaire preachers but tons of Christians ignore it because it's "spreading Christianity".

    Surfing_Ninjas , asbruff Report

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    El muerto
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    that's from the old testament. Jews are not permitted to say the name of god aloud. they use other terms, like calling him god or lord

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered That Eve eats an “apple”

    Kiwipecosa , Gaby Altenberger Report


    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered CaesarWrap said:
    That god wants your sports team to win.

    PokemonMaster619 responded:
    Leviticus 15:22. “And the Lord said, “Go, Lions!”

    CaesarWrap , Daniel Lewis Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The book of Daniel shows God is not a Lions fan. He does seem to like Rams though.

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered The levels of hell. Dante wrote about his journey through hell. The levels are not biblical.

    maruffin , Jill Report


    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered God helps those who help themselves, that actually comes from the Greek myths, Aesop’s fable "Hercules and the Waggoner." where a guy was having trouble with a muddy road and was praying Hercules for help, Hercules appeared and told him how to help himself, the moral being thee gods help those who help themselves.

    aume3 , oatsy40 Report


    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered "Neither a borrower nor a lender be"

    I have had a minister 'quote' that to me as a Bible quote.

    It's from Hamlet.

    Edit: Lots of comments about the bible having stuff like this. Yes I know but a quote is a quote and from a christian professional you would at least expect an accurate quote from the bible but this is as wrong as quoting Hamlet and saying "Alas Poor Yorik, I knew him well"

    Magnus_40 , Hilary Perkins Report

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    Hugh Willie Mungous
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The English language is liberally sprinkled with words invented by Shakespeare and with many of his pithy writings that have become our sayings.

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered "Not all who wander are lost."

    -Tolkien 29:17

    Kill3rT0fu , summonedbyfells Report


    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered The vegan teacher says that being vegan is being closer to God because he doesn't want animals to die even though God was the first one to murk an animal

    iwillgiveyouup , Max Kiesler Report


    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered My brother has a friend that will argue with you that Jesus said in the Bible "Do as I say, not as I do".

    heyitsmeur_username , George Bannister Report


    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered el_muerte17 wrote:
    "This, too, shall pass" isn't in the Bible at all.

    meowtiger replied:
    for clarity: it most likely originated from one of three noted 11th-13th century persian poets

    el_muerte17 , Report

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered That Noah took two of each animal into the Ark.

    He took 14: 7 male and 7 female of clean creatures and only a pair of unclean animals.

    Gen 7:2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.

    Give that he sacrificed one of each of the clean animals that would be quite a facepalm if he only had a pair.

    Gen 8:20 And Noah builded an altar unto the Lord; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.

    Magnus_40 , Denise Womack-Avila Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The entire flood story is pure hogwash when they try to make it seem like the entire world was submerged...I'd like to know what they meant by the "entire world"....

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered That angels are humans with wings. They're not. As far as I remember there are some depictions of them in the Revelation but not in much detail (I'm pretty sure that the four animals next to the throne aren't angels, but I may be wrong on that).

    Tilian1986 , Anastasia Intishar Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The biblical angel is some circling Sauron with many eyes, rings and wings.

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    Someone Online Asked, ‘What Do People Pretend Is In The Bible But Is Absolutely Not In The Bible?’ And 25 People Delivered Pythia007 said:
    That Jesus said anything about children suffering. “Suffer the children to come unto me” means to allow them.

    mcoombes314 responded:
    Yeah, the word "suffer" is a weird one where the meaning has changed so much that it doesn't make sense in modern English. Same goes with "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".

    Pythia007 , Ben Onken Report

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    Thorfin Wolfsbane
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would be willing to bet that Jesus never ever said the words 'suffer' or 'children'. Pretty sure he spoke Aramaic.

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